

Nanomaterials basics to applications

Nanomaterials basics to applications

Yarub Al-Douri. - Singapore : Springer, [2022]

• Presents the basics and advanced applications of nanomaterials in various fields • Discusses the health and environmental risks of nanomaterials and the ways to address them • Is useful resources for students, researchers, and professionals in the area on nanomaterials

Signatur: 52634



Brückenkurs Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften

Brückenkurs Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften

Rainer Ansorge, Hans J. Oberle, Kai Rothe und Thomas Sonar. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2022]

Dieser Brückenkurs Mathematik erleichtert Studierenden der Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften den Übergang von Schule zur Hochschule und Universität.

Signatur: 52642



New physics in b decays

New physics in b decays

Marina Artuso, Gino Isidori, Sheldon Stone. - New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai ; Tokyo : World Scientific, [2022]

The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics has withstood thus far every attempt by experimentalists to show that it does not describe data. We discuss the SM in some detail, focusing on the mechanism of fermion mixing, which represents one of its most intriguing aspects. We discuss how this mechanism can be tested in b-quark decays, and how b decays can be used to extract information on physics beyond the SM. We review experimental techniques in b physics, focusing on recent results and highlighting future prospects.

Signatur: 52652



Foundations of celestial mechanics

Foundations of celestial mechanics

Elena Bannikova, Massimo Capaccioli. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (Graduate texts in physics)

• Explains the physics underlying the mathematical treatment in detail • Provides comprehensive descriptions of its detailed applications in real cases • Offers a rich set of mathematical tools useful beyond applications in celestial mechanics

Signatur: 49001/[68]



Solid state engineering physics

Solid state engineering physics

Prabir K. Basu, Hrishikesh Dhasmana. - Second edition. - [New Delhi] : Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. ; Cham : Springer, [2022]

• Explains the concepts of all topics covered for senior undergraduate students in a lucid manner • Includes well illustrated diagrams for better understanding of the subject area • Includes assignment questions at the end of each chapter for self assessment

Signatur: 52633



First dawn: from the Big Bang to our future in space

First dawn: from the Big Bang to our future in space

Roberto Battiston ; translated by Bonnie McClellan-Broussard ; foreword by Marcia Bartusiak. - Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press, [2022]

In ’First Dawn’, physicist Roberto Battiston takes readers on a journey through space and time, to the boundaries of our knowledge and beyond. From the violence of the Big Bang and the birth of the first star, hundreds of millions of years later, to the emergence of our solar system, the dawn of life on Earth, and the possibility of life on other planets, Battiston maps what we know about the universe and how we came to know it—cautioning us, however, that what we know is a minuscule fraction of what there is to know.

Signatur: 52647



Principles of physical optics

Principles of physical optics

Charles A. Bennett. - Second edition. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2022

The new edition of "Principles of Physical Optics" is designed to support a one-semester first course in optics, building a firm foundation and preparing students for more advanced courses. Now with more than 700 homework problems!

Signatur: 52235



Random process analysis with R

Random process analysis with R

Marco Bittelli, Roberto Olmi, Rodolfo Rosa. - Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2022]

• Provides a comprehensive overview of key theory and applications • Illustrates each subject with real data from experiments and important literature • Allows readers to apply what they have learnt directly to their own work

Signatur: 52650



From statistical physics to data-driven modelling: with applications to quantitative biology

From statistical physics to data-driven modelling: with applications to quantitative biology

Simona Cocco, Rémi Monasson, Francesco Zamponi. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2022]

• Highly interdisciplinary and data-oriented • Includes guided tutorials on applied data in biology • Features a companion website containing all data sets necessary for the tutorials presented in the book, as well as other applications

Signatur: 52233



Introducing Einstein’s relativity: a deeper understanding

Introducing Einstein’s relativity: a deeper understanding

Ray d’Inverno, James Vickers. - Second edition. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2022]

New to this Edition: • Extended the chapter on the structure of the field equations • Considerable extended the chapter on gravitational waves to include a description of both the sources and detection of gravitational waves • New chapter on modern cosmology • New chapter on the 3+1 and 2+2 formalisms

Signatur: 52649



The nature of complex networks

The nature of complex networks

Sergey N. Dorogovtsev and José F.F. Mendes. - Oxford, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2022]

• Provides a systematic account of the statistical mechanics of complex networks • Covers recent trends, concepts, and theoretical techniques, and emphasises interdisciplinary strands • Broad appeal to researchers in complex systems including theoretical physicists and applied mathematicians as well as epidemiologists • Extensive bibliography and appendices offer excellent reference source for students and researchers

Signatur: 52234



Die Physik der Musik und ihrer Instrumente: von Schallschnellen, Wolfstönen und Liebesfüßen

Die Physik der Musik und ihrer Instrumente: von Schallschnellen, Wolfstönen und Liebesfüßen

Iván Egry. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2023]

Was unterscheidet ein Geräusch von einem Ton? Warum gibt es unterschiedliche Tonleitern? Weshalb klingt ein Xylophon anders als ein Saxophon? Man höre und staune: Die Antworten darauf gibt die Physik – in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Mathematik und der menschlichen Physiologie. Bereits mit einfachen physikalischen Grundlagen zu Schwingungen und Wellen und wenigen mathematischen Formeln eröffnet sich ein ganz neuer, faszinierender Blick auf die Musik. Iván Egry zeigt, dass Physik und Musik mehr miteinander zu tun haben, als man sich gemeinhin vorstellt.

Signatur: 52640



Experimentalphysik 1: Mechanik und Wärme

Experimentalphysik 1: Mechanik und Wärme

Martin Erdmann, Günter Flügge Martin Erdmann, Günter Flügge, Markus Risse. - München : Pearson, [2022]

Das dreibändige Lehrbuch orientiert sich an den Anforderungen des Bachelorstudiums Physik. Mit passenden Lernstoffportionen, ausführlichen Berechnungen, präzisen Abbildungen, Beispielen und Experimentbeschreibungen unterstützt dieses Lehrbuch im Studium. Mit Aufgaben für Selbsttests und Fragestellungen für Partnerarbeit kann man den Lernfortschritt überprüfen. Der Band ’Mechanik und Wärme’ zeigt Ihnen, wie die Ursachen für makroskopische Bewegungen und mikroskopische Transporte in physikalischen Konzepten erfasst werden können.

Signatur: PHY-222/1



Experimentalphysik 2: Felder und Wellen

Experimentalphysik 2: Felder und Wellen

Martin Erdmann, Günter Flügge, Markus Risse. - München/Germany : Pearson, [2021]

Das dreibändige Lehrbuch orientiert sich an den Anforderungen des Bachelorstudiums Physik. Mit passenden Lernstoffportionen, ausführlichen Berechnungen, präzisen Abbildungen, Beispielen und Experimentbeschreibungen unterstützt dieses Lehrbuch im Studium. Mit Aufgaben für Selbsttests und Fragestellungen für Partnerarbeit kann man den Lernfortschritt überprüfen. Der Band ’Felder und Wellen’ vermittelt Ihnen Phänomene der Elektrizität und Optik, die Grundlagen für moderne Technik und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt sind.

Signatur: PHY-222/2



Introduction to semiconductor physics and devices

Introduction to semiconductor physics and devices

Mykhaylo Evstigneev. - Cham : Springer, [2022]

• Covers quantum and statistical physics in more depth than other semiconductor device physics textbooks • Suitable for a self-contained one-semester course, with original exercises to hone students’ understanding • Demystifies topics that often create pitfalls for students by using techniques and analogies from first-year physics

Signatur: 52636



A course in quantum many-body theory: from conventional Fermi liquids to strongly correlated systems

A course in quantum many-body theory: from conventional Fermi liquids to strongly correlated systems

Michele Fabrizio. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (Graduate texts in physics)

• A modern comprehensive textbook on quantum many-body theory • Enriched with exercises and case studies of interest in research • Covers advanced topics such as Luttinger liquids, Kondo effect and Mott transition

Signatur: 49001/[69]



The challenges of time: myth, physics, environment

The challenges of time: myth, physics, environment

Walter Grassi. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2022]

• Presents the latest approach to time, bridging the views of microscopic and macroscopic physics • Identifies the appropriate perspective for examining nature • Invites readers to think about humankind’s responsibilities to the environment

Signatur: 52638



My life in space exploration

My life in space exploration

Gerhard Haerendel. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (Springer biographies)

• Tells the inside story of Germany’s first contributions to space research • May be rocket science, but the author makes it readily accessible to nonspecialists • A first-hand account of exciting and dramatic events, including some spectacular rocket failures

Signatur: 50362/[12]



Quantum hybrid electronics and materials

Quantum hybrid electronics and materials

Yoshiro Hirayama, Kazuhiko Hirakawa, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, editors. - Singapore, Singapore : Springer, [2022]. - (Quantum science and technology)

• Offers topical reviews of hybrid quantum systems in solid state science • Covers emerging and innovative nano-carbon and topological materials • Features reviews by prominent researchers

Signatur: 49827/[15]



Solid state physics: an introduction

Solid state physics: an introduction

Philip Hofmann. - Third edition. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2022]

A concise introduction to solid state physics covering all relevant fundamental phenomena and concepts and advanced topics such as low-dimensional materials, magnetism and superconductivity. Now with more problems and - new! - multiple-choice problems for self-testing.

Signatur: 52641



Exact space-time models of gravitational waves

Exact space-time models of gravitational waves

Peter A. Hogan, Dirk Puetzfeld. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (SpringerBriefs in physics)

• Reviews exact gravity wave models relevant to understanding observations • Gives new insights into the study of gravitational radiation • Provides all details of extensive calculations

Signatur: 48438/[45]



Werkstoffkunde: Strukturen - grundlegende Eigenschaften

Werkstoffkunde: Strukturen - grundlegende Eigenschaften

Hans Jürgen Bargel (Hrsg.). - 13. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Vieweg, [2022]. - (Springer-Lehrbuch)

• Enthält ein umfassendes Sachverzeichnis mit über 1500 Begriffen • Bietet Lesern eine strukturierte und kompakte Einführung in die Werkstoffkunde • Erleichtert das Verständnis anhand von 570 ansprechenden Abbildungen

Signatur: 52228



Quantum mechanics: concepts and applications

Quantum mechanics: concepts and applications

Nouredine Zettili. - Third edition. - Hoboken : Wiley, 2022

Readers of the third edition will also find: • Two new chapters and three new appendices to support them • About 90 solved examples integrated throughout the text that are intended to illustrate individual concepts within a broader topic • About 200 fully-solved, multi-step problems at the end of each chapter that integrate multiple concepts introduced throughout the chapter • More than 400 unsolved exercises that may be used to practice the ideas presented

Signatur: 52656



The physics of laser radiation-matter interaction: fundamentals, and selected applications in metrology

The physics of laser radiation-matter interaction: fundamentals, and selected applications in metrology

Alexander Horn. - Cham : Springer, [2022]

• Extensively derives important equations for low-energy radiation–matter interaction • Features an intuitive approach starting from the interaction of single charges via clusters to condensed matter • Focuses on developing a fundamental understanding of the physics underlying common laser technology

Signatur: 52646



The evolution of chemical knowledge: a formal setting for its analysis

The evolution of chemical knowledge: a formal setting for its analysis

Jürgen Jost, Guillermo Restrepo. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (Wissenschaft und Philosophie - Science and philosophy - Sciences et philosophie)

• Gives an overview of genesis of chemical knowledge • Explains the mathematical and philosophical underpinning of chemistry • Understandable and particularly suitable for non-experts

Signatur: 52632/[1]



Facetten meines Lebens: Optimismus, Selbstvertrauen und manchmal Glück : eine Autobiografie

Facetten meines Lebens: Optimismus, Selbstvertrauen und manchmal Glück : eine Autobiografie

Martin Karplus ; aus dem Englischen von Sebastian Vogel. - Wien : Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, [2022]

„In diesem Buch erzählt Martin Karplus sehr lebendig sein Leben. Aufgewachsen in einer jüdischen Großfamilie in Wien, vertrieben 1938 durch die Nationalsozialisten, machte er in den USA eine beeindruckende Karriere zum weltberühmten Wissenschaftler. Die Beschreibungen von Martin Karplus, sei es über seine Neugier in Bezug auf die Wissenschaft, seine Passion zur Fotografie oder seine Erlebnisse mit berühmten Köchen, machen dieses Buch, besonders auch für die junge Generation, absolut lesenswert.“ (Anton Zeilinger, ÖAW)

Signatur: 52504



An infinity of worlds: cosmic inflation and the beginning of the universe

An infinity of worlds: cosmic inflation and the beginning of the universe

Will Kinney. - Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press, [2022]

The physical theory of the hot nascent universe—the Big Bang—was one of the most consequential developments in twentieth-century science. And yet it leaves many questions unanswered: Why is the universe so big? Why is it so old? What is the origin of structure in the cosmos? In ’An Infinity of Worlds’, physicist Will Kinney explains a more recent theory that may hold the answers to these questions and even explain the ultimate origins of the universe: cosmic inflation, before the primordial fire of the Big Bang.

Signatur: 52318



Classical electrodynamics: from image charges to the photon mass and magnetic monopoles

Classical electrodynamics: from image charges to the photon mass and magnetic monopoles

Francesco Lacava. - Second edition. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (Undergraduate lecture notes in physics)

• Presents unusual approaches to interesting topics (energy flow, resonant cavity, angular momentum paradox) • Examines electrodynamics in special relativity, using numerous examples and practice problems • Covers classical methods in electrostatics (image charges, conformal mapping, separation of variables)

Signatur: 48771/[67]



Case studies in experimental physics: why scientists pursue investigation

Case studies in experimental physics: why scientists pursue investigation

Ronald Laymon, Allan Franklin. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (Synthesis lectures on engineering, science, and technology ; Synthesis collection of technology)

• Provides the first discussion of pursuit with an emphasis on experimental results • Questions why scientists continue an investigation of experiments or theories • Features the pursuit and acceptance of experiments with case studies from 20th and 21st century physics

Signatur: 52637/[1]



On the trail of blackbody radiation: Max Planck and the physics of his era

On the trail of blackbody radiation: Max Planck and the physics of his era

Don S. Lemons, William R. Shanahan, Louis J. Buchholtz ; illustrated by Marta Gyeviki. - Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England : The MIT Press, [2022]

In the last year of the nineteenth century, Max Planck constructed a theory of blackbody radiation and his work ushered in the quantum revolution in physics. In this book, three physicists trace Planck’s discovery. They follow the trail of Planck’s thinking by constructing a textbook of sorts that summarizes the established physics on which he drew. By offering this account, the authors explore not only how Planck deployed his considerable knowledge of the physics of his era but also how Einstein and others used and interpreted Planck’s work.

Signatur: 52317



The Oxford linear algebra for scientists

The Oxford linear algebra for scientists

Andre Lukas. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2022]

• Based on a first year undergraduate lecture course at Oxford University • Includes end-of-chapter exercises and solved problems for students to test their understanding • Discusses the modern applications of linear algebra in areas such as AI and quantum computing

Signatur: 52653



Essentials of semiconductor device physics

Essentials of semiconductor device physics

Emiliano R. Martins. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2022

The author aims to provide students and teachers with a concise text that focuses on semiconductor devices and covers the necessary background in statistical physics. This text introduces the key prerequisite knowledge in a simple, clear, and friendly manner. It distills the key concepts of semiconductor devices down to their essentials, enabling students to master this key subject in engineering, physics, and materials.

Signatur: 52527



Quantum mechanics: an enhanced primer

Quantum mechanics: an enhanced primer

Bruce Cameron Reed. - Second edition. - Cham : Springer, [2022]

• Written in very readable "classroom friendly" style • Derives rigorous solutions for important problems such as the harmonic oscillator potential and the hydrogen atom • Contains 200 end-of-chapter student exercises graded as elementary (E), intermediate (I), or advanced (A)

Signatur: 52644



Theoretische Physik 1: Mechanik

Theoretische Physik 1: Mechanik

Peter Reineker, Michael Schulz, Beatrix M. Schulz, Reinhold Walser. - 2. Auflage. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021

Die Neuauflage deckt die klassischen Gebiete der Mechanik ab, angefangen bei der Kinematik eines Massenpunktes über die Newtonschen Bewegungsgleichungen bis zu den abstrakten Formulierungen der Mechanik (Lagrange 1. und 2. Art, Hamilton’sche Mechanik) und der Relativitätstheorie.

Signatur: PHY-223/1



Theoretische Physik 2: Elektrodynamik

Theoretische Physik 2: Elektrodynamik

Peter Reineker, Michael Schulz, Beatrix M. Schulz, Reinhold Walser, Christoph Warns. - 2. Auflage. - Weinheim, Germany : Wiley-VCH, 2023

Die Neuauflage gibt eine Einführung in die konzeptionell und mathematisch anspruchsvolle Elektrodynamik. Ausgehend von experimentellen Erkenntnissen über elektrische und magnetische Felder werden die Studierenden an die Maxwell-Gleichungen im Vakuum und in Materie herangeführt.

Signatur: PHY-223/2



Superconducting materials: fundamentals, synthesis and applications

Superconducting materials: fundamentals, synthesis and applications

Yassine Slimani, Essia Hannachi, editors. - Singapore : Springer, [2022]

• Highlights recent advances in superconducting materials involving fullerenes and borides • Summarizes the synthesis approaches, processing, and characterization techniques for superconducting materials • Discusses the links between fundamentals and applications of superconductors

Signatur: 52645



A materials science guide to superconductors: and how to make them super

A materials science guide to superconductors: and how to make them super

Susannah Speller. - Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2022]

• Explores the amazing properties of superconductors and how they can be used in the modern world • An excellent introduction to the field of Materials Science • A clear, accesible guide for all those interested in science and technology

Signatur: 52648



Sailing the ocean of complexity: lessons from the physics-biology frontier

Sailing the ocean of complexity: lessons from the physics-biology frontier

Sauro Succi. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2022]

• Provides a non-specialist introduction to the science of complexity, which enables us to make sense of the world around and within us • Split into four parts discussing the various principles of the physics-biology interface • Conveys the crucial idea that there is no science without emotions, similar to the arts

Signatur: 52651



Was für ein Zufall!: über Unvorhersehbarkeit, Komplexität und das Wesen der Zeit

Was für ein Zufall!: über Unvorhersehbarkeit, Komplexität und das Wesen der Zeit

Bernhard Weßling. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, [2022]

• Erläutert essenzielle Zufälle anhand vieler Beispiele • Erklärt die Komplexität des Universums (Nicht-Gleichgewicht) auf verständliche Weise • Beschreibt eine neue Hypothese zum Wesen der Zeit

Signatur: 52639



Quantum field theory: by Academician Prof. Kazuhiko Nishijima - a classic in theoretical physics

Quantum field theory: by Academician Prof. Kazuhiko Nishijima - a classic in theoretical physics

Prof. Kazuhiko Nishijima ; Masud Chaichian, Anca Tureanu, editors. - Dordrecht : Springer, [2023]

• Translation of Prof. Kazuhiko Nishijima’s classical textbook in its 8th edition • Based on lectures given by the author over several years in Japan • Pedagogically transparent and in several topics unique and original presentation by a pioneer in the field

Signatur: 52643



Jost functions in quantum mechanics: a unified approach to scattering, bound, and resonant state problems

Jost functions in quantum mechanics: a unified approach to scattering, bound, and resonant state problems

Sergei A. Rakityansky. - Cham : Springer, [2022]

• Presents rigorously the theory of Jost functions and Jost matrices • Offers an alternative exposition to the theory of quantum scattering • Provides the beginner with new insights to master the subject

Signatur: 52635



Feynman integrals: a comprehensive treatment for students and researchers

Feynman integrals: a comprehensive treatment for students and researchers

Stefan Weinzierl. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - (UNITEXT for physics)

• Covers the exciting development in the field of Feynman integrals of the last 15 years • Offers a pedagogical style: Students at the beginning of their master degree should be able to follow the book • Includes many exercises with solutions

Signatur: 49843/[41]



Organic reactions 110

Organic reactions 110

New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley, 2022

A carefully curated review of the scientific literature on selected organic reactions, Volume 110 of the Organic Reactions series delivers insightful invited reviews of primary research material in the field of organic chemistry. The latest volume explores the practical and theoretical aspects of the reaction under discussion. The Organic Reactions series is a renowned, peer-reviewed reference in publication since 1942. It is one of the leading secondary- and tertiary-level sources in organic chemistry today.

Signatur: 200725



Organic reactions 111

Organic reactions 111

New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley, 2022

The 111th volume in this series for organic chemists in academia and industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular steps of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure and the selection of experimental techniques. The work includes tables that contain all possible examples of the reaction under consideration. Detailed procedures illustrate the significant modifications of each method.

Signatur: 200725



Zahlenspiegel 2021 der Leibniz Universität Hannover

Zahlenspiegel 2021 der Leibniz Universität Hannover

Hrsg.: das Präsidium der Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Universität Hannover. - Hannover : Leibniz-Univ., 2021. - (Berichte der Leibniz-Universität Hannover ; 21)

Im Zahlenspiegel erhalten Sie einen detaillierten Überblick über die Statistischen Daten der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Die Inhalte reichen von einer Gesamtdarstellung über die Studierendendaten bis zur Dokumentation der aktuellen Studiensituation in den Fakultäten.

Signatur: 47487


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Jahresbericht = Annual report 2021

Jahresbericht = Annual report 2021

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften. - Göttingen ; München : Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, 2021 (2022)

Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft legt jedes Jahr einen Bericht über ihre Tätigkeit im Berichtsjahr sowie über begonnene oder geplante Unternehmungen vor. Dieser Jahresbericht wird satzungsgemäß vom Senat festgestellt, der Hauptversammlung der Mitglieder vorgelegt und von dieser beschlossen.

Signatur: 48663


Auch online verfügbar:


Developing low energy AMS for the analysis of environmental 99Tc

Developing low energy AMS for the analysis of environmental 99Tc

verfasst von Stephanie Adler, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5679


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Novel albumin-targeting platinum anticancer complexes

Novel albumin-targeting platinum anticancer complexes

verfasst von Florian Bachmann, BSc. - Wien, 2020

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2548



Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Lernumgebung zum Thema Messunsicherheit in der Sekundarstufe II

Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Lernumgebung zum Thema Messunsicherheit in der Sekundarstufe II

verfasst von Rupert Bärenthaler-Pachner, BEd. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5691



Non-local interference via path-entanglement over a 411 m long multicore fibre

Non-local interference via path-entanglement over a 411 m long multicore fibre

verfasst von Michael Bartokos, BSc BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5676


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Improving strong coupling determinations from hadronic tau decays

Improving strong coupling determinations from hadronic tau decays

verfasst von Miguel Angel Benitez-Rathgeb, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5675


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Gating of surface states in the topological insulator (Sn)-Bi1.1Sb0.9Te2S via ionic gel

Gating of surface states in the topological insulator (Sn)-Bi1.1Sb0.9Te2S via ionic gel

verfasst von Vittorio Bertini, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2566



Optimization of the energy resolution of low- (LED) and high (HED) energy cadmium-zinc-telluride (CdZnTe) detectors

Optimization of the energy resolution of low- (LED) and high (HED) energy cadmium-zinc-telluride (CdZnTe) detectors

verfasst von Jasmina Besic, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5687


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Linear Landau damping of the Vlasov equation

Linear Landau damping of the Vlasov equation

verfasst von Florian Bonell BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5686



FG-hydrogels and phase separation of Akirin2 in the context of nuclear import

FG-hydrogels and phase separation of Akirin2 in the context of nuclear import

verfasst von David von Bonin, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2567



Prediction of the lower heating value of waste incinerated at a waste incineration plant using machine learning techniques

Prediction of the lower heating value of waste incinerated at a waste incineration plant using machine learning techniques

verfasst von Robert Brunnsteiner, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5672


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Integrating biomolecular NMR spectroscopy with MD simulations and in-silico docking to study complex systems

Integrating biomolecular NMR spectroscopy with MD simulations and in-silico docking to study complex systems

verfasst von Kateryna Che. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2572



Characteristics and cell type composition of anchor-based functional marker neighbourhoods in colorectal cancer-patients

Characteristics and cell type composition of anchor-based functional marker neighbourhoods in colorectal cancer-patients

verfasst von Jonathan Christ, B.Sc.. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5689


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Amide activation: a tool for unprecedented transformations/acid-mediated transformation of feedstock alkenes into valuable amines

Amide activation: a tool for unprecedented transformations/acid-mediated transformation of feedstock alkenes into valuable amines

verfasst von Carlos Rafael Costa Gonçalves. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2552


Auch online verfügbar:


Vom Labor in die Küche! die Einflüsse kulinarischer Anwendung chemischer Kenntnisse auf die Entwicklung alltagsrelevanter Kompetenzen!

Vom Labor in die Küche! die Einflüsse kulinarischer Anwendung chemischer Kenntnisse auf die Entwicklung alltagsrelevanter Kompetenzen!

verfasst von Adam Dabrowski, BEd. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2565


Auch online verfügbar:


Characterisation of selected caloric and non-caloric sweeteners and their interaction with oral and extraoral sweet taste receptors

Characterisation of selected caloric and non-caloric sweeteners and their interaction with oral and extraoral sweet taste receptors

verfasst von Corinna Miriam Deck, B.Sc. M.Sc.. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2570


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CdS dotted MOF and TiO₂ TiO2 embedded electrospun PVDF-HFP fibers for photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange

CdS dotted MOF and TiO₂ TiO2 embedded electrospun PVDF-HFP fibers for photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange

verfasst von Adam Elbataioui, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2577


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Wie wird das Thema

Wie wird das Thema "Säuren und Basen" in der Sekundarstufe I unterrichtet? eine Interviewstudie mit Lehrer*innen

verfasst von Clemens Fasching, BEd. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2564


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Multipolar interactions and multipolar order in osmate double perovskites

Multipolar interactions and multipolar order in osmate double perovskites

verfasst von Dario Fiore Mosca. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5690



Combinatory effects of mycoestrogens and isoflavones

Combinatory effects of mycoestrogens and isoflavones

verfasst von Rebeka Früholz, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2551


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Pro-inflammatorische Effekte von in vitro verdauten epoxidierten Triglyzeriden

Pro-inflammatorische Effekte von in vitro verdauten epoxidierten Triglyzeriden

verfasst von Andreas Gufler, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2575



Immunomodulatory effects of anthocyanin-rich berry extracts in tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic human colon cells and NF-κB pathway interactions of SN38 in THP-1 monocytes in vitro

Immunomodulatory effects of anthocyanin-rich berry extracts in tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic human colon cells and NF-κB pathway interactions of SN38 in THP-1 monocytes in vitro

verfasst von Judith Gufler, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2579


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Ferroelectric phase transition: a DFT study of soft phonon modes in KTaO3

Ferroelectric phase transition: a DFT study of soft phonon modes in KTaO3

verfasst von Josef Huber BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5693


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Mass spectrometry-based functional proteomics for characterizing (patho-)physiological mechanisms in complex biological systems

Mass spectrometry-based functional proteomics for characterizing (patho-)physiological mechanisms in complex biological systems

verfasst von Lukas Janker, MSc. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2568


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Modification of the skin extracellular matrix by bioactive, senescence-associated lipids

Modification of the skin extracellular matrix by bioactive, senescence-associated lipids

verfasst von Sarah Katharina Jelleschitz, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2580



Top quark mass calibration for Monte Carlo event generators

Top quark mass calibration for Monte Carlo event generators

verfasst von Lizhi Oliver Jin, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5688


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Directing magneto-active particles with applied fields

Directing magneto-active particles with applied fields

verfasst von Martin Kaiser MSc. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5674


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Synthesis and characterization of precursors and reference compounds for (11C)isocyanate chemistry

Synthesis and characterization of precursors and reference compounds for (11C)isocyanate chemistry

verfasst von Lukas Kogler, Bsc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2561



Atomic-scale electron irradiation damage in 2D MoS2

Atomic-scale electron irradiation damage in 2D MoS2

verfasst von Julia Lang, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5681



Corrosion properties of biodegradable SPD-processed and thermally treated Zn-Mg alloys

Corrosion properties of biodegradable SPD-processed and thermally treated Zn-Mg alloys

verfasst von Ruri Lee, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5683


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Characterization of a high power Yb-based mode-locked laser

Characterization of a high power Yb-based mode-locked laser

verfasst von Michael Leskowschek, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5677


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LA-ICP-TOFMS: high-resolution imaging and quantification of platinum in mouse organs and tumor tissue

LA-ICP-TOFMS: high-resolution imaging and quantification of platinum in mouse organs and tumor tissue

verfasst von David Loibnegger, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2573



Just in time online extraction and large volume injection for non-targeted analysis of natural water samples via GC-EI-TOFMS

Just in time online extraction and large volume injection for non-targeted analysis of natural water samples via GC-EI-TOFMS

verfasst von Barbara Mahlberg, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2376



Few-photon charge control and superconducting detection of macromolecules

Few-photon charge control and superconducting detection of macromolecules

verfasst von Martin Mauser BSc.. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5671



Exact and finitely generated preparation of quantum states in translation-invariant systems

Exact and finitely generated preparation of quantum states in translation-invariant systems

verfasst von Manuel Mekonnen, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5694



Statistical analysis of the distribution of the different cell cycle phases of different cell cultures via LA-ICP-TOFMS

Statistical analysis of the distribution of the different cell cycle phases of different cell cultures via LA-ICP-TOFMS

verfasst von Claude Molitor. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2581


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Characterising the relationship between the magnetic response and architecture of magnetic filaments

Characterising the relationship between the magnetic response and architecture of magnetic filaments

verfasst von Deniz Mostarac MSc. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5670


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Forschendes Lernen zum Thema Elektrochemie in der Sekundarstufe I: Anpassung, Einsatz & Evaluation einer digitalen Lernumgebung

Forschendes Lernen zum Thema Elektrochemie in der Sekundarstufe I: Anpassung, Einsatz & Evaluation einer digitalen Lernumgebung

verfasst von Elisabeth Pesendorfer, BSc BEd. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2571


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Metal oxide films for thin film photovoltaics produced by spray pyrolysis from water-based solutions

Metal oxide films for thin film photovoltaics produced by spray pyrolysis from water-based solutions

verfasst von Dipl.-Ing. Nina Plankensteiner, BSc. - Wien, 2019

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2344



Towards automated atom manipulation in the scanning transmission electron microscope

Towards automated atom manipulation in the scanning transmission electron microscope

verfasst von Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Postl, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5692


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Mesoporous non-noble mixed metal oxide catalysts for electrochemical oxygen evolution and reduction reactions

Mesoporous non-noble mixed metal oxide catalysts for electrochemical oxygen evolution and reduction reactions

verfasst von Tatiana Priamushko. - Wien, 2022

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2569


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Setup and operation of an optical frequency comb resolved Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer

Setup and operation of an optical frequency comb resolved Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer

verfasst von Maximilian Prinz, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5682


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Der Defibrillator als Kontext im Physikunterricht

Der Defibrillator als Kontext im Physikunterricht

verfasst von Barbara Radon, BEd. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5684



Examination of two calorimeter prototypes: liquid scintillator with wavelength shifted fiber readout and plastic scintillator lead modules

Examination of two calorimeter prototypes: liquid scintillator with wavelength shifted fiber readout and plastic scintillator lead modules

verfasst von Patrick Riegler BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5678


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Progress in the development of chemo- and biosensors based on multiple monolayers

Progress in the development of chemo- and biosensors based on multiple monolayers

verfasst von Mag. Marlies Schlauf. - Wien, 2017

Dissertation, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2549


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Simulation of electron-light interactions

Simulation of electron-light interactions

verfasst von Matthias Schneller BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5669


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The role of chemical etching in the electron irradiation of SWCNTs in a 1D-2D carbon heterostructure

The role of chemical etching in the electron irradiation of SWCNTs in a 1D-2D carbon heterostructure

verfasst von Michael Somma, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5673


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Glycosyl inositol phospho ceramide analysis using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry and multistage fragmentation to monitor heat stress in plants

Glycosyl inositol phospho ceramide analysis using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry and multistage fragmentation to monitor heat stress in plants

verfasst von Nina Thür, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2560



Endstate corrections from molecular mechanics to quantum machine learning potential

Endstate corrections from molecular mechanics to quantum machine learning potential

verfasst von Sara Tkaczyk, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2578


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Structural characterisation of laser-ablated FeW nanoparticles using transmission electron microscopy

Structural characterisation of laser-ablated FeW nanoparticles using transmission electron microscopy

verfasst von Adela Tulic. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5680


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Development of a targeted LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous detection of recently discovered bile acid conjugates

Development of a targeted LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous detection of recently discovered bile acid conjugates

verfasst von Daniel Wasinger, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2576


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Die ionische Flüssigkeit Trihexyltetradecylphosphonium 3-Hydroxy-2-napthoat zur Extraktion von Seltenen Erden aus wässrigen Lösungen

Die ionische Flüssigkeit Trihexyltetradecylphosphonium 3-Hydroxy-2-napthoat zur Extraktion von Seltenen Erden aus wässrigen Lösungen

verfasst von Matthias Weissensteiner BEd. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Chemie.

Signatur: HS-2574


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Study of actinide signatures as potential markers for the anthropocene

Study of actinide signatures as potential markers for the anthropocene

verfasst von Janis Wolf, BSc. - Wien, 2022

Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik.

Signatur: DissD.5685


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