
Das Quantenrätsel: ein Science-Fiction-Roman zur Quantenmechanik

Das Quantenrätsel: ein Science-Fiction-Roman zur Quantenmechanik

Martin Bäker. - Berlin : Springer, 2023

• Außergewöhnliche Darstellung der Quantenmechanik in Romanform • Bietet eine allgemeinverständliche Einführung in die Quantenphysik • Ein unterhaltsamer Science-Fiction-Roman



Molecular force sensors

Molecular force sensors

Rachel L. Bender & Khalid Salaita. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Analytical chemistry)

The number of available questions in the field of mechanobiology is endless. After reading this e-book, you will be equipped with the information needed to begin designing your own molecular force sensors, and to begin answering the multitude of questions surrounding cell mechanobiology. Rather than providing an exhaustive list of equations or discussing every chemical and biological method used to describe and develop molecular force sensors, the authors include the principles most relevant to developing molecular force sensors and highlight some of the key literature demonstrating the use of such sensors in laboratory settings.



Maschinelles Lernen - Grundlagen und Anwendungen: mit Beispielen in Python

Maschinelles Lernen - Grundlagen und Anwendungen: mit Beispielen in Python

Benny Botsch. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• beschreibt ausführlich den mathematischen Hintergrund bezüglich ML-Algorithmen • darlegen von Einsatzmöglichkeiten in interdisziplinären Fachrichtungen • durchführen von Beispiel-Übungen zum besseren Verständnis



Analysis 1: Ein zuverlässiger und verständlicher Begleiter für Studium und Prüfung

Analysis 1: Ein zuverlässiger und verständlicher Begleiter für Studium und Prüfung

Martin Brokate, Johannes Zimmer, Florian Lindemann. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Bietet eine gut motivierte prägnante Einführung in die Analysis-1-Themen • Vielfach vorlesungserprobt und bestens zum Selbstlernen geeignet • Gezielte Fragen zur Wissens- und Verständnisüberprüfung: Nutzen Sie die interaktive Springer Nature Flashcards-App



Machine learning in materials science

Machine learning in materials science

Keith T. Butler, Felipe Oviedo, & Pieremanuele Canepa. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Theoretical & computational chemistry)

This book provides the fundamentals and useful insight into where Machine Learning (ML) will have the greatest impact for the materials science researcher. This digital primer provides example methods for ML applied to experiments and simulations, including the early stages of building an ML solution for a materials science problem, concentrating on where and how to get data and some of the considerations when choosing an approach.



Data science for complex systems

Data science for complex systems

Anindya S. Chakrabarti, K. Shuvo Bakar, Anirban Chakraborti. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023

Drawing from the latest research, this self-contained and pedagogical text describes some of the most important and widely used methods, emphasising both empirical and theoretical approaches. More broadly, this book provides an accessible guide to a data-driven toolkit for scientists, engineers, and social scientists who require effective analysis of large quantities of data, whether that be related to social networks, financial markets, economies or other types of complex systems.


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Biometric presentation attack detection: towards securing biometric authentication systems

Biometric presentation attack detection: towards securing biometric authentication systems

Amit Chatterjee. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Consolidated approach includes most prevalent spoofing and anti-spoofing strategies • Includes both hardware and software-based approaches to anti-spoofing technologies • Features artificial intelligence methods • Reviews patents • Accompanied by MATLAB and PYTHON codes



Fourier transform and its applications using Microsoft EXCEL

Fourier transform and its applications using Microsoft EXCEL

Shinil Cho. - Second edtion. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Hands on practical acoustic analysis • Extended new edition • Incorporates many new areas of applications in physics and engineering • Includes quantum random walks



A general relativity coursebook

A general relativity coursebook

Ed Daw, University of Sheffield. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2023

• The mathematical approach is a simple as possible, but not so simple as to be superficial, providing all of the algebraic steps you need to follow and appreciate the details • Avoids ’naturalised’ units, retaining factors of G and c, to allow more obvious connections with more familiar material (Newtonian gravity and special relativity), to assess the relative magnitudes of terms, and to check your algebra with dimensional analysis • Unlike many GR texts, this is designed to be short and succinct, providing instructors with just the right amount of content to cover in a one-semester course


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Ausgewählte Themen des Malliavin-Kalküls: Chaos, Divergenz und noch viel mehr

Ausgewählte Themen des Malliavin-Kalküls: Chaos, Divergenz und noch viel mehr

Laurent Decreusefond. - Cham : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Bietet eine pädagogische und in sich geschlossene Einführung in die Malliavin-Rechnung • Behandelt einige der modernsten Anwendungen der Malliavin-Rechnung wie die Malliavin-Stein-Methode • Veranschaulicht die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Malliavin-Rechnung und der Funktionsanalyse im Maßraum



Advances in flexible and printed electronics: materials, fabrication, and applications

Advances in flexible and printed electronics: materials, fabrication, and applications

edited by Shanmuga Sundar Dhanabalan, Arun Thirumurugan. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Includes the most novel materials including Transparent conductive oxide, the most relevant layer in OLEDs • Covers the latest technologies used for fabrication • Includes a broad overview of current applications such as OLEDS, Displays, illumination, Photovoltaics, printed radio frequency identification tags, and printed circuit boards



Einstein’s general theory of relativity: a concise introduction

Einstein’s general theory of relativity: a concise introduction

Brian P. Dolan. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This book is an elementary introduction to Einstein’s theory and the physics of curved space-times that avoids these complications as much as possible. Its first half describes the physics of black holes, gravitational waves and the expanding Universe, without using tensors. Only in the second half are Einstein’s field equations derived and used to explain the dynamical evolution of the early Universe and the creation of the first elements. Each chapter concludes with problem sets and technical mathematical details are given in the appendices.


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From spinors to supersymmetry

From spinors to supersymmetry

Herbi K. Dreiner, Howard E. Haber, Stephen P. Martin. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2023

• Contains many detailed examples of practical calculations and derivations of key results, serving as a pedagogical resource as well as a reference • Demonstrates the translation between two-component and four-component fermion formalisms, so that the reader can make connections with other texts • Provides background for other approaches beyond the Standard Model, with a focus on the seesaw model of neutrino masses, the two Higgs doublet model and grand unification


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Computational design of engineering materials: fundamentals and case studies

Computational design of engineering materials: fundamentals and case studies

Yong Du. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023

Introducing state-of-the art computational methods, this book combines detailed explanations with real-world case studies to give a full grounding in the design of engineering materials. This book presents a wide spectrum of key computational methods, such as CALPHAD-method, first-principles calculations, phase-field simulation and finite element analysis, covering the atomic-meso-macro scale range. The reader will see these methods applied to case studies for steel, light alloys, superalloys, cemented carbides, hard coating and energy materials, demonstrating in detail how real-world materials are designed.


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The Mössbauer effect

The Mössbauer effect

Richard A Dunlap. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Provides an introduction to the Mössbauer effect. • Aimed at non-specialists with a general background in undergraduate physics. • Provides an overview of potential applications of Mössbauer effect spectroscopy. • Gives an introduction to some modern Mössbauer spectroscopy techniques. • Offers guidance to researchers in other fields who could benefit from Mössbauer effect measurements.



Prüfungstraining Theoretische Physik - Klassische Mechanik: Klausuren mit ausführlichen Lösungen

Prüfungstraining Theoretische Physik - Klassische Mechanik: Klausuren mit ausführlichen Lösungen

Markus Eichhorn. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Optimale Begleitung zur selbstständigen Prüfungsvorbereitung • Training auf Prüfungsaufgaben • Enthält 15 Prüfungen mit ausführlichen Lösungen



Photo acoustic and optical coherence tomography imaging. Volume 1: Diabetic retinopathy

Photo acoustic and optical coherence tomography imaging. Volume 1: Diabetic retinopathy

edited by Ayman El-Baz, Jasjit S Suri. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• The book is a collection of the works of several research groups that are well-known in the field, so the readers can refer to their websites if they need extra details. • Provides a comprehensive overview of all pertinent topics related to OCT imaging techniques, applicable to diagnosis of eye disorders. • Offers a unique coverage of Neural Networks in distinguishing eye diseases. • Machine learning techniques are presented in detail throughout.



Functional proteomics

Functional proteomics

Luke Erber & Yue Chen. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2021. - (ACS in focus ; Biology & biological chemistry)

The fundamental importance of proteins in cellular activity and drug discovery combined with the enormous complexity of proteoforms requires wide-ranging strategies to characterize the proteome at a system-wide scale. Because of its speed, sensitivity, and reliability, mass spectrometry–based proteomics technology has become a critical platform for systematic analysis of proteins. This book covers the basic knowledge about and summarizes some of the latest developments in this field as an introduction for anyone interested in applying functional proteomics strategies to study biological pathways and diseases.



Forensic chemistry

Forensic chemistry

Kenyon Evans-Nguyen. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2021. - (ACS in focus ; Analytical chemistry)

This book illustrates what forensic chemists do and helps students interested in the field of forensic science learn the fundamentals of their new career. For researchers interested in applying their work to forensic science, this book should serve as a bridge between laboratory science research and the practical needs of working forensic chemists.



Mathematik verstehen und anwenden: Differenzial- und Integralrechnung, Lineare Algebra

Mathematik verstehen und anwenden: Differenzial- und Integralrechnung, Lineare Algebra

Steffen Goebbels, Stefan Ritter. - 4. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Kompakt und gefällig geschriebene Einführung in die Mathematik für Ingenieure • Mit vielen Beispielen und Anwendungen sowie Aufgaben mit Lösungen • In der 4. Auflage um weitere Themen ergänzt und in zwei Bände aufgeteilt



Mathematik verstehen und anwenden: Differenzialgleichungen, Fourier- und Vektoranalysis, Laplace-Transformation und Stochastik

Mathematik verstehen und anwenden: Differenzialgleichungen, Fourier- und Vektoranalysis, Laplace-Transformation und Stochastik

Steffen Goebbels, Stefan Ritter. - 4. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Kompakt und gefällig geschriebene Einführung in die Mathematik für Ingenieure • Mit vielen Beispielen und Anwendungen sowie Aufgaben mit Lösungen • In der 4. Auflage um weitere Themen ergänzt und in zwei Bände aufgeteilt



Quantum metrology with photoelectrons. Volume 3: Analysis methodologies

Quantum metrology with photoelectrons. Volume 3: Analysis methodologies

Paul Hockett with Varun Makhija. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Interpreting experimental data. • Extraction/reconstruction/determination of quantum mechanical properties (matrix elements, wavefunctions, density matrices) from experimental data. • Comparison of experimental and theoretical data. • New analysis methodologies and techniques. • Introduction to newly-developed software platforms.



Impurity transport in magnetically confined plasmas

Impurity transport in magnetically confined plasmas

Katsumi Ida, Naoki Tamura. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IOP series in plasma physics)

• Describes recent developments in diagnostics for impurity transport • Covers recent developments of an experimental approach for impurity transport study • Provides a comprehensive understanding of impurity transport in different magnetic configurations • Covers a new area of impurity transport experiment including the effect of magnetic topology • Written by high-profile authors



Nuclear data: a collective motion view

Nuclear data: a collective motion view

David Jenkins, John L Wood. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IOP series in nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure)

• Uses a data-driven approach to understanding nuclear structure. • Critically reviews theories in the light of available data. • Includes extensive video-based exercises. • Provides a personal view from experts in the field.



Quality assurance for scientists and engineers: a practical guide

Quality assurance for scientists and engineers: a practical guide

Steven Michael Judge. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• The knowledge and skills for scientists and engineers to ensure their work is right first time • An introduction to widely-used standards such as ISO17025 and ISO9001 • Techniques to make sure work meets customers’ requirements • Preparation for placements or careers in industry and national or international institutes



Laser-plasma accelerators and radiation sources

Laser-plasma accelerators and radiation sources

Hyung Taek Kim. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IOP series in coherent sources, quantum fundamentals, and applications)

• Comprehensive description for an emerging field of laser-plasma accelerators and radiations • A practice book for laser-plasma interactions • Instructions for beginners in laser-plasma science • The perspective of future technologies based on laser-plasma sources • Includes Animation on high power laser operation, Video for visualizing plasma waves



The evaluation game: how publication metrics shape scholarly communication

The evaluation game: how publication metrics shape scholarly communication

Emanuel Kulczycki. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This innovative text provides a detailed introduction to the origin and development of the scholarly metrics used to measure academic productivity, and the effect they have upon the quality and diversity of scientific research. With its careful attention to both the positive and negative outcomes of research evaluation and their distinct expressions around the globe, The Evaluation Game guides the way to a more grounded understanding of metrics, and the diverse academic cultures they give rise to.


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Crystalline solid state physics: an interactive guide

Crystalline solid state physics: an interactive guide

Meng Lee Leek. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Interactive features including embedded videos which animate the concepts and make them much easier to visualise. • Provides detailed calculations so that students can pick up the calculational skills and have time to ponder on the physical meanings of the derivations. • Based on the author’s lecturer notes and is class tested.



Heterogeneous catalysis

Heterogeneous catalysis

Rafael Luque & Anand S. Burange. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Catalysis)

Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the pillars of chemical and energy industries. As research on this important topic advances, heterogeneous catalysis will be a central science in driving the transition to their eventual carbon neutral operation due to the ease of separation and reusability. Readers interested in understanding the basics as well as modern trends in heterogeneous catalysis will benefit from this book.



Advances in drug delivery systems for healthcare: from concept to clinic

Advances in drug delivery systems for healthcare: from concept to clinic

edited by Piyush Pradeep Mehta, Arpana Parihar. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IPEM-IOP series in physics and engineering in medicine and biology)

• Brings together novel technologies and key material advances in the discipline of drug delivery systems. • Presents a perspective on various vital features of drug delivery through highly organized text, tables, and illustrative figures. • Includes dedicated chapters dealing with drug delivery, bioengineering schemes, healthcare Internet of Things, human ergonomics, personalized healthcare, and simulation technologies. • Includes a SWOT analysis in each chapter to furnish readers with a thorough situational assessment of healthcare system.



Machine learning for drug discovery

Machine learning for drug discovery

Marcelo C.R. Melo, Jacqueline R.M.A. Maasch, & Cesar de la Fuente Nunez. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Theoretical & computational chemistry)

The e-book covers basic algorithmic theory, data representation methods, and generative modeling at a high level. The authors spotlight antibiotic discovery as a case study in ML for drug development and discuss diverse applications in drug-likeness prediction, antimicrobial resistance, and areas for future inquiry. For a more dynamic learning experience, open-source code demonstrations in Python are included.



Höhere Mathematik in Beispielen: Analysis und etwas Lineare Algebra

Höhere Mathematik in Beispielen: Analysis und etwas Lineare Algebra

. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Das Buch behandelt häufige Fehlerquellen in einem Mathematikstudium • Es enthält eine ganze Reihe ausgefallener und nicht alltäglicher Beispiele • Das Buch behandelt verständlich Themen der Analysis und Linearen Algebra



Physics of cancer. Volume 5: Magnetics- and laser-based biophysical techniques to combat cancer

Physics of cancer. Volume 5: Magnetics- and laser-based biophysical techniques to combat cancer

Claudia Tanja Mierke. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (Biophysical Society-IOP series)

• Fifth volume of the author’s Physics of Cancer (Second Edition) books, a highly regarded series • Comprises chapters that have been designed as self-contained units. • Written by a widely respected expert in the physics of cancer field. • Covers state-of-the-art techniques that were developed by the author. • Includes research findings that have been presented in numerous peer-reviewed journal articles.



Statistik: eine interdisziplinäre Einführung mit interaktiven Elementen

Statistik: eine interdisziplinäre Einführung mit interaktiven Elementen

Hans-Joachim Mittag, Katharina Schüller. - 7. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Bewährtes Lehrbuch mit zahlreichen interaktiven Elementen, Grafiken, Lehrvideos und Animationen • Interdisziplinäre aktuelle Beispiele aus verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen, u.a. Nachhaltigkeit, Politik und KI • Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen, auch in der Programmiersprache R dargestellt



Non-equilibrium hydromagnetic dynamos

Non-equilibrium hydromagnetic dynamos

Krzysztof A Mizerski. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Provides a complete, concise dynamical picture of the hydromagnetic dynamo process generated by non-equilibrium turbulence. • Emphasizes the role of non-diffusive large-scale dynamo mechanisms. • Provides a possible natural interpretation of the phenomenon of magnetic excursions and reversals in natural systems. • Emphasizes the existence of a variety of distinct dynamical effects leading to mean-field dynamo in fully developed, strongly nonlinear turbulence.



Optimisation of renewable energy powered desalination systems: a sustainable techno-economic and environmental consideration

Optimisation of renewable energy powered desalination systems: a sustainable techno-economic and environmental consideration

Ewaoche John Okampo, Nnamdi Nwulu, Pitshou Ntambu Bokoro. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Provides a pathway towards effective and efficient utilization of the nexus of critical resources like energy, water, food and environment and explores relative advantages, synergies and trade-offs. • Seeks to tie the energy–water nexus to related aspects of optimization, control and operation of emerging technologies. • Provides a detailed analysis of energy–water nexus control and optimization tools, current trends, and outlook.



Kinetics of enzyme catalysis

Kinetics of enzyme catalysis

Bruce A. Palfey & Rebecca L. Switzer. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Biology and biological chemistry)

This book provides an introduction to the fundamentals of understanding an enzyme’s catalytic mechanism and how activity is regulated, which is key to understanding biology and many diseases. It examines simple kinetics and then applies those ideas to enzyme mechanisms, leading to rate equations for several key mechanisms and, as important, illustrating some key principles. Methods are discussed in some detail, and with them some considerations for avoiding pitfalls and collecting reliable data.



Nanoelectronics: physics, technology and applications

Nanoelectronics: physics, technology and applications

Rutu Parekh, Rasika Dhavse. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Core text for senior undergraduate and postgraduate courses in nanoelectronics • Brings together all related aspects of nanoelectronics, including quantum physics, nanofabrication, electronics and applications • Provides insight into the future of electronics, emerging devices, logic and memory, sensors, systems architecture, nanofabrication, and fundamental physics • Written in an accessible style and supported by diagrams, end-of-chapter summaries and questions to aid learning



Quantum mechanics in nanoscience and engineering

Quantum mechanics in nanoscience and engineering

Uri Peskin. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This book covers both elementary and advanced quantum mechanics within a coherent and self-contained framework. Undergraduate students of physics, chemistry and engineering will find comprehensive coverage of their introductory quantum mechanics courses, and graduate students will gain an understanding of additional tools and concepts necessary to describe real world phenomena. Each topic presented is first motivated by an experimental technique, phenomenon or concept derived directly from the realm of nanoscience and technology.


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Diskurse der Datenökonomie: Kontroversen und Prozesse kollektiver Wissensproduktion

Diskurse der Datenökonomie: Kontroversen und Prozesse kollektiver Wissensproduktion

Pauline Charlotte Marguerite Reinecke. - Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler, 2023

Die Potentiale und Risiken der Datenökonomie sind Gegenstand anhaltender Kontroversen. Zur Untersuchung dieser Kontroversen wird eine wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse von Diskursdaten im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2020 durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine Demokratisierung der Technologieentwicklung durch die Austragung von Kontroversen im öffentlichen Diskurs sowie in politisch eingerichteten „hybriden Foren“. Die Arbeit erweitert die Forschung über die Kontroversen und kollektiven Wissensprozesse in der Datenökonomie.



Quantum phases of matter

Quantum phases of matter

Subir Sachdev. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2023

This modern text describes the remarkable developments in quantum condensed matter physics following the experimental discoveries of quantum Hall effects and high temperature superconductivity in the 1980s. Numerous end-of-chapter problems expand readers’ comprehension and reinforce key concepts.


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Virtual screening for chemists

Virtual screening for chemists

Ishika Saha & Patrick G. Harran. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2021. - (ACS in focus ; Medicinal chemistry)

This book focuses the discussion on principles underlying the most widely used methods for virtual screening today. References for more technical details have been provided where relevant. The authors have paid special attention to highlighting resources that are readily accessible to the academic community and hope these will facilitate your research aims. Demonstrative workflows have been included at the end of the e-book to allow you to familiarize yourself with the general steps involved in a virtual library screening pipeline.



Optical forces on atoms

Optical forces on atoms

Farhan Saif, Shinichi Watanabe. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Developed keeping in view latest experimental advancements. • Puts light on newer theoretical advancement. • Explains the text through definitions, and useful diagrams. • Provides necessary examples and exercises for the students. • Simple in language, slender, and not voluminous.



Photochemistry essentials

Photochemistry essentials

J.C. (Tito) Scaiano. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Physical chemistry)

Written by Professor Scaiano, the Canada Research Chair in Applied Photochemistry at the University of Ottawa, Photochemistry Essentials is a concise introduction aimed at researchers and students who want to learn the essential principles of photochemistry, how to use light as a tool, and how to apply the concepts of photochemistry to their research.



Mathematische Geschichten VII – Extremwerte, Modulo und Beweise: für begabte Schülerinnen und Schüler in der Oberstufe

Mathematische Geschichten VII – Extremwerte, Modulo und Beweise: für begabte Schülerinnen und Schüler in der Oberstufe

Susanne Schindler-Tschirner, Werner Schindler. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023. - (essentials)

• Gezielte Begabtenförderung für Mathematik in der Oberstufe • Anspruchsvolle Lerneinheiten in Form mathematischer Geschichten • Gut geeignet für Mathe-AGs und zur Vorbereitung auf Schülerwettbewerbe



Spezielle Funktionen der Physik mit MATLAB

Spezielle Funktionen der Physik mit MATLAB

Wolfgang Schweizer. - Cham : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Enthält eine MATLAB-Toolbox mit ausführlicher HTML-Dokumentation • Behandelt mehr als 170 spezielle Funktionen, die in der Physik, der angewandten Mathematik • Liefert funktionsbezogene Berechnungshinweise, die zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Effizienz beitragen



Biosphere-atmosphere interactions

Biosphere-atmosphere interactions

Joshua Shutter & Frank Keutsch. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2021. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)

This book provides readers with a short and succinct background of the field of biosphere-atmosphere exchange and its relevance today, helping readers new to this field understand the basics so they can better understand the research literature. This dynamic e-primer includes animations, pop-up glossary, weblinks and video interviews by leading experts in the field.



An interactive guide to quantum optics

An interactive guide to quantum optics

Nikola Šibalić, C Stuart Adams. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2024. - (IOP series in quantum technology)

• Interactive figures throughout. • Visual, hands-on content. • Multiple representations giving a window on quantum dynamics both at microscopic and macroscopic level.



Techniques in electroanalytical chemistry

Techniques in electroanalytical chemistry

Olja Simoska & Shelley D. Minteer. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Materials science)

In this brief digital primer, the authors introduce selected techniques in electroanalytical chemistry through text, laboratory-based tutorial videos, and data analysis practice problems. This primer is suitable for scientists interested in a brief introduction to the recent advances in electroanalytical chemistry, instructors wanting to supplement an undergraduate or graduate course in instrumental analysis, or the scientist wishing to incorporate electroanalytical techniques into projects to study reaction mechanisms, design energy conversion or energy storage devices, and/or design electrochemical sensors.



DNA replication

DNA replication

Anastasia Sosenko Piscitello, Michalis Petropoulos, Sotirios K. Sotiriou and Thanos D. Halazonetis. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Biology & biological chemistry)

In recent years, our understanding of the complexity of DNA replication has advanced tremendously. This e-book distills the bulk of the published studies in DNA replication with an intentional focus on eukaryotes, specifically, budding yeast and mammals. An important feature of this e-book is the incorporated images and figures. Being able to clearly visualize protein and enzymatic processes is central to understanding them.



Environmental interfacial spectroscopy

Environmental interfacial spectroscopy

Mahamud Subir & Yi Rao. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)

Despite the significance of interfacial processes in environmental chemistry, investigating environmental interfaces experimentally has always been a challenge. Recent advances in nonlinear spectroscopy (NLS) have demonstrated that techniques such as sum frequency generation (SFG) and second harmonic generation (SHG) are unique in their ability to probe buried chemical interfaces. The theoretical and practical aspect of these techniques in probing environmental interfaces is the primary focus of this e-book.



Einführung in Optimierungsmodelle: mit Beispielen und Real-World-Anwendungen in Python

Einführung in Optimierungsmodelle: mit Beispielen und Real-World-Anwendungen in Python

Nathan Sudermann-Merx. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Geeignet für Hochschulen und Industrie - insbesondere für Data Scientists • Modelle und praxisrelevante Anwendungen statt trockener Theorie • Python-Code online verfügbar:



Physics behind music: an introduction

Physics behind music: an introduction

Bryan H. Suits. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2023

• Flexible organization – chapters are short, so the instructor can select chapters of interest and skip others • Readers do not need a background in physics or music, but should have some knowledge of algebra, plane geometry, and simple graphs and functions • End-of-chapter summaries and problems encourage readers to reflect on the material and check their understanding


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Python for chemists

Python for chemists

Kiyoto Aramis Tanemura, Diego Sierra-Costa, &Kenneth M. Merz, Jr. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Tools)

Programming in Python empowers chemists to apply their domain knowledge to scales unreachable by manual effort. Learning Python is easy, but contextualizing chemical problems in Python is not always obvious. Readers of this primer develop the skill to identify problems in their research for which code may automate operations and scale a large volume of data or calculation. In addition, the authors shorten the time from “learning” to “using” Python through meaningful problem sets in Chapter One.



Photochemistry of nanomaterials: environmental impacts

Photochemistry of nanomaterials: environmental impacts

Matthew A. Tarr & Phoebe Zito. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Nanoscience)

The presence of nanomaterials, whether designed for photochemistry or not, can have dramatic impacts on environmental, plant, and animal systems. In order to fully utilize nanomaterials for photochemical and other applications, it is necessary to design and manage them in a way that avoids undesirable or unexpected consequences. To provide a solid foundation, this book covers basic principles of photochemistry and fundamentals of nanomaterials and then provides insight into photochemical based nanomaterial applications and environmental behavior of nanomaterials.





Thomas S. Teets. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2021. - (ACS in focus ; Physical chemistry)

This book provides readers with the appropriate background to thoroughly understand chemical literature involving photoluminescence measurements and interpret photoluminescence data from their own research. It includes a primer on experimental methods as well, so that readers with the appropriate instrument-specific training at their institution can begin conducting reliable photoluminescence experiments in their own research.



Machine learning, medical AI and robotics: translating theory into the clinic

Machine learning, medical AI and robotics: translating theory into the clinic

edited by Varut Vardhanabhuti, Ka-Wai Kwok, Jason YK Chan, Qi Dou. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IOP series in artificial intelligence in the biomedical sciences)

• Original content, not covered by any other books that we know of • Each chapter is to be written by experts in their respective fields • Top-quality illustrations and supplementary animations/videos • The book will have a broad reach and interest to a wide audience • Extensive references will be included at the end of each chapter to enhance further study



A student’s guide to the Ising model

A student’s guide to the Ising model

James S. Walker, Washington State University. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - (Student’s guide series)

• Brings together content on an important topic that is otherwise scattered across various graduate texts and research papers • Introduces students to the Nobel-prize winning techniques of the renormalization group • Explores features of the Ising model that illustrate the deep connections between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics


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Advanced metamaterials for engineers

Advanced metamaterials for engineers

edited by Lulu Wang, Muharrem Karaaslan. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Presents an extensive guide for the common applications of metamaterials. • Explains key points in the design and analysis of metamaterials. • Includes comprehensive examples of metamaterial applications. • Provides case studies, worked examples, end of chapter summaries.



Hamiltonsche Mechanik und Quantenmechanik

Hamiltonsche Mechanik und Quantenmechanik

Wolfgang Werner. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, 2023

• Verbindung von Hamilton’scher Mechanik und Quantenmechanik • Mit Beispielen und Lösungsmethoden • Axiomatische Darstellung mit Operatoren im Hilbertraum





Olivia Harper Wilkins & Geoffrey A. Blake. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2021. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)

This book takes you on a tour of the molecular universe through time and space, starting with the emergence of matter about 13.8 billion years ago. From there, the tour visits the interstellar medium, with an emphasis on molecular clouds where stars are born. It then goes through different evolutionary stages of stars and planets – and the chemistry that emerges alongside them – before ending in our own solar system, where you will learn about chemical delivery by objects such as comets and meteorites.



Surface science and synchrotron radiation

Surface science and synchrotron radiation

Phil Woodruff. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Explains why synchrotron radiation is relevant for studies of surfaces • Describes the unique properties of synchrotron radiation that provide information on surfaces not accessible without it. • Illustrates how synchrotron radiation can aid understanding of the electronic properties of surfaces. • Illustrates how synchrotron radiation can aid understanding of the structure of surfaces.



An introduction to district heating and cooling: low carbon energy for buildings

An introduction to district heating and cooling: low carbon energy for buildings

Paul Woods. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IOP series in renewable and sustainable power)

• Presents the fundamentals of the engineering of DH/C. • Discusses the technology, operation and key components of DH/C schemes. • Shows how DH/C compares with other low carbon technologies with respect to CO2 emissions, costs, disruption and other impacts. • Discusses how DH/C can be developed in the future world of renewable energy and the low carbon economy.



An integrated analysis of microbiomes and metabolomics

An integrated analysis of microbiomes and metabolomics

Yinglin Xia & Jun Sun. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Chemical biology)

Because the microbial community is dynamic, an individual’s microbiota at a given time is varied, and many factors, including age, host genetics, diet, and the local environment, significantly change the microbiota. Thus, microbiome researchers have naturally expanded their research to look for insights into the interaction of the microbiome with other “omics”. The microbial-derived metabolites play an important role in the function of the microbiome. Thus, the advancement in microbiome studies is becoming particularly critical for the integration of microbial DNA sequencing data with other omics data, especially microbiome-metabolomics integration.



Statistical data analysis of microbiomes and metabolomics

Statistical data analysis of microbiomes and metabolomics

Yinglin Xia & Jun Sun. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Chemical biology)

This book focuses on data analysis, statistical methods, and models. The general goal of this primer is to provide our readers with: • The challenges of analyzing microbiome and metabolomics data using the standard models and methods. • The new specifically designed methods and models developed to target the unique characteristics of microbiome data. • The strengths and weaknesses of the newly developed methods and models.



Aerosols in atmospheric chemistry

Aerosols in atmospheric chemistry

Yue Zhang, Pengfei Liu, Yuemei Han, Yongjie Li, Qi Chen, Mikinori Kuwata, & Scot T. Martin. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2022. - (ACS in focus ; Earth, space, & environmental chemistry)

The uncertainties in the aerosol effects on radiative forcing limit our knowledge of climate change, presenting us with an important research challenge. ’Aerosols in Atmospheric Chemistry’ introduces basic concepts about the characterization, formation, and impacts of ambient aerosol particles as an introduction to graduate students new to the field. Each chapter also provides an up-to-date synopsis of the latest knowledge of aerosol particles in atmospheric chemistry.


