

Sisters of Prometheus: unmasking women’s achievements in chemistry

Sisters of Prometheus: unmasking women’s achievements in chemistry

João Paulo André ; translated by Thomas Mindermann. - Cham : Springer, [2024]

• Explores women’s earliest contributions in chemistry and chemical literature • Emphasizes pivotal moments in women’s emancipation history • Easy-to-follow and engaging writing style

Signatur: 53090/[1]



Sisters of Prometheus: from the new woman to Nobelity in chemistry

Sisters of Prometheus: from the new woman to Nobelity in chemistry

João Paulo André ; translated by Thomas Mindermann. - Cham : Springer, [2024]

• Portrays women’s struggle to access universities and gain recognition for their accomplishments • Unveils inspiring and pioneering women through an intimate human perspective • Informs the reader about historical and scientific aspects with both simplicity and rigor

Signatur: 53090/[2]



Mesoscopic thermodynamics for scientists and engineers

Mesoscopic thermodynamics for scientists and engineers

Mikhail A. Anisimov, Thomas J. Longo. - Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2024]

Bridges the gap between conventional courses in thermodynamics and real-world practice • Provides in-depth instruction on applying thermodynamics to current problems involving meso- and nano-heterogeneous systems • Contains a wealth of examples of simple and complex fluids, polymers, liquid crystals, and supramolecular equilibrium and dissipative structures • Includes practical exercises and references to textbooks, monographs, and journal articles in each chapter

Signatur: 52298



Expedition Physik 2: neuer Lehrplan

Expedition Physik 2: neuer Lehrplan

W. Aschauer, C. Kloimböck, K. Haim. - Wien : westermann E. Dorner, [2024]

• Zentrale Kernfragen als Einleitung • Jedes Unterkapitel auf einer Doppelseite • Jede Doppelseite schließt mit reproduzierbaren Aufgaben und einer Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch und Englisch. • Merkhilfen für Fachbegriffe, fachliche Konzepte etc. • Mind Maps zeigen eine übersichtliche Struktur des Themas. • Ein bis drei Seiten kompetenzorientierte Aufgaben.

Signatur: PHY-1208/2[2024]



Fixpunkte Physik 2

Fixpunkte Physik 2

Mag. Sarah Bernsteiner-Zunzer, Mag. Brigitte Knaus, Mag. Dr. Erich Reichel, Mag. Dr. Stefan Zunzer. - Wien : öbv, [2024]

Fixpunkte Physik wurde auf Basis der erfolgreichen Gollenz Physik-Reihe für den neuen Lehrplan adaptiert. Im Zentrum stehen Neugierde und ein grundlegendes Physikverständnis. Selbstaktive Einstiegsseiten und -fragen sowie zahlreiche Aufgabenstellungen und Experimente fördern die Selbsttätigkeit der Schüler*innen und stellen Alltagsbezüge her. Abschließende Kompetenzchecks dienen zur Festigung des Erlernten und ermöglichen eine selbstständige Überprüfung des Lernstands. Bei diesem Schulbuch handelt es sich um eine Kombination von gedrucktem Buch und E-Book.

Signatur: PHY-1216/2[2024]



Fixpunkte Physik 2: Arbeitsheft

Fixpunkte Physik 2: Arbeitsheft

Mag. Sarah Bernsteiner-Zunzer, Mag. Brigitte Knaus, Mag. Dr. Erich Reichel, Mag. Dr. Stefan Zunzer. - Wien : öbv, [2024]

Das farbige Arbeitsheft ist die optimale Ergänzung zum Schulbuch, um das Gelernte zu wiederholen und zu festigen. Zur Selbstüberprüfung sind alle Lösungen enthalten. Bei diesem Arbeitsheft handelt es sich um eine Kombination von gedrucktem Buch und E-Book.

Signatur: PHY-1216/2,A[2024]



A mathematical journey to relativity: deriving special and general relativity with basic mathematics

A mathematical journey to relativity: deriving special and general relativity with basic mathematics

Wladimir-Georges Boskoff, Salvatore Capozziello. - Second edition. - Cham : Springer, [2024]. - (UNITEXT for physics)

• Updates and new material are offered • Explains how special and general relativity are derived from basic mathematics • Presents Einstein’s field equations and their physical implications

Signatur: 49843/[47]



Was wir von der Welt wissen sollten

Was wir von der Welt wissen sollten

Jens Bott. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2024]

Leicht verständlich, umfassend und immer den "roten Faden" im Blick, der Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften miteinander verbindet: Ein Must-Have-Buch für alle, die in aktuellen Debatten mitreden wollen.

Signatur: 53095



Charge: why does gravity rule?

Charge: why does gravity rule?

Frank Close. - Oxford, United Kingdom New York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press, [2024]

This book presents an overview of an exhilarating journey into the subatomic world of fundamental particles and forces. It discusses the frontiers of fundamental physics by elaborating on the key concepts involving quantum mechanics, exotic particles, other forms of charge, and theories of grand unification, which imply that protons must ultimately decay.

Signatur: 52362



Time and timelessness in fundamental physics and cosmology: historical, philosophical, and mathematical perspectives

Time and timelessness in fundamental physics and cosmology: historical, philosophical, and mathematical perspectives

Silvia De Bianchi, Marco Forgione, Laura Marongiu, editors. - Cham : Springer, [2024]. - (Fundamental theories of physics ; volume 216)

• Enriches current debates on the role of time and timelessness from historical and philosophical perspectives • Offers a multi-disciplinary approach to the problem of atemporality in fundamental physics and cosmology • Presents and discusses cutting-edge ideas about time and its role in foundations of physics and theoretical physics

Signatur: 29286/216



Lectures on quantum mechanics. Volume 1: Basic matters Berthold

Lectures on quantum mechanics. Volume 1: Basic matters Berthold

Georg Englert. - Second edition. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2024]

This book is a first introduction to quantum mechanics that does not assume any prior knowledge of the subject. The emphasis is on the general structure as the necessary foundation of any understanding. The presentation is modern inasmuch as the natural language of the trade — Dirac’s kets and bras and so on — is introduced early, and the temporal evolution is dealt with in a picture-free manner, with Schrödinger’s and Heisenberg’s equations of motion side by side and on equal footing.

Signatur: PHY-425/1[2]



Lectures on quantum mechanics. Volume 2: Simple systems

Lectures on quantum mechanics. Volume 2: Simple systems

Georg Englert. - Second edition. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2024]

The reader of this book is not expected to be familiar with the material in Basic Matters, but should have the minimal knowledge of a standard brief introduction to quantum mechanics with its typical emphasis on one-dimensional position wave functions. The step to Dirac’s more abstract and much more powerful formalism is taken immediately, followed by reviews of quantum kinematics and quantum dynamics.

Signatur: PHY-425/2[2]



Lectures on quantum mechanics. Volume 3: Perturbed evolution

Lectures on quantum mechanics. Volume 3: Perturbed evolution

Georg Englert. - Second edition. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2024]

This book has a closer link to Simple Systems than it has to Basic Matters, but any reader familiar with the subject matter of a solid introduction to quantum mechanics — such as Dirac’s formalism of kets and bras, Schrödinger’s and Heisenberg’s equations of motion, and the standard examples that can be treated exactly, with harmonic oscillators and hydrogen-like atoms among them — can cope with the somewhat advanced material of this volume.

Signatur: PHY-425/3[2]



Analysis 1: Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Veränderlichen

Analysis 1: Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Veränderlichen

Otto Forster, Florian Lindemann. - 13., überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. - Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, [2023]. - (Grundkurs Mathematik)

• Die meistempfohlene Einführung in die Analysis für Studierende im ersten Semester • Mit weit über 200 passenden Verständnisfragen in der Springer-Nature-Flashcards-App • Deckt in knapper und mathematisch präziser Weise den Stoff einer typischen Vorlesung der Analysis 1 ab

Signatur: MAT-58/1[13]



Jost Bürgi 1552-1632: Schlüssel zum Kosmos

Jost Bürgi 1552-1632: Schlüssel zum Kosmos

Herausgeber: Peter Fux und Monika Mähr (Kulturmuseum St. Gallen), zusammen mit Jost Schmid, Günther Oestmann und Karsten Gaulke. - Schwellbrunn : FormatOst, [2023]

Dieses Buch entstand im Rahmen der ersten grossen musealen Bürgi-Sonderausstellung und in enger Zusammenarbeit des Kulturmuseums St. Gallen mit führenden Wissenschaftshistorikern. Es beleuchtet eine der spannendsten Zeiten der europäischen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Mittendrin im Geschehen: Jost Bürgi aus dem Toggenburg.

Signatur: 52428



Application-driven quantum and statistical physics: a short course for future scientists and engineers. Volume 3: Transitions

Application-driven quantum and statistical physics: a short course for future scientists and engineers. Volume 3: Transitions

Jean-Michel Gillet. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore : World Scientific, [2020]. - (Essential textbooks in physics)

Bridging the gap between traditional books on quantum and statistical physics, this series is an ideal introductory course for students who are looking for an alternative approach to the traditional academic treatment. This pedagogical approach relies heavily on scientific or technological applications from a wide range of fields. This third volume covers several basic and more advanced subjects about transitions in quantum and statistical physics.

Signatur: 50569/[4],3



Time regained. Volume 1: Symmetry and evolution in classical mechanics

Time regained. Volume 1: Symmetry and evolution in classical mechanics

Sean Gryb, Karim P.Y. Thébault. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2024]

This book is the first volume of a two part project articulating a new approach to the analysis of time in modern physical theory. Our particular concern is with the Problem of Time as it occurs in theories which feature dynamical laws that are invariant under time reparametrization symmetries. The class of such theories includes both simple mechanical theories and the general theory of relativity, and prospective theories of quantum gravity. Our goal is to provide a solution to the problem of time such that determinate time ordering structure can be reconciled with reparametrization symmetry.

Signatur: 52289/1



Stadt der Ideen: als Wien die moderne Welt erfand

Stadt der Ideen: als Wien die moderne Welt erfand

Richard Cockett ; aus dem Englischen von Stephan Gebauer. - Wien ; Graz : Molden, [2024]

• Made in Vienna: Wie in Wien die Moderne erfunden wurde • Von Elon Musk bis Jeff Bezos: Warum erstaunlich viele Innovationen aus Wien bis heute Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft prägen • Ein neuer, origineller Blick von außen: das Porträt einer epochalen Stadt von Historiker und »Economist«- Journalist Richard Cockett

Signatur: 53086



Quantum mechanics. Volume 1: Basic concepts, tools, and applications

Quantum mechanics. Volume 1: Basic concepts, tools, and applications

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, and Frank Laloë ; translated from the French by Susan Reid Hemley, Nicole Ostrowsky, and Dan Ostrowsky. - Second edition. - Weinheim, Germany : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, [2020]

• The quantum mechanics classic in a new edition: written by 1997 Nobel laureate Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and his colleagues Bernard Diu and Franck Laloë • As easily comprehensible as possible: all steps of the physical background and its mathematical representation are spelled out explicitly • Comprehensive: in addition to the fundamentals themselves, the book contains more than 350 worked examples plus exercises

Signatur: PHY-400/1[E,2]



Solution manual to accompany volume I of

Solution manual to accompany volume I of "Quantum mechanics"

by Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu and Laloë Guillaume Merle, Oliver J. Harper and Philippe Ribière. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2023]

Dieses Buch enthält die detailliert erläuterten Lösungen zu allen 69 Aufgaben in Band I des wegweisenden Lehrwerks ?Quantum Mechanics? von Cohen-Tannoudji. The book provides detailed solutions to all 69 problems in Volume I of Cohen-Tannoudji’s seminal "Quantum Mechanics" textbook.

Signatur: PHY-400/1[E],SM



Quantum mechanics. Volume 2: Angular momentum, spin, and approximation methods

Quantum mechanics. Volume 2: Angular momentum, spin, and approximation methods

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, and Franck Laloe͏̈ ; translated from the French by Susan Reid Hemley, Nicole Ostrowsky, and Dan Ostrowsky. - Second edition. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, [2020]

• The quantum mechanics classic in a new edition: written by 1997 Nobel laureate Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and his colleagues Bernard Diu and Franck Laloë • As easily comprehensible as possible: all steps of the physical background and its mathematical representation are spelled out explicitly • Comprehensive: in addition to the fundamentals themselves, the book contains more than 170 worked examples plus exercises

Signatur: PHY-400/2[E,2]



Solution manual to accompany volume II of

Solution manual to accompany volume II of "Quantum mechanics"

by Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu and Laloë Guillaume Merle and Oliver J. Harper. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2024]

The book provides detailed solutions to all 47 problems in Volume II of Cohen-Tannoudji’s seminal "Quantum Mechanics" textbook.

Signatur: PHY-400/2[E],SM



Quantum mechanics. Volume 3: Fermions, bosons, photons, correlations, and entanglement

Quantum mechanics. Volume 3: Fermions, bosons, photons, correlations, and entanglement

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, and Franck Laloë ; translated from the French by Nicole Ostrowsky and Dan Ostrowsky. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, [2020]

• Completing the success story: the third and final volume of the quantum mechanics textbook written by 1997 Nobel laureate Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and his colleagues Bernard Diu and Franck Laloë • As easily comprehensible as possible: all steps of the physical background and its mathematical representation are spelled out explicitly • Comprehensive: in addition to the fundamentals themselves, the books comes with a wealth of elaborately explained examples and applications

Signatur: PHY-400/3[E]



Macroscopic electrodynamics: an introductory graduate treatment

Macroscopic electrodynamics: an introductory graduate treatment

Walter Wilcox, Chris Thron. - Second edition. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2024]

This book emphasizes principles and practical methods of analysis, which are often presented in fresh and original ways. Illustrative examples are carefully chosen to promote the students’ physical intuition, and are worked out in detail to give students a thorough grounding in solution techniques. The style is informal yet mathematically sound, and presumes only a basic familiarity with electrodynamics such as that obtained in a one-semester junior-level undergraduate class.

Signatur: 53122



Bio-chemische und physikalisch-chemische Konversion

Bio-chemische und physikalisch-chemische Konversion

Martin Kaltschmitt, Marvin Scherzinger, Johannes Gescher (Hrsg.). - 4. Auflage. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, [2024]. - (Energie aus Biomasse ; Band 3)

• Standardwerk zur energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse (Band 3 von 3) • Aktueller Stand der Technik • Systematische Darstellung der bio-chemischen und physikalisch-chemischen Konversion

Signatur: 53083/3



Supraleitung: Grundlagen und Anwendungen

Supraleitung: Grundlagen und Anwendungen

Reinhold Kleiner und Werner Buckel. - Achte Auflage. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2024

Das Standard-Lehrbuch zur Supraleitung wurde für die Neuauflage vollständig überarbeitet, um aktuelle Entwicklungen auf Grundlagen- und Anwendungsseite abzudecken und, durch neue didaktische Elemente, den geänderten Anforderungen an Lehre und Lernen gerecht zu werden.

Signatur: PHY-816/[8]



Lectures on analytical mechanics

Lectures on analytical mechanics

G.L. Kotkin, V.G. Serbo, A.I. Chernykh ; translation from the third enlarged Russian edition by O.V. Karpushina and V.G. Serbo. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2024]

This book was written by working physicists for students and teachers of physics faculties of universities. It is based on the authors’ many years (140+ in total) of experience delivering lectures and seminars at the Faculty of Physics at Novosibirsk State University. The authors present analytical mechanics as the first part in the study of theoretical physics.

Signatur: 53091



Physik schwerelos 2: neuer Lehrplan

Physik schwerelos 2: neuer Lehrplan

Lackner, Wukowich. - [Wien] : westermann, [2024]

• Nach den Bildungsstandards der Naturwissenschaften erstellt • Neu überarbeitet nach dem neuen Lehrplan • Klar strukturiert • Doppelseitiger Aufbau: Zu jeder Theorieseite gibt es eine Aufgabenseite mit einer Zusammenfassung des Inhalts und Übungen in drei Komplexitätsgraden • Einfach zu lesende Texte, die Schritt für Schritt die Theorie erklären. • Am Ende jedes Großkapitels gibt es eine Doppelseite mit einem Kompetenzcheck und Kompetenzaufgaben, die sich auf den gesamten Inhalt des Großkapitels beziehen. • Leicht verständliche Sprache

Signatur: PHY-1217/2[2024]



Physik schwerelos 2: Arbeitsheft : neuer Lehrplan

Physik schwerelos 2: Arbeitsheft : neuer Lehrplan

Lackner, Wukowich. - [Wien] : westermann, [2024]

• Zu jedem Unterkapitel gibt es kompetenzorientierte Aufgaben in drei Komplexitätsgraden. • Antworten zum Ausfüllen ins Buch • Optisch ansprechend gestaltet

Signatur: PHY-1217/2,AH[2024]



Problems and solutions on solid state physics, relativity and miscellaneous topics

Problems and solutions on solid state physics, relativity and miscellaneous topics

editors Swee Cheng Lim, Choy Heng Lai, Leong Chuan Kwek. - Second edition. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2024]. - (Major American universities Ph.D. qualifying questions and solutions - physics)

This volume is a comprehensive compilation of carefully selected questions at the PhD qualifying exam level. This latest edition has been updated. New problems and solutions have been added, while the original problems are modernized, excluding outdated questions and emphasizing those that rely on calculations.

Signatur: 51283/[4]



How energy considerations have shaped our fundamental modern theories of physics: theory and key historical moments

How energy considerations have shaped our fundamental modern theories of physics: theory and key historical moments

E.B. Manoukian. - Cham : Springer, [2024]

• Presents accessible historical overview of how current theories developed • Identifies guiding principles for the evolution of physical theories • Discusses stimulating reading for all young theoretical physicists

Signatur: 53087



Catalog of worldwide nuclear testing

Catalog of worldwide nuclear testing

V.N. Mikhailov, editor-in-chief. - New York, NY : begell-atom, llc [1999]

The Catalog of Worldwide Nuclear Testing is the first ever complete compilation of all nuclear tests. Containing various vital information and data on all 2,049 nuclear tests conducted by the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, France, and China (and the recent tests in India and Pakistan), the Catalog presents a uniform classification analysis of the five nuclear weapon states, including the dynamics, yield, and methods of testing. This unique volume has been compiled by a team of the best specialists of the Russian nuclear weapons establishment.

Signatur: 52952



Bruno Touschek’s extraordinary journey: from death rays to antimatter

Bruno Touschek’s extraordinary journey: from death rays to antimatter

Giulia Pancheri. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (Springer biographies)

• Tells the dramatic story of a scientist who escaped the holocaust • Includes Touschek’s correspondence with Werner Heisenberg, Arnold Sommerfeld, and Max Born • First extensive contemporary biography of this Austrian scientist

Signatur: 50362/[13]



The foundations of experimental physics: unraveling the premises of physical and scientific knowledge

The foundations of experimental physics: unraveling the premises of physical and scientific knowledge

Jacopo Parravicini. - Cham : Springer, [2024]

• Provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles underlying experimental physics • Highlights the correlations among the diverse elements at the foundations of science • Analyzes commonly overlooked aspects of physics practice

Signatur: 53088



Color in QCD: an introduction featuring the birdtrack pictorial technique

Color in QCD: an introduction featuring the birdtrack pictorial technique

Stéphane Peigné. - Cham : Springer, [2024]. - (SpringerBriefs in physics)

• Features a wide range of exercises designed to help readers master the subject • Presents the birdtrack technique in QCD with a good balance between theory and practice • Serves as an indispensable guide to birdtracks for advanced students and researchers in particle physics

Signatur: 48438/[57]



The essentials of thermodynamics

The essentials of thermodynamics

Miloslav Pekař. - Cham : Springer, [2024]. - (Physical chemistry in action)

• Presents thermodynamics as a study of motion • Uses simple mathematics but comprehensibly • Presents practical experience as a source of quantities, functions, theorems

Signatur: 49857/[2]



Modern thermodynamics and statistical mechanics: a comprehensive foundation

Modern thermodynamics and statistical mechanics: a comprehensive foundation

Ravinder R. Puri. - Cham : Springer, [2024]. - (Undergraduate lecture notes in physics)

• Features modern and comprehensive coverage of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics • Clearly explains complex topics such as entropy and distribution functions • Provides a solid theoretical foundation for understanding phase transitions

Signatur: 48771/[77]



The physics behind electronics

The physics behind electronics

Leonardo Ricci, Alessio Perinelli, Marco Prevedelli. - Cham : Springer, [2024]. - (UNITEXT for physics)

• Transforms electronics for Physics learning • Clear insight into circuit physics • Simple experiments with affordable components

Signatur: 49843/[49]



Physics of elasticity and crystal defects

Physics of elasticity and crystal defects

Adrian P. Sutton. - 2nd edition. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. - (Oxford series on materials modelling ; 6)

• Detailed solutions to all the exercises and set problems are included for the first time. • A new chapter has been added on the ellipsoidal inclusion. • The final chapter on open questions has been updated in the light of recent research. • A new section on the brittle-ductile transition has been added to the final chapter. • Information about scientists and engineers included in footnotes has been updated.

Signatur: 45391/6[2]



Solved problems and systematic introduction to special relativity

Solved problems and systematic introduction to special relativity

Michael Tsamparlis. - Cham : Springer, [2024]. - (Undergraduate lecture notes in physics)

• Offers a systematic presentation and discussion of relativistic concepts through working examples • Provides the relativistic mathematics of four dimensional spacetime and explains the energy momentum tensor • Presents the correspondence of relativistic quantities with geometric quantities

Signatur: 48771/[76]



Light: the visible spectrum and beyond

Light: the visible spectrum and beyond

Megan Watzke and Kimberly Arcand. - New York, NY : Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, Hachette Book Group, 2024

Renowned science communicators Kim Arcand and Megan Watzke bring the entire spectrum to life and present the subject of light as never before. Organized along the order of the electromagnetic spectrum—from Radio waves to Gamma rays—each chapter focuses on a different type of light. With hundreds of stunning full-color photographs, including new images from the James Webb Space Telescope, Light is a joy to read and browse.

Signatur: 52295



The square root of Einstein: the mysterious connections in our universe

The square root of Einstein: the mysterious connections in our universe

Chris D. White. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2024]

This book’s main aim is to explain a remarkable new idea that has arisen in recent years, that tells us all of our current theories of nature are much more closely related than previously thought possible. It will tell you where these theories come from, why understanding them has traditionally been so difficult, and about the tantalising new hints that our understanding of nature is about to significantly change.

Signatur: 53124



Beams: the story of particle accelerators and the science they discover

Beams: the story of particle accelerators and the science they discover

Volker Ziemann. - Cham : Springer, [2024]. - (Copernicus books : sparking curiosity and explaining the world)

• Makes particle accelerators and the physics they explore accessible to a wide audience • Describes the great ideas that make new accelerators and experiments possible • Contains numerous specially designed and easy-to-understand diagrams

Signatur: 52698/[3]



5232 – das Magazin des Paul Scherrer Instituts: Ausgabe 2/2024 – Schwerpunktthema: Klimaneutral fliegen - ist das möglich?

5232 – das Magazin des Paul Scherrer Instituts: Ausgabe 2/2024 – Schwerpunktthema: Klimaneutral fliegen - ist das möglich?

Villigen : PSI Paul Scherrer Institut, [2024]

Das Magazin 5232 wendet sich an die breite Öffentlichkeit. In einem Schwerpunkt beleuchtet es ein aktuelles Thema aus Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, in weiteren Beiträgen zeigt es die Vernetzung des PSI in der Schweiz und stellt Menschen vor, die hinter dem Erfolg des PSI stehen.

Signatur: 47589


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Book of abstracts: IWW - International Wigner Worksop 2023

Book of abstracts: IWW - International Wigner Worksop 2023

edited by Stefano Olivares, Josef Weinbub. - Wien, Austria : Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, [2023]

The International Wigner Workshop (IWW) 2023, the fifth installment of the biennial workshop series established by the Wigner Initiative, brought together researchers in the many fields of physics, chemistry, and engineering where Wigner functions are applied. IWW 2023 took place on June 11-12, 2023 at the Casa Convalescència, Barcelona, Spain. IWW 2023 is a satellite event of the International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology (IWCN) 2023. (

Signatur: 52953


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Book of abstracts: WINDS - Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems 2021

Book of abstracts: WINDS - Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems 2021

Wien : Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, [2021]

The Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) is a week long, international, and interactive workshop designed to explore the fundamental properties of nanoscale devices and applications thereof. WINDS provides a forum for material, device, and characterization as well as experimental and modeling researchers to interact. WINDS 2021 took place on November 28 - December 3, 2021, Marriott Waikoloa - Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii, USA.

Signatur: 52954


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Book of abstracts: WINDS - Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems 2022

Book of abstracts: WINDS - Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems 2022

editors: Jaroslav Fabian, Josef Weinbub, Berend Jonker, Matthew Gilbert, Stuart Parkin, Akira Oiwa, Stephen Goodnick, John Conley. - Wien, Austria : Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, [2022]

The Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2022 took place on the Island of Kaua’i (Hawaii) at the Royal Sonesta Kaua’i Resort Lihue from December 4 to 9, 2022. WINDS 2022 is an international and interactive workshop designed to explore the fundamental properties of nanoscale devices and applications thereof.

Signatur: 52955


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Book of abstracts: WINDS - Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems 2023

Book of abstracts: WINDS - Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems 2023

editors: John Conley, Berend Jonker, Alexander Balandin, Deep Jariwala, Josef Weinbub, Stuart Parkin, Jaroslav Fabian, Akira Oiwa, Matthew Gilbert, Stephen Goodnick. - Wien, Austria : Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, [2023]

The Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2023 took place on the Island of Hawaii at the Outrigger Kona Resort and Spa from December 3 to 8, 2023. WINDS is an international and interactive workshop designed to explore the fundamental properties of nanoscale heterostructures and potential device applications.

Signatur: 52956


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Tailor-made ubiquitin chains

Tailor-made ubiquitin chains

verfasst von Dominik Appel BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3006


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Towards the synthesis of novel cross-linkers for mass spectrometry

Towards the synthesis of novel cross-linkers for mass spectrometry

verfasst von Magdalena Arabadjieva BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3002



Synthese und Optimierung von molekular geprägter Polymernanopartikel für Insulin

Synthese und Optimierung von molekular geprägter Polymernanopartikel für Insulin

verfasst von Magdolna Bagdi. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3029



Simulating space charge effects in the ILIAMS ion cooler

Simulating space charge effects in the ILIAMS ion cooler

verfasst von Daniel Mario Baumgartner BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5861


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Photonic entanglement exposed to non-inertial reference frames

Photonic entanglement exposed to non-inertial reference frames

verfasst von Julius Arthur Bittermann B.Sc. M.Sc.. - Wien, 2024

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5865



Secretome analysis of activated platelets a proteomic and lipidomic approach

Secretome analysis of activated platelets a proteomic and lipidomic approach

verfasst von Marie Lisa Böhm BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3015


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Validierung zweier Unterrichtskonzeptionen zur Einführung von Messunsicherheiten im Physikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I und Sekundarstufe II

Validierung zweier Unterrichtskonzeptionen zur Einführung von Messunsicherheiten im Physikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I und Sekundarstufe II

verfasst von Sophie Brasseur BEd. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5852


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Towards the synthesis of enantiopure α-aminophosphonic acids

Towards the synthesis of enantiopure α-aminophosphonic acids

verfasst von Kristóf Braunsteiner BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3027


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The effect of progeria endothelial cells on atherogenesis

The effect of progeria endothelial cells on atherogenesis

verfasst von Marko Bricelj BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3011



Students’ understanding of emergent processes in physics within the context of the particulate nature of matter

Students’ understanding of emergent processes in physics within the context of the particulate nature of matter

verfasst von Mag. rer. nat. Florian Budimaier. - Wien, 2024

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5868


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Edge-barrier and film thickness effects on fast vortex dynamics in superconductors

Edge-barrier and film thickness effects on fast vortex dynamics in superconductors

verfasst von Dipl.-Ing. Barbora Budinská BSc. - Wien, 2024

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5859


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Uranium and polonium concentrations in salt lakes of the Seewinkel region in Burgenland

Uranium and polonium concentrations in salt lakes of the Seewinkel region in Burgenland

verfasst von Sonia Chib BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3030


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Error detection in time series data using Bayesian and artificial neural networks

Error detection in time series data using Bayesian and artificial neural networks

verfasst von Elias Düker BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5863



Photophysical properties of square-planar Pt(II) complexes from monomers to oligomers

Photophysical properties of square-planar Pt(II) complexes from monomers to oligomers

verfasst von Isabel Eder BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3009


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Synthesis of probes for target identification of the immunosuppressive natural product (-)-FR252921

Synthesis of probes for target identification of the immunosuppressive natural product (-)-FR252921

verfasst von Lorenz Erlbacher BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3023



Metal alloying anodes for Li-ion batteries: phase relations in the intermetallic system In-Li

Metal alloying anodes for Li-ion batteries: phase relations in the intermetallic system In-Li

verfasst von Tobias Feichtinger BSc. - Wien, 2024

Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3010


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Implementation and qualification of a handheld Raman-spectrometer for analysis of pharmaceutical grade raw materials under GMP conditions

Implementation and qualification of a handheld Raman-spectrometer for analysis of pharmaceutical grade raw materials under GMP conditions

verfasst von Daniel Dey Gomelsky, BSc. - Wien, 2019

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2994



Crosstalk between enzymatic and non-enzymatic posttranslational modifications analyzing the interplay of site-specific glycation and ubiquitination of α-synuclein

Crosstalk between enzymatic and non-enzymatic posttranslational modifications analyzing the interplay of site-specific glycation and ubiquitination of α-synuclein

verfasst von Judith Görlich BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3013


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Synthesis of solution processable benzo(b)benzo(4,5)thieno(2,3-d)thiophene derivatives for organic field effect transistors

Synthesis of solution processable benzo(b)benzo(4,5)thieno(2,3-d)thiophene derivatives for organic field effect transistors

verfasst von Isabella Gruber BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3021



Nonlinear conductivity and flux-flow instabilities in superconducting MgB2 thin films

Nonlinear conductivity and flux-flow instabilities in superconducting MgB2 thin films

verfasst von Markus Gruber BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5860


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Dynamical optimization of neural network potentials

Dynamical optimization of neural network potentials

verfasst von Valentin Hammer BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5842


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Photoredox synthesis of a series of tetrabenzocyclooctatetraenes

Photoredox synthesis of a series of tetrabenzocyclooctatetraenes

verfasst von Jan Heckhausen BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3020


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Particle number size distribution measurements of polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastic particles in compressed air and nitrogen

Particle number size distribution measurements of polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastic particles in compressed air and nitrogen

verfasst von Constantin Hobza BSc BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5858


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Synthesis of biofunctional mesoporous silica particle conjugates and their cellular interactions

Synthesis of biofunctional mesoporous silica particle conjugates and their cellular interactions

verfasst von Mariam Hohagen, BSc MSc. - Wien, 2024

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3000


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Polylactic acid as a promising sustainable plastic packaging for edible oils

Polylactic acid as a promising sustainable plastic packaging for edible oils

verfasst von Martina Holler, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2995



Space-time curvature-induced corrections to Rytov’s law in optical fibers

Space-time curvature-induced corrections to Rytov’s law in optical fibers

verfasst von Mario Michael Hudelist BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5867


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Mesoporous silica nanocarriers from enzyme confinement to oral delivery of peptide drugs and biologics

Mesoporous silica nanocarriers from enzyme confinement to oral delivery of peptide drugs and biologics

verfasst von Claudia Iriarte Mesa. - Wien, 2024

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3003


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A digital quantum token protocol without quantum storage or spacetime constraints

A digital quantum token protocol without quantum storage or spacetime constraints

verfasst von Julia Kalb, BA BSc. - Wien, 2021

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5588



Porous polymers from Pickering emulsion templates

Porous polymers from Pickering emulsion templates

verfasst von Konstantinos Kanellopoulos BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3025



Multimodal characterization of in vitro biomimetic silicification by silaffin (based) peptides

Multimodal characterization of in vitro biomimetic silicification by silaffin (based) peptides

verfasst von Fanny Kozak BSc MSc. - Wien, 2024

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2998



Biochemical and pharmacological investigations to determine whether GABA is a substrate at the vesicular monoamine transporter VMAT2

Biochemical and pharmacological investigations to determine whether GABA is a substrate at the vesicular monoamine transporter VMAT2

verfasst von Fabian Limani BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3024


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Cavity enhanced microscopy for dispersive imaging of ultracold atoms

Cavity enhanced microscopy for dispersive imaging of ultracold atoms

verfasst von Oliver Lueghamer BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5854


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GrUpSe - an interactive tool for evaluating metabolite exchange rates in growing cells

GrUpSe - an interactive tool for evaluating metabolite exchange rates in growing cells

verfasst von Carlo Walter Magaard-Romano BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3001



Investigations on the suitability of clay/sand formulations for 3D-printing

Investigations on the suitability of clay/sand formulations for 3D-printing

verfasst von Nasim Mahdian. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3031


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De novo Synthese und in vitro Evaluierung niedermolekularer Verbindungen für den Einsatz als PD-L1 PET Tracer

De novo Synthese und in vitro Evaluierung niedermolekularer Verbindungen für den Einsatz als PD-L1 PET Tracer

verfasst von Boryana Moneva BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3004



Hypercrosslinked polymers as electrodes in enhanced structural composite supercapacitors

Hypercrosslinked polymers as electrodes in enhanced structural composite supercapacitors

verfasst von Anastasiia Naryshkina. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3008



Semi-synthetic strategies for the synthesis of post-translationally modified Hsp90 variants

Semi-synthetic strategies for the synthesis of post-translationally modified Hsp90 variants

verfasst von Moritz Neuhauser BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3018


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On optimizing three party Bell inequalities or how Alice, Bob and Charlie play the perfect game

On optimizing three party Bell inequalities or how Alice, Bob and Charlie play the perfect game

verfasst von Philipp Neusser BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5855


Auch online verfügbar:


Differentiation of 24 chickpea cultivars by targeting microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms using high resolution melting analysis

Differentiation of 24 chickpea cultivars by targeting microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms using high resolution melting analysis

verfasst von Isabel Niederkofler BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3012


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Evaluation of the Ames MPF™ using three additional strains according to the OECD guideline no 471 and E. coli culture medium experiments

Evaluation of the Ames MPF™ using three additional strains according to the OECD guideline no 471 and E. coli culture medium experiments

verfasst von Dipl.-Ing. Eva Maria Ortner, BSc BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3019



Toxicity-guided fractionation and evaluation of an Alternaria mycotoxin extract

Toxicity-guided fractionation and evaluation of an Alternaria mycotoxin extract

verfasst von Vanessa Kathrin Alexandra Partsch B.Sc.. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2996



Synthesis of epitope-tagged venom peptide probes targeting NaV1.7

Synthesis of epitope-tagged venom peptide probes targeting NaV1.7

verfasst von Julius Valentin Pauly B.Sc.. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3026


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Automated synthesis of oligosaccharides related to alginate

Automated synthesis of oligosaccharides related to alginate

verfasst von Matthias Posch BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3022



Frequency mixing an effective approach for neurophysiological signal augmentation

Frequency mixing an effective approach for neurophysiological signal augmentation

verfasst von Jakob Prager BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5862


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Polyphosphazene copolymers for biomedical applications

Polyphosphazene copolymers for biomedical applications

verfasst von Juliane Rumpelsberger BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3007


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Modelling of stability trends in chemical space via alchemical energy decomposition

Modelling of stability trends in chemical space via alchemical energy decomposition

verfasst von Michael Jonathan Sahre B.Sc. M.Sc.. - Wien, 2024

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2999


Auch online verfügbar:


Network-based analysis of the functional convergence of disease-associated gene sets

Network-based analysis of the functional convergence of disease-associated gene sets

verfasst von Violetta Schaaf B.Sc.. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5864



Multiparametric assessment of metal exposure at the single-cell level by LA-ICP-TOFMS imaging

Multiparametric assessment of metal exposure at the single-cell level by LA-ICP-TOFMS imaging

verfasst von Martin Schaier BSc MSc. - Wien, 2024

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3016


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Optimizing AMS measurement parameters for actinide fluoride extraction

Optimizing AMS measurement parameters for actinide fluoride extraction

verfasst von Sophie Schoberleitner BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5857



Topological insertion probabilities in two-dimensional self-avoiding ring polymers

Topological insertion probabilities in two-dimensional self-avoiding ring polymers

verfasst von Dominik Schramm BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5866


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Mechanistic analysis of chemically induced degradation of BCL6

Mechanistic analysis of chemically induced degradation of BCL6

verfasst von Johanna Schwerzler, BSc. - Wien, 2019

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2997



I. Direct synthesis of enamides via electrophilic activation of amides ; II. Nms-amides: a new protecting group for amines with unique deprotection modes /

I. Direct synthesis of enamides via electrophilic activation of amides ; II. Nms-amides: a new protecting group for amines with unique deprotection modes /

verfasst von Philipp Spieß B.Sc. M.Sc.. - Wien, 2024

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3017



Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehung ausgewählter Polyphenole auf die sensorische Süßwahrnehmung in trainierten Panelisten und Lipidakkumulation in 3T3-L1 Zellen

Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehung ausgewählter Polyphenole auf die sensorische Süßwahrnehmung in trainierten Panelisten und Lipidakkumulation in 3T3-L1 Zellen

verfasst von Lea Steinwender, BSc. - Wien, 2021

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2993



Development of multi-allergen screening method by using high resolution LC-MS/MS

Development of multi-allergen screening method by using high resolution LC-MS/MS

verfasst von Klaudia Anna Tadus BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3014



Towards coherent scattering cooling of a nanomolecular ion in a hybrid electro-optical trap and a microcavity

Towards coherent scattering cooling of a nanomolecular ion in a hybrid electro-optical trap and a microcavity

verfasst von Aljoša Vuković BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5856



Physikalisch-chemische Charakterisierung der Leitha Frühjahrsaspekt

Physikalisch-chemische Charakterisierung der Leitha Frühjahrsaspekt

verfasst von Maximilian Matthias Weiss BEd. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3028


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Light dark matter detection using repetitive non-destructive readout DePFETs

Light dark matter detection using repetitive non-destructive readout DePFETs

verfasst von Niels Frederik Tim Wernicke BSc. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5853


Auch online verfügbar:


Exploring polyoxometalate speciation the impact of POMs’ concentration

Exploring polyoxometalate speciation the impact of POMs’ concentration

verfasst von Maja Zdrnja. - Wien, 2024

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-3005

