
Oxygen: the key to stereoelectronic control in chemistry

Oxygen: the key to stereoelectronic control in chemistry

Igor Alabugin & Leah Kuhn. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Organic chemistry)

This primer aims to analyze chemical reactivity through the prism of oxygen chemistry. The key to understanding this chemistry is the lone pairs of oxygen (i.e., the underutilized "idle" electrons that do not directly contribute to the Lewis structure of molecules). By highlighting the many roles of oxygen, we will illustrate how chemistry rises above the limitations of Lewis structures and how electrons stay neither idle nor "lone" even if they are in "lone pairs" when an oxygen atom is near a reaction center.



Mathematical Methods for Physics: Problems and Solutions

Mathematical Methods for Physics: Problems and Solutions

Farkhad G. Aliev. - Milton : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2023

This book presents mathematical tools to solve partial differential equations, typical of physical problems. It explains in a detailed manner the process of solving the problems that typically arise in the context of physics. Although there are a large number of textbooks on this topic, few go so deep into the topic. One of the original and unique features of this book is emphasis on the mathematical formulation of the problems, as well as the analysis of several alternative ways to solve them.


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Nonlinear Dynamics

Nonlinear Dynamics

Axelle Amon, Marc Lefranc. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023

• Complete, self-contained course on nonlinear dynamics and chaos. • Clear and understandable writing throughout. • Emphazises applications to real-life experimental problems.


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Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: an Introduction with Applications

Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: an Introduction with Applications

Biman Bagchi. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023

This book is, thus, an introductory text that aims to provide students with a background and skill essential to study and understand time-dependent (relaxation) phenomena. It will allow students to calculate transport properties like diffusion and conductivity. The book also teaches the methods to calculate reaction rate on a multi-dimensional energy surface, in another such application.


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Direct air capture of CO₂

Direct air capture of CO₂

Hoda Shokrollahzadeh Behbahani & Matthew D. Green. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)

Direct air capture is a negative emission technology that captures CO2 directly from the air. It is shown to be a promising tool for fighting climate change, yet still a work in progress. The book provides an overview of this technology.



Higher Spin Field Theory. Volume 1: Free Theory

Higher Spin Field Theory. Volume 1: Free Theory

Anders Bengtsson. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2020. - (Texts and Monographs in Theoretical Physics ; Volume 1)

This monograph takes stock of the situation in higher spin gauge theories for the first time. Besides a thorough recapitulation of the field’s history, it reviews the progress that has been made and offers a pedagogical introduction to the subject. Abstract approaches to the theory are offered to facilitate a conceptual rethinking of the main problems and to help see patterns hidden by heavy formalism.


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Higher Spin Field Theory. Volume 2: Interactions

Higher Spin Field Theory. Volume 2: Interactions

Anders Bengtsson. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023. - (Texts and Monographs in Theoretical Physics Volume 2)

This book is an introduction to the theory of interacting higher spin gauge fields. It describes in a pedagogical way the methods used, and the results obtained, within the three major approaches to the subject: the Dirac light-front theory, the Fronsdal covariant approach and the Vasiliev AdS theory. Abstract concepts and methods unifying the various appproaches are pointed out. The book follows the ideas behind the first volume; explains the mathematical concepts and tools used, while also reviewing the history of the subject.


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Evolution: classical philosophy meets quantum science

Evolution: classical philosophy meets quantum science

Somnath Bhattacharyya. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

• Unique: Connects ancient philosophy, classical and quantum mechanics, materials, and the latest quantum technologies • Novelty: High level of scientific interpretation of ancient philosophy, creation, interactions, and disorder • Multidisciplinary: Guides students to learn quantum simulations and develop philosophical ideas


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Messdatenauswertung im Physikalischen Praktikum: Messunsicherheit

Messdatenauswertung im Physikalischen Praktikum: Messunsicherheit

Thomas Bornath, Günter Walter. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Bietet eine knappe und anschauliche Darstellung des Umgangs mit Messdaten und ihren Unsicherheiten • Führt durch die Dokumentation der Messunsicherheitsanalyse im Praktikumsprotokoll • Enthält zahlreiche durchgerechnete Beispiele für relevante Aufgaben aus dem Physikalischen Praktikum



Observing marine inorganic carbon

Observing marine inorganic carbon

Ellen M. Briggs & Mallory C. Ringham. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)

Among the many interests driving marine carbon observations, ocean acidification and marine carbon dioxide removal are at the forefront of research requiring better sensing options. There has been a recent explosion of interest in adapting existing technologies and developing new methods to provide much greater coverage of monitoring and better constraining the marine carbon cycle. This primer provides some frame of reference for the options that are presently available and provides an idea of what is coming on the horizon.



Differential Equations, Fourier Series, and Hilbert Spaces: Lecture Notes at the University of Siena

Differential Equations, Fourier Series, and Hilbert Spaces: Lecture Notes at the University of Siena

Raffaele Chiappinelli. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023

This book is intended to be used as a rather informal, and surely not complete, textbook on the subjects indicated in the title. It collects Lecture Notes held during three academic years at the University of Siena for a one semester course on "Basic Mathematical Physics", and is organized as a short presentation of few important points on the arguments indicated in the title. It aims at completing the students’ basic knowledge on Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) and at providing an elementary presentation of the Partial Differential Equations (PDE) of Mathematical Physics.


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Self-assembly of peptides, peptoids, sugars, & dendrimers

Self-assembly of peptides, peptoids, sugars, & dendrimers

Martin Conda-Sheridan. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Material science)

The objective of this primer is to discuss the chemistry of self-assembly. It introduces some of the common reactions you need to know to prepare a desired molecule that can self-assemble (or various molecules that can be mixed to create a self-assembled system). The focus is on four self-assembled systems composed of peptides, peptoids, sugars, and dendrimers.



Spectroscopic and chemometric techniques for pharmaceutical applications

Spectroscopic and chemometric techniques for pharmaceutical applications

Gerard G. Dumancas, Lakshmi Viswanath, Arnold Lubguban, Beulah Solivio, Roberto Malaluan & Michael Waller. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Analytical chemistry)

Spectroscopic and chemometric methods have become routinely applied tools in pharmaceutical industries because they reduce the analysis time and minimize the use of chemicals. The contents of this digital primer are to help newcomers in the field by providing basic content information about various spectroscopic and chemometric tools used in pharmaceutical analysis.



Ludwig Prandtl und die moderne Strömungsforschung: Ausgewählte Texte zum Grenzschichtkonzept und zur Turbulenztheorie

Ludwig Prandtl und die moderne Strömungsforschung: Ausgewählte Texte zum Grenzschichtkonzept und zur Turbulenztheorie

herausgegeben von Michael Eckert. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023. - (Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft)

• Kommentiert die wichtigsten Arbeiten zur Grenzschichttheorie und zu Turbulenzen • Ordnet Prandtls Arbeiten in sozio-kulturellen und historischen Hintergrund ein • Eignet sich besonders für interessierte Laien



Chemistry of indoor air pollution

Chemistry of indoor air pollution

Azin Eftekhari, Youngbo Won, Glenn Morrison, & Nga Lee Ng. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)

This primer is intended to provide an overview of indoor air pollutants and how indoor chemistry affects the concentrations of pollutants. It covers many topics, including the latest research on measurement techniques, modeling approaches, and strategies for controlling pollutants. Overall, this primer provides a valuable resource for scientists interested in understanding and controlling indoor air pollution and chemical reactions. The authors hope that the information presented in this primer will help improve IAQ and promote a healthier indoor environment.



Dynamic Measuring Systems: fundamentals and application of time-dependent measurements

Dynamic Measuring Systems: fundamentals and application of time-dependent measurements

edited by Sascha Eichstädt. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. - (De Gruyter Series in Measurement Sciences)

This book introduces the concepts at the basis of dynamic measuring systems: vocabulary, modelling, calibration, measurement data analysis, uncertainty evaluation. It also provides the mathematical foundations for signal processing, stochastic processes and control theory, necessary for the analysis of dynamic measurements. Concepts and practical approaches for dynamic calibration and dynamic measurement are introduced to the readership through concrete examples ranging from mechanical quantities and medical ultrasound to the Internet of Things.


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Experiencing Geometry, Physics, and Biology

Experiencing Geometry, Physics, and Biology

Georg Glaeser, Franz Gruber. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023. - (Edition Angewandte)

Das vorliegende Buch ist ein lehrreiches und reich bebildertes Sachbuch, das naturwissenschaftliche Inhalte auf anschauliche und verständliche Weise vermittelt. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele erläutert es Themen aus Geometrie, Physik und Biologie und zeigt Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den Disziplinen auf. Das Buch enthält rund 300 Links zu Videoanimationen; weiters steht eine frei zugängliche interaktive Software zur Verfügung, zur weiteren Vertiefung der Inhalte. Die Inhalte des Buches, die Videos und die Software wurden am Institut für Geometrie an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien entwickelt.


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Eine Einführung in die Mathematik an Beispielen aus der Informatik: Logik, Zahlen, Graphen, Analysis und Lineare Algebra

Eine Einführung in die Mathematik an Beispielen aus der Informatik: Logik, Zahlen, Graphen, Analysis und Lineare Algebra

Steffen Goebbels, Jochen Rethmann. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Motiviert die Mathematik an ganz konkreten Beispielen aus der Informatik(anwendung) • Mit zahlreichen Anwendungs- und Programmbeispielen • In der Neuauflage mit Lösungen der Aufgaben im Buch



Gravitation und Relativität: eine Einführung in die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie

Gravitation und Relativität: eine Einführung in die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie

Holger Göbel. - 3., bearbeitete Auflage. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. - (De Gruyter Studium)

• Verständliche Einführung und idealer Einstieg in die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie. • Überzeugende didaktische Struktur. • Neu: Überarbeitung der hervorgehobenen Beispiele, Sätze, erklärenden Hinweisen, Ergänzungen und Kurzbiographien.


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Die Erde: Raumreisen

Die Erde: Raumreisen

Manfred Gottwald. - Berlin : Springer, 2023

• Fasziniert durch einzigartige Aufnahmen der Erde • Gibt einen allgemeinverständlichen Überblick über Raumfahrt • Zeigt die Erde aus verschiedenen Entfernungen



Making the most of the postdoc: strategically advancing your early career

Making the most of the postdoc: strategically advancing your early career

James Gould. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023

• Practical and actionable advice from an author that has experienced PhD and postdoc training, and is now directing a postdoc office at a world-renowned research institution • Methodical approach most readers can readily adapt for their own purposes • Specifically written for current and future STEM postdocs while being agnostic of the research field


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The Universal Timekeepers: reconstructing History Atom by Atom

The Universal Timekeepers: reconstructing History Atom by Atom

David Helfand. - New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2023

David J. Helfand reconstructs the history of the universe—back to its first microsecond 13.8 billion years ago—with the help of atoms.


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Der Realismus - in der theoretischen Physik: Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe zu aktueller Forschung

Der Realismus - in der theoretischen Physik: Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe zu aktueller Forschung

Norbert Hermann Hinterberger. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Bietet eine konstruktive Verteidigung des kritischen Realismus gegen Antirealisten in Physik und Philosophie • Stellt neuere und neueste Arbeiten aus der Philosophie der Physik im Kontext verständlich dar • Wendet sich an alle an der Interpretation der Quantentheorie Interessierten



Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications

Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications

Günter G. Hoffmann. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023. - (De Gruyter STEM)

• Unravels composition and properties of samples. • Enables examining thin layers, surfaces and interfaces. • Provides even spatial resolution without precedent. • Analyzes even external pertubations on molecules and their alignment.


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Communicating science clearly: a self-help guide for students and researchers

Communicating science clearly: a self-help guide for students and researchers

Sharon Ann Holgate. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

• Written by an award-winning professional science journalist and broadcaster with 25 years’ experience, including writing for national newspapers, devising and presenting programmes for BBC Radio 4, and being interviewed on radio, TV, video, and podcasts • Covers science communication in a broad range of settings including peer-to-peer, to your manager, at job interviews, and during media appearances • Includes advice from a range of experts who communicate professionally, including a radio producer, a TV presenter, actors and entertainers, and scientists


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Siegfried Hunklinger, Christian Enss. - 6. Auflage. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. - (De Gruyter Studium)

• Aktuelle und am Experiment orientierte Darstellung der Festkörperphysik. • Die überarbeitete, 6. Auflage vertieft v.a. das Kapitel zum Magnetismus.


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Phosphorescent materials

Phosphorescent materials

Shouquan Huo & Yumin Li. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Organic & inorganic chemistry)

This primer is structured to introduce you to the fascinating field of phosphorescent materials, covering fundamental concepts of photophysics, basic characterization of phosphorescent materials, types of phosphorescent materials, and applications. It should be emphasized that the discussion on phosphorescent materials is far from comprehensive; rather it highlights the design strategies, structural types, and important features of the materials.



Molecular representations for machine learning

Molecular representations for machine learning

Grier M. Jones, Brittany Story, Vasileios Maroulas, & Konstantinos D. Vogiatzis. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Theoretical & computational chemistry)

This primer helps the reader understand the basic categories of molecular representations and provides computational tools to generate molecular descriptors in each of these categories. After reading this primer, you will be able to use various methods to generate machine and/or human interpretable representations of molecular systems for inputs to machine learning models or for general chemical data science applications.



Recyclable homogeneous catalysis

Recyclable homogeneous catalysis

Andrew K. King & Michael Findlater. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Catalysis)

The authors distill the most relevant applications of recyclable homogeneous catalysts rather than list every example found in the field. This provides a framework to the readers, allowing them to ask the most relevant questions about recyclable homogeneous catalysis applications in their area of interest. The book uses physical and chemical engineering methods specifically designed for high recoverability. Some of the recovery methods include the use of multi-phasic solvent systems, distillation, and extractions.



Mathematische Grundlagen für Umweltsystemwissenschaften: Einführung in die Differential- und Integralrechnung

Mathematische Grundlagen für Umweltsystemwissenschaften: Einführung in die Differential- und Integralrechnung

Marie Lisa Kogler, Raven Adam. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Kombiniert die Theorie mit konkreten Anwendungsbeispielen, insbesondere zu Umweltsystemen • Viele Beispiele mit schrittweisem Lösungsweg • Zahlreiche Aufgaben mit Lösungen zum Selbststudium



Quantities and Units: the International System of Units

Quantities and Units: the International System of Units

Michael Krystek. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023

• Detailed presentation of the International System of Quantities and Units (SI). • Tables of units and instructions for their correct use. • Tables of the most important internationally standardized symbols of physical quantities.


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Engineering Materials Characterization

Engineering Materials Characterization

Kaushik Kumar, Divya Zindani. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023. - (De Gruyter STEM)

The book provides the understanding of the advanced spectroscopic and microscopic instruments used for material characterization. The main issues addressed are 1) a detailed understanding of the instrument, including working and handling, 2) sample preparation, and 3) data analysis and interpretation. It contains 11 most popular characterization techniques (basic theory, sample preparation, Instrument handling, testing and inferences from the output) and provides 5 microscopic and 6 spectroscopic methods with Industrial examples.


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Power system operation and control

Power system operation and control

Kyaw Myo Lin. - Baech : Scientific.Net, 2024. - (Foundations of materials science and engineering ; volume 104)

The presented publication will be useful not only to everyone who is just studying the principles and methods of organizing modern energy supply but also to specialists in power engineering as a short guide or reference. All the material in the presented publication is presented by the author in an accessible form, with a sufficient number of illustrations, appropriate programs for computer modelling and tasks for self-testing of knowledge. This edition undoubtedly will be popular with readers whose activity is related to the operation of power systems.



Toxicity of atmospheric aerosols: methodologies & assays

Toxicity of atmospheric aerosols: methodologies & assays

Fobang Liu & Nga Lee Ng. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)

Given that various methodologies and assays have been developed or employed, this digital primer aims to introduce the methodologies and fundamental principles used to study atmospheric aerosols’ toxicity and emerging new techniques. A comprehensive literature review of the scientific findings using these methodologies and assays is not the focus of this primer.



Cosmetic chemistry

Cosmetic chemistry

Robert Lochhead. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Polymer science)

This is a concise, readable review of the principles of cosmetic science. The author connects theory to real life examples, stories, and anecdotes, making key concepts and phenomena much easier to understand. Topics covered are product types in the market and how their properties emerge from the product’s chemical components; physical phenomena, and (macro)molecular characteristics that play a key role in product development; and some of the technological, environmental, and safety challenges that field experts are searching for solutions.



Biomechanics of Dance: Applications of Classical Mechanics

Biomechanics of Dance: Applications of Classical Mechanics

Melanie Lott. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023. - (De Gruyter STEM)

• Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids based on human movement. • Integrates many examples from current dance biomechanics research. • The methods taught in this book can be applied to any form of physical activity.


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Carbon-free fuels

Carbon-free fuels

Olivier Mathieu & Eric L. Petersen. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Energy)

This primer presents the production, storage, distribution, and combustion properties of the main carbon-free fuels—hydrogen, ammonia, and metals—and the technical challenges associated with each. Among these fuels, hydrogen is by far the best-known carbon-free fuel, and ammonia also has a high profile for many scientists and governments, whereas the science behind metals as a fuel is still not mature.



Physics of complex systems: discovery in the age of Gödel

Physics of complex systems: discovery in the age of Gödel

Dragutin T. Mihailović, Darko Kapor, Siniša Crvenković, Anja Mihailović. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023

This book analyses the physics of complex systems to elaborate the problems encountered in teaching and research. Inspired by the of Kurt Gödel (including his incompleteness theorems) it considers the concept of time, the idea of models and the concept of complexity before trying to assess the state of physics in general. Using both general and practical examples, the idea of information is discussed, emphasizing its physical interpretation, debates ideas in depth using examples and evidence to provide detailed considerations on the topics.


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Protein-ligand binding thermodynamics

Protein-ligand binding thermodynamics

Justin M. Miller & Justin D. Marsee. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Biology & biological chemistry)

Readers of this primer will learn how to build a working understanding of common factors that promote energetic favorability for ligand binding; develop a functional toolbox to understand ligand binding from the perspective of collecting, plotting, and interpreting ligand-binding data; enhance proficiency in deriving thermodynamic mechanisms for ligand binding; and become comfortable in interpreting binding data reported in the literature and independently expanding knowledge beyond the scope introduced in this primer.



Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. Volume 1: Fundamentals

Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. Volume 1: Fundamentals

John H. Moore, Nicholas D. Spencer. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023

This series introduces possibly unfamiliar areas, explains important experimental and computational techniques, and describes modern endeavors. The encyclopedia quickly provides the basics, defines the scope of each subdiscipline, and indicates where to go for a more complete and detailed explanation. Particular attention has been paid to symbols and abbreviations to make this a user-friendly encyclopedia.


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Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. Volume 2: Methods

Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. Volume 2: Methods

John H. Moore, Nicholas D. Spencer. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023

This series introduces possibly unfamiliar areas, explains important experimental and computational techniques, and describes modern endeavors. The encyclopedia quickly provides the basics, defines the scope of each subdiscipline, and indicates where to go for a more complete and detailed explanation. Particular attention has been paid to symbols and abbreviations to make this a user-friendly encyclopedia.


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Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. Volume 3: Applications

Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. Volume 3: Applications

John H. Moore, Nicholas D. Spencer. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023

This series introduces possibly unfamiliar areas, explains important experimental and computational techniques, and describes modern endeavors. The encyclopedia quickly provides the basics, defines the scope of each subdiscipline, and indicates where to go for a more complete and detailed explanation. Particular attention has been paid to symbols and abbreviations to make this a user-friendly encyclopedia.


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Molecular orbitals

Molecular orbitals

Pierpaolo Morgante & Jochen Autschbach. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Physical chemistry)

Electron orbitals of molecules, or molecular orbitals (MOs), are ubiquitous in chemistry. Despite its importance, orbital theory, and MO theory, in particular, is not always taught rigorously in the chemistry curriculum. This primer is meant to introduce the aspiring chemist to the ideas underlying MO theory, to make it clear what MOs are and what they are not, and to showcase selected qualitative and quantitative applications of MO theory with a strong emphasis on the visualization of orbitals.



Quantum Technologies: for Engineers

Quantum Technologies: for Engineers

Rainer Müller, Franziska Greinert. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023

• Quantum technology - one of the key technologies for our future. • Concise introduction in today’s research. • Examples with solutions and in-depth calculations.


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Synthesis & structure of colloidal quantum dots

Synthesis & structure of colloidal quantum dots

Ingrid J. Paredes & Ayaskanta Sahu. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Materials science)

This primer focuses on a class of nanomaterials known as colloidal quantum dots. Known for their solution processability and size-dependent optoelectronic properties, the study of colloidal quantum dots has garnered significant attention from the research community. The goal of this primer is to equip newcomers with the introductory knowledge and tools necessary to enter the field. As such, the scope of our work focuses on the synthesis and characterization of quantum dots; where possible, we point the reader to further reading specific to applications.



Understanding quantum science: a concise primer for students of chemistry, biochemistry and physics

Understanding quantum science: a concise primer for students of chemistry, biochemistry and physics

Steven M. Pascal. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2023

This is a highly accessible book that offers students an opportunity to grasp the most fascinating of quantum topics, without the intimidation. To be sure, math is necessary, but it is introduced as needed and kept concise. The emphasis is on the science: a certain differential equation can be solved, and when it is, we find the energies that hydrogen atom electrons are allowed to have. Each concept is developed in this manner, keeping focus on how and why it arises, and on the intriguing consequences.


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Geologic conditions for prebiotic chemistry

Geologic conditions for prebiotic chemistry

Matthew Pasek & Tian Feng. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)

This primer is aimed at graduate students who are beginning experiments in origins of life studies and more experienced chemists who would like to gain some understanding of the geology and geochemistry of the early earth.



Unstable Nature: Order, Entropy, Becoming

Unstable Nature: Order, Entropy, Becoming

Auro Michele Perego. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023

• Presents an exciting introduction to the topic, which is accessible to those without a scientific background • Explores milestone discoveries in the history of the concept of instability in physics • Contains anecdotes of key figures from the field, including James C. Maxwell, Alan Turing, Vladimir Zakharov, Edward Lorenz, Enrico Fermi, and Mary Tsingou


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Introduction to the Maths and Physics of Quantum Mechanics

Introduction to the Maths and Physics of Quantum Mechanics

Lucio Piccirillo. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023

• Written in an engaging and approachable manner, with fully explained mathematics and physics concepts • Suitable as a companion to all introductory quantum mechanics textbooks • Accessible to a general audience


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Mechanical unfolding response of proteins

Mechanical unfolding response of proteins

Ionel Popa & Ronen Berkovich. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Biology & biological chemistry)

This book is a thermodynamically motivated overview of when, why, and how proteins respond to mechanical perturbations and the experimental techniques used to probe single protein biophysics. Relative newcomers to the field (new graduate students), and those starting from a biological background hoping for an introduction to the physics behind protein behavior, will benefit from reading this primer.



Radical reactions

Radical reactions

Nathan Price & J.M. (Jim) Tanko. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Organic chemistry)

This book provides the reader a brief overview of radical reactions, an overview overlooked in most undergraduate chemistry curriculums. Most of the exciting developments in the field of radical and radical ion chemistry came about because someone understood the fundamentals and was able to design new chemistry based upon that understanding. The target audience is individuals who have had at least one semester of organic chemistry.



Solved Problems in Classical Electrodynamics and Theory of Relativity

Solved Problems in Classical Electrodynamics and Theory of Relativity

Daniel Radu, Ioan Merches. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023

• Contains a wide range of problems and applications from the fields of electrodynamics and the theory of special relativity • Presents numerical solutions to problems involving nonlinearities • Details command lines specific to Mathematica software dedicated to both analytical and numerical calculations, which allows readers to obtain the numerical solutions as well as the related graphical representations.


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Guide to Modern Physics: using Mathematica for Calculations and Visualizations

Guide to Modern Physics: using Mathematica for Calculations and Visualizations

James W. Rohlf. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023

This is a "how to guide" for making beginning calculations in modern physics. The calculations are performed in Mathematica, and stress graphical visualization, units, and numerical answers. The techniques show the student how to learn the physics without being hung up on the math. There is a continuing movement to introduce more advanced computational methods into lower-level physics courses. Mathematica is a unique tool in that code is written as "human readable" much like one writes a traditional equation on the board.


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Elektronik in der Elektrochemie: Entwicklung und Beziehung zweier Wissensgebiete

Elektronik in der Elektrochemie: Entwicklung und Beziehung zweier Wissensgebiete

Manfred Rost. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. - (De Gruyter STEM)

• Interdisziplinäre Behandlung von Schnittstellen zwischen Elektrochemie und Elektronik • Anwendung elektronischer Theorien und Methoden auf elektrochemische Anordnungen • Füllt eine Lücke in der Fachliteratur.


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Statistical Physics

Statistical Physics

Nicolas Sator, Nicolas Pavloff, and Lénaïc Couëdel. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024

• A rigorous and educational approach of statistical physics illustrated with concrete examples. • A clear presentation of fundamental aspects of statistical physics. • Many exercises with detailed solutions.


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Graphentheorie und Netzwerkanalyse: eine kompakte Einführung mit Beispielen, Übungen und Lösungsvorschlägen

Graphentheorie und Netzwerkanalyse: eine kompakte Einführung mit Beispielen, Übungen und Lösungsvorschlägen

Christin Schmidt. - Berlin : Springer Vieweg, 2023

• Eine kompakte Einführung in Theorie und Anwendung auf Deutscher Sprache • Nachvollziehbare Beispiele in mehreren Programmiersprachen ergänzt durch Listings • Mit Übungsaufgaben und Lösungsvorschlägen



Singularities in physics and engineering

Singularities in physics and engineering

Paramasivam Senthilkumaran. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in advances in optics, photonics and optoelectronics)

• Simple presentation suitable for beginners • Extensive coverage of the field suitable for experts • Comprehensive literature survey • A key reference book for academics and industry experts working within the field



Quantum continuous variables: a primer of theoretical methods

Quantum continuous variables: a primer of theoretical methods

Alessio Serafini. - Second edition. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2023

• Provides the first systematic graduate-level textbook for the field of quantum continuous variables and includes 77 problems for the reader, with accompanying solutions • Explores applications to entanglement theory, nonlocality, quantum technologies and quantum control • Describes, in detail, a comprehensive list of experimental platforms where the formalism applies


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Advances in spectroscopic analysis of food and drink

Advances in spectroscopic analysis of food and drink

edited by Ashutosh Kumar Shukla. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in spectroscopic methods and applications)

• Basic experimental arrangement illustrated wherever necessary • Individual chapters highlight hand-held and portable spectrometers where applicable • Applications of artificial intelligence included wherever adds to the efficiency of the particular technique



Electrical impedance tomography for tactile imaging: a primer for experimentalists

Electrical impedance tomography for tactile imaging: a primer for experimentalists

Elisabeth Smela ; with contributions from: Ayush Nankani, Carlos Cuellar. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in sensors and sensor systems)

• Introduction at a basic level for newcomers to the field. • Written to be accessible to the sensing community. • Explanations accompanied by images and examples. • All the main concepts explained in one place. • Focus on tactile imaging issues.



Rare-earth-free ferrimagnetic Mn₄N spintronics

Rare-earth-free ferrimagnetic Mn₄N spintronics

Takashi Suemasu. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024

• Provides a comprehensive review of ferrimagnet Mn4N, an electrode material of growing interest • Covers a wide range of topics from crystal growth to magnetic properties of Mn4N and their mixed crystals • Presents categorized relevant references • The first book on the subject of ferrimagnet Mn4N



Scanning probe microscopy

Scanning probe microscopy

Laurene Tetard. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Nanoscience)

Getting started with SPM can be intimidating. This digital primer aims to provide undergraduate and graduate students majoring in various fields of science and engineering with a practical guide to grasp essential concepts and principles related to SPM image and spectra formation and their interpretation. This guide may also be helpful to researchers who are considering new ways of evaluating nanoscale properties of materials, devices, or living systems as applicable to their respective fields.



Charakterisierung von Wartezeiten in verschiedenen Modellen von Quantennetzwerken

Charakterisierung von Wartezeiten in verschiedenen Modellen von Quantennetzwerken

Lisa Teresa Weinbrenner. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

Quantennetzwerke bestehen aus vielen verschiedenen probabilistischen Bausteinen: Sowohl die Erzeugung verschränkter Zustände als auch deren Übertragung zwischen unterschiedlichen Netzwerkknoten und die Verbindung benachbarter Links entsprechen unterschiedlichen stochastischen Prozessen. In dem vorliegenden Buch werden verschiedene Modellierungsmöglichkeiten dieser Prozesse vorgestellt und verglichen. Das Ziel ist dabei jeweils die Berechnung der Wartezeit bis zur Erzeugung einer Ende-zu-Ende-Verbindung zwischen den Kommunikationspartnern.



Glibber, Glimmer, Laserschwerter: Chemie-Experimente zuhause

Glibber, Glimmer, Laserschwerter: Chemie-Experimente zuhause

Katja Weirauch, Tim Boshuis, Patrick Gräb, Ekkehard Geidel. - Berlin : Springer, 2023

• Stellt Chemie-Experimente für zuhause vor • Beinhaltet sowohl technischen Hintergrund als auch Methoden • Schwierigkeitsgrad von einfach bis fortgeschritten



High-Entropy Materials: Advances and Applications

High-Entropy Materials: Advances and Applications

Yong Zhang. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. - (Emerging materials and technologies)

• Describes, compositions and processing of high-entropy materials. • Summarizes industrially valuable alloys found in high-entropy materials that hold promise for promotion and application. • Explains how high-entropy materials can be used in many fields and can outperform traditional materials.


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Homogeneous water splitting

Homogeneous water splitting

Xuan Zhao. - Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023. - (ACS in focus ; Inorganic chemistry)

This primer will empower you with some basic information about the field of artificial photosynthesis and the challenges for electro- and photocatalytic water splitting and prepare you to understand the relevant references for more detailed information.



Light and X-Ray Optics: Refraction, Reflection, Diffraction, Optical Devices, Microscopic Imaging

Light and X-Ray Optics: Refraction, Reflection, Diffraction, Optical Devices, Microscopic Imaging

Emil Zolotoyabko. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023. - (De Gruyter STEM)

• Provides big picture view of modern optics and its microscopic and imaging application. • Contains working examples of basic principles and their usage in focusing devices and advanced microscopies, like near-field, confocal, phase-contrast, etc.


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Klassische Mechanik Kapieren: Experimentalphysik

Klassische Mechanik Kapieren: Experimentalphysik

Matthias Zschornak, Dirk C. Meyer. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. - (De Gruyter Studium)

Die Inhalte mit akademischen Anspruch sind konzentriert und intuitiv gehalten sowie mit ausdrucksstarken Experimenten unterlegt. Studierende können die elementaren Grundprinzipien des spannenden Regelwerks der Mechanik über viele Brücken auf Basis vorhandener schulischer Grundkenntnisse gezielt vertiefen. Eine klare Gliederung wird durch frische Cartoons zum Nachdenken und „Luftholen" unterstützt. Kapitelzusammenfassungen mit entsprechenden Lernkarten und Verständnisfragen unterstreichen die Lehrbegleitung.


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