

Light and waves: a conceptual exploration of physics

Light and waves: a conceptual exploration of physics

Steven S. Andrews. - Cham : Springer, [2023]

• Teaches real physical principles while addressing the explanations and math to non-science majors • Inspired by and tested in a real class for non-majors • Supports students with varying levels of experience in math and science

Signatur: 52823



Lectures on quantum mechanics: with problems, exercises and solutions

Lectures on quantum mechanics: with problems, exercises and solutions

Jean-Louis Basdevant. - Third edition. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (Graduate texts in physics)

• Written in an engaging style, places Quantum Mechanics in a broader physics context • Extensively revised and enhanced edition • Each chapter provides a set of exercises, questions, a problem and solutions

Signatur: 49001/[72]



Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender: Entwicklung und erste Erprobung eines performanzorientierten Kompetenzstrukturmodells unter Nutzung qualitativer Methoden

Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender: Entwicklung und erste Erprobung eines performanzorientierten Kompetenzstrukturmodells unter Nutzung qualitativer Methoden

Anna B. Bauer. - Berlin : Logos Verlag Berlin, [2023]. - (Studien zum Physik- und Chemielernen ; Band 352)

Laborpraktika sind eine zentrale Lerngelegenheit des Physikstudiums. Allerdings wird ihre Lernwirksamkeit zunehmend kritisiert, da die weit verbreiteten engmaschigen Aufgabenstellungen kaum Anreize zur tiefergehenden Auseinandersetzung mit den fachlichen Inhalten der Physik enthalten. Während Einigkeit über die generelle Zielsetzung der Laborpraktika besteht und es auch vereinzelt Ansätze zur punktuellen Weiterentwicklung dieses Veranstaltungsformates gibt, fehlt es an einem hochschulfachdidaktischen Diskurs, um eine evidenzbasierte Neugestaltung der Praktika zu begründen. Die Arbeit schlägt ein performanzorientiertes Kompetenzstrukturmodell für universitäres Experimentieren vor.

Signatur: 42093/352


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The man from the future: the visionary life of John von Neumann

The man from the future: the visionary life of John von Neumann

Ananyo Bhattacharya. - First American edition. - New York, N.Y. ; London : W.W. Norton & Company, 2022

Taking us on an astonishing journey, Ananyo Bhattacharya explores how a combination of genius and unique historical circumstance allowed a single man to sweep through a stunningly diverse array of fields, sparking revolutions wherever he went. ’The Man from the Future’ is an insightful and thrilling intellectual biography of the visionary thinker who shaped our century.

Signatur: 52834



A beginner’s guide to lasers and their applications. Part 1: Insights into laser science

A beginner’s guide to lasers and their applications. Part 1: Insights into laser science

Dhruba J. Biswas. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (Undergraduate lecture notes in physics)

• Favors qualitative explanations over advanced mathematics without sacrificing scientific accuracy • Accessible to anyone with a working knowledge of high-school physics • Explores Nobel Prize-winning advances in science and everyday technology that affects our lives

Signatur: 48771/[69]



Atoms, radiation, and radiation protection

Atoms, radiation, and radiation protection

James S. Bogard, Darryl J. Downing, Robert L. Coleman, Keith F. Eckerman, James E. Turner. - Fourth edition. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2023]

For decades, ’Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection’ has served as the classic reference work on the subject of ionizing radiation and its safeguards. Beginning with a presentation of fundamental atomic structure and the physical mechanisms which produce radiation, the book also includes thorough discussion of how radiation can be detected and measured, as well as guide-lines for interpreting radiation statistics and detailed analysis of protective measures, both individual and environmental. Now updated by a new generation of leading scholars and researchers, this book will continue to serve global scientific and industrial research communities.

Signatur: 52829



Fermions and anomalies in quantum field theories

Fermions and anomalies in quantum field theories

Loriano Bonora. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, [2023]. - (Theoretical and mathematical physics)

• Covers many new interesting developments especially concerning trace and diffeomorphism anomalies • Offers an update of anomalies in quantum field theories including gravity • Is largely complementary to the pre-existing books on anomalies in particle physics

Signatur: 46741/[33]



O Mg! How chemistry came to be

O Mg! How chemistry came to be

Stephen M Cohen. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2022]

This book is a graphic introduction to how chemistry developed, from ancient times to now. Led by cartoon host Ben Zene, readers learn about ancient Greek and Chinese elements, alchemists, and the development of chemistry as we know it today, from Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavoisier, from Elizabeth Fulhame and John Dalton, to Jöns Jakob Berzelius and Friedrich Wöhler, to Rosalind Franklin, Linus Pauling, and Mario Molina. The book delves into topics like nanochemistry, environmental chemistry, and how the structure of atoms and molecules was uncovered, all with good humor, bright colors, and lively drawings.

Signatur: 52560



Theoretical physics in your face: selected correspondence of Sidney Coleman

Theoretical physics in your face: selected correspondence of Sidney Coleman

editors: Aaron S. Wright, Diana Coleman, David Kaiser. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2023]

Sidney Coleman (1937–2007) was a renowned theoretical physicist, who taught for more than forty years at Harvard University. He contributed critical work on quantum field theory, high-energy particle physics, and cosmology. He was also a remarkably effective teacher who introduced generations of physicists to quantum field theory, mentoring several leading members in the field. His sense of humor and wit became legendary. This selection of his previously unpublished correspondence illuminates changes in theoretical physics and in academic life over the course of Coleman’s illustrious career. The volume also includes Coleman’s legendary lecture "Quantum Mechanics in Your Face."

Signatur: 52570



God or science?: is science denying God?

God or science?: is science denying God?

Antonino Del Popolo. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2023]

Does science deny God? Did the Universe and life appear by chance or is there evidence of a bigger scheme of thing behind them? In this context, I am concerned with answering these questions. This problem is addressed using knowledge in cosmology, physics and biology.

Signatur: 52559



Dynamical system and chaos: an introduction with applications

Dynamical system and chaos: an introduction with applications

Rui Dilão. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (UNITEXT for physics)

• Includes applications of the theory of dynamical systems of finite dimension • Explores maps of the complex plane, and stochastic iterations of function systems • Provides examples of Mathematica programming

Signatur: 49843/[42]



Die Ermordung des Professor Schlick: der Wiener Kreis und die dunklen Jahre der Philosophie

Die Ermordung des Professor Schlick: der Wiener Kreis und die dunklen Jahre der Philosophie

David Edmonds ; aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Annabel Zettel. - München C.H. : Beck, [2021]

In seinem fesselnd geschriebenen Buch schildert David Edmonds die zu Unrecht vernachlässigte Geschichte des Wiener Kreises, dessen Oberhaupt Schlick gewesen war, und stellt sie in den Kontext seiner Zeit. Eine Gruppe brillanter und exzentrischer Denker, die Metaphysik und alle Pseudowissenschaften mit streng logischen Argumenten aus der Welt schaffen will, lebt in einer Stadt, deren pulsierendes kulturelles Leben immer stärker verdunkelt wird von Faschismus, Antisemitismus und blindem Hass.

Signatur: 52574



Von Aromaten und Heterocyclen zur Bio- und Nanotechnologie

Von Aromaten und Heterocyclen zur Bio- und Nanotechnologie

Franz Effenberger. - Berlin : GNT-Verlag GmbH, 2023. - (Lives in chemistry - Lebenswerke in der Chemie)

Vom Laborlehrling ohne Abitur zum Rektor, ohne Postdoc-Erfahrung zum Professor und vom Skilehrer zum Ministerpräsidenten-Berater: Franz Effenberger, 1930 im Altvatergebirge geboren, hat viel aus seinen Talenten gemacht! Er kam nach der Vertreibung 1946 per Los nach Schwaben, bleibt dieser Region treu, da sie seinem Naturell entspricht. Am Karriereanfang stehen neue Synthesemethoden sowie Aromaten und Heterocyclen; später glänzt er mit Pionierbeiträgen zur Bio- und Nanotechnologie. Mechanismen aufzuspüren ist seine Leidenschaft.

Signatur: 52095/[6]



Renewable energy: a first course

Renewable energy: a first course

Robert Ehrlich, Harold A. Geller, John R. Cressman. - Third edition. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, [2023]

This revised edition is fully updated and continues to provide the best in-depth introduction to renewable energy science. The book focuses mainly on renewable energy, but also addresses nonrenewable energy (fossil fuels and nuclear technology). The coverage extends from the basic physics to conservation, economic, and public policy issues, with strong emphasis on explaining how things work in practice. The authors avoid technical jargon and advanced math but address fundamental analytical skills with wide application. Updated statistics, figures, policies, trends, and technological advancements will bring the reader up to speed with the current state of renewable energy.

Signatur: 52429



Science by simulation. Volume 1: A mezze of mathematical models

Science by simulation. Volume 1: A mezze of mathematical models

Andrew French. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2022]

This book is a recipe book of mathematical models that can be enlivened by the transmutation of equations into computer code. In this volume, the examples chosen are an eclectic mix of systems and stories rooted in common experience, rather than those normally associated with constrained courses on Physics, Chemistry or Biology which are taught in isolation and susceptible to going out of date in a few years. Rather than a ’what’ of Science, this book is aimed at the ’how’, readily applied to projects by students and professionals.

Signatur: 52252/1



Conformal field theory for particle physicists: from QFT axioms to the modern conformal bootstrap

Conformal field theory for particle physicists: from QFT axioms to the modern conformal bootstrap

Marc Gillioz. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (SpringerBriefs in physics)

• Presents the state of the art in research starting with basic aspects of quantum field theory • Provides a modern perspective on Conformal Field Theory, a research field which is developing fast • Pedagogical and original introduction to the subject of Conformal Field Theory for particle physics

Signatur: 48438/[50]



A brief history of the metric system: from revolutionary France to the constant-based SI

A brief history of the metric system: from revolutionary France to the constant-based SI

Carmen J. Giunta. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (SpringerBriefs in molecular science. History of chemistry)

• Overviews the historic evolution of the metric system from its birth • Presents the roles of constants of nature in the formulation of the 18th-century metric system • Discusses the role of the metric system in the United States

Signatur: 52814/[1]



Wirkung des Tablet-Einsatzes im Chemieunterricht der Sekundarstufe I unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Wissensvermittlung und Wissenssicherung

Wirkung des Tablet-Einsatzes im Chemieunterricht der Sekundarstufe I unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Wissensvermittlung und Wissenssicherung

Lars Greitemann. - Berlin : Logos Verlag Berlin, [2022]. - (Studien zum Physik- und Chemielernen ; Band 347)

Aufgrund der zunehmenden Ausstattung von Schulen mit digitaler Technik kommen der Entwicklung und Evaluation von digital-gestützten Unterrichtsmaterialien große Bedeutung zu. Dabei können sowohl bewährte Formate, wie die Aufgabenbearbeitung, durch digitale Medien erweitert als auch wenig erforschte Konzepte, wie die Erstellung von Erklärvideos, ausgearbeitet werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden zwei Tablet-gestützte Lernumgebungen für den Chemieanfangsunterricht entwickelt. Beide umfassten eine identische Erarbeitungsphase zur Vermittlung neuer Fachinhalte, aber unterschiedliche Sicherungsphasen: digital-gestützte Aufgabenbearbeitung vs. Erstellung von Erklärvideos.

Signatur: 42093/347



The mathematical representation of physical reality

The mathematical representation of physical reality

Shahen Hacyan. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, [2023]. - (The frontiers collection)

• Recounts the unreasonable and unexpected irruption of mathematics in the physical sciences • Explores mysterious and apparently unlimited effectiveness of mathematics in physics • Revisits the debate on innate ideas in the context of theoretical physics

Signatur: 45082/[47]



Special topics in accelerator physics

Special topics in accelerator physics

Alexander Wu Chao. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2022]

As accelerators and our understanding of its science evolve to meet the ever-increasing needs of society, the field of accelerator physics has advanced and deepened over the past few decades, with many of its branches developing into special topics of research by their own rights. With this view, a selection of these special topics is presented in this volume. Although not exhaustive, these special topics are chosen to present accelerator physics as a diversified and exciting field, and is written based on the practicing and teaching experiences the author has accumulated over the past decades.

Signatur: 52825



Introduction to particle physics

Introduction to particle physics

Dong-Sheng Du, Mao-Zhi Yang. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2023]

This book focuses on the basics of particle physics, while covering as many frontier advances as possible. It introduces readers to the principle of symmetry, properties and classification of particles, the quark model of hadrons and the interactions of particles. Following which, the book offers a step-by-step presentation on the unified theory of electromagnetic and weak interaction, as well as the gauge theory of strong interaction: quantum chromodynamics (QCD).

Signatur: 52695



Basic semiconductor physics

Basic semiconductor physics

Chihiro Hamaguchi. - Fourth edition. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (Graduate texts in physics)

• Covers new topics such as surface-modulated superlattices, wide band gap semiconductors, and photonic crystals • Is a comprehensive, successfully tested textbook on semiconductor physics • Features full-color diagrams alongside chapter-end problems and solutions

Signatur: 49001/[75]



Problems and solutions on quantum mechanics

Problems and solutions on quantum mechanics

editors Swee Cheng Lim, Choy Heng Lai, Leong Chuan Kwek. - Second edition. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2022]. - (Major American universities Ph.D. qualifying questions and solutions - physics)

This volume is a comprehensive compilation of carefully selected questions at the PhD qualifying exam level, including many actual questions from Columbia University, University of Chicago, MIT, State University of New York at Buffalo, Princeton University, University of Wisconsin and the University of California at Berkeley over a twenty-year period. This latest edition has been updated with more problems and solutions and the original problems have also been modernized, excluding outdated questions and emphasizing those that rely on calculations.

Signatur: 51283/[3]



An introduction to chemistry

An introduction to chemistry

Michael Mosher. - Second edition. - Cham : Springer, [2023]

• Is written for the student who asks "why do I need to know this?" • Introduces concepts with examples of real-world applications • Additional multimedia content accessible in browser or via SN More Media App

Signatur: 52430



Artificial intelligence for scientific discoveries: extracting physical concepts from experimental data using deep learning

Artificial intelligence for scientific discoveries: extracting physical concepts from experimental data using deep learning

Raban Iten. - Cham : Springer, [2023]

• Provides an overview for scientists of how machine learning can help to discover physical concepts • Introduces a general framework that can help the reader to extract relevant parameters from experimental data • The content of the book is easily accessible even to scientists without background knowledge in machine learning

Signatur: 52826



How Einstein found his field equations: sources and interpretation

How Einstein found his field equations: sources and interpretation

Michel Janssen, Jürgen Renn. - Cham, Switzerland : Birkhäuser, [2022]. - (Classic texts in the sciences)

• Serves as a guide to the history, development, and impact of the general theory of relativity • Reprints of four groundbreaking papers by Einstein • Focuses on tracing Einstein’s physically motivated path toward these equations using historical sources

Signatur: 51393/[2]



Physics of gravitational waves: sources and detection methods

Physics of gravitational waves: sources and detection methods

Arun Kenath, Chandra Sivaram. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (SpringerBriefs in physics)

• Provides a concise introduction to gravitational waves physics • Includes problems on GW aimed at graduate and PhD students • Covers latest developments in the detection of GW

Signatur: 48438/[49]



Calibration in analytical science: methods and procedures

Calibration in analytical science: methods and procedures

Paweł Kościelniak. - Weinheim, Germany : Wiley VCH, [2023]

Describes different calibration methods and procedures for determining the nature and quantity of sample components in different ways Classifies various calibration methods in both qualitative and quantitative analysis Demonstrates how the random and systematic errors of an analytical method can be minimized by the proper calibration strategy Discusses current theoretical and methodological questions in calibration research Highlights how calibration approaches can diagnose, evaluate, and eliminate analytical errors

Signatur: 52830



From dissent to diplomacy: the Pugwash project during the 1960s Cold War

From dissent to diplomacy: the Pugwash project during the 1960s Cold War

Alison Kraft. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (SpringerBriefs in history of science and technology)

• Explores the means and mechanics of the Track II role of the Pugwash organization • Breaks new ground in situating the PCSWA within the contemporary framework of Science Diplomacy • Analyzes how, when, and why the PCSWA sought to engage with the countries of the “Global South”

Signatur: 50358/[10]



The last writings of Thomas S. Kuhn: incommensurability in science

The last writings of Thomas S. Kuhn: incommensurability in science

Thomas S. Kuhn ; edited by Bojana Mladenović. - Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 2022

This book contains the text of Thomas S. Kuhn’s unfinished book, ’The Plurality of Worlds: An Evolutionary Theory of Scientific Development’, which Kuhn himself described as a return to the central claims of ’The Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ and the problems that it raised but did not resolve. ’The Plurality of Worlds’ is preceded by two related texts that Kuhn publicly delivered but never published in English: his paper ’Scientific Knowledge as Historical Product’ and his Shearman Memorial Lectures, ’The Presence of Past Science’. An introduction by the editor describes the origins and structure of ’The Plurality of Worlds’ and sheds light on its central philosophical problems.

Signatur: 52681



Breakdown of Einstein’s equivalence principle

Breakdown of Einstein’s equivalence principle

editor Andrei G Lebed. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2022]

In this pioneering book, some unusual situations are described, where the Equivalence Principle is theoretically broken, and the possible experiments, where such breakdowns can be observed, are discussed in a brief. It is known that, in standard situations, the Equivalence Principle is extremely well established on Earth and in space in numerous experiments, including experiments during the recent space mission MICROSCOPE. Therefore, this book suggests a real breakthrough in the better understanding of Einstein’s gravitational theory and its relation to quantum mechanics, which is a definite step towards the so-called "Theory of Everything".

Signatur: 52694



Asymptotic perturbation methods: for nonlinear differential equations in physics

Asymptotic perturbation methods: for nonlinear differential equations in physics

Attilio Maccari. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2023]

This book addresses nonlinearity in various fields of physics from the vantage point of its mathematical description in the form of nonlinear partial differential equations and presents a unified view on nonlinear systems in physics. Aside from its complete coverage of a complicated topic, a noteworthy feature of the book is the emphasis on applications. There are several examples included throughout the text, and, crucially, the scientific background is explained at an elementary level and closely integrated with the mathematical theory to enable seamless reader comprehension.

Signatur: 52828



Introduction to laser-plasma interactions

Introduction to laser-plasma interactions

Pierre Michel. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (Graduate texts in physics)

• Includes exercises making it ideal for a teaching resource • Focuses on the physics behind the world’s most cutting edge large-scale LPI facilities • Describes a central physics area for laser fusion research

Signatur: 49001/[73]



Sternenstaub: die Geschichte des Universums in 42 nie verliehenen Nobelpreisen

Sternenstaub: die Geschichte des Universums in 42 nie verliehenen Nobelpreisen

Ben Moore ; aus dem Englischen von Katharina Blansjaar. - Deutsche Erstausgabe. - Zürich ; Berlin : Kein & Aber, [2022]

Von 1901 bis 2021 gab es 218 Nobelpreisträger in der Physik. Doch warum wurden so wenige dieser Preise an Astrophysiker und Kosmologen vergeben? Warum gingen einige davon an die Falschen – und überhaupt nur vier an Frauen? Warum bekam Stephen Hawking nie einen Nobelpreis, warum wurde Albert Einstein wütend, als er einen bekam – und haben Sie je von dem belgischen Priester gehört, der den Urknall entdeckte? Ben Moore lenkt den Blick auf jene Leben, Schicksale und Entdeckungen herausragender Forscherinnen und Forscher, die übergangen, übervorteilt oder schlichtweg vergessen wurden.

Signatur: 52341



The riddle of the rainbow: from early legends and symbolism to the secrets of light and colour

The riddle of the rainbow: from early legends and symbolism to the secrets of light and colour

John Naylor. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (Copernicus books : sparking curiosity and explaining the world)

• Gives a readable and up-to-date description and explanation of the rainbow • Includes a wealth of information about the rainbow’s cultural symbolism in myth, art, and literature • Traces the history of optics from ancient Greece to the present time

Signatur: 52698/[1]



The geometry of spacetime: a mathematical introduction to relativity theory

The geometry of spacetime: a mathematical introduction to relativity theory

Rainer Oloff. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - (Graduate texts in physics)

• Suitable for students of both physics and mathematics • Combines mathematical principles with physical phenomena • Offers a systematic presentation of the mathematics of general relativity

Signatur: 49001/[74]



Visions of Linus Pauling

Visions of Linus Pauling

editor Chris Petersen. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2023]

His life thrown into chaos by the death of his father in his youth, Linus Pauling persevered through an impoverished childhood to become one of the great scientists and humanitarians of the 20th century. In a stunningly original examination of the two-time Nobel Laureate, Oregon State University archivist Chris Petersen touches upon the major eras of Pauling’s life and dials into specific episodes, themes, accomplishments, and failures at a level of detail that has not been put forth elsewhere.

Signatur: 52697



Diagnose experimenteller Kompetenzen in der laborpraktischen Chemielehrer*innenbildung

Diagnose experimenteller Kompetenzen in der laborpraktischen Chemielehrer*innenbildung

Fabian Poensgen. - Berlin : Logos Verlag Berlin, [2022]. - (Studien zum Physik- und Chemielernen ; Band 348)

Experimentieren im Rahmen von Laborpraktika ist ein wesentliches Charakteristikum eines Chemiestudiums. Inwiefern Chemielehramtsstudierende dabei notwendige experimentelle Kompetenzen als Grundlage ihrer späteren Tätigkeit als Lehrkraft erwerben, ist bisher allerdings wenig erforscht. In diesem Forschungsprojekt wurden dazu ein Modell experimenteller Kompetenzen und ein Verfahren zur Erhebung experimenteller Performanz entwickelt, bei dem Studierende zu einem Alltagsgegenstand eine Fragestellung und Hypothesen entwickeln, ein Experiment planen, durchführen und auswerten.

Signatur: 42093/348



Messengers from the cosmos: an introduction to the physics of cosmic rays in its historical evolution

Messengers from the cosmos: an introduction to the physics of cosmic rays in its historical evolution

Francesco Riggi. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, [2023]. - (UNITEXT for physics)

• Presents the original results that led to our understanding of cosmic radiation • Covers a wide range of applications of cosmic muons • Includes over 200 illustrations and 14 appendices

Signatur: 49843/[43]



Neutrinos in physics and astrophysics

Neutrinos in physics and astrophysics

Esteban Roulet, Francesco Vissani. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2023]

This book covers the field of neutrino physics and astrophysics, providing an up-to-date presentation of the different research topics on the frontier of the field. It starts with a historical description to understand how the different aspects of our knowledge about the neutrinos evolved up to the present state. The main required elements of the Standard Model of electroweak interactions are introduced, and the different neutrino interactions and detection techniques are presented. [...]

Signatur: 52696



Teilnahmemotivation und situationales Interesse von Kindern und Eltern im experimentellen Lernsetting KEMIE

Teilnahmemotivation und situationales Interesse von Kindern und Eltern im experimentellen Lernsetting KEMIE

Bert Schlüter. - Berlin : Logos Verlag Berlin, [2022]. - (Studien zum Physik- und Chemielernen ; Band 350)

Außerschulische Lernorte sind inzwischen ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Bildungslandschaft. Noch wenig erforscht wurde der Beitrag von Eltern-Kind-Programmen, die in einem universitären Schülerlabor stattfinden. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Intervention KEMIE für Eltern-Kind-Paare (N = 254) der 3. bis 6. Jahrgangsstufe. Die monatlich dreistündigen Einheiten, stattfindend über einen Zeitraum von neun Monaten, werden unterteilt in die Einführung in das naturwissenschaftliche Thema und die materialgestützte Experimentierphase. Ziel der Studie ist die Untersuchung der Teilnahmemotivation für den außerschulischen Lernort.

Signatur: 42093/350



Entwicklung eines Performanztests zur Messung der Fähigkeit zur Unterrichtsplanung bei Lehramtsstudierenden im Fach Physik

Entwicklung eines Performanztests zur Messung der Fähigkeit zur Unterrichtsplanung bei Lehramtsstudierenden im Fach Physik

Jan Schröder. - Berlin : Logos Verlag Berlin, [2023]. - (Studien zum Physik- und Chemielernen ; Band 353)

Die Fähigkeit, qualitativ hochwertigen Unterricht planen und durchführen zu können, stellt eine zentrale berufliche Anforderung an Lehrkräfte dar. Die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Fähigkeit der Unterrichtsplanung und Aspekten der professionellen Handlungskompetenz sind allerdings nur teilweise geklärt, ebenso inwieweit praktische Ausbildungsphasen die Entwicklung der Planungsfähigkeit fördern. Ausgehend von dieser Fragestellung wurde ein schriftlicher Performanztest zur Erfassung der Planungsfähigkeit im Fach Physik entwickelt.

Signatur: 42093/353



Special relativity for the enthusiast

Special relativity for the enthusiast

Thomas Strohm. - Cham : Springer, [2023]

• Offers a fast track to understand special relativity without much math • Applies a fresh and intuitive pedagogical approach and focuses on a profound understanding of the physics • Satisfies also the curiosity of advanced readers and enthusiasts with plenty of material that provides deeper insights

Signatur: 52827



Beyond measure: the hidden history of measurement from cubits to quantum constants

Beyond measure: the hidden history of measurement from cubits to quantum constants

James Vincent. - First American edition. - New York, N.Y. ; London : W.W. Norton & Company, 2023

In this revelatory work of science and social history, James Vincent dives into its hidden world, taking readers from ancient Egypt, where measuring the annual depth of the Nile was an essential task, to the intellectual origins of the metric system in the French Revolution, and from the surprisingly animated rivalry between metric and imperial, to our current age of the ’quantified self’. This book eveals how measurement is not only deeply entwined with our experience of the world, but also how its history encompasses and shapes the human quest for knowledge.

Signatur: 52833



Quantum mechanics: a concise introduction

Quantum mechanics: a concise introduction

Biao Wu. - Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore, [2023]

• Appeals to all learners despite of their academic majors • Introduces quantum entanglement and quantum measurement in a readable manner • Covers hot topics such as quantum computer vs. classic computer

Signatur: 52824



Organic reactions 112a

Organic reactions 112a

Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2023

A carefully curated review of the scientific literature, Volume 112 of Organic Reactions commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Ugi reaction. It explores the practical and theoretical aspects of one of the most widely used reactions in organic chemistry, focusing on the main Ugi reaction as well as on its many variants. This volume is published in two parts, A and B.

Signatur: 200725



Organic reactions 112b

Organic reactions 112b

Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2023

A carefully curated review of the scientific literature, Volume 112 of Organic Reactions commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Ugi reaction. It explores the practical and theoretical aspects of one of the most widely used reactions in organic chemistry, focusing on the main Ugi reaction as well as on its many variants. This volume is published in two parts, A and B.

Signatur: 200725



5232 – das Magazin des Paul Scherrer Instituts: Ausgabe 2/2023 – Schwerpunktthema: Neue Materialien für die Zukunft

5232 – das Magazin des Paul Scherrer Instituts: Ausgabe 2/2023 – Schwerpunktthema: Neue Materialien für die Zukunft

Villigen : PSI Paul Scherrer Institut, 2023

Das Magazin 5232 wendet sich an die breite Öffentlichkeit. In einem Schwerpunkt beleuchtet es ein aktuelles Thema aus Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, in weiteren Beiträgen zeigt es die Vernetzung des PSI in der Schweiz und stellt Menschen vor, die hinter dem Erfolg des PSI stehen.

Signatur: 47589


Auch online verfügbar:


Biogasification of and recycling of horse manure in agriculture

Biogasification of and recycling of horse manure in agriculture

verfasst von Konstantin Alge, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2675



Modifications of the first-in-class Ru(III) drug candidate BOLD-100

Modifications of the first-in-class Ru(III) drug candidate BOLD-100

verfasst von Maximilian Anderla BSc. - Wien, 2020

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2668


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An investigation of erbium-doped figure-9 lasers

An investigation of erbium-doped figure-9 lasers

verfasst von Jonas Karl Christian Ballentin, B.Sc.. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5741



Kontextorientierter Physikunterricht zum Thema

Kontextorientierter Physikunterricht zum Thema "Thermodynamik" anhand von Klima- und Wetterphänomenen Erprobung mittels Akzeptanzbefragung

verfasst von Bianca Binder, BEd. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5738


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Simulations and design of a quadrupole deflector for annihilation studies with slow extracted antiprotons

Simulations and design of a quadrupole deflector for annihilation studies with slow extracted antiprotons

verfasst von Marcus Bumbar, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5745


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Three-dimensional description of vibration-assisted electron knock-on displacements in 2D materials

Three-dimensional description of vibration-assisted electron knock-on displacements in 2D materials

verfasst von Alexandru Ionut Chirita Mihaila MSc. - Wien, 2023

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5731


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Electron beam shaping with light

Electron beam shaping with light

verfasst von Marius Constantin Chirita Mihaila MSc. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5732


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Taking quantum information experiments to higher levels

Taking quantum information experiments to higher levels

verfasst von Manuel Erhard MSc. BSc.. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5737


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Simulation of spin-torque driven magnetization dynamics in the diffusive and coherent transport regime

Simulation of spin-torque driven magnetization dynamics in the diffusive and coherent transport regime

verfasst von Peter Flauger, MSc. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5730


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Characterisation and comparison of steady-state charging performances for different non-radioactive bipolar aerosol neutralizers

Characterisation and comparison of steady-state charging performances for different non-radioactive bipolar aerosol neutralizers

verfasst von Herbert G. Hartl, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5729



Bound entanglement detection via GSIC- and SIC-POVMs & identification of separable states in the magic simplex

Bound entanglement detection via GSIC- and SIC-POVMs & identification of separable states in the magic simplex

verfasst von Alexander Hubner, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5739


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Das wichtigste Thema des Chemieunterrichts aus Sicht von SchülerInnen der Sek. 2

Das wichtigste Thema des Chemieunterrichts aus Sicht von SchülerInnen der Sek. 2

verfasst von Christoph Kofler BEd. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2677


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Fabrication and imaging of oxidation-free phosphorene

Fabrication and imaging of oxidation-free phosphorene

verfasst von David Lamprecht, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5740


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Der Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen im Fach Chemie

Der Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen im Fach Chemie

verfasst von Astrid Lehner BEd. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2678



Dispersion relations and the muon g-2 hadronic light-by-light contribution in multiple kinematic regions

Dispersion relations and the muon g-2 hadronic light-by-light contribution in multiple kinematic regions

verfasst von Jan Lüdtke, B.Sc. M.Sc.. - Wien, 2023

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5734


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Synthesis and characterization of binary nickel phosphide compounds as supported nanoparticles

Synthesis and characterization of binary nickel phosphide compounds as supported nanoparticles

verfasst von Tatjana Saskia Ott, BSc BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2670


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Advantages of the in situ diameter measurement for the tensile behavior analysis of Mangalitza pig hair and poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers

Advantages of the in situ diameter measurement for the tensile behavior analysis of Mangalitza pig hair and poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers

verfasst von Laura-Jean Khadija Peters BSc BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5736


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Effect of pore network geometry on the efficiency of microbial soil organic matter decomposition

Effect of pore network geometry on the efficiency of microbial soil organic matter decomposition

verfasst von Magdalena Rath, Bakk.phil BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5742


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Design and implementation of a machine learning workflow for the LigandSscout API for the analysis of molecular datasets with pharmacophores

Design and implementation of a machine learning workflow for the LigandSscout API for the analysis of molecular datasets with pharmacophores

verfasst von Daniel Rose, B.Sc. M.Sc.. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5746


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From resource to constraint thermodynamic implications of control in timekeeping, cooling and measurement

From resource to constraint thermodynamic implications of control in timekeeping, cooling and measurement

verfasst von Emanuel Schwarzhans, MSc. - Wien, 2023

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5733


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A first quantization approach to the variational quantum eigensolver

A first quantization approach to the variational quantum eigensolver

verfasst von Leander Thiessen, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5735


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Charakterisierung der Mucinproduktion von CaCo-2 und HT29-MTX-E12 Zellen

Charakterisierung der Mucinproduktion von CaCo-2 und HT29-MTX-E12 Zellen

verfasst von Manca Trdan, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2673



Mass spectrometry-based proteome, oxylipin and fatty acid mapping of ovine tissue

Mass spectrometry-based proteome, oxylipin and fatty acid mapping of ovine tissue

verfasst von Hanna Troiss, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2671


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Probing the strong interaction with kaonic atom X-ray measurements at low energies

Probing the strong interaction with kaonic atom X-ray measurements at low energies

verfasst von Marlene Tüchler, BSc MSc. - Wien, 2023

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5744


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Glycolipid profiling of colon cancer samples using liquid chromatography, high resolution mass spectrometry and multistage fragmentation

Glycolipid profiling of colon cancer samples using liquid chromatography, high resolution mass spectrometry and multistage fragmentation

verfasst von Richard Urban, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2672


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Imitated synthetic E. coli ribosomal complex and XL-MS optimisation

Imitated synthetic E. coli ribosomal complex and XL-MS optimisation

verfasst von Adrian-Daniel Vasiu, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2676


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A transannular C-H activation approach towards substituted decalins

A transannular C-H activation approach towards substituted decalins

verfasst von Miloš Vavrík BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2666



Surface functionalization of TiO2 nanoparticles for signal enhancement in nanoMIP-based detection of biologically relevant species

Surface functionalization of TiO2 nanoparticles for signal enhancement in nanoMIP-based detection of biologically relevant species

verfasst von Andrea Weiß, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2669


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Anomaly detection in chemical space

Anomaly detection in chemical space

verfasst von Matthias Welsch, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5743


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Towards a more accurate description and analysis of ionic liquid behaviour in molecular dynamics simulations

Towards a more accurate description and analysis of ionic liquid behaviour in molecular dynamics simulations

verfasst von Veronika Zeindlhofer, BSc MSc. - Wien, 2021

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2667



Integrating eco-friendly approaches to produce protein hydrolysates with antioxidant properties from Microchloropsis gaditana

Integrating eco-friendly approaches to produce protein hydrolysates with antioxidant properties from Microchloropsis gaditana

verfasst von Sonja Zwander, BSc. - Wien, 2023

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2674

