Kathrin Akinwunmi, Anna Susanne Steinweg. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)
• Umfassende Darlegung der Leitidee „Muster, Strukturen und funktionaler Zusammenhang“ als algebraisches Denken • Fundiertes Hintergrundwissen und praxisnahe Beispiele zur Umsetzung in der Grundschule • Schließt eine Lücke in der mathematikdidaktischen Literatur für Lehrkräfte und Studierende
edited by Lorenzo Albertazzi, Peter Zijlstra. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024.
• Contains practical guidance on Super-Resolution Microscopy (SRM), an exciting and growing tool that was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2014 • Provides a new perspective targeting materials science, unlike existing books which target readers in chemistry, life science, and biology • Targets students in its core chapters, while offering more advanced material for professionals and researchers in later chapters
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Sander Bais. - Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2024
Quantum Physics is the solid basis of most of our understanding of nature and has been the driver of many technological advances. The trilogy ’Power of the Invisible: The Quantessence of Reality’ gives a coherent account of this huge domain of knowledge, which is linked to some fifty Nobel prizes and is one of the greatest scientific achievements of the twentieth century. This quantum story follows three lines in parallel: a pictorial, an explanatory and a mathematical one.
herausgegeben von Suresh K. Bhargava, Seeram Ramakrishna, Milan Brandt, PR. Selvakannan. - Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore, 2024
• Präsentiert die Anwendung der additiven Fertigung in chemischen und chemieingenieurwissenschaftlichen Prozessen • Einführung in die grundlegenden Konzepte der additiven Fertigungspraktiken • Neueste Trends in der additiven Fertigung: Chemie & Ingenieurwesen
Tobias Bisanz, Ingrid-Maria Gregor, Fabian Hügging, Jens Weingarten. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Stellt anschaulich und in klarer Sprache die Grundlagen der analogen und digitalen Elektronik dar • Richtet sich an Studierende der Physik und verwandter Naturwissenschaften • Entspricht einsemestriger Vorlesung über die Grundlagen, konzentriert sich dabei auf die wichtigsten Details
Peter A Bryant. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024
• Self-contained introductory overview • Inclusion of environmental aspects • End of chapter summaries
David Burton and Adam Noble. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024
• Presents a light and accessible treatment • Can be used as a textbook for a short course on mathematical methods for physicists • Accessible to advanced undergraduates and postgraduates whose background is in physics, not mathematics
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Cristian S. Calude. - New Jersey : World Scientific, 2024
This is a book about the "Halting Problem", arguably the most (in)famous computer-related problem: can an algorithm decide in finite time whether an arbitrary computer program eventually stops? Written in an informal and thought-provoking language, supported with suggestive illustrations and applications and almost free of arcane mathematics, the book will stimulate the curiosity and participation of the reader interested in the consequences of the limits of computing and in various attempts to cope with them.
edited by Pratim Kumar Chattaraj, Ambrish Kumar Srivastava. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024. - (Atoms, molecules, and clusters)
• Offers a basic introduction of superatoms that is accessible for readers to understand • Includes extensive study questions after each chapter • Provides a systematic presentation of the existing literature on this increasingly trending topic • Presents the latest developments in the field, offering readers state-of-art knowledge
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Aubrey Clayton. - New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2021
Aubrey Clayton traces the history of the flaw that underlies modern statistics, beginning with the seventeenth-century mathematician Jacob Bernoulli and winding through gambling, astronomy, and genetics. Ranging across math, philosophy, and culture, Bernoulli’s Fallacy explains why something has gone wrong with how we use data—and how to fix it.
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Thomas C. Corke. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2024
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of passive and active flow control in fluid dynamics, with an emphasis on utilizing fluid instabilities for enhancing control performance. Examples are given from a wide range of technologically important flow fields occurring in aerospace applications, from low-subsonic to hypersonic Mach numbers. Problem sets are provided at the end of each chapter to reinforce key concepts and further extend readers’ understanding of the field.
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Claudia de Rham. - Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2024
In this book de Rham shares captivating stories about her quest to gain intimacy with gravity, to understand both its feeling and fundamental nature. Her life’s pursuit led her from a twist of fate that snatched away her dream of becoming an astronaut to an exhilarating breakthrough at the very frontiers of gravitational physics.
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Konrad Engel. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Das Buch kann für eine Vorlesung für Studierende der Mathematik und Informatik genutzt werden • Eine mathematische Darstellung der wichtigsten Methoden des überwachten maschinellen Lernens • Die Beweise setzen nur die Mathematik-Grundkurse für Informatik voraus
edited by Tim C.E. Engels and Emanuel Kulczycki. - Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022
This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of current developments, issues and good practices regarding assessment in social science research. It pays particular attention to the challenges in evaluation policies in the social sciences, as well as to the specificities of publishing in the area.
Eugenia Etkina, Gorazd Planinsic. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024
• Discusses the practical implementation of the ISLE approach, a teaching system in which students learn physics using processes that mirror scientific practice. • Shows how to use the ISLE approach in teacher preparation and professional development of in-service teachers. • The ISLE approach develops epistemic knowledge and competencies such as experimental design, evaluation of multiple solutions and communication. • Includes worked physics examples, case studies and interludes at the end of each chapter.
Albert Fässler. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Das interdisziplinäre Problem wird wissenschaftlich mit seinen verschiedenen Facetten diskutiert • Das dünne Buch gibt eine Übersicht über Ursachen, Wirkungen und aktuelle Daten aus einer Fülle von Quellen • Es beinhaltet auch philosophisches Wissen und richtet sich an Personen mit wenig naturwissenschaftlichem Hintergrund
Ernst Peter Fischer. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Ein Roman als Plädoyer für die Naturwissenschaft • Erzählt hochspannend die dramatische Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft • Kuriose Lebensläufe und persönliche Erfahrungen der großen Geister der Wissenschaft
edited by Eric Ford. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in global health and radiation oncology)
• Outlines the principles of humanitarian engineering. • Presents challenges and opportunities of oncology care in the global context. • Highlights specific examples of successful radiation oncology treatments within a global health, humanitarian framework based upon funding from NIH and industry. • Provides a comprehensive coverage of information and communication technologies (e.g. telemedicine) and artificial intelligence (AI) for global health.
Klaus Fritzsche. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - (essentials)
• Der schnelle Einstieg in komplexe Mannigfaltigkeiten ohne viel erforderliches Vorwissen • Motiviert die zentralen Begriffe und Konzepte • Zeigt wichtige Beispiele von komplexen Mannigfaltigkeiten
Andrew Grimsdale, Paul Dastoor. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2024. - (Cambridge molecular science)
Focusing on how conjugated polymers can be designed and made for use in efficient organic electronic devices, this book covers the tools for future development of more environmentally and economically friendly devices. Including examples of interdisciplinary science, it exemplifies how chemists and physicists work together to enable the design and synthesis of high-performance material in devices, allowing polymer-based electronic devices to become viable commercial products.
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Richard Gross. - Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2024. - (The psychology of everything)
This book considers how we define, describe, and experience time. From a discussion of how our language around time is dependent on metaphor, to the role of biology in controlling our bodily experience of time, the book delves into how the finitude of life is a given human experience. It looks at how we reflect on the passage of time throughout our lives, and how our experience of time can be influenced by diverse factors including our age, gender, health, and culture.
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Jyotirmoy Guha. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024
• Written as a self-contained, self-help book. • Contains theory, problems and solutions (numeral type, MCQ type, critical type). • Written in a down-to-earth, accessible style. • Covers applications of nuclear techniques.
Norbert Henze. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Bietet eine verständliche Einführung in die asymptotische Stochastik • Enthält über 150 Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen • Enthält Selbstfragen zum Prüfen des Verständnisses beim Lesen
edited by Carlos Hidalgo, coordinators Ralph Assmann [und 11 weitere]. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024
• Describe the world’s physics agenda to solve at the horizon 2050. • Explore our ability to imagine and shape the future by making use of the scientific method. • Reports prepared for a wide community avoiding technical jargon as much as possible, communicating results for non-experts in the field. • Specific target audiences are young people looking for perspectives in physics, and policy makers.
Anna Elisabeth Höhl. - Bielefeld : transcript Verlag, 2024. - (Philosophie - Aufklärung - Kritik 2)
Understanding is an ability manifested by grasping relations of a phenomenon and articulating new explanations. Hence, scientific understanding is inextricably intertwined with and not possible without explanation, and understanding is not a type of propositional knowledge. Anna Elisabeth Höhl provides a novel philosophical account of scientific understanding by developing and defending necessary and sufficient conditions for the understanding that scientists achieve of the phenomena they are researching.
Henning Höppe. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024
• From basic properties to optical and magnetic real-life applications. • Gives numerous incentives for more in-depth studies. • Suited for students and researchers new to REEs.
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Martin Kappas. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2024
• Klimatologie als Wissenschaft • Klimawandel und Global Change • Wechselwirkungen: Klima – Mensch, Gesellschaft und Politik
Christian Karpfinger. - 6. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Kleine Lehreinheiten und ausführliche Beweisführungen ermöglichen einen einfachen Zugang • Zahlreiche Aufgaben verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgrads dienen dem Einüben der Begriffe und Konzepte • In der 6. Auflage um 300 Flashcards und zwei Beweise des quadratischen Reziprozitätsgesetzes ergänzt
Oliver Kayser. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Amüsante Anekdoten und bisheriges unbekanntes Wissen von beteiligten Wissenschaftlern • Kompakte Darstellung der Entwicklung von Arzneistoffen aus Naturstoffen • Zugewandter und den Leser ansprechender Schreibstil
Joachim Knoch. - 2nd edition. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024
The 2nd edition of this textbook is a comprehensive overview of nanoelectronics covering the necessary quantum mechanical and solid-state physics foundation, an overview of semiconductor fabrication as well as a brief introduction into device simulation using the non-equilibrium Greens function formalism. The work contains a number of tasks, examples and exercises with step-by-step video solutions as well as tutorial videos that deepen the understanding of the material.
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herausgegeben von Christian Kollmitzer, Stefan Schauer, Stefan Rass, Benjamin Rainer. - Cham : Springer, 2024
• Bietet eine schrittweise Einführung in die Welt der Quantenbits • Gibt einen Überblick über die neuesten Implementierungen von Quanten-Zufallszahlengeneratoren (QRNGs) • Vergleicht QRNGs mit klassischen Techniken zur Erzeugung echter und pseudozufälliger Zahlen
Sebastian Koltzenburg, Michael Maskos, Oskar Nuyken ; unter Mitarbeit von Stephen Pask. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2024
• Das umfassende, moderne Lehrbuch verbindet grundlegende physikalische Konzepte mit der Chemie • Enthält neue Entwicklungen in der Polymerchemie • Ausgewogene und gleichmäßige Behandlungder Themen aus Sicht der Universität und der Industrie
Taejoon Kouh and Minjoon Kouh. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024
• Major concepts in classical electrodynamics are introduced cohesively through computational and mathematical treatments • Computational examples in Python programming language guide students on how to simulate and visualize electrodynamic principles and phenomena for themselves
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Gerald A. LeBlanc. - New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2023
This book is a layperson’s guide to understanding chemical risk. The toxicologist Gerald A. LeBlanc offers a nontechnical overview of the key factors in evaluating whether exposure to chemicals in our daily lives could be harmful.
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M. Dieter Lechner. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2024
• Viele Abbildungen, Beispiele und Aufgaben • Anschaulich und verständlich geschrieben • Kompaktlehrbuch
Jörg Liesen, Volker Mehrmann. - 4., durchgesehene und ergänzte Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2024. - (Springer Studium Mathematik (Bachelor))
• Anschauliche und konsequent matrizenorientierte Herangehensweise für ein intuitives Verständnis • Mit MATLAB-Übungen, in denen Studierende sich wichtige Sätze und Konzepte am Rechner erarbeiten können • Präsentiert verschiedenste moderne Anwendungen und Praxisbeispiele
Vladimir Litvinov. - Second edition. - Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2024
This second edition of the book presents spintronic properties of III–V nitride semiconductors. As wide bandgap III-nitride nanostructures are relatively new materials, the book pays particular attention to the difference between zinc-blende GaAs- and wurtzite GaN-based structures where the Rashba spin–orbit interaction plays a crucial role in voltage-controlled spin engineering. The book explores and actively discusses semiconductor spintronics and proposes various device implementations along the way.
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Rishabha Malviya, Deepika Yadav, Sonali Sundram, Seifedine Kadry, Gurvinder Singh Virk. - Bristol, Uk : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (Biophysical Society-IOP series)
• This book contains the most up-to-date information on using nano/microrobots in biophysics to treat cancer. • Presents micro/nanorobot-based motile targeting medical devices for tumour treatment. Applications are discussed, along with the potential for their translation into clinical practice. • This book illustrates the central ideas or practical applications of chapter topics, showing how the reader can move from the background knowledge presented in the volume to real-world research.
edited by Govind Nair, H Nagabhushana, Nirupama Dhoble, Sanjay J. Dhoble. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024. - (Series in materials science and engineering.)
• Provides up-to-date information on the synthesis, characterization, and a range of applications using various physical and chemical methods • Presents the latest advances in future energy materials and technologies subjected to specific applications • Includes applied illustrations, references, and advances in order to explain the challenges and trade-offs in the field of energy material research and development • Includes coverage of solar cell and photovoltaic, hydro power, nuclear energy, fuel cell, battery electrode, supercapacitor and hydrogen storage applications
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Vladimir Pascalutsa. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024
• Modern book on a timely subject. • Classroom friendly and built on newly developed courses taught at a major physics department in Germany. • Advanced material written in simple non-technical language. • Includes pedagogical examples and discussions of the current forefront research.
Giuseppe Pileio. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024
Rather than treating quantum mechanics as an inception, the author takes a Socratic perspective, tracing the genesis of its key ideas back to the well-established roots of classical mechanics. The works of Lagrange, Hamilton, and Poisson become guiding lights, illuminating the path towards comprehension. Through a colloquial yet pedagogical narrative, the book delves into the elements of classical mechanics, building a solid framework of familiarity that paves the way for comprehending quantum mechanics.
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Donald R. Prothero. - New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2024
In this lively and entertaining book, Donald R. Prothero explores the astonishing connections between climate and life through the ages, telling the remarkable stories of the scientists who made crucial discoveries.
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Patricio Robles. - Palm Bay, FL ; Boca Raton, FL : UK Apple Academic Press, 2024
Divided into six chapters, the volume discusses how the concept of time is present in the main fields of physics, such as classical mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics and theory of relativity. Illustrative examples and case studies are included in each chapter. The volume includes an analysis of themes related to time such as causality and the arrows of time, spooky action at distance and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox, quantum mechanics and entangled states, apparent superluminal velocity, and time reversal.
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James W. Rohlf. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2023
• Concise summary of the physics concepts. • Over 300 worked examples in Mathematica. • Tutorial to allow a beginner to produce fast results.
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Markus Schmuck. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024. - (De Gruyter STEM)
• Bridges gaps between rigorous mathematical and applied sciences. • Elaborates methods to understand, control, and develop new CHeSs. • Establishes the multiscale frameworks’ importance beyond quantum computing.
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Norbert Schwarzer. - Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2024
Thus, we thought we better make this knowledge public and hope for some kind of global understanding, perhaps guaranteeing the non-usage of certain technologies. It might only be a weak hope, but in observing history and realizing how little we gained by keeping crucial knowledge restricted to some, thereby often only even more provoking the development of the most horrific weapons one could imagine at the time, we simply see no better way. This book does not provide blueprints ready to start the developments of new quantum gravity weaponry and strategies, but it draws the line that would suffice to awake the right forces and trigger the best developments … before the bad guys get the gist.
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Georg Schwedt. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - (Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft)
• Das Werk von Ostwald hat die Grundlagen heutiger Farbsysteme wie die RAL Farben geschaffen • Der erläuternde Kommentar von Georg Schwedt ordnet dieses klassische Werk ein • Wilhelm Ostwald hat 1909 den Nobelpreis erhalten
edited by Kimball Milton, Julian Schwinger. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024.
Classical Electrodynamics captures Schwinger’s inimitable lecturing style, in which everything flows inexorably from what has gone before. This anniversary edition offers a refreshing update while still maintaining Schwinger’s voice. The book provides the student with a thorough grounding in electrodynamics in particular, and in classical field theory in general. The original text for the graduate classical electrodynamics course was left unfinished upon Julian Schwinger’s death in 1994, but was completed by his former students and co-authors, who have brilliantly recreated the excitement of Schwinger’s novel approach.
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Sebastian Seiffert, Wolfgang Schärtl. - 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024. - (De Gruyter Studium)
• Anschaulichkeit und formale Korrektheit im Einklang. • Modularer Aufbau aus kompakten Lehreinheiten als Basis für eine Blended Learning Veranstaltung. • Konzeptuelle Multiple-Choice Fragen zu jeder Lehreinheit zur Wissensverankerung und Vertiefung in einer e-Learning sowie einer Präsenzveranstaltung nach der Peer Instruction Methode. • 2. Afl. in 2 Bd, erweitert um: Quantenmechanik, Spektroskopie, Statistische Thermodynamik
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Sebastian Seiffert, Wolfgang Schärtl. - 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024. - (De Gruyter Studium)
• Anschaulichkeit und formale Korrektheit im Einklang. • Modularer Aufbau aus kompakten Lehreinheiten als Basis für eine Blended Learning Veranstaltung. • Konzeptuelle Multiple-Choice Fragen zu jeder Lehreinheit zur Wissensverankerung und Vertiefung in einer e-Learning sowie einer Präsenzveranstaltung nach der Peer Instruction Methode.
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Sølve Selstø. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2024
This concise textbook introduces an innovative computational approach to quantum mechanics. Over the course of this engaging and informal book, students are encouraged to take an active role in learning key concepts by working through practical exercises. The book equips readers with some basic methodology and a toolbox of scientific computing methods, so they can use code to simulate and directly visualize how quantum particles behave. Source code and solutions for every book exercise involving numerical implementation are provided in Python and MATLAB®, along with supplementary data.
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Swati Sharma. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024
• First comprehensive introduction to the fabrication of carbon micro and nanostructures for graduate students. • Treats fabrication, characterization, device design, starting materials. • Discusses major applications, including: sensors, MEMS, NEMS.
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Harold C. Steinacker. - Cambridge, United Kingdom New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2024
Building on mathematical structures familiar from quantum mechanics, this book provides an introduction to quantization in a broad context before developing a framework for quantum geometry in Matrix Theory and string theory. Taking a physics-oriented approach to quantum geometry, this framework helps explain the physics of Yang–Mills-type matrix models, leading to a quantum theory of space-time and matter. This novel framework is then applied to Matrix Theory. Using explicit examples and exercises, readers will develop a physical intuition for the mathematical concepts and mechanisms.
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edited by Markus Strobl, Eberhard Lehmann. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024
• Written by editors and contributors from a leading institution in neutron imaging. • Has an application focus. • Covers applications in hard and soft matter.
Oliver Tennert. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Ausführliche Herleitung mit großem mathematischen Bezug • Für Bachelor und Masterstudierende geeignet • Weiterführende Einblicke in die Quantenmechanik geeignet für Spezialvorlesungen und Seminare im Master
Oliver Tennert. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Ausführliche Herleitung mit großem mathematischen Bezug • Für Bachelor und Masterstudierende geeignet • Weiterführende Einblicke in die Quantenmechanik geeignet für Spezialvorlesungen und Seminare im Master
Oliver Tennert. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Weiterführende Einblicke in die Quantenmechanik geeignet für Spezialvorlesungen und Seminare im Master • Für Bachelor und Masterstudierende geeignet • Ausführliche Herleitung mit großem mathematischen Bezug
Oliver Tennert. - Berlin : Springer, 2024
• Weiterführende Einblicke in die Quantenmechanik geeignet für Spezialvorlesungen und Seminare im Master • Für Bachelor und Masterstudierende geeignet • Ausführliche Herleitung mit großem mathematischen Bezug
Peter Kersten Hrsg. ; Paul A. Tipler, Gene Mosca ; unter Mitarbeit von Jenny Wagner. - 9., vollständig überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2024
• Der ideale und freundliche Begleiter für die Grundvorlesungen der (Experimental-)Physik • Mit zahlreichen Übungen, Schritt-für-Schritt Lösungen, digitalen Karteikarten und MATLAB® • Geeignet für Physikvorlesungen im Haupt- und Nebenfach
Alessandro Torrielli. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024
• The book fills a gap in the existing literature, collating a vast amount scattered literature, with uniformised notation and conventions • The book’s format is ideal for use in PhD Schools and advanced graduate level mini courses, or for beginner PhD students as an introductory reference • Originates for an invited set of lectures • Contains a significant number of worked examples and problems, with solutions. It also presents several open-ended suggestions for literature reviews and guided learning through references
edited by Divya Tripathy, Anjali Gupta. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024
• Provides a comprehensive overview of the subject matter, including the latest research and developments in the field. • Focuses on the practical applications of microbial surfactants in various industries, including agriculture, food processing, oil extraction, and cosmetics. • Provides an in-depth analysis of the properties and characteristics of microbial surfactants, including surface tension, foaming properties, and biodegradability.
edited by Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024
• The essential aspects of the synthesis, characterization, and applications of magnetic biosorbents, as well as their most recent developments, are all extensively covered in this book. • Additionally, the book presents some fresh findings and advancements in magnetic biosorbents and their various applications. It also covers some of the most recent ideas in the synthesis, production, and structural analysis of magnetic biomaterials.
Marek S. Wartak. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024
• A unified treatment of fundamental principles • Explanations of the fundamental physics of semiconductor • Explanations of the operation of semiconductor lasers • An historical overview of the subject
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Guo-Ping Zhang, Thomas F. George, Mingsu Si. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2024
• Concise and accessible introduction to quantum mechanics. • With plenty of exercises and questions, including a sample exam at the end of each chapter. • Includes applications to chemical reactions, ultrafast lasers, and quantum computing.