
Introduction to pharmaceutical biotechnology. Volume 1: Basic techniques and concepts

Introduction to pharmaceutical biotechnology. Volume 1: Basic techniques and concepts

edited by Ahmed Al-Harrasi, Saif Hameed, Zeeshan Fatima, Saurabh Bhatia. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

The aim and scope of this book is to clearly illustrate ideas on diverse ongoing cutting-edge advancements in the field biotechnology and current scenario across a wide subject spectrum. The chapters are presented in a manner to update and provide comprehensive knowledge for teachers, UG/PG students and research scholars, and it will serve some interest for the public. This textbook is comprehensive in scope and concise in approach and ensures vital information pertaining to the advancements in biotechnology.



Introduction to pharmaceutical biotechnology. Volume 2: Enzymes, proteins and bioinformatics

Introduction to pharmaceutical biotechnology. Volume 2: Enzymes, proteins and bioinformatics

edited by Ahmed Al-Harrasi, Saurabh Bhatia, Ajmal Khan. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

This book offers a detailed examination of biotransformation and enzymes, focusing on their crucial roles in biology and biotechnology. The book’s primary aim is to provide a clear connection between theoretical concepts and their practical applications, showcasing biotransformation as an essential tool for developing sustainable solutions in pharmaceuticals, environmental management, and industrial practices.



Introduction to pharmaceutical biotechnology. Volume 3: Animal tissue culture and biopharmaceuticals

Introduction to pharmaceutical biotechnology. Volume 3: Animal tissue culture and biopharmaceuticals

edited by Ahmed Al-Harrasi, Saurabh Bhatia. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

This third volume of the Second Edition of ’Introduction to Pharmaceutical Biotechnology’, focuses on animal tissue culture, with strong presentations of stem cell culture and engineering, with a special emphasis on their clinical use and applications. Interesting areas like animal cells and facilities are also described. All major sub-disciplines within this field are included with added information. Issues related to pharmacology and toxicology are presented, along with important regulatory issues covered.



Image processing with Python: a practical approach

Image processing with Python: a practical approach

edited by Irshad Ahmad Ansari, Varun Bajaj. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Hands-on Python examples and code for each chapter • From basics of image processing to advanced topics • Focus on practical applications such as computer vision • Includes ML-based applications



Quantum mechanics in the single-photon laboratory

Quantum mechanics in the single-photon laboratory

Muhammad Sabieh Anwar, Faizan-e-Ilahi, Syed Bilal Hyder, Muhammad Hamza Waseem. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in quantum technology)

• Worked examples showing basic calculations for computing probabilities from projective measurements, the effect of unitary operators on states, and computing density matrices, expectation values, fidelities, and purities. • An intuitive description of ideas from quantum information and quantum optics. • Correlating experimental data, which is statistical in nature, with predictions of quantum optical theory. • Experiments can be virtually recreated using data from real experiments



Introduction to photocatalysis: fundamentals and applications

Introduction to photocatalysis: fundamentals and applications

Tahir Iqbal Awan, Sumera Afsheen, and Iqra Maryam. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

This book explores the complexities of photocatalytic processes, investigating the contributing elements, nano-photocatalyst manufacturing methodologies, and their wide applications in the energy and environmental sectors.


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Working with network: data a data science perspective

Working with network: data a data science perspective

James Bagrow, Yong-Yeol Ahn. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 2024

Drawing examples from real-world networks, this essential book traces the methods behind network analysis and explains how network data is first gathered, then processed and interpreted. The text will equip you with a toolbox of diverse methods and data modelling approaches, allowing you to quickly start making your own calculations on a huge variety of networked systems. This book sets you up to succeed, addressing the questions of what you need to know and what to do with it, when beginning to work with network data.


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Fundamentals of industrial instrumentation

Fundamentals of industrial instrumentation

Alok Barua. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Learning objectives are provided at the beginning of each chapter. • Includes problems and objective questions, all with solutions and keys. • All equations are derived from first principles. • All the sensors and signal processing circuits are shown and explained with the help of diagrams or illustrations. • Inclusion of AI and new computational techniques impacting on the industry.



Edge intelligence: deep leaming-enabled edge computing

Edge intelligence: deep leaming-enabled edge computing

Shajulin Benedict. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in next generation computing )

• Each chapter includes learning objectives and summaries. • Author offers challenges to existing systems, and it will introduce ideas for future developments. • Inclusion of case studies. • Includes business opportunities and economic improvement potential offered by edge intelligence. • Showcases architectures and platforms that could be applied using edge intelligence to develop applications in allied technologies.



Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics: Entropy, Heat and Mass Transfer

Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics: Entropy, Heat and Mass Transfer

Michael Bestehorn. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024

• Presents numerous computer solutions of hydrodynamic and chemical pattern formation • Includes Worked out applications and a large number of exercises • Can be used for lectures and self-study


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The physics of emergence

The physics of emergence

Robert C Bishop. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Explains need for an ontological form of emergence as an alternative to reductionism and strong emergence. • Situates physics debates about reduction and emergence historically. • Elucidates and illustrates the contextual emergence pattern in physics and other sciences. • Discusses broader implications of the pattern of emergence in physics.



Principles of neutron scattering from condensed matter

Principles of neutron scattering from condensed matter

Andrew T. Boothroyd. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020

The book contains a comprehensive account of the theory and application of neutron scattering for the study of the structure and dynamics of condensed matter. All the principal experimental techniques available at national and international neutron scattering facilities are covered. The formal theory is presented, and used to show how neutron scattering measurements give direct access to a variety of correlation and response functions which characterize the equilibrium properties of bulk matter.



X-Ray Studies on Electrochemical Systems: Synchrotron Methods for Energy Materials

X-Ray Studies on Electrochemical Systems: Synchrotron Methods for Energy Materials

Artur Braun. - Second, Revised and Extended Edition. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024

• New: Free Electron Laser and Coherent Light Source. • Includes organic materials, bio-electronic interfaces and devices. • Covers surface & volume sensitive methods. • Chemical energy storage and conversion devices from the atomic & molecular scale.


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Von Eratosthenes bis Einstein: eine mathematische Zeitreise durch die Geschichte des physikalischen Weltbilds

Von Eratosthenes bis Einstein: eine mathematische Zeitreise durch die Geschichte des physikalischen Weltbilds

Michael Bürker. - Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2024

• Eine mathematische Zeitreise von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart • Verbindet die Lebensgeschichten bedeutender Denker mit der Entwicklung des Weltbildes • Betont Schlüsselmomente und bahnbrechende Theorien von Denkern, die das moderne Weltbild geprägt haben



Mechanophotonics for organic photonic integrated circuits

Mechanophotonics for organic photonic integrated circuits

Rajadurai Chandrasekar. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in advances in optics, photonics and optoelectronics)

• The first book on this emerging topic. • Provides various organic crystal photonic components for PICs. • Includes the mechanical properties of organic optical crystals. • Presents mechanical manipulation of organic flexible crystals. • Multidisciplinary with interest from those in optics, materials, chemists, physicists, and crystal engineers.



Nanobiotechnology and artificial intelligence in gastrointestinal diseases

Nanobiotechnology and artificial intelligence in gastrointestinal diseases

edited by Vivek K Chaturvedi, Anurag Kumar Singh, Jay Singh, Dawesh P Yadav. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in artificial intelligence in the biomedical sciences)

• Explains how the most recent advances in applications of novel biomaterials, nanotechnology and AI have paved the way for new breakthroughs in drug delivery related to gastrointestinal diseases. • Covers in detail how AI and nanotechnology are working together to solve real-world clinical issues in gastroenterology. • Covers how nanotechnology is enhancing the specificity of detection and reducing the toxicity of drugs in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.



Applied continuum mechanics for thermo-fluids

Applied continuum mechanics for thermo-fluids

Jafar Ghazanfarian. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

This book presents the tensor notation rules and integral theorems before defining the preliminary concepts and applications of continuum mechanics. It bridges the gap between physical concepts and mathematical expressions with a rigorous mathematical treatment. After discussing fundamental concepts of continuum mechanics, the text explains basic subjects.


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An empire of magnetism: global science and the British magnetic enterprise in the age of imperialism

An empire of magnetism: global science and the British magnetic enterprise in the age of imperialism

Edward J. Gillin. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024

With the guidance of a powerful lobby of scientific and social elites, the British state was able to mobilize the extensive resources of its empire to the collection of magnetic data through carefully coordinated observations. Yet, as ’An Empire of Magnetism’ argues, the experimental instruments and techniques required to conduct this work were to be found amid Britain’s booming industry, where the harnessing of coal and iron, and use of steam power, shaped a scientific culture prominently concerned with the relationship between heat, pressure, and motion.



Stigmatic optics

Stigmatic optics

Rafael G González-Acuña, Héctor A Chaparro-Romo. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in emerging technologies in optics and photonics)

• Includes examples throughout • Presents problems proposed to be solved by students as well as codes an algorithm in every chapter • Discusses the physical concepts needed, then focuses on the mathematical tools needed to understand the eikonal and the close form solution of the stigmatic optical systems • A great reference for research centres, optical based societies, optics journals, universities, optical based companies



Algorithmen, Zufall, Unsicherheit – und Pizza!: Wie Mathematik uns hilft, alltägliche Entscheidungen zu treffen

Algorithmen, Zufall, Unsicherheit – und Pizza!: Wie Mathematik uns hilft, alltägliche Entscheidungen zu treffen

Florian Heinrichs. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Stellt die Grundideen verschiedener mathematischer Algorithmen im Alltagskontext vor • Geht von klassischen Algorithmen bis hin zu sehr aktuellen Anwendungen, z.B. im Bereich KI • Ebnet einen unterhaltsamen und alltagsbezogenen Weg zu einem soliden Grundverständnis von Algorithmen



Lineare Algebra I: Geeignet zum Selbststudium oder für Inverted-Classroom-Vorlesungen

Lineare Algebra I: Geeignet zum Selbststudium oder für Inverted-Classroom-Vorlesungen

Marco Hien. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Entwickelt die Grundbegriffe und wesentlichen Aussagen der Linearen Algebra 1 Schritt für Schritt • Enthält eine Vielzahl von motivierenden Zwischenerklärungen und regt zum Selbstdenken an • Enge Verzahnung von eher rechnerischem Vorgehen mit konzeptionellem Vorgehen für ein besseres Verständnis



Introduction to multidisciplinary science with artificial intelligence: geodesy, geotherms, quantum entanglement, and spectroscopy

Introduction to multidisciplinary science with artificial intelligence: geodesy, geotherms, quantum entanglement, and spectroscopy

Luc Thomas Ikelle. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

• Contains multiple analytic and computational (MATLAB) exercises • Explores applications related to space programs’ discoveries • Provides an accessible introduction and response to growing Multidisciplinary Science programs


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Quantitative radiobiology for proton therapy

Quantitative radiobiology for proton therapy

Bleddyn Jones ; with contribution from Joshua Moore. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IPEM-IOP series in physics and engineering in medicine and biology)

• An extension and major update to ’Practical Radiobiology for Proton Therapy Planning’. • Brings thorough updates to each chapter, with the inclusion of more quantitative methods where appropriate. • Contains end-of-chapter summaries; chapter problems; and simple experiments with pulse oximeters if the device is available. • Includes Mathematica codes where appropriate.



Observability and Mathematics: Quantum Yang–Mills Theory and Modelling

Observability and Mathematics: Quantum Yang–Mills Theory and Modelling

Boris Khots. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024

• Provides new space-time models transforming electrodynamics and elementary particles physics • Presents mass gap existence proof • Provides correction of existing models for elementary particles physics


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Wegweiser durch die Mathematik – Grundlegende Verfahren

Wegweiser durch die Mathematik – Grundlegende Verfahren

Rainer Koß, Simon P. Feiler, Jürgen Liedtke, Lucas Bitzer, Timo Essig, Michael Marz, Kevin Rapedius, Vita Rutka. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• kurze, in sich abgeschlossene Kapitel • vollständig durchgerechnete Beispiele • Hinweise auf Fehlerquellen



Diesseits und jenseits: Mathematik und Phänomenologie der Grenze

Diesseits und jenseits: Mathematik und Phänomenologie der Grenze

Mario H. Kraus. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Eine erste deutschsprachige fachübergreifende Abhandlung über Grenzen • Mit zahlreichen Beispielen aus Arithmetik, Geometrie, Physik, Chemie und Ökonomie • Enthält u.a. einen Vergleich von Grenzbegriffen und eine Einteilung von Grenzen



Stochastic methods in advanced scientific computing: From Foundations to Advanced Techniques

Stochastic methods in advanced scientific computing: From Foundations to Advanced Techniques

Kurt Langfeld, Biagio Lucini, Massimo D’Elia. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024. - (Numerical analysis and scientific computing series)

• Self-contained, starting from the theoretical foundations and advancing to the most recent developments in the field • Suitable as a reference for post-graduates and researchers or as supplementary reading for courses in numerical methods, scientific computing, and beyond • Interdisciplinary, laying a solid ground for field-specific applications in finance, physics and biosciences on common theoretical foundations • Replete with practical examples of applications to classic and current research problems in various fields.


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Nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves

Nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves

Cliff J Lissenden. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Provides an entry point for those interested in the research and development of nondestructive evaluation using nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves. • Self-contained in terms of the background necessary for effective analysis of nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves; it emphasizes the differences between nonlinear guided waves and nonlinear bulk waves. • Examples and case studies are provided to demonstrate the application of key concepts.



Advanced Linear Algebra

Advanced Linear Algebra

Nicholas A. Loehr. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024

Designed for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in linear or abstract algebra, this book covers theoretical aspects of the subject, along with examples, computations, and proofs. It explores a variety of advanced topics in linear algebra that highlight the rich interconnections of the subject to geometry, algebra, analysis, combinatorics, numerical computation, and many other areas of mathematics.


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Probabilistic Models of Cosmic Backgrounds

Probabilistic Models of Cosmic Backgrounds

Anatoliy Malyarenko. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024

Combining research methods from various areas of mathematics and physics, this book describes the isotropic random sections of certain fiber bundles and their applications to creating rigorous mathematical models of both discovered and hypothetical cosmic backgrounds. The book contains a comprehensive description of mathematical and physical aspects of cosmic backgrounds with a clear focus on examples and explicit calculations.


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Mechanik – Mikromechanik – Nanomechanik: Vom Eigenschaftsverstehen zur Eigenschaftsverbesserung

Mechanik – Mikromechanik – Nanomechanik: Vom Eigenschaftsverstehen zur Eigenschaftsverbesserung

Goerg H. Michler. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Erklärt die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Werkstoffen • Charakterisiert anschaulich mikro- und nanomechanische Mechanismen • Enthält aussagekräftige Schemata und Bilder



Introduction to metalens optics

Introduction to metalens optics

Ivan Moreno. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in emerging technologies in optics and photonics)

• Provides a basic optics of the metalens • Explanation of key concepts of the underlying principles • Describes the design and analysis of the metalens • Includes end-of-chapter problems



Differential Equations: Solving Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Mathematica

Differential Equations: Solving Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Mathematica

Marian Mureşan. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024

• All the equations are completely solved by Mathematica (analytically, numerically, and/or graphically) • All solutions are accompanied by full codes • The equations are gradually introduced according to the degree of difficulty


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Continuous dislocation dynamics made simple

Continuous dislocation dynamics made simple

Alfonso Ngan, Alireza Kalaei. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Explores the first dedicated treatment to CDD, an important meso-scale modelling method for dislocation plasticity • Focuses on exact theories of CDD • Presents an easy-to-read introduction to the subject at a level that is suitable for senior undergraduate or starting PhD students • Includes worked examples, simulation codes and simulation videos



Eine Rundreise durch die Quantenphysik: von der Unschärferelation bis zu Schrödingers Katze

Eine Rundreise durch die Quantenphysik: von der Unschärferelation bis zu Schrödingers Katze

Wolfgang W. Osterhage. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2024

• Übersichtliche, kompakte Darstellung der wichtigsten Themen und Begriffe der Quantenmechanik • Verständliche Erklärungen für Neugierige • Die beliebte Vorlesung im Studium Generale als Buch



Imaging in particle therapy: current practice and future trends

Imaging in particle therapy: current practice and future trends

edited by Chiara Paganelli, Chiara Gianoli, Antje Knopf. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (Biophysical Society-IOP series)

• Presents a comprehensive overview of appropriate imaging modalities related to particle therapy (PT). • Examines current and emerging near-room, in-room and in-beam technologies for treatment planning, delivery and verification, as well as adaptation. • Describes methodological solutions, including mathematical modelling and AI strategies, to enable imaging for supporting anatomical and biological adaptation. • A number of chapter authors are expert researchers in the field.



The cosmic microwave background: historical and philosophical lessons

The cosmic microwave background: historical and philosophical lessons

Slobodan Perovic, Milan M. Cirkovic. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2024

This volume tells the untold story of how observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation were interpreted in the decades following its serendipitous discovery, before the Hot Big Bang model became the accepted orthodoxy. The authors guide the reader through this history, including the many false trails and blind alleys that occurred along the way.


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Recent advances in materials for energy harvesting and storage

Recent advances in materials for energy harvesting and storage

edited by Suresh C Pillai, Daniel M Mulvihill, Aswathy Babu. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Highlights recent advances in energy conversion, storage, and applications from a materials standpoint. • Examines various material systems and their composites for cutting-edge energy applications from a beginner’s perspective all the way up to the most advanced research and development. • Discusses properties of various energy materials and methods to improve device performance. • Describes applications including flexible energy harvesting and storage devices, sensors, energy storage batteries, fuel cells, photovoltaics and more.



An introduction to general relativity and cosmology

An introduction to general relativity and cosmology

Jerzy Plebanski, Andrzej Krasinski. - Second edition. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2024

Experts Plebański and Krasiński provide a thorough introduction to the tools of general relativity and relativistic cosmology. The main text describes relativity as a physical theory, with applications to astrophysics and cosmology. It takes the reader beyond traditional courses on relativity through in-depth descriptions of inhomogeneous cosmological models and the Kerr metric. Emphasis is given to complete and clear derivations of the results.


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Mechanik mit C++: Problem Solving für Physikstudierende

Mechanik mit C++: Problem Solving für Physikstudierende

Elias Posoukidis. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• zeigt, wie C++ zur effizienten Lösung von Problemen aus der Mechanik genutzt wird • vereint Theorie und Praxis mit zahlreichen Beispielen und Aufgaben • vermittelt fortgeschrittene Methoden zur Lösung von Differentialgleichungen



A practical handbook on measurement uncertainty: FAQs and fundamentals for metrologists

A practical handbook on measurement uncertainty: FAQs and fundamentals for metrologists

Swanand Rishi. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• A ready-reference practical handbook. • Clarifies the rationale behind certain assumptions or ideas. • Presents the concepts from practical perspectives. • Provides insight, examples and case studies. • Helps readers get answers to FAQs.



Physik unserer Umwelt: Die Atmosphäre

Physik unserer Umwelt: Die Atmosphäre

Walter Roedel, Thomas Wagner. - 6. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Arbeitet umweltrelevante Aspekte der Meteorologie und Atmosphärenphysik heraus • Beruht auf einer zweisemestrigen Vorlesung über die "Physik der Atmosphäre" • Erläutert das Funktionieren des Systems Atmosphäre



Electrochemical interfaces for the detection of agricultural pollutants

Electrochemical interfaces for the detection of agricultural pollutants

edited by Chandra Sekhar Rout. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Provides a comprehensive overview of the various voltammetric methods employed in the development of electrochemical interfaces as sensors for the detection of agricultural pollutants. • Covers the fabrication of electrochemical sensors using numerous functional materials, with a focus on emerging carbon-based hybrids. • Explores emerging agricultural environmental pollutants and how their physiochemical properties can be examined using electrochemical techniques.



Medical and dental guidance notes: a good practice guide on all aspects of ionising radiation protection in the clinical environment

Medical and dental guidance notes: a good practice guide on all aspects of ionising radiation protection in the clinical environment

edited by John Saunderson, Mohamed Metwaly ; contributors William Mairs, Philip Mayles, Lisa Rowley, Mark Worrall. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IPEM-IOP series in physics and engineering in medicine and biology ; IPEM report 113)

• Retention of current advice where it is still best practice. • Updated advice to cover new radiation regulations. • Updated advice on new imaging modalities and hybrid imaging. • Updated advice on therapeutic nuclear medicine, covering the new radiopharmaceuticals now in use. • Close liaison with the UK regulators in the revision.



Trends in biological processes in industrial wastewater treatment

Trends in biological processes in industrial wastewater treatment

edited by Maulin P Shah. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Includes the latest available technologies for treating industrial wastewater. • Covers extensively the advancement in biological treatments, advanced oxidation techniques and membrane technology to remove water pollutants. • Contains an easy-to-use guide manual for all the enlisted smart techniques. • Describes and discusses the emerging futuristic technologies in industrial pollutants removal from wastewater.



Visualizing quantum mechanics with Python

Visualizing quantum mechanics with Python

Steve Spicklemire. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

• Provides an accessible and practical guide to the abstractions in quantum mechanics with concrete visual examples driven by simple python programs. • Contains few derivations, equations, and proofs. • For complete beginners of python programming, appendix B serves as a very brief introduction to the main concepts needed to understand the code in this book.


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Schöne Probleme der diskreten Mathematik

Schöne Probleme der diskreten Mathematik

Rogério Ricardo Steffenon, Felipe Milan Guarnieri. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2024

• Umfassende Abdeckung wichtiger mathematischer Konzepte wie Induktion, Rekursion und Zählung • Einfache und sympathische Präsentation der faszinierenden mathematischen Grundlagen des Alltags • Ideal für mathematisches Training und Vorbereitung auf Wettbewerbe



Energie und Entropie - was ist das wirklich?: ein Überblick über die Definitionen in der Thermodynamik

Energie und Entropie - was ist das wirklich?: ein Überblick über die Definitionen in der Thermodynamik

Klaus Stierstadt. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2024. - (essentials)

• Energie wird immer wichtiger und vor allem die Speicherung und wie sie ineinander umgewandelt werden kann • Entropie verständlich erklärt von jemand mit 40 Jahren Erfahrung in Forschungs- und Vorlesungstätigkeit • schnell anwendbares Wissen in Technik, Physik, Chemie, Meteorologie, Biologie, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik u.a



Non-stoichiometric oxides of 3d metals: concentration and mobility of electronic and ionic defects

Non-stoichiometric oxides of 3d metals: concentration and mobility of electronic and ionic defects

Andrzej Stokłosa. - Baech : Scientific.Net, 2024. - (Foundations of materials science and engineering ; volume 105)

The monograph follows up on the issues related to the concentration of charge carriers in pure and doped oxides. Based on the diagrams of the concentration of point defects, the calculation results of the concentration of charge carriers and their mobility are presented, using the results of the studies on the electrical conductivity and the thermoelectric power in some specific oxides of 3d metals.



Lösungsverhalten gewöhnlicher Riccati-Gleichungen

Lösungsverhalten gewöhnlicher Riccati-Gleichungen

Reiner Thiele. - Berlin : Springer Vieweg, 2024. - (essentials)

• Lösungsansätze für gewöhnliche Riccati-Differenzialgleichungen • Signalverarbeitungseinheiten faseroptischer Stromsensoren • Simulationsdiagramme der Riccati-DGL als spezielle Regelkreise



Piezoelectricity in classical and modern systems

Piezoelectricity in classical and modern systems

Morten Willatzen. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Includes an introduction with basic concepts of sound and vibrations • Presents the fundamental theory of polarization and piezoelectricity • Explains group symmetry applied to electromechanical system • Describes piezoelectricity in novel applications such as nanotechnology, optics, and quantum mechanics • Provides examples and computer code throughout the text



Contemporary quantum mechanics in practice: problems and solutions

Contemporary quantum mechanics in practice: problems and solutions

Lilia M. Woods, Pablo Rodríguez López,. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2024

This helpful and pedagogical book offers problems and solutions in quantum mechanics from areas of current research, rarely addressed in introductory courses or textbooks. It is based on the authors’ own experience of teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in quantum mechanics, and adapts problems from contemporary research publications to be accessible to students. Each section introduces key quantum mechanical concepts, which are followed by exercises that grow progressively more challenging throughout the chapter. The step-by-step solutions provide detailed mathematical derivations, and explore their application to wider research topics.


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