
Physics and engineering of graded-index media

Physics and engineering of graded-index media

Govind P. Agrawal. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This book synthesises recent research developments in this growing field, presenting both the underlying physical principles behind optical propagation in GRIN media, and the most important engineering applications. The principles of wave optics are employed for solving Maxwell’s equations inside a GRIN medium, ensuring that diffractive effects are fully included. The mathematical development builds gradually and a variety of exact and approximate techniques for solving practical problems are included.


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Condensed matter field theory

Condensed matter field theory

Alexander Altland, Ben Simons. - Third edition. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This book provides a praxis-oriented and pedagogical introduction to quantum field theory in many-particle physics, emphasizing the application of theory to real physical systems. This third edition is organized into two parts. At all stages, the text seeks a balance between methodological aspects of quantum field theory and practical applications. Extended problems with worked solutions provide a bridge between formal theory and a research-oriented approach.


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Quantum theory: a foundational approach

Quantum theory: a foundational approach

Charis Anastopoulos. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2024

• The first graduate textbook to combine wide-ranging applications of quantum theory with an in-depth presentation of foundations • Distinguishes quantum theory from classical theories, with emphasis on which thought patterns the reader should adapt, saving readers from developing common misconceptions • Access to end-of-chapter questions pertaining to the novel and main ideas, including intricate arguments. Contains approximately 150 concept-checking questions and 300 homework problems


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Modellreduktion: Eine systemtheoretisch orientierte Einführung

Modellreduktion: Eine systemtheoretisch orientierte Einführung

Peter Benner, Heike Faßbender. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - (Springer Studium Mathematik (Master))

• Führt konsequent algorithmisch orientiert in die Modellreduktion linearer zeitinvarianter Systeme ein • Stellt notwendige Grundlagen aus Systemtheorie und numerischer linearer Algebra vor • Illustriert Verfahren und Konzepte anhand numerischer Beispiele, u.a. in MATLAB®



Gauge symmetries, symmetry breaking, and gauge-invariant approaches

Gauge symmetries, symmetry breaking, and gauge-invariant approaches

Philipp Berghofer, Jordan François, Simon Friederich, Henrique Gomes, Guy Hetzroni, Axel Maas, René Sondenheimer. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - (Cambridge elements. Elements in the foundations of contemporary physics)

This book reviews the current state of affairs on both the philosophy and the physics side. In particular, it focuses on the circumstances in which the restriction of gauge theories to gauge invariant information on an observable level is warranted, using the Brout-Englert-Higgs theory as an example of particular current importance. Finally, the authors determine a set of yet to be answered questions to clarify the status of gauge symmetries.


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Phenomenology and Qbism: New Approaches to Quantum Mechanics

Phenomenology and Qbism: New Approaches to Quantum Mechanics

edited by Philipp Berghofer, Harald A. Wiltsche. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2023. - (Routledge studies in the philosophy of math and physics)

This volume brings together philosophers and physicists to explore the parallels between Quantum Bayesianism, or QBism, and the phenomenological tradition. It is the first book exclusively devoted to phenomenology and quantum mechanics.


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Climate change and carbon recycling: surface chemistry applications authored

Climate change and carbon recycling: surface chemistry applications authored

K.S. Birdi. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024. - (Sustainability : contributions through science and technology)

• This unique volume specifically highlights the surface chemistry aspects of carbon capture and recycling (CCR) • Fills the need for an online textbook edition, which provides a basic and educational description of the climate change process and carbon capture/recycling • Describes the application of surface chemistry methods for carbon capture and recycling, such as adsorption/absorption of CO2 • Discusses the importance of recycling in reducing and controlling the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air


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Die fabelhafte Welt der Mathematik: Von fallenden Katzen über optimales Einparken bis zu Zeitreisen

Die fabelhafte Welt der Mathematik: Von fallenden Katzen über optimales Einparken bis zu Zeitreisen

Manon Bischoff. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Stellt erstaunliche und spannende Ergebnisse des abstrakten Fachs vor • Erzählt die Geschichten hinter der Mathematik • Zeigt Ihnen, was Mathematik mit schlechtem Wetter zu tun hat



Mid-infrared and terahertz quantum cascade lasers

Mid-infrared and terahertz quantum cascade lasers

edited by Dan Botez, Mikhail A. Belkin. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023

Discover how mid-infrared and terahertz photonics has been revolutionized in this comprehensive overview of state-of-the art quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). Combining real-world examples with expert guidance, it provides a thorough treatment of practical applications, including high-power continuous-wave QCLs, frequency-comb devices, quantum-electronic transport and thermal transport modeling, and beam shaping in QCLs.


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Die Arbeit mit dem Radium: Radioaktivitätsforschung 1896 -1914

Die Arbeit mit dem Radium: Radioaktivitätsforschung 1896 -1914

Beate Ceranski. - Berlin : Springer, 2023. - (Studien zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Technik - Studies on the History of Sciences, Medicine and Technology)

• Bietet die erste umfassende Darstellung zur frühen Radioaktivitätsforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum • Liefert eine grundlegende Neukonzeptualisierung wissenschaftlicher Arbeit • Untersucht grundlegend die Entwicklung der Nachweismethoden für radioaktive Strahlung



Machine learning for the physical sciences: fundamentals and prototyping with Julia

Machine learning for the physical sciences: fundamentals and prototyping with Julia

Carlo Requião Da Cunha. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

• Includes detailed algorithms. • Supplemented by codes in Julia: a high-performing language and one that is easy to read for those in the natural sciences. • All algorithms are presented with a good mathematical background.


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Quantum processes and measurement: theory and experiment

Quantum processes and measurement: theory and experiment

Claude Fabre ; with contributions from Rodrigo G. Cortiñas. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This accessible and self-contained text presents the essential theoretical techniques developed to describe quantum processes, alongside a detailed review of the devices and experimental methods required in quantum measurement. Ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students seeking to extend their knowledge of the physics underlying quantum technologies, the book develops a thorough understanding of quantum measurement theory, quantum processes and the evolution of quantum states.


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Moderne Physik: Von Kosmologie über Quantenmechanik zur Festkörperphysik

Moderne Physik: Von Kosmologie über Quantenmechanik zur Festkörperphysik

Jan Peter Gehrke, Patrick Köberle. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. - (De Gruyter Studium)

• Auf Studienanfänger ausgerichtete Erläuterungen in Text und Bild. • Kompakte Zusammenfassungen aller Themen. • Ausblick in zukünftige Forschungsrichtungen. • Die aktualisierte Neuauflage enthält zusätzliche Kapitel zu Laser und Mikroskopie.


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An Interdisciplinary Approach to Cognitive Modelling: A Framework Based on Philosophy and Modern Science

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Cognitive Modelling: A Framework Based on Philosophy and Modern Science

Partha Ghose and Sudip Patra. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2023

This book presents a new approach to cognition that challenges long-held views. It systematically develops a broad-based framework to model cognition, which is mathematically equivalent to the emerging ‘quantum-like modelling’ of the human mind. The book argues that a satisfactory physical and philosophical basis of such an approach is missing, a particular issue being the application of quantization to the mind for which there is no empirical evidence as yet.


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Data Management: Der Weg zum datengetriebenen Unternehmen

Data Management: Der Weg zum datengetriebenen Unternehmen

Klaus-Dieter Gronwald. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Fokus auf die Ziele datengetriebener Unternehmen • Jedes Kapitel enthält einen Online-Link zu Projekten, Quiz und weiterem Online-Material. • Rollenbasierte Projektarbeit auf der Basis einer umfassenden Fallstudie



Quantum gravity in a laboratory?

Quantum gravity in a laboratory?

Nick Huggett, Niels Linnemann, Mike D. Schneider. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - (Cambridge elements. Elements in the foundations of contemporary physics)

The characteristic – Planck – energy scale of quantum gravity makes experimental access to the relevant physics apparently impossible. Nevertheless, low energy experiments linking gravity and the quantum have been undertaken. There are formidable challenges to such an experiment, but remarkably, tabletop technology into the gravity of very small bodies has advanced to the point that such an experiment might be feasible in the near future. This Element explains the proposal and what it aims to show, highlighting the important ways in which its interpretation is theory-laden.


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Relativistic Effects in Interatomic Ionization Processes and Formation of Antimatter Ions in Interatomic Attachment Reactions

Relativistic Effects in Interatomic Ionization Processes and Formation of Antimatter Ions in Interatomic Attachment Reactions

by Andreas Jacob. - Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2024

Part I of this book covers fundamental aspects of two interatomic ionization processes relying on the efficient transfer of electronic energy via long-range electron correlations between two spatially well-separated atomic species with an emphasis on the influence of relativistic effects on ionization. Part II of this book deals with an application of interatomic energy transfer in antimatter physics, investigating attachment mechanisms for the production of substantial amounts of the positive ion of antihydrogen in view of experiments on the free-fall of antihydrogen currently planned at CERN.



Nested Simulations: Theory and Application

Nested Simulations: Theory and Application

by Maximilian Klein. - Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2024. - (Mathematische Optimierung und Wirtschaftsmathematik / Mathematical Optimization and Economathematics)

Maximilian Klein analyses nested Monte Carlo simulations for the approximation of conditional expected values. Thereby, the book deals with two general risk functional classes for conditional expected values, on the one hand the class of moment-based estimators (notable examples are the probability of a large loss or the lower partial moments) and on the other hand the class of quantile-based estimators.



Biophysics: tools and techniques for the physics of life

Biophysics: tools and techniques for the physics of life

Mark C. Leake. - Second edition. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2024

• Provides the full, modern physical science toolbox of experimental, theoretical, and computational techniques, such as bulk ensemble methods, single-molecule tools, live-cell and test tube methods, pencil-on-paper theory approaches, and simulations. • Incorporates worked examples for the most popular physical science tools by providing full diagrams and a summary of the science involved in the application of the tool. • Reinforces the understanding of key concepts and biological questions.


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Lernziele und Kompetenzen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit

Lernziele und Kompetenzen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit

herausgegeben von Walter Leal Filho. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - (Theorie und Praxis der Nachhaltigkeit)

• Führt zu besserem Verständnis der nachhaltigen Entwicklung auf verschiedenen Ebenen • Präsentiert Idee, Konzept, Best Practice und Beispiele für sämtliche Fachbereiche • Stellt innovative Ansätze der BNE, die Lehrkräfte und Studierende nutzen können, vor



The Navier-Stokes problem in the 21st century

The Navier-Stokes problem in the 21st century

Pierre Gilles Lemarié-Rieusset. - Second edition. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, 2023

The complete resolution of the Navier-Stokes equation—one of the Clay Millennium Prize Problems—remains an important open challenge in partial differential equations (PDEs) research despite substantial studies on turbulence and three-dimensional fluids. This second edition continues to provide a self-contained guide to the role of harmonic analysis in the PDEs of fluid mechanics, now revised to include fresh examples, theorems, results, and references that have become relevant since the first edition published in 2016.


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Applied quantum mechanics

Applied quantum mechanics

A. F. J. Levi. - Third edition. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2024

• A student-oriented introduction, illustrated by real-world examples and practical applications • Newly updated edition with additional exercises and material, including a new chapter on the future of quantum engineering • Early introduction of the wave equation, and numerous computational examples using MATLAB, encourages students to develop analytic, numeric, and intuitive approaches to applied quantum mechanics


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Rethinking science education in Latin-America: diversity and equity for Latin American students in science education

Rethinking science education in Latin-America: diversity and equity for Latin American students in science education

Ainoa Marzabal, Cristian Merino, editors. - Cham : Springer, 2024. - (Contemporary trends and issues in science education ; volume 59)

• Includes examples of research on science education to guide research • Gives theoretical and methodological solutions • Provides a critical review of science education research in Latin America



Wozu braucht man eigentlich Mathematik?: Was Sie zu Routenplanung, Klimawandel, Erdbeben und Quiz-Shows schon immer wissen wollten, aber sich nicht zu fragen trauten

Wozu braucht man eigentlich Mathematik?: Was Sie zu Routenplanung, Klimawandel, Erdbeben und Quiz-Shows schon immer wissen wollten, aber sich nicht zu fragen trauten

Volker Michel. - Berlin : Springer, 2023

• Erzählt in einem lockeren Stil, wo Mathematik hilft, die Welt zu verstehen • Erklärt die Mathematik hinter wichtigen gesellschaftlichen Fragen • Setzt (fast) keine Mathematik-Kenntnisse voraus



Optoelectronics and spintronics in smart thin films

Optoelectronics and spintronics in smart thin films

James Ayodele Oke and Ten-Chien Jen. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024. - (Emerging Materials and Technologies)

• Offers an overview of optoelectronics and spintronics • Discusses synthesis of smart nanomaterials • Describes deposition techniques and characterization of thin films • Considers the integration and application of opto-spintronics for technological advancement of solar cells and memory storage devices


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Aquatische Biopolymere: Verständnis ihrer industriellen Bedeutung und ihrer Umweltauswirkungen

Aquatische Biopolymere: Verständnis ihrer industriellen Bedeutung und ihrer Umweltauswirkungen

Ololade Olatunji. - Cham : Springer, 2024

• Verknüpfung von industrieller Bedeutung und Umweltauswirkungen • Details zur chemischen Struktur, Herstellung, Verarbeitung und Anwendung • Richtet sich an Wissenschaftler und Fachleute, die sich mit Zellulosechemie befassen, vom Grundstudium bis zum Experten



Fundamentals of particle physics: understanding the standard model

Fundamentals of particle physics: understanding the standard model

Pascal Paganini. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This text is a modern introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students. Assuming only prior knowledge of special relativity and non-relativistic quantum mechanics, it presents all aspects of the field, including step-by-step explanations of the theory and the most recent experimental results. Taking a pedagogical, first-principles approach, it demonstrates the essential tools for students to process and analyse experimental particle physics data for themselves.


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Chemical sensors

Chemical sensors

Dnyandeo Pawar. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2023

The book focuses on the physical, chemical, optical, and electrical working mechanisms of different types of sensors integrated with various smart nanomaterials and composites. The mesmerizing properties of numerous materials and their fruitful applications for detecting numerous chemical parameters are discussed here. The book provides recent progress in the chemical sensors field and connects materials, physics, chemistry, and engineering, and therefore, is suitable for engineers, industrial, and academic researchers.


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Wärmeübertragung: Grundlagen, analytische und numerische Methoden

Wärmeübertragung: Grundlagen, analytische und numerische Methoden

Wolfgang Polifke ; Jan Kopitz. - 2., aktualisierte Auflage. - München : Pearson Studium, 2009. - (Maschinenbau)

Die Autoren vermitteln in diesem grundlegenden Lehrwerk Ingenieuren und Naturwissenschaftlern wesentliche Inhalte und Methoden der Lehre von der Wärmeübertragung in verständlicher Form. Ausgehend von den Erhaltungsgleichungen für Energie, Masse und Impuls werden die unterschiedlichen Mechanismen und Problemlösungsmethoden der Wärmeübertragung systematisch und mit didaktischer Sorgfalt entwickelt. Anschließend werden zahlreiche Phänomene und Praxisanwendungen im Detail analysiert und diskutiert.



Data modeling for the sciences: applications, basics, computations

Data modeling for the sciences: applications, basics, computations

Steve Pressé, Ioannis Sgouralis. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This detailed guide to data modeling in the sciences is ideal for students and researchers keen to develop their understanding of probabilistic data modeling beyond the basics of p-values and fitting residuals. The textbook begins with basic probabilistic concepts, models of dynamical systems and likelihoods are then presented to build the foundation for Bayesian inference, Monte Carlo samplers and filtering. Modeling paradigms are then seamlessly developed. The text is self-contained and includes practical examples and numerous exercises.


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Chemische Thermodynamik: Thermodynamische Hauptsätze, Potenziale und Gleichgewichte

Chemische Thermodynamik: Thermodynamische Hauptsätze, Potenziale und Gleichgewichte

Walter Schreiter. - 4., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023. - (De Gruyter Studium)

Neu in der 4., umfassend überarbeiteten und ergänzten Auflage: • Zusätzliche Kapitel zu schadstofffreien Emissionen, thermischer Analyse und Umwandlungsketten von grünem Wasserstoff als klimaneutraler Brennstoff der deutschen Energiewende. • Zusätzliche Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen. • Optimal zur Prüfungsvorbereitung und darüber hinaus.


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A student’s guide to rotational motion

A student’s guide to rotational motion

Effrosyni Seitaridou, Alfred C.K. Farris. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - (Student’s guides)

• Bridges the gap between introductory physics and intermediate-level undergraduate mechanics with a self-contained and accessible approach to rotational dynamics • Demonstrates a methodical approach to problem solving with detailed solutions to example problems provided • A wide selection of exercises reinforce and extend important concepts, with a fully worked solutions manual available for readers


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The physics of flight: a primer

The physics of flight: a primer

Albert Storace. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

This book provides a comprehensive explanatory reference on the basic physics of flight with a clear presentation of the underlying mathematics. It presents a momentum-based explanation of lift making no use of Bernoulli’s theorem. The book places particular emphasis on Newton’s second law of motion to explain the effects of forces acting on an airplane, the mechanism of lift, and the principles of propulsion.


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Nanomaterials for Energy Applications

Nanomaterials for Energy Applications

edited by L. Syam Sundar, Shaik Feroz, Faramarz Djavanroodi. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2023

• Describes nanomaterials for use in photovoltaic cells, solid state lighting, fuel cells, electrochemical batteries, electrochemical capacitors, superconductors, hydrogen storage, and photocatalysts. • Focuses on commercial and economic aspects. • Includes case studies drawn from practical research.


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The philosophy and practice of science

The philosophy and practice of science

David B. Teplow. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This book is a novel synthesis of the philosophy and practice of science, covering its diverse theoretical, metaphysical, logical, philosophical, and practical elements. The process of science is generally taught in its empirical form: what science is, how it works, what it has achieved, and what it might achieve in the future. What is often absent is how to think deeply about science and how to apply its lessons in the pursuit of truth, in other words, knowing how to know. In this volume, David Teplow presents illustrative examples of science practice, history and philosophy of science, and sociological aspects of the scientific community, to address commonalities among these disciplines. In doing so, he challenges cherished beliefs and suggests to students, philosophers, and practicing scientists new, epistemically superior, ways of thinking about and doing science.


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Nanostructured Materials: Applications, Synthesis and In-Situ Characterization

Nanostructured Materials: Applications, Synthesis and In-Situ Characterization

edited by Huayna Terraschke. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023

This book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students who wish to gain an overview of the applications, synthesis, or in situ characterization of inorganic nanostructured compounds such as lanthanide-based materials, quantum dots, magnetic nanoparticles, bioceramics, battery electrodes, and metal-organic frameworks.


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Optical Imaging and Photography: Imaging Optics, Sensors and Systems Ulrich Teubner, Hans Josef Brückner

Optical Imaging and Photography: Imaging Optics, Sensors and Systems Ulrich Teubner, Hans Josef Brückner

. - 2nd rev. and ext. edition. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023. - (De Gruyter Reference)

• Introduction into the complex field of optical imaging. • For physicists, natural scientists, engineers, photographers and microscopists. • Giving practitioners a deeper insight into the intricacies and quality assessment of their daily used devices.


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Theory of liquids: from excitations to thermodynamics

Theory of liquids: from excitations to thermodynamics

Kostya Trachenko. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This book explains the recent developments in theory, experiment and modelling that have enabled us to understand the behaviour of excitations in liquids and the impact of this behaviour on heat capacity and other basic properties. Presented in plain language with a focus on real liquids and their experimental properties, this book is a useful reference text for researchers and graduate students in condensed matter physics and chemistry as well as for advanced courses covering the theory of liquids.


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Introduction to quantum cryptography

Introduction to quantum cryptography

Thomas Vidick, Stephanie Wehner. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 2024

• Based on a successful online course (MOOC) created by the authors, this book is student focused, engaging, and employs extensive pedagogical resources to support student engagement and understanding • Curated digital support material from the MOOC provided to support student learning, which is signposted through the text to ensure that students can engage as needed • The first book on the market that covers a complete quantum cryptography course written for readers across disciplines


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1924–1927: Der Frühling der Quantenmechanik

1924–1927: Der Frühling der Quantenmechanik

Hans-Hennig von Grünberg. - Berlin : Springer, 2024

• Lebendig geschriebene Reise durch die Anfangszeit der Quantentheorie • Lassen Sie sich von dem Ringen der Größen der Physik um die Geburt der Quantenmechanik faszinieren • Die Quantenmechanik ist wie Anita Berber, der Jazz oder die Erfindung des Fernsehens ein Kind der 1920er Jahre



Quantum mechanics with concept maps

Quantum mechanics with concept maps

Michael Wick. - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2024

• Covers essential quantum mechanics concepts which can be easily cross-referenced with traditional textbooks • Includes one derivation or topic per page, dividing the material into bite-sized pieces and providing a helpful overview of each area of focus, perfect for the quick revision of topics for exams and assessments • Provides relevant equations, starting points and results on one page, ideal for use in lecture demonstrations and slides


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Density matrix and tensor network renormalization

Density matrix and tensor network renormalization

Tao Xiang. - Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This book presents a pedagogical and comprehensive introduction to this field for the first time. After an introductory survey on the major advances in tensor network algorithms and their applications, it introduces step-by-step the tensor network representations of quantum states and the tensor-network renormalization group methods developed over the past three decades. Basic statistical and condensed matter physics models are used to demonstrate how the tensor network renormalization works. An accessible primer for scientists and engineers, this book would also be ideal as a reference text for a graduate course in this area.


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Figurierte Zahlen: Veranschaulichung als heuristische Strategie

Figurierte Zahlen: Veranschaulichung als heuristische Strategie

Jochen Ziegenbalg. - 2., erweiterte Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2024

• Anschauliche Beispiele zu strukturierten Zahlenfolgen aus arithmetischen Mustern und geometrischen Figuren • Behandelt visuell orientierte Methoden des mathematischen Problemlösens, Begründens und Beweisens • Geeignet als Anregung für Lehrkräfte und zur Förderung mathematisch interessierter Schülerinnen und Schüler


