
Handbook of exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equations

Handbook of exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equations

Usama Al Khawaja, Laila Al Sakkaf. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Comprehensive and fully up to date, with detailed consideration of the main NLSE models. • Includes animated figures to help visualize solutions and their dynamics. • Accompanied by Mathematica codes, including dynamics of solutions. • New chapter on the Fractional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation.



Composite interfaces in mechanical design

Composite interfaces in mechanical design

Parvez Alam. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Provides a coherent and accessible guide for anyone studying composites at any level of mechanical design • Brings together the most essential information on interfaces with a direct and specific relevance to the mechanical design of advanced composite materials • Enables the reader to connect the dots between different aspects of composite interfaces that are usually covered individually • Acts as a valuable reference for researchers and accompanies postgraduate courses on composites



Quantum dots: synthesis, characterization, and optical investigations

Quantum dots: synthesis, characterization, and optical investigations

Yarub Al-Douri. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in coherent sources, quantum fundamentals, and applications)

• Provides a comprehensive overview of a wide range of materials and related properties. • Includes the fundamentals, characterization, and applications. • Considers the capability to control nanoelectronics properties. • Presents advances and advantages. • Fundamental, characterisation and application will be shared to impetus all to understand it.



Spintronics: a primer

Spintronics: a primer

Jean-Philippe Ansermet. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024

• A pedagogical approach to foundational concepts in spintronics with simple models that can be calculated to enhance understanding. • Nineteen chapters, each beginning with a historical perspective and ending with an outlook on current research. • 1200 references, ranging from landmark papers to frontline publications.


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Magnetic resonance in organic electronic and optoelectronic devices

Magnetic resonance in organic electronic and optoelectronic devices

Naoki Asakawa, Kunito Fukuda. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in advances in optics, photonics and optoelectronics)

• Provides an overview of recent progress of magnetic resonance in organic semiconductors and their electronic/optoelectronic devices • Includes a description of the instrumentation of a magnetic resonance spectrometer • Contains practical information about operando measurements on magnetic resonance for organic devices • Presents neuromorphic devices



Quantum Hall effect: the first topological insulator

Quantum Hall effect: the first topological insulator

Saurabh Basu. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023

Inclusion of topological invariant computations for lattice fermions • Derivations of physical concepts for aiding self-study • Discussion of experimental details for thorough understanding • Schematic diagrams for ease of comprehension


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Integro-Differential Equations: Analysis, Stability and Controllability

Integro-Differential Equations: Analysis, Stability and Controllability

Abdelkrim Salim, Yong Zhou, Mouffak Benchohra. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024

This book delves into semilinear evolution equations, impulsive differential equations, and integro-differential equations with different types of delay. The main objective is to investigate the existence of solutions and explore their approximate controllability, complete controllability, and attractivity. The analysis presented in this book goes beyond traditional solutions and encompasses the study of solutions that are asymptotically almost automorphic and integro-differential equations with impulsive effects in both bounded and unbounded domains.


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Elementarteilchenphysik: von den Grundlagen zu den modernen Experimenten

Elementarteilchenphysik: von den Grundlagen zu den modernen Experimenten

Christoph Berger, Gregor Herten. - 4. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Mit allen aktuellen Informationen zum Large Hadron Collider (LHC) bei CERN, sowie allen beteiligten Experimenten • Der aktuelle Forschungsstand der Elementarteilchenphysik • Inklusive 187 Übungen mit Lösungshinweisen als Jupyter Notebooks auf GitHub



Basiswissen der mathematischen Bildbearbeitung: zwischen Theorie und Anwendung

Basiswissen der mathematischen Bildbearbeitung: zwischen Theorie und Anwendung

Anna Breger. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - (essentials)

• Elementarer Einstieg in die mathematischen Grundlagen von digitalen Bildern • Erleichtert weitere Auseinandersetzung mit weiterführender Lektüre • Geeignet für interessierte Studienanfänger*innen technischer Fächer



From the Top of the Mountain

From the Top of the Mountain

Rosolino Buccheri. - New York : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2024

This book discusses man’s derivation from inert matter and disproves the general validity of the Second Principle of Thermodynamics, together with inherent social considerations. This view renders coherent the full history of the universe’s evolution with human beings in it, bringing out incoherent hypotheses connected with vaguely religious necessities. At variance with all previous narrations, this new perspective also renders coherent the presence and the future of the human beings on Earth, a vision that enlarges the perspectives even from the religious points of view.


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Ordered and disordered metamaterials: design and applications

Ordered and disordered metamaterials: design and applications

edited by Pankaj K Choudhury, Tatjana Gric. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in electromagnetics and metamaterials)

• Reviews different types of metamaterial-based devices • Highlights the possible solutions to the development of green energy technologies • Explores biosensing applications of metamaterials including multi-functional sensors • Explains the analytical approach to model disordered media • Describes possible applications of metamaterials in medical diagnostics • Highlights the use of metamaterials in cancer detection



Analysis I

Analysis I

Adrian Constantin. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Mit zahlreichen Beispielen, die Grundkonzepte und Methoden der Analysis motivieren und veranschaulichen • Bildet mit kurzen Erläuterungen wird eine Brücke zu fortgeschritteneren Gebieten der Analysis geboten • Detaillierte Anwendungsbeispiele im Buch illustrieren die Relevanz der Analysis für die angewandten Wissenschaften



Backscattering sources. Volume 1: Theoretical framework and Thomson backscattering sources

Backscattering sources. Volume 1: Theoretical framework and Thomson backscattering sources

Alessandro Curcio, Giuseppe Dattoli, Emanuele Di Palma. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Offers a self-contained overview of pulsed X-rays sources based on compact lasers • Provides a detailed presentation of theory and applications targeted at newcomers to the field • Demonstrates a thorough discussion on current performance limits • Works as both a study manual for students or a reference text for researchers



Backscattering sources. Volume 2: Compton backscattering, nonlinear QED processes and calculation tools

Backscattering sources. Volume 2: Compton backscattering, nonlinear QED processes and calculation tools

Alessandro Curcio, Giuseppe Dattoli, Emanuele Di Palma. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Offers a self-contained overview of pulsed X-rays sources based on compact lasers • Provides a detailed presentation of theory and applications targeted at newcomers to the field • Demonstrates a focused overview on Compton Backscattering • Provides analysis of applications and outlook • Can be used as a study manual for courses or as a reference text for researchers



Quantum walks, limits, and transport equations

Quantum walks, limits, and transport equations

Giuseppe Di Molfetta. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Introduces the subject. • Presents an overview of quantum walks and plastic quantum walks. • Demonstrates quantum walk-based simulation schemes. • Includes the plasticity of a circuit, i.e. the property that allows quantum walks to be convergent in continuous time and continuous or discrete space. • Discusses limits, analysis, and interpretation of results.



Generation IV nuclear reactors: design, operation and prospects for future energy production

Generation IV nuclear reactors: design, operation and prospects for future energy production

Richard A Dunlap. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Provides an overview of how nuclear fission power can contribute to future low-carbon energy sources • Discusses the environmental aspects of nuclear power, the physics of fission reactors and the drawbacks of current reactor designs • Provides a detailed technical description of potential Generation IV fission reactors • Analyses how each Generation IV reactor design deals with current reactor drawbacks • Reviews previous work and current status of each Generation IV reactor design • Considers the possibility and timescale for commercial development of each design



Concepts and applications of nonlinear terahertz spectroscopy

Concepts and applications of nonlinear terahertz spectroscopy

Thomas Elsaesser, Klaus Reimann, Michael Woerner. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in advances in optics, photonics and optoelectronics)

• Introduces methods of THz generation and nonlinear THz spectroscopy in a tutorial way • Discusses the relevant theoretical concepts • Presents prototypical, experimental, and theoretical results in condensed matter physics. • Illustrates the potential of nonlinear THz spectroscopy by recent research, including an overview of the relevant literature. • Includes a new chapter with insight into basic molecular phenomena.



Artificial Intelligence Models for the Dark Universe: forays in Mathematical Cosmology

Artificial Intelligence Models for the Dark Universe: forays in Mathematical Cosmology

Ariel Fernández. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024

• Provides readers with an intellectual toolbox to understand physical arguments on dark matter and energy. • Up to date with the latest cutting-edge research. • Authored by an expert on artificial intelligence and mathematical physics.


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Quantenphysik. Band 1: Quantenmechanik

Quantenphysik. Band 1: Quantenmechanik

Gerhard Franz. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2024. - (De Gruyter Studium)

• Das 2-bändige Lehrbuch vermittelt anschaulich und verständlich quanten- und festkörpertheoretische Kenntnisse sowie Fertigkeiten. • Didaktisch durchdacht mit zahlreichen Informationskästen und veranschaulichenden Beispielen. • Optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung anhand von über 100 Aufgaben mit Lösungen. • Anschaulicher Einstieg für Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure.


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Quantenphysik. Band 2: Festkörperphysik

Quantenphysik. Band 2: Festkörperphysik

Gerhard Franz. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2024. - (De Gruyter Studium)

• Das 2-bändige Lehrbuch vermittelt anschaulich und verständlich quanten- und festkörpertheoretische Kenntnisse sowie Fertigkeiten. • Didaktisch durchdacht mit zahlreichen Informationskästen und veranschaulichenden Beispielen. • Optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung anhand von über 100 Aufgaben mit Lösungen. • Anschaulicher Einstieg für Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure.


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The music of physics: an introduction to the harmonies of nature

The music of physics: an introduction to the harmonies of nature

George N. Gibson. - New York : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2024

Music is an excellent medium to introduce physics to novice scientists, as it provides an intuitive understanding of the physics of waves. While there are no mathematical derivations in the text, labs are provided to verify every concept and equation. The book is not restricted to purely musical topics. Each topic is carefully chosen to relate to broader principles applicable to other areas of physics or technology.


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Planar slow wave structure traveling wave tubes: design, fabrication and experiment

Planar slow wave structure traveling wave tubes: design, fabrication and experiment

Yubin Gong, Shaomeng Wang. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (Series in electromagnetics and metamaterials)

• Represents the first book introducing the planar traveling wave tube systematically. • Presents the first hot-test results of a ka-band planar traveling wave tube. • Illustrates several novel planar slow wave structures and schemes for millimetre wave and terahertz wave. • Details the fabrication process of different planar slow wave structures fabricated by different advanced manufacturing techniques.



Glatte Mannigfaltigkeiten

Glatte Mannigfaltigkeiten

Claudio Gorodski. - Cham : Springer, 2024

• Stellt die Grundlagen der Analysis auf glatten Mannigfaltigkeiten dar • Behandelt Themen wie Untermannigfaltigkeiten, Tensorfelder, Lie-Gruppen, Integration und Mannigfaltigkeiten • Enthält Verständnisübungen im gesamten Text und anspruchsvolle Probleme am Ende jedes Kapitels



Handbook of Semiconductors: Fundamentals to Emerging Applications

Handbook of Semiconductors: Fundamentals to Emerging Applications

edited by Ram K. Gupta. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024

• Provides readers with latest advances in semiconductors. • Covers diodes, transistors, and other devices using semiconducting materials. • Covers advances and challenges in semiconductors and their technological applications. • Discusses fundamentals and characteristics of emerging semiconductors for chip manufacturing.


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Die Geheimnisse der Kristalle: die Metamorphose vom Heilstein zum Computerchip

Die Geheimnisse der Kristalle: die Metamorphose vom Heilstein zum Computerchip

Rolf Heilmann. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Bietet anschauliche, interdisziplinäre Einführung in die Erforschung von Kristallen • Geschichte der Kristalle aus Sicht eines Physikers • Spannt einen weiten Bogen von Naturbetrachtung und Philosophie zur modernen Physik



Ein Graduiertenkurs in NMR-Spektroskopie

Ein Graduiertenkurs in NMR-Spektroskopie

Ramakrishna V. Hosur, Veera Mohana Rao Kakita. - Cham : Springer, 2024

• Präsentiert die Grundlagen der Kernspinresonanz sowie moderne Entwicklungen • Deckt alle Themen in einem Lehrbuch auf Hochschulniveau ab • Beinhaltet Übungen am Ende jedes Kapitels



Nuclear data: an independent-particle motion view

Nuclear data: an independent-particle motion view

David Jenkins, John L Wood. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure)

• Uses a data-driven approach to understanding nuclear structure • Critically reviews theories in the light of available data • Includes extensive video-based exercises • Provides a personal view from experts in the field



Glass-based materials: advances in energy, environment and health

Glass-based materials: advances in energy, environment and health

edited by Sathish-Kumar Kamaraj, Arun Thirumurugan. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Covers the fundamental properties of glass and glass-based materials and explores their applications in energy, environment and health • Includes the current progress and scope of glass materials, types of glasses, fabrication techniques and the physio-chemical properties of glass and glass-ceramics • Discusses applications of glass-based materials in various technologies • Includes a detailed discussion of sustainability concerns related to the manufacturing process and the technologies, including recycling at the end of the lifecycles



Elemente der Codierungstheorie: besser sehen, besser hören, besser informieren

Elemente der Codierungstheorie: besser sehen, besser hören, besser informieren

Hermann Kautschitsch, Gert Kadunz. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)

• Einführung in Codierungstheorie für Lehrkräfte sowie Schülerinnen und Schüler • Benötigt größtenteils nur Schulmathematik bis zur Sekundarstufe II • Gut verständlich durch viele Beispiele und Abbildungen



Technische Biochemie: die Biochemie und industrielle Nutzung von Naturstoffen

Technische Biochemie: die Biochemie und industrielle Nutzung von Naturstoffen

Oliver Kayser, Nils J. H. Averesch. - 2. Auflage. - Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2024

• Ein Buch - auch aus dem Blickwinkel der Studierenden • Technik trifft auch Biologie • Biologie für Ingenieure - kein Widerspruch!



Artificial intelligence: a tool for effective diagnostics

Artificial intelligence: a tool for effective diagnostics

edited by Smith K Khare, Sachin Taran, Ankush D Jamthikar. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in artificial intelligence in the biomedical sciences)

• Comprehensive review of the latest trends in physiological healthcare analytics for disease diagnostics • In-depth analysis of healthcare and major clinical applications using state-of-the-art AI techniques • Integration of AI and transfer learning applications in healthcare • Chapter content includes summaries, objectives, outcomes, worked examples, and multimedia • Extensive references are provided at the end of each chapter to support further research and study



Printing technologies and applications: a multidisciplinary roadmap

Printing technologies and applications: a multidisciplinary roadmap

Susanne Klein, Carinna Parraman. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Offers an overview of important printing methods and their applications. • Puts printing in an artistic and industrial context. • Provides enough technical detail for the reader to decide whether a certain printing method could find an application in their field. • Provides enough technical information to allow the reader to try out a printing method as a low-cost feasibility test. • Includes comprehensive bibliography to allow the reader to find more technical literature easily.



High Entropy Materials: fundamentals to emerging applications

High Entropy Materials: fundamentals to emerging applications

edited by Anuj Kumar, Ram K. Gupta. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024

• Reviews state-of-the-art developments • Provides new directions to scientists, researchers, and students to better understand the principles, technologies, and applications of high entropy materials • Discusses ongoing challenges and visions for the future


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The Jaynes-Cummings model and its descendants: modern research directions

The Jaynes-Cummings model and its descendants: modern research directions

Jonas Larson, Themistoklis Mavrogordatos. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in quantum technology)

• Collects JCM physics and applications scattered across literature and different applications. • The exposition guides the reader through a rich and appealing landscape interlacing quantum optics and condensed-matter physics. • All chapters discuss theory and experiment, linked historically to the development of the various directions stemming from JC physics. This is accompanied by a thorough list of references to the key publications.



Boundary value problems for linear partial differential equations

Boundary value problems for linear partial differential equations

Manuel Mañas, Luis Martínez Alonso. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024

• No prerequisites apart from knowledge of differential and integral calculus and ordinary differential equations. • Provides students with practical tools and applications • Contains numerous examples and exercises to help readers understand the concepts discussed in the book.


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Women and physics

Women and physics

Laura McCullough. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Provides a concise overview of research on a variety of topics relating to gender and physics • Explores the different issues relating to gender and physics for different education and career stages • Offers an accessible introduction as well as authoritative references • This second edition contains updated research and new chapters to address underlying theories as well as a deeper look at career issues



Elements of mathematical methods for physics

Elements of mathematical methods for physics

Francis E. Mensah. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

• Reviews and presents the basic math skills needed at the undergraduate level. • Chapters accompanied by examples and end-of-chapter problems to enhance understanding. • Introduces dynamical systems and includes a chapter on Hilbert Space


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Oscillations: theory and applications in AFM

Oscillations: theory and applications in AFM

Tuza Adeyemi Olukan, Sergio Santos, Lamiaa Sami Elsherbiny, Matteo Chiesa. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• It covers linear and nonlinear theory of oscillations based on the spring-mass model. • It presents applications of linear and nonlinear oscillation theory in atomic force microscopy with continuous references to the literature. • The book is divided into two parts: Part 1 provides an in-depth overview of the differential equations and the linear theory of oscillations. Part 2, with somewhat more complex mathematics, discusses nonlinearities and advances in AFM.



Quantum mechanics of the diatomic molecule

Quantum mechanics of the diatomic molecule

Christian G Parigger, James O Hornkohl. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in coherent sources, quantum fundamentals, and applications)

• Discusses diatomic spectroscopy • Includes quantum mechanics derivations and computation and diatomic spectra • Examples of theory and experiment comparisons • Provides numerical algorithms for computation • Presents workable references for diagnostics with particular transitions of interest for selected diatomic molecules



Materials for Energy Storage

Materials for Energy Storage

edited by Niroj Kumar Sahu, Arpan Kumar Nayak, Andrews Nirmala Grace. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024

This book offers a combinatorial understanding of materials science and electrochemistry in electrochemical energy storage devices with a holistic overview of the status, research gaps, and future opportunities. Rooted in a profound understanding of contemporary energy utilization, aligned with the sustainable development goals, this book delves deep into the several device chemistries, impact of nanomaterials, and critical factors related to the device performance.


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Interesse für Mathematik wecken – Talente fördern: vielfältige Angebote für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Interesse für Mathematik wecken – Talente fördern: vielfältige Angebote für Schülerinnen und Schüler

herausgegeben von Stephanie Schiemann. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Initiativen zur Talentförderung Mathematik • Begeisterung für Mathematik erfolgreich an Schülerinnen und Schüler vermitteln • Die Beiträge sind von Mathematiker(innen) an Schule und Hochschule sowie von aktiven ehemaligen Schüler(innen)



Problems and solutions in rotational mechanics

Problems and solutions in rotational mechanics

Pradeep Kumar Sharma. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Several hundred problems with solutions in each volume • Problems range from basic introductory to advanced level • Features worked examples as well as solutions to many problems • Includes key concepts • Covers essential complete physics course



Globale Erderwärmung und Migration: der Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen auf die Migration in den Norden

Globale Erderwärmung und Migration: der Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen auf die Migration in den Norden

Boris Soukharev. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Erklärt die globale Erderwärmung und die ausgelösten Klima-Rückkopplungen auf einfache Weise • Reich illustriert und leichtverständlich aufgearbeitet • Zeigt Lösungsvorschläge und -Ideen für die gesamte Menschheit auf



Computational studies: from molecules to materials

Computational studies: from molecules to materials

edited by Ambrish Kumar Srivastava. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024. - (Emerging materials and technologies)

• Includes first principle methods, density functional theory, as well as molecular dynamics simulations. • Explores quantum chemical studies on several molecules. • Gives readers an overview of the power of computation. • Discusses superatomic clusters, superalkalis, and superhalogens. • Covers themes from molecules, clusters, materials, as well as biophysical systems.


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Introduction to Topological Quantum Matter & Quantum Computation

Introduction to Topological Quantum Matter & Quantum Computation

Tudor D. Stanescu. - Second edition. - Boca Raton : CRC Press

• Provides an accessible introduction to this exciting, cross-disciplinary area of research. • Fully updated throughout with new content on the latest result from the field. • Authored by an authority on the subject.


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Nanomaterials for advanced energy and power storage devices

Nanomaterials for advanced energy and power storage devices

edited by KRV Subramanian, N Sriraam, T Nageswara Rao, Aravinda CL Rao. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Covers the latest research on the use of nanomaterials in state-of-the-art advanced electrochemical energy storage systems • Covers flow batteries, hybrid supercapacitors • Nanomaterials covered include quantum dots, thermal phase change materials, complex electrolytes • Focuses on applications with an emphasis on bulk usage and scale up • Includes advanced characterisation and testing, and future trends and directions • Includes real-world case studies and end-of-chapter summaries



Lithium niobate-based heterostructures: synthesis, properties and electron phenomena

Lithium niobate-based heterostructures: synthesis, properties and electron phenomena

Maxim Sumets. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of existing fabrication techniques for LiNbO₃ films. • Investigates in detail the structure, composition, and morphology of thin LiNbO₃ films as influenced by various deposition regimes. • Thoroughly describes the structural evolution of amorphous LiNbO₃ films during the crystallization process. • Provides an in-depth study and classification of electron phenomena in LiNbO₃-based heterostructures.



Soviet SCI_BERIA: the Politics of Expertise and the Novosibirsk Scientific Center

Soviet SCI_BERIA: the Politics of Expertise and the Novosibirsk Scientific Center

Ksenia Tatarchenko. - London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2024

Drawing on a wide range of previously unexplored archives, this book focuses on how the post-Stalinist Siberia was redefined and represented through the ideal of rational development, the late socialist innovation practices, and the relationship between experts and the state. It offers a fresh insight into the transition from Soviet to post-Soviet Akademgorodok. In doing so, Tatarchenko not only fosters a conversation between history, area studies, and science studies but also sheds new light on Soviet modernity and the limits of its transformative projects.


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A course on digital image processing with MATLAB®

A course on digital image processing with MATLAB®

PK Thiruvikraman. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• A combination of theory, exercises and supportive software • Uses MATLAB to perform processing transformations – and accompanied by downloadable code • Programming exercises using MATLAB • New chapters on machine learning, error correcting codes and cryptography



Thermodynamics: fundamentals and applications

Thermodynamics: fundamentals and applications

Naseem Uddin. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

This book offers a blend of theory and practical applications for a complete understanding of thermodynamics for various engineering applications. Beginning with a basic introduction and principles of thermodynamics, the book advances to more specialized topics like organic Rankine cycle, gas mixtures, equilibria and chemical reactions.


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Schätze(n in) der Physik: mit einfachen Überlegungen interessante Größenordnungen abschätzen

Schätze(n in) der Physik: mit einfachen Überlegungen interessante Größenordnungen abschätzen

Tobias van Lier. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Benötigt nicht mehr als Mittelstufenmathematik • Vermittelt nützliche Methoden und überraschende Ergebnisse • VLB Lesemotiv 03 Entdecken



Optical vortices: fundamentals and applications

Optical vortices: fundamentals and applications

Yuanjie Yang, Yu-Xuan Ren, Carmelo Rosales-Guzmán. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in advances in optics, photonics and optoelectronics)

• Provides a comprehensive overview of optical vortices • Includes the latest advances of optical vortices • Written in a pedagogical way • Includes a summary at the end of each chapter to reinforce main concepts



Planar slow-wave structures: applications in traveling-wave tubes

Planar slow-wave structures: applications in traveling-wave tubes

Chen Zhao, Sheel Aditya. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in electromagnetics and metamaterials)

• Provides a comprehensive description of planar slow-wave structures (SWSs) including their evolution, methods of analysis, and simulation of travelling-wave tubes (TWTs) using these structures. There is no other book dedicated to such information. • Includes detailed field-theoretic analysis of microstrip meander-line and planar helix SWSs, providing guidance to design such SWSs for targeted performance. • Provides a comprehensive presentation of the performance of TWTs which are based on planar SWSs and operate at various millimeter-wave frequency bands.



Probability Theory and Statistics with Real World Applications: Univariate and Multivariate Models Applications

Probability Theory and Statistics with Real World Applications: Univariate and Multivariate Models Applications

Peter Zörnig. - 2nd, Revised and Extended Edition. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024. - (De Gruyter Textbook)

• Many examples, exercises with detailed solutions. • Mathematically rigorous, but exaggerate formalism is avoided. • For students of Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering • Now covers distribution theory, a fertile field of research and new examples


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