Phil Attard. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2025
• Explores Bose-Einstein condensation with new evidence for multiple condensed states and novel Monte Carlo simulations for interacting bosons • Establishes the thermodynamic nature of condensed bosons from an analysis of fountain pressure measurements, including that they carry energy and entropy, and the thermodynamic principle of superfluid flow • Derives equations of motion for condensed bosons, and performs molecular dynamics simulations of the viscosity with molecular trajectories that give rise to superfluidity
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Clay S. Bennett & Tu-Anh V. Nguyen. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Organic chemistry)
Approaching carbohydrate chemistry for the first time can be daunting as basic information is often buried in texts intended for advanced practitioners in the field. This brief primer attempts to bridge that gap. The authors hope this primer will introduce the uninitiated to the challenges and beauty of carbohydrate synthesis and inspire them to bring a new perspective and new advances to the field. Only by doing so will we, as a community of synthetic chemists, be able to tame one of the last and arguably most complex areas of chemical space to create new advances in human health.
Wesley Chiang, Ovishek Morshed, & Todd D. Krauss. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Physical chemistry)
The authors take the reader into quantum confinement and quantum dots. While the contents of this primer are rather expansive, they merely scratch the surface of the complex voyage that quantum dot sciences have undergone. The authors have identified vital terminology, valuable concepts, techniques, and applications.
Tai L. Chow. - Third edition. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2025
• Lengthier sections in early chapters have been rewritten as short and easy-to-understand sections. • Each chapter contains homework problems of varying degrees of difficulty to enhance understanding of the material in the text. • Detailed but not overlong mathematical manipulations are provided. • The essential topics can be covered in a one-semester, four-hour course.
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Thomas B. Clarke, Christophe Renault & Jeffrey E. Dick. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Physical chemistry)
The future will continue to harness and control electrochemical reactions. All these past, present, and future electrochemical contraptions and processes share a common feature: an interface where charges are passed (i.e., an electrochemical interface). In this digital primer, the authors cover many of the essential features of these interfaces that will prime you to begin diving into the exciting current research in this field.
Klaus Dethloff. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Das Buch räumt mit mediengemachten Meinungen auf und überrascht mit wissenschaftlichen Fakten • Es zeigt komplexe Zusammenhänge mit eindringlicher Klarheit auf und macht dabei noch Hoffnung • Von einem wirklichen Klimaexperten für Diskurshoheit in der Klimadebatte geschrieben
Haydee Domenech. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2025
This book reviews the critical scope of nuclear materials, which play an essential role in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. It traces historical landmarks from the years preceding World War II to the atomic bomb era. Key topics covered include the concept of nuclear materials and their connection to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the steps of the nuclear fuel cycle, and advanced reactor technologies.
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Andrei S. Dukhin, Philip J. Goetz. - Third edition. - Amsterdam ; Kidlington, Oxford ; Cambridge, MA : Elsevier, [2017]
• Presents a theoretical multi-disciplinary background of several new ultrasound analytical techniques in one place • Validates the theoretical basis of several new analytical techniques • Compares the efficiency and applications of various ultrasound techniques • Lists many ultrasound applications in colloid chemistry • Contains an extensive bibliography on this multidisciplinary topic
Ravi Dwivedi. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2024]
• The unique book containin various forms of Gauss hypergeometric function. • Combination of various forms of special functions. • Represents the analysis of distinct forms of special functions.
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Andreas Ernst, Gerhard Reese, Laura Henn. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Erstes deutschsprachiges Lehrbuch für Umweltpsychologie, das Systeme und gesellschaftliche Prozesse integriert • Natur- und umweltwissenschaftliche Grundlagen als Basis für psychologisches Verständnis • Praxisbezug durch anwendungsnahe Beispiele und aktuelle Themen
Sylvia Feil, Philipp Engelmann, Timm Wilke, Kai Wolf. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Bietet grundlegende Kenntnisse in allgemeiner, organischer, anorganischer und physikalischer Chemie • Behandelt nicht nur theoretische, sondern auch praktische Aspekte • Testen Sie Ihr Wissen mit Fragen und Antworten zum Buch in der kostenlosen Springer-Nature-Flashcards-App
Xavier Fernando, Hasan Farahneh. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing December, 2024. - (IOP series in emerging technologies in optics and photonics)
• Includes detailed modular multi-reflection channel model; that can be used with the required complexity. • Includes Artificial Intelligent algorithms to alleviate the effect of bright sun light, a major concern in outdoors. • Investigates some topics for first time such as shadowing effect, coherence time and denoising schemes. • Advance topics such as MIMO, Optical OFDM, Precoding and Equalization are studied in detail in the realms of VLC.
Johanna Frischauf, Tim Netzer. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• So elementar und anschaulich wie möglich, mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen • Geeignet für das Lehramtsstudium und die Unterrichtsvorbereitung • Mit 336 passenden Fragen und Antworten in der Springer Nature Flashcards-App
Graham N. George, Ingrid J. Pickering. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2024]. - (De Gruyter STEM)
• A balanced combination of theory and practice in X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy. • Explains how to interpret and analyze spectroscopic data. • Gives an overview of XAS applications with many case studies.
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John Gizis. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing December, 2024. - (AAS-IOP astronomy)
• First book aimed at brown dwarfs • An extension of stellar astrophysics and exoplanetary astronomy • Includes Python programs • Includes problems and solutions
Martin Hermann, Masoud Saravi. - New Delhi : Springer India, 2024
• Präsentiert eine Einführung in analytische und numerische Verfahren zur Lösung gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen • Bietet eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben, die den Schülern helfen, ihr Wissen zu testen und zu vertiefen • Ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel für alle, deren Arbeit die Lösung von DGLn beinhaltet
Joachim Hilgert. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Bietet eine Einführung in die mathematischen Strukturen, die in modernen Gebieten große Bedeutung haben • Zeigt das Zusammenwirken von elementaren Strukturen auf und bespricht auch für das Verständnis wichtige Details • Enthält eine Vielzahl von Beispielen
Michael D. Holloway. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2025
Thisb book is a versatile and overarching toolkit that explores various methods of designing experiments for over 20 disciplines in science and engineering. Each discipline covered in this book includes the key characteristics of the steps in choosing and executing the experimental designs and reviews the various statistical tools used as well as the steps in how to utilize each.
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Maureen M. Julian, Carla Slebodnick, and Francis T. Julian. - Third edition. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2025
• Uses Python, the leading open-source scientific language, with libraries including NumPy for matrix manipulations, Matplotlib for graphics, and Mplot3d for interactive 3-D modeling. Provides a gentle introduction to Python with Jupyter Notebooks, which combine interactive code and formatted documentation. • Color codes both point group and space group diagrams using a new scheme devised by the author to emphasize the change of handedness of the symmetry operations and their consequences.
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Christoph Kirfel. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Beleuchtet alternative Herangehensweisen an klassische mathematische Fragestellungen • Entwickelt historische Ansätze weiter und zeigt ihre Potenziale und Grenzen auf • Liefert Anregungen für Erkundungen abseits des üblichen Schulstoffs
Horst Kisch, Robin Perutz. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2024]. - (De Gruyter Textbook)
• Interdisciplinary discussion of interactions of light with matter. • Understandable to students from different backgrounds. • Examples drawn from applications across the sciences. • Comprehensive set of questions in each chapter.
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Volker Knecht. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Erläutert besonders klar das Dilemma der modernen Physik • Bietet eine verständliche Einführung in die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie und die Quantenmechanik • Kristallisiert die Schwierigkeiten auf der Suche nach einer Theorie des Ganzen heraus
Andreas Knoblauch. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - (Studienbücher Informatik)
• Beinhaltet die notwendige Mathematik für Informatik, insbesondere für Data Science und künstliche Intelligenz • Begleitbuch für kompakte Grundlagen-Vorlesungen der Mathematik - Referenz für Kurse über Lernende Systeme • Mit Aufgaben und Online-Musterlösungen
Sun Kwok. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024
• Erläutert den menschlichen Fortschritt im rationalen Denken anhand von Beispielen aus der astronomischen Entwicklung • Demonstriert den Einfluss der astronomischen Forschung auf Philosophie und Gesellschaft • Basierend auf einem gemeinsamen Lehrplan für Nicht-Wissenschaftler und Studierende der Naturwissenschaften
Pui Ching Lan & Shengqian Ma. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2024. - (ACS in focus ; Physical chemistry)
Step into the exciting world of covalent organic frameworks, where chemistry meets architecture to create a synergy of form and function. With applications spanning industries from gas storage and catalysis to environmental remediation, you’ll learn about their incredible versatility, adaptability, and possibilities in reshaping material science and technology.
Karlheinz Langanke. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2024]. - (De Gruyter Populärwissenschaftliche Reihe)
• Die Geschichte des Universums und Entstehung der chemischen Elemente spannend erläutert. • Wissenschaft anschaulich vermittelt und reich bebildert.
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Hai Lin. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2024. - (ACS in focus ; Theoretical & computational chemistry)
Instead of providing a comprehensive survey of the QM/MM algorithms and their applications, this book focuses on explaining the key concepts in QM/MM methodology and how to interpret the results in applications. The author frequently uses small “toy” model systems to illustrate the fundamental principles, which can be easily generalized to large model systems. Unavoidably, formal proofs and many technical details are left out, for which readers are referred to the relevant literature
Robert P. Lucht, Purdue University. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2025
While a background in quantum mechanics is beneficial, the book presents a comprehensive review of the relevant aspects, extensively covering atomic and molecular structure alongside radiative transitions. The author employs effective Hamiltonians and Hund’s case (a) basis wavefunctions to develop the energy level structure of diatomic molecules. These techniques also form the basis for treating radiative transitions in diatomic molecules. Recent advancements in quantum chemistry, enabling readers to calculate absolute single-photon and Raman transition strengths, are also presented.
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edited by Adrienn Luspay-Kuti, Kathleen Mandt. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing January, 2025. - (AAS IOP Astronomy)
• Represents the first book to compare and contrast Pluto and Triton • Includes results from the New Horizons flyby of Pluto, one of the most exciting and scientifically impactful events in modern planetary exploration • Written by leading experts in the field • Identifies outstanding science questions and planning constraints for future missions
Thomas Michaels, Marcel Liechti. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - (Grundstudium Mathematik Prüfungstraining)
• Zahlreiche Beispiele mit präzis durchgerechneten Lösungen • Viele Kochrezepte zu wichtigen Kernthemen • Speziell geeignet zur Vorbereitung auf Assessmentprüfungen bzw Basisprüfungen
Richard Montgomery, University of California, Santa Cruz. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2025
The N-body problem has been investigated since Isaac Newton, however vast tracts of the problem remain open. Showcasing the vibrancy of the problem, this book describes four open questions and explores progress made over the last 20 years. After a comprehensive introduction, each chapter focuses on a different open question, highlighting how the stance taken and tools used vary greatly depending on the question.
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Anne Myers Kelley. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Physical chemistry)
This book is an indispensable resource for scientists interested in understanding single-molecule spectroscopy comprehensively. By presenting detailed information on the technique’s principles, discussing its diverse applications, and providing insights into future developments, researchers can acquire a holistic overview of this dynamic field without the need to consult an extensive array of individual papers. This primer bridges the gap between standard undergraduate coursework to practical implementation in the research lab for single-molecule spectroscopy.
Seth C. Rasmussen, Spencer J. Gilman, & Wyatt D. Wilcox. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Polymer science)
This digital primer serves as an excellent introduction to conjugated polymers, particularly in terms of their synthesis and design. Advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty wishing to enter this field for the first time should find this primer beneficial. At the same time, however, we have pointed out various misconceptions still commonly found in the literature, which should be valuable to those already familiar with these materials.
L.J. Reinders. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024
Climate change is triggered by a too high concentration of greenhouse gases in the air, carbon dioxide in particular, primarily originating from fossil fuel-burning. Since such burning will not stop any time soon, the concentration will undoubtedly rise further, exacerbating climate change. There is no escape from this. That is where carbon capture comes in: direct air capture (DAC) scrubs the surplus carbon dioxide out of the air for actually lowering this concentration. At the same time emission levels must be drastically lowered by fitting point-source emitters with carbon capture installations. This book sets out the case for such carbon capture, which is a must, without which the climate cannot be repaired.
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Melorina Dolafi Rezaee, Biplav Dahal, & Wenzhi Li. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Materials science)
This primer will equip the reader with a foundational understanding of the growth mechanisms of SWCNTs and the advantages and disadvantages of the process and growth conditions of the various techniques. The reader will also learn how to relate the properties and structure of these materials to their specific functionality in the desired application.
Thomas Richter, Henry von Wahl, Thomas Wick. - 2. Auflage - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Erläutert alle zentralen Themen und Konzepte anschaulich und einprägsam • Trennt algebraische von analytischen Methoden und erleichtert somit den Einstieg • Enthält viele Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Anwendungsgebieten sowie ergänzende Python-Programmcodes
James W. Rohlf. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2025
This is a “how to guide” for making introductory calculations in classical physics for undergraduates studying the subject. The calculations are performed in Mathematica, and stress graphical visualization, units, and numerical answers. The techniques show the student how to learn the physics without being hung up on the math. There is a continuing movement to introduce more advanced computational methods into lower-level physics courses.
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Manfred Rost, Sandro Wefel. - 2., erweiterte Auflage. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2024]. - (De Gruyter Studium)
Das Buch stellt Prinzipien der Sensorik dar und geht auf Fragen der Signalverarbeitung und -auswertung. Behandelt werden Grundlagen, Primärelektroniken, Ansteuerung von Sensoren-Schnittstellen, Verfahren und Algorithmen zur Sensorsignalverarbeitung, Methoden zur Signalbewertung, Effektive Visualisierung von Ergebnissen. Die 2. Auflage inkludiert neue Inhalte: Internet der Dinge, Kernstrahlungsensoren und neue Sensorkonzepte (Lidar, Biosensoren).
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Katarzyna Rybicka-Jasińska & Valentine I. Vullev. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Organic chemistry)
At first glance, the theories behind charge transfer and organic photoelectrocatalysis do not seem to have much in common. It turns out, however, that to carry out an effective organic synthesis using photoelectrocatalysis one needs a solid theoretical foundation in charge transfer, which is the topic of this primer. A series of examples demonstrate the three types of synthetic photoelectrochemistry that have emerged in recent years.
Kenji Sakurai, Wenyang Zhao. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing December, 2024. - (IOP series in sensors and sensor systems)
• Perhaps the leading researcher in the field • Range of academic and industrial applications • Practical
Friedrich Sauvigny. - 2. Auflage - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Behandelt Inhalte der ersten drei Semester des Bachelor-Studiums • Entwickelt reelle und komplexe Analysis parallel • Konstruiert die Zahlensysteme und Funktionenräume
Rocco Schiavilla. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2025
This book contains more than 300 problems in quantum mechanics with accompanying solutions, covering topics that are commonly taught in first-year graduate physics programs. Special care is given to each problem’s formulation, with detailed and extensive solutions provided to support understanding. The problems span a range of difficulties, from basic exercises to more challenging applications and extensions of the standard material. Students are required to think critically and incorporate physics and mathematical techniques learned previously or concurrently to solve the more challenging problems.
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herausgegeben von Sebastian Seiffert, Markus Susoff, Claudia Kummerlöwe. - 7. Auflage - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Das bewährte Lehrbuch zur Makromolekularen Chemie für Chemiker, Physiker, Materialwissenschaftler und Verfahrenstechniker jetzt in neuer Auflage • Didaktisch bewährtes Aufbauprinzip Struktur - Synthese - Eigenschaften • Neue Inhalte zu Supramolekulare Polymere / Molekulare Materialen und Komposite / Hybridmaterialien
Roderich Tumulka. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2022]. - (Lecture notes in physics ; volume 1003)
• Discusses the main interpretations and views of quantum mechanics • Clarifies numerous puzzling issues about quantum mechanics and relativity • Enriched with many exercises and examples
Chao Xu, Dongwu Li. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing December, 2024
• Introduces the latest research on friction and wear at bolted joint interfaces • Explores the interface mechanics behaviour and modelling methods of bolted joints • Includes experimental tests, in-depth theoretical analysis, case studies and application examples • Offers a generalised interface modelling approach to predict friction and wear-induced nonlinear dissipation and stiffness, which can also be integrated into commercial finite element software
Ziming Yang & Alexandria Aspin. - Washington, DC, USA : American Chemical Society, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)
A substantial amount of work has been conducted in hydrothermal chemistry, with thousands of research articles already published. This primer aims to equip readers with fundamental background information on the topic and prepare the audience to interpret the primary research articles and reviews successfully.
Andrzej Marek Żak. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2024]. - (De Gruyter Textbook)
• Unique textbook and instructional manual on transmission electron microscopy. • Covers the most common issues and solutions. • Includes practical examples and sample preparation methods.
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W. A. Zúñiga-Galindo. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2024]. - (Advances in Analysis and Geometry ; 11)
• p-Adic analysis has received much attention in the last thirty-five years due to its connections with mathematical physics, biology, computer science, etc. • The proposed book introduces the p-adic analysis for an interdisciplinary audience