
Elementary particles and the early universe: a synergy of particle physics and cosmology in the birth and evolution of the universe

Elementary particles and the early universe: a synergy of particle physics and cosmology in the birth and evolution of the universe

Eitan Abraham, Andres J. Kreiner. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2022

• Authored by experienced lecturers in Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Nuclear Physics, and General Relativity • Provides an accessible introduction to Particle Physics and Cosmology


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Quantum reality: theory and philosophy

Quantum reality: theory and philosophy

Jonathan Allday. - Second edition. - Abingdon, Oxon ; Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2022

• Offers a whistle-stop tour through the early part of the 20th century when the founding fathers of quantum theory forever altered the frontiers of human thought • Provides an example-filled interpretation of the theory, its applications, and its pinnacle in quantum field theory • Separates fact from speculation regarding quantum physics’ ability to provide a starting point for philosophical queries into ultimate understanding and the limits of science


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Elementary Introduction to Quantum Geometry

Elementary Introduction to Quantum Geometry

Jan Ambjorn. - [S.l.] : CRC PRESS, 2022

• Presents the first elementary introduction to quantum geometry • Explores how to understand quantum geometry without prior knowledge beyond bachelor level physics and mathematics. • Contains exercises, problems and solutions to supplement and enhance learning


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Advanced signal processing for Industry 4.0. Volume 1: Evolution, communication protocols, and applications in manufacturing systems

Advanced signal processing for Industry 4.0. Volume 1: Evolution, communication protocols, and applications in manufacturing systems

edited by Irshad Ahmad Ansari and Varun Bajaj. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Includes both signal and image processing, including real time methods • Focus on real-time signal processing and control • Contains current trends in AI for industries • Industrial and academic authors • Multidisciplinary



Electrostatics: formalism of the electrostatic field in vacuum and matter

Electrostatics: formalism of the electrostatic field in vacuum and matter

Ştefan Antohe and Vlad-Andrei Antohe. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Self-contained with mathematical appendices. • Thoroughly class-tested. • Numerous examples of applications, worked example problems and exercises. • Formalism of the electrostatic field in vacuum and matter. • Extensive study of the stationary electric charges.



Quantum computing: a pathway to quantum logic design

Quantum computing: a pathway to quantum logic design

Hafiz Md Hasan Babu. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Contains eight new chapters as a significantly extended new edition • Encompasses developments in the area, with a special focus on quantum cellular automata • Is suitable as a supplementary text in advanced courses • Includes problems within every chapter



Internet of things in biomedical sciences: challenges and applications

Internet of things in biomedical sciences: challenges and applications

edited by Varun Bajaj and Irshad Ahmad Ansari. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IPEM-IOP series in physics and engineering in medicine and biology)

• Presents a comprehensive overview of the current state of research in IoT based devices in the biomedical domain. • Covers IoT based biomedical devices for diagnosis and prognosis of different diseases. • Present impact analysis of IoMT devices with different case studies. • Design and simulation examples, issues and challenges will be covered.



Photovoltaik – Physikalische Grundlagen und Konzepte

Photovoltaik – Physikalische Grundlagen und Konzepte

von Gottfried Heinrich Bauer. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Beschreibt die Prinzipien und Konzepte von Photovoltaik und Solarzellen • Bietet einen Überblick von den physikalischen Grundlagen bis zu realen Umsetzungen • Richtet sich an Studierende der Naturwissenschaften und Technik



Kombinatorik: Einführung in die Theorie des intelligenten Zählens

Kombinatorik: Einführung in die Theorie des intelligenten Zählens

von Peter Berger. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Vermittelt elementare, zentrale Konzepte und Methoden der Kombinatorik • Erweckt Motivation zum Mitdenken und zu aktiver Mitarbeit • Macht Kombinatorik verständlicher anhand Illustrationen





von Siegfried Bosch. - 10. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Gründlich überarbeitete Neuauflage des Klassikers unter den Algebra-Lehrbüchern • Klare Didaktik, flüssiger Stil, zahlreiche Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben • Für Vorlesung, Prüfungsvorbereitung und Selbststudium



Vermittlung und Erwerb von Mathematischer Modellierungskompetenz: Zur Förderung eines ganzheitlichen Bildes der Mathematik im Schulunterricht

Vermittlung und Erwerb von Mathematischer Modellierungskompetenz: Zur Förderung eines ganzheitlichen Bildes der Mathematik im Schulunterricht

von Alexander Brödner. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023. - (essentials)

• Geschichte, Definition, Ziele und Perspektiven der Modellierungskompetenz im Schulkontext • Überblick über den immer relevanteren Bereich der Vermittlung von Modellierungskompetenz • Diskutiert Teilkompetenzen und Hindernisse beim Erwerb von Modellierungskompetenz



Functionally graded structures: modelling and computation of static and dynamical problems

Functionally graded structures: modelling and computation of static and dynamical problems

edited by Snehashish Chakraverty, Subrat Kumar Jena, Ömer Civalek. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Comprehensive coverage of the latest research and developments of functionally graded structures, providing readers with a valuable resource for advancing their understanding of this important area. • Presents various computational procedures along with their corresponding simulation results, thereby providing a comprehensive understanding of the topic. • Addresses the challenges posed by various complicating effects in the mathematical modelling of FG structures.



Recent advances in graphene and graphene-based technologies

Recent advances in graphene and graphene-based technologies

edited by Anoop Chandran, NV Unnikrishnan, MK Jayaraj, Reenu Elizabeth John, Justin George. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Provides a comprehensive review of recent advances in graphene-based research and technology. • Covers developments such as magnetism in graphene, graphene metamaterials and membranes and coatings. • Combines the necessary background, theory, and cutting-edge applications of graphene and its types. • Explores the latest synthesis techniques including CVD and the novel high yield exfoliation method.



Digital learning and teaching in chemistry

Digital learning and teaching in chemistry

edited by Yehudit Dori, Courtney Ngai, Gabriela Szteinberg. - Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023. - (Advances in chemistry education series ; no. 11)

Education is always evolving, and most recently has shifted to increased online or remote learning. This book compiles the established and emerging trends in this field, specifically within the context of learning and teaching in chemistry. This book shares insights about five major themes: best practices for teaching and learning digitally, digital learning platforms, virtual visualisation and laboratory to promote learning in science, digital assessment, and building communities of learners and educators.



Organische Synthesemethoden: Grundlagen, Mechanismen und Anwendungen

Organische Synthesemethoden: Grundlagen, Mechanismen und Anwendungen

von Alexander Düfert. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Die verschiedensten Methoden der organischen Synthese • Ausführliche Erläuterung der Reaktionsmechanismen • Vor allem für Masterstudenten und Promovierende geeignet



Quantum physics and life

Quantum physics and life

Ingemar Ernberg, Göran Johansson, Tomas Lindblad, Joar Svanvik, Göran Wendin. - Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2023

This book reveals glimpses of how the quantum physics of atoms and molecules influences, and even controls, the way our cells function and how we and our fellow animals interact with our environment. Simply put, how birds fly and why grass grows. Certainly, biochemistry and molecular biology are the foundations for the biology of living cells, but there is more—quantum coherence and entanglement influencing the functioning of proteins and enzymes, and strictly speaking, without the quantum phenomena we wouldn’t even be here.


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Tearing mode dynamics in tokamak plasmas

Tearing mode dynamics in tokamak plasmas

Richard Fitzpatrick. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IOP series in plasma physics)

• Develops a systematic theoretical framework for the investigation of tearing mode dynamics in tokamak plasmas. • Starts with the simple cylindrical linear approach and gradually introduces more realistic features such as nonlinear effects, neoclassical effects, and toroidal effects. • Includes systematic exploration of the rotation and locking of tearing modes due to their interactions with resistive walls and error-fields.



Plasma physics: an introduction

Plasma physics: an introduction

Richard Fitzpatrick. - Second edition. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2022

• Discusses fluid theory illustrated by the investigation of Langmuir sheaths • Explores charged particle motion illustrated by the investigation of charged particle trapping in the earth’s magnetosphere • Examines the MHD and WKB theories


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Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science in Theorie und Praxis: Von Algorithmen und Methoden zur praktischen Umsetzung in Unternehmen

Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science in Theorie und Praxis: Von Algorithmen und Methoden zur praktischen Umsetzung in Unternehmen

herausgegeben von Andreas Gillhuber, Göran Kauermann, Wolfgang Hauner. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Schlägt eine Brücke zwischen theoretischen Grundlagen und praktischen Anwendungen in Unternehmen • Aktuelle Praxisbeispiele aus bekannten deutschen Unternehmen verschiedenster Branchen • Herausgeber und Autoren sind anerkannte Experten, Manager und namhafte Professoren



Introduction to the theory of strong interactions: theory and applications

Introduction to the theory of strong interactions: theory and applications

Andrey Grabovsky. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2022

• Covers both basic introductory topics, in addition to more advanced content. • Accompanied by over 200 problems starting from group algebra to the derivation of Migdal-Makeenko equations, Kim - Shifman - Vainshtein - Zakharov axion, and gluon + gluon to Higgs cross section, etc. • Solutions are incorporated into the chapters to test understanding.


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Mathe übersichtlich: Von den Basics bis zur Analysis: 180 Themen zum Nachlesen und Verstehen auf jeweils einer Seite

Mathe übersichtlich: Von den Basics bis zur Analysis: 180 Themen zum Nachlesen und Verstehen auf jeweils einer Seite

von Adriane Gründers. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Bietet dir passgenaues Wissen zum schnellen Nachschlagen • Erklärt durchgehend anhand von Beispielen und mit möglichst wenig Text • Teste dein Wissen mit 100 Fragen und Antworten zum Buch in der Springer-Nature-Flashcards-App



The nature of time

The nature of time

J. Woods Halley. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2023

This book reviews and contrasts contemporary and historical perceptions of time from scientific and intuitive human points of view. Ancient and modern clocks, Augustinian ideas, the deterministic Newtonian universe, biological clocks, deep time, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and relativity all contribute to the perspective. The focus is on what can be inferred from established technologies and science as opposed to futuristic speculation.


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Aufgaben und Lösungen zur Höheren Mathematik 2

Aufgaben und Lösungen zur Höheren Mathematik 2

von Klaus Höllig, Jörg Hörner. - 4. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Ermöglicht optimale Vorbereitung auf Prüfungen in der Höheren Mathematik • In der vorliegenden 4. Auflage um weitere interaktive Aufgaben ergänzt



Classical Mechanics: problems and solutions

Classical Mechanics: problems and solutions

Carolina C. Ilie, Zachariah S. Schrecengost, Elina M. van Kempen. - [S.l.] : CRC PRESS, 2023.

• Presents a theoretical outline for each chapter. • Motivates the students with standard mechanics problems with step-by-step explanations. • Challenges the students with more complex problems with detailed solutions.


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Analytical techniques for biomedical nanotechnology

Analytical techniques for biomedical nanotechnology

edited by Ajeet Kaushik, Sesha S Srinivasan and Yogendra Kumar Mishra. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Provides a comprehensive overview of analytical techniques for applications in biomedical nanotechnology at both the fundamental and applied level. • Explains how fundamental knowledge of the techniques can be translated to applications in nano-enabled biomedical research. • Covers state-of-art analytical techniques for biomedical nanotechnology. • Includes the prospects and challenges with each technique, including potential solutions.



Introduction to general relativity and cosmology

Introduction to general relativity and cosmology

Ian R Kenyon. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (AAS-IOP astronomy)

• Provides a fully integrated treatment of general relativity and cosmology • Gives a physical treatment of GR with the essential minimal mathematics • Contains up-to-date observations of gravitational waves by LIGO and Virgo • Gives a clear account of the development of the universe with the simple physical basis explained and numerical predictions presented to support this



Extreme-temperature and harsh-environment electronics: physics, technology and applications Vinod

Extreme-temperature and harsh-environment electronics: physics, technology and applications Vinod

Kumar Khanna. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Provides comprehensive and practical coverage of electronic materials, devices, circuits, and systems in extreme temperature environments. • Presents design techniques for minimising the effects of exceedingly high or low temperatures on electronic devices. • Discusses the opportunities available to exploit new phenomena that take place under unfavourable thermal conditions. • Includes five new chapters covering application-specific rugged electronics techniques.



Hypersonic shock wave turbulent boundary layers: direct numerical simulation, large eddy simulation and experiment

Hypersonic shock wave turbulent boundary layers: direct numerical simulation, large eddy simulation and experiment

Doyle Knight and Nadia Kianvashrad. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Provides a summary of the state-of-the-art of experimental knowledge of hypersonic turbulent boundary layers. • Summarizes the state-of-the-art of Direct Numerical and Large Eddy Simulation of hypersonic turbulent boundary layers. • Provides a roadmap for future experimental and DNS and LES research in hypersonic turbulent boundary layers. • Includes a brief summary of experimental hypersonic test facilities.



Kompaktkurs Kombinatorik: Gezählt, verteilt und wohlgeordnet

Kompaktkurs Kombinatorik: Gezählt, verteilt und wohlgeordnet

von Mario H. Kraus. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Kostenlos für Leser: Zusätzliche Fragen und Antworten zum Buch in der Springer Nature Flashcards App • Die erste fachübergreifende Einführung in die Kombinatorik in deutscher Sprache • Ein kompakter Kurs zur Kombinatorik mit zahlreichen Anwendungsbeispielen



Vom Referat bis zur Abschlussarbeit: Wissenschaftliche Texte perfekt produzieren, präsentieren und publizieren

Vom Referat bis zur Abschlussarbeit: Wissenschaftliche Texte perfekt produzieren, präsentieren und publizieren

von Bruno P. Kremer. - 6. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Pragmatische Hilfestellung zu den formalen Anforderungen einer schriftlichen Arbeit • Aus der Praxis zusammengestellte Anleitung, die rasche und konkrete Hilfe anbietet • Direkt umsetzbare Handlungsanweisungen



Grundlagen der Strahlungsphysik und des Strahlenschutzes

Grundlagen der Strahlungsphysik und des Strahlenschutzes

von Hanno Krieger. - 7. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Geeignet für Studierende der Physik, Strahlenschutzfachkräfte, Medizinphysiker und - techniker • Vermittelt physikalische, biologische und rechtliche Grundlagen der Strahlungsphysik und des Strahlenschutzes • Mit ausführlichem Formel- und Tabellenanhang



Scientific understanding and representation: modeling in the physical sciences

Scientific understanding and representation: modeling in the physical sciences

edited by Insa Lawler, Kareem Khalifa, and Elay Shech. - New York, NY : Routledge, 2023. - (Routledge studies in the philosophy of mathematics and physics)

This volume assembles cutting-edge scholarship on scientific understanding, scientific representation, and their delicate interplay. Featuring several articles in an engaging ‘critical conversation’ format, the volume integrates discussions about understanding and representation with perennial issues in the philosophy of science, including the nature of scientific knowledge, idealizations, scientific realism, scientific inference, and scientific progress.


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Grundlagen der Physik: kurz und knapp

Grundlagen der Physik: kurz und knapp

von Klaus Lüders. - 4. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Bietet kurz und knapp die Grundlagen der Physik fürs Nebenfach • Stellt prüfungsrelevante Inhalte kompakt dar • Ergänzt durch Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen



Lithium across the universe

Lithium across the universe

Eduardo Martín. - Bristol, UK : IOP Astronomy, 2023. - (AAS-IOP astronomy)

• The first book dedicated to this topic • Covers introductory concepts, historical developments, up-to-date results and discussions of open questions in the field • Covers a diverse range of topics from lithium in the sun, stars, planets, and the interstellar medium



Analysis einer Veränderlichen prägnant erklärt: Mit logischen Grundlagen und Querverbindungen

Analysis einer Veränderlichen prägnant erklärt: Mit logischen Grundlagen und Querverbindungen

von Franz Merkl. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Enthält ausführliche Kommentare zu den wichtigsten Beweisen • Bietet eine prägnante und gut verständliche Darstellung der Analysis 1 • Enthält viele Querverbindungen für ein tieferes und nachhaltigeres Verständnis



The Möbius strip topology: history, science, and applications in nanotechnology, materials, and the arts

The Möbius strip topology: history, science, and applications in nanotechnology, materials, and the arts

Klaus Möbius, Martin Plato, Anton Savitsky. - Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2022

Möbius’ legacy reaches far into today’s sciences, arts, and architecture. The famous one-sided Möbius strip is a paradigmatic example of the ongoing fascination with mathematical topology. This is the first book to present numerous detailed case studies on Möbius topology in science and the humanities. It is written for those who believe in the power of ideas in our culture, experts and laymen alike.


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Symmetriebeziehungen zwischen Kristallstrukturen: Anwendungen der kristallographischen Gruppentheorie in der Kristallchemie

Symmetriebeziehungen zwischen Kristallstrukturen: Anwendungen der kristallographischen Gruppentheorie in der Kristallchemie

von Ulrich Müller. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Erklärt Symmetriebeziehungen zwischen verwandten Kristallstrukturen kompakt und fundiert • Schult das Erkennen von chemisch-strukturellen Beziehungen zwischen kristallinen Festkörpern • Enthält die mathematische Behandlung der Symmetrielehre



Der Code der Mathematik: Beweis und Wahrheit

Der Code der Mathematik: Beweis und Wahrheit

von Stefan Müller-Stach. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Einführung in viele Ideen der Mathematik ohne Vorkenntnisse • Erstes deutsches Buch über Homotopy Type Theory • Übersicht über alle Grundlagen der Mathematik



AI and ethics: a computational perspective

AI and ethics: a computational perspective

Animesh Mukherjee. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IOP series in next generation computing)

• An investigation of the ethical ramifications of algorithmic decision making. • Methods to ensure fairness in AI algorithms. • Explainability/accountability of the AI algorithms. • Governance of platform companies. • Includes case studies to help the reader understand the importance of each of the topics covered.



Affective computing in healthcare: applications based on biosignals and artificial intelligence

Affective computing in healthcare: applications based on biosignals and artificial intelligence

edited by M Murugappan. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IPEM-IOP series in physics and engineering in medicine and biology)

• Provides an overview of modern affective computing techniques, from simple algorithms to complex ones • Presents a step-by-step approach to designing intelligent affective computing applications for quick learning in healthcare • Includes case studies of successful and unsuccessful techniques in biomedical signal processing to understand challenges with their implementation • Includes several types of affective computing systems used in healthcare based on biomedical signals



Nanocarbon allotropes beyond graphene: synthesis, properties and applications

Nanocarbon allotropes beyond graphene: synthesis, properties and applications

edited by Arpan Kumar Nayak, Santosh K Tiwari. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Presents the synthesis, characterisation, and advanced technological applications of novel nanocarbons • Focuses on graphane, graphyne, graphdiyne, graphene nanoribbon, onion like carbons and carbon nanotori • Covers the applications of novel nanocarbons in solar cells, flexible electronics, supercapacitor batteries and next-generation energy storage devices • Includes cutting-edge research on new carbon nanomaterials (2D nanosystems) challenging graphene



Nonlinear phenomena in the radiation from plasmas

Nonlinear phenomena in the radiation from plasmas

Eugene Oks. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• Describes a new class of nonlinear optical phenomena: the intra-Stark spectroscopy • Presents nonlinear phenomena revealed by analytical methods, thus providing a physical insight • Employs the advanced formalism of quasienergy states, facilitating solutions and a better understanding of many related problems • Constitutes a systematic collection of the results presented in numerous research papers • Provides the physical background required for readers to engage in corresponding research



Analytical evaluation of uncertainty propagation for probabilistic design optimisation

Analytical evaluation of uncertainty propagation for probabilistic design optimisation

Melanie Po-Leen Ooi, Arvind Rajan, Ye Chow Kuang, Serge Demidenko. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023

• This is arguably the first monograph systematically and comprehensively presenting the new area of moment-based uncertainty propagation and its practical applications. • It provides free access to developed application-specific online tools and benchmark test distributions for expanded uncertainty. • The practical application section of the monograph presents several real-world case study solutions.



Artificial intelligence in STEM education: the paradigmatic shifts in research, education, and technology

Artificial intelligence in STEM education: the paradigmatic shifts in research, education, and technology

edited by Fan Ouyan, Pengcheng Jiao, Bruce M. McLaren and Amir H. Alavi. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2023. - (Chapman & Hall/CRC artificial intelligence and robotics series)

Artificial intelligence (AI) opens new opportunities for STEM education. This book summarizes AI in education (AIED) with a particular focus on the research, practice, and technological paradigmatic shifts of AIED in recent years. The 23 chapters in this edited collection track the paradigmatic shifts of AIED in STEM education, discussing how and why the paradigms have shifted, explaining how and in what ways AI techniques have ensured the shifts, and envisioning what directions next-generation AIED is heading in the new era.


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Classical and quantum information theory for the physicist

Classical and quantum information theory for the physicist

Harish Parthasarathy. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2022

• Quantum Information Theory, A Selection of Matrix Inequalities • Stochastic Filtering Theory Applied to Electromagnetic Fields and Strings • Wigner-distributions in Quantum Mechanics • Quantization of Classical Field Theories • Statistical Signal Processing • Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Statistics, Gravity, Stochastic Fields and Information Problems in Information Theory


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Im Kosmos zu Hause: Wie astronomische Fotografien unsere Sicht auf die Welt verändern

Im Kosmos zu Hause: Wie astronomische Fotografien unsere Sicht auf die Welt verändern

von Bernd Pröschold. - Berlin : Springer, 2023

• Bildband im Querformat (in Covervorschau eventuell nicht erkennbar) • Fasziniert durch atemberaubende astronomische Fotografien sowie poetische Essays • Schafft die Verbindung von Kulturwissenschaft und Kosmologie



Quantum mechanics I: the fundamentals

Quantum mechanics I: the fundamentals

S. Rajasekar, R. Velusamy. - Second edition. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2022

This volume provides a graduate-level account of the behavior of matter and energy at the molecular, atomic, nuclear, and sub-nuclear levels. It covers basic concepts, mathematical formalism, and applications to physically important systems. This fully updated new edition addresses many topics not typically found in books at this level. A collection of problems at the end of each chapter develops students’ understanding of both basic concepts and the application of theory to various physically important systems.


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Quantum mechanics II: advanced topics

Quantum mechanics II: advanced topics

S. Rajasekar and R. Velusamy. - Second edition. - Abingdon : CRC Press, 2023

This volume offers a comprehensive exploration of the state-of-the-art in various advanced topics of current research interest. It expounds basic principles, theoretical treatment, case studies, worked-out examples and applications of advanced topics including quantum technologies. In the second edition six new chapters are included and the other ten chapters are extensively revised.


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Mathematikunterricht in der Grundschule: Lernangebote fachorientiert, kindorientiert und differenziert gestalten

Mathematikunterricht in der Grundschule: Lernangebote fachorientiert, kindorientiert und differenziert gestalten

von Elisabeth Rathgeb-Schnierer, Stephanie Schuler, Sybille Schütte. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023. - (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)

• Umfasst die wesentlichen allgemeindidaktischen, stoffdidaktischen und unterrichtspraktischen Themen • Orientiert sich an den aktuellen Lehrplänen und Standards • Unterstützt beim Entwickeln einer angemessenen Aufgaben-, Unterrichts- und Leistungskultur



Mathematica beyond mathematics: the Wolfram language in the real world

Mathematica beyond mathematics: the Wolfram language in the real world

José Guillermo Sánchez León. - Second edition. - Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2023

Although many books have been written about Mathematica, very few of them cover the new functionality added to the most recent versions of the program. This thoroughly revised second edition introduces the new features using real-world examples based on the experience of the author as a consultant and Wolfram certified instructor. This new edition introduces the new capabilities added to the latest version of Mathematica (version 13), and discusses new topics related to machine learning, big data, finance economics, and physics.


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The Math of Body, Soul, and the Universe

The Math of Body, Soul, and the Universe

Norbert Schwarzer. - Milton : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2022.

In order to find the mathematical and physical fundament for the description of the body, the soul, and the whole universe, which is to say a "theory of everything," we think that we require "quantum gravity." That such a theory—in principle—already exists and was derived by Hilbert and elaborated in the author’s previous work, The World Formula: A Late Recognition of David Hilbert’s Stroke of Genius. This book digs deeper and shows not only that quantum gravity is more than just a physical theory—describing physical aspects—but also that, in fact, it covers "it all."


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Inside the stars

Inside the stars

Hugh Van Horn. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (AAS-IOP astronomy)

• Includes the stories of the historical advances that have led to our current understanding of the nature of the stars • Underscores the important roles women have played in the development of this understanding • Avoids the use of technical jargon and clearly defines the terms used • Identifies some of the key questions that remain unresolved at the time of writing



An Overview of General Relativity and Space-Time

An Overview of General Relativity and Space-Time

Nicola Vittorio. - [S.l.] : CRC PRESS, 2022. - (Series in astronomy and astrophysics)

• Provides a self-contained introduction to General Relativity and to its standar applications. • Presents readers with all the tools necessary for further learning and research in the field. • Accessible to readers with just foundational knowledge of linear algebra and Lagrangian mechanics.


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Das RSA-Verfahren: Verschlüsseln und Entschlüsseln auf Basis der Algebra: Klartext für Nichtmathematiker

Das RSA-Verfahren: Verschlüsseln und Entschlüsseln auf Basis der Algebra: Klartext für Nichtmathematiker

von Guido Walz. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023. - (essentials)

• Kompakte Zusammenstellung in leicht zugänglicher Sprache • Präziser und nachvollziehbarer Überblick, der sich nicht in Details verliert • Beschreibt den Weg von algebraischen Grundlagen und euklidischem Algorithmus zum RSA-Verfahren



ToF LiDAR for autonomous driving

ToF LiDAR for autonomous driving

Wei Wei. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IOP series in advances in optics, photonics and optoelectronics)

• Combines professional knowledge and industrial experience of autonomous driving LiDAR. • Appropriate for both students and engineers, covering not only fundamentals but also industrial knowledge. • Bridges the gap between the academic and industrial knowledge. • Provides engineers a deeper insight into LiDAR including the industry chain and supply chain of LiDAR.



Mathematische Methoden anhand von Problemlösungen: Die Werkzeuge des Physikers

Mathematische Methoden anhand von Problemlösungen: Die Werkzeuge des Physikers

von Paul Wenk. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Legt zentrale mathematische Werkzeuge für Physiker*innen nahe • Enthält zahlreiche Aufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen • Verknüpft verschiedene Aufgaben und schafft so eine Überleitung zu immer komplexeren Problemstellungen



Mind, Brain, Quantum AI, and the Multiverse

Mind, Brain, Quantum AI, and the Multiverse

Andreas Wichert. - [S.l.] : CHAPMAN & HALL CRC, 2022.

There is a long-lasting controversy concerning our mind and consciousness. This book proposes a connection between the mind, the brain, and the multiverse. The author introduces the main philosophical ideas concerning mind and freedom, and explains the basic principles of computer science, artificial intelligence of brain research, quantum physics, and quantum artificial intelligence.


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Symmetrien in der Physik: Gruppen- und Darstellungstheorie mit Anwendungen

Symmetrien in der Physik: Gruppen- und Darstellungstheorie mit Anwendungen

von Andreas Wipf. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Führt durch die Symmetrien u.a. in Festkörperphysik, Quantenfeldtheorie und Molekülphysik • Beschäftigt sich mit Punkt u. Raumgruppen, Raumzeitsymmetrien, Lie-Algebren, Eichtheorien, Supersymmetrie u.v.m. • Vertieft mit zahlreichen Aufgaben und Verständnisfragen



How to be a quantum mechanic

How to be a quantum mechanic

Charles G. Wohl. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2022. - (Frontiers in physics)

This book is an introduction to quantum mechanics at the upper-division level. It begins with wave-particle duality and ends with a brief introduction to the Dirac equation. Two attitudes went into its writing: Examples are the best way to get into a subject, and numbers and equations alone do not always sum to understanding. The author taught for 40 years at the University of California, Berkeley. He earned his Ph.D. at Berkeley, in experimental elementary-particle physics in the group led by Luis Alvarez.


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Effective teaching in large STEM classes

Effective teaching in large STEM classes

edited by Anna K Wood. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IOP series in physics education)

• Provides a practical guide to effective teaching of large classes in STEM subjects at university level. • Takes an evidence-based approach and synthesises the theoretical and pedagogical issues that are important for teachers to understand. • Provides an overview of the literature supporting active learning approaches. • Discusses the flipped classroom, strategies for introducing interactivity into classes, and the use of technology such as electronic voting systems.



Evan James Williams: atomic physicist

Evan James Williams: atomic physicist

Rowland Wynne ; translation by Gareth Ffowc Roberts and Rowland Wynne.. - [Cardiff] : University of Wales Press, 2020. - (Scientists of Wales)

This book presents the life and work of Professor Evan James Williams, described as one of Wales’s most eminent scientists. Williams played a prominent part in the early twentieth-century revolution in physics with the emergence of quantum science, and was an able experimentalist and accomplished theoretician who made notable contributions in atomic physics and the discovery of a new elementary particle.


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Spatially fractionated, microbeam and FLASH radiation therapy: a physics and multi-disciplinary approach

Spatially fractionated, microbeam and FLASH radiation therapy: a physics and multi-disciplinary approach

edited by Hualin Zhang, Nina A Mayr. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2023. - (IPEM-IOP series in physics and engineering in medicine and biology)

This textbook is a comprehensive review of the physics of heterogeneous radiation and is linked, through a multidisciplinary approach, to clinical applications and biological considerations of heterogenous radiation. Fundamental principles of Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy (SFRT), techniques and technologies, dosimetric properties of SFRT, planning methods, documentation, standardized reporting metrics and clinical practice recommendations are comprehensively reviewed.


