
Single-molecule science: from super-resolution microscopy to DNA mapping and diagnostics

Single-molecule science: from super-resolution microscopy to DNA mapping and diagnostics

edited by Krishnarao Appasani, Raghu Kiran Appasani. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2022

Single Molecule Science (SMS) has emerged from developing, using and combining technologies such as super-resolution microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and optical and magnetic tweezers, alongside sophisticated computational and modelling techniques. This comprehensive, edited volume brings together authoritative overviews of these methods from a biological perspective, and highlights how they can be used to observe and track individual molecules and monitor molecular interactions in living cells.


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Weshalb auf die Wissenschaft hören?: Antworten aus Philosophie und wissenschaftlicher Praxis

Weshalb auf die Wissenschaft hören?: Antworten aus Philosophie und wissenschaftlicher Praxis

herausgegeben von Andreas Bartels, Dennis Lehmkuhl. - Berlin : Springer, 2022

• Zeigt an konkreten Beispielen, wie Forschung funktioniert und wodurch das Vertrauen in sie gerechtfertigt ist • Erläutert, wie unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche Meinungen mit der orientierenden Rolle der Wissenschaft vereinbar ist • Erklärt, wie wissenschaftliches Wissen von komplexen Systemen möglich ist





Daniel Baumann. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2022

• Many worked examples and exercises help students build an intuitive understanding of the theory and how to apply it to concrete problems • Numerous end-of-chapter problems ensure students have mastered the material before progressing any further • Online student resources – including an annotated list of important cosmology papers, Mathematica notebooks and updates on observational results – keep students abreast of the latest research


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Triviale Einsichten, die niemand befolgt: Wissenschaftliche und philosophische Erkenntnisse zu alltäglichen Fragen

Triviale Einsichten, die niemand befolgt: Wissenschaftliche und philosophische Erkenntnisse zu alltäglichen Fragen

von Jürgen Beetz. - Berlin : Springer, 2022

• Hier gehen Hirnforschung, Naturwissenschaften, Psychologie und Philosophie eine interessante Verbindung ein • Lässt Querverbindungen und Zusammenhänge erkennen, die Sie bisher nicht gesehen haben • Hilft dabei, Erkenntnisse, die Sie haben, aber nicht beherzigen, umzusetzen



A practical introduction to beam physics and particle accelerators

A practical introduction to beam physics and particle accelerators

Santiago Bernal. - Third edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2022

• Presents a concise presentation of key principles of beam and accelerator physics. • Covers single-particle to beam-dynamics physics descriptions, and from transverse to longitudinal dynamics. • Provides computer codes with worked-out examples in each chapter. • Includes an appendix with detailed information on compatibility, installation and use of readily available computer codes for accelerator modeling.



Moderne Verfahren der Kryptographie: Von RSA zu Zero-Knowledge und darüber hinaus

Moderne Verfahren der Kryptographie: Von RSA zu Zero-Knowledge und darüber hinaus

von Albrecht Beutelspacher, Jörg Schwenk, Klaus-Dieter Wolfenstetter. - 9., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2022

• Anschauliche Darstellung, nur sehr wenig Vorwissen nötig • Modularer Aufbau, weitgehend voneinander unabhängige Kapitel • Neu ab der 9. Auflage: u. a. Themen wie Kyptographie in der Blockchain, Homomorphe Verschlüsselung und Kryptographie im Darknet



Diffusion, segregation and solid-state phase transformations: Course reminders and solved problems

Diffusion, segregation and solid-state phase transformations: Course reminders and solved problems

Didier Blavette, Thomas Philippe. - Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2022. - (Current Natural Sciences)

This book contains a set of solved problems on the thermodynamics of phase transformations, diffusion and kinetics in alloys. These problems, preceded by a reminder of the course, are completed by answers detailing each stage of the calculations. The topics covered in the book are essential for the design of materials and the optimisation of heat treatments and properties, whether for structural materials or functional materials.


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Geometric Potential Analysis

Geometric Potential Analysis

ed. by Mario Milman, Jie Xiao, Boguslaw Zegarlinski. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2022. - (Advances in Analysis and Geometry ; 6)

This monograph contains papers that were delivered at the special session on Geometric Potential Analysis, that was part of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2021, virtually held in Buenos Aires. The papers, that were contributed by renowned specialists worldwide, cover important aspects of current research in geometrical potential analysis and its applications to partial differential equations and mathematical physics.


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2D Materials: And Their Exotic Properties

2D Materials: And Their Exotic Properties

Paolo Bondavalli. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2022

The book explains, in an easy way, the difficult to grasp concepts behind 2D exotic material properties for physicists, materials scientists, and engineers. This is a new class of phenomena highlighted in 2D materials with strong implications on physics. Physics, also for complex phenomena, is explained in easy terms that are ideal for newcomers to the fi eld and advanced students alike. Theory and specific examples of materials and their intriguing properties are discussed. Applications for each phenomenon are evoked and a roadmapping is performed.


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Wie alles anfing: Von Molekülen über Einzeller zum Menschen

Wie alles anfing: Von Molekülen über Einzeller zum Menschen

Manfred Bühner. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2022. - (De Gruyter Populärwissenschaftliche Reihe)

Wie entstand das Leben auf der Erde? Dieses Werk beschreibt anschaulich die Bedeutung der Chemie als Grundlage der Evolution: vom Sternenstaub über selbst-kopierende Moleküle zur chemischen Fortpflanzung und zur Entwicklung der ersten Zellen, dem Beginn der Biologie. Eingehend wird die Bedeutung von Mutationen erläutert, die zu Photosynthese und komplexen Zellen führten, was schließlich die ungeheure Vielfalt mehrzelliger Lebewesen möglich machte.


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Statistical physics of condensed matter systems: a primer

Statistical physics of condensed matter systems: a primer

Luciano Colombo. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2022

• Fills a gap for a self-contained undergraduate textbook in statistical physics of condensed matter systems. • Tailored for a one-semester course. • Focuses on a selected set of topics, whilst also providing substantial, in-depth coverage of the subject. • Emphasises phenomenology rather than mathematics/formalism. • Uses various pedagogical features, including chapter outline, proof-of-concept pictures.



Plasma modeling: methods and applications

Plasma modeling: methods and applications

edited by Gianpiero Colonna, Antonio D’Angola. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2022. - (IOP series in plasma physics)

• New edition updated throughout. • Contains a new part covering methods to calculate data needed in plasma modelling. • Contains detailed descriptions of numerical methods. • Includes a wide variety of applications of the models. • Chapters written by experts in the field.



Waves in complex media

Waves in complex media

Luca Dal Negro. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2022

This book offers a clear and interdisciplinary introduction to the structural and scattering properties of complex photonic media, focusing on deterministic aperiodic structures and their conceptual roots in geometry and number theory. It integrates important results and recent developments into a coherent and physically consistent story, balanced between mathematical designs, scattering and optical theories, and engineering device applications. The book includes discussions of emerging device applications in metamaterials and nano-optics technology.


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Diagnostik von besonderen Rechenschwierigkeiten in der Sekundarstufe I

Diagnostik von besonderen Rechenschwierigkeiten in der Sekundarstufe I

von Susanne Dögnitz. - Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2022

Obwohl PISA 2018 bei 21% der 14-Jährigen Defizite im basismathematischen Bereich feststellte, ist das Thema Rechenschwäche vorrangig eines der Grundschulforschung. In diesem Buch wird die Entwicklung eines nach IRT konzipierten Gruppentestverfahrens (LeDi-Arithmetik) aufgezeigt, das es Lehrkräften der Sek. I ermöglicht, mangelnde mathematische Basiskompetenzen zu erkennen.



Forecasting with maximum entropy: the interface between physics, biology, economics and information theory

Forecasting with maximum entropy: the interface between physics, biology, economics and information theory

Hugo Fort. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2022

• Written to be suitable for a broad spectrum of readers and assumes little mathematical specialism. • Includes pedagogical features: worked examples, case studies and summaries. • The interdisciplinary approach builds bridges between disciplines. • Oriented to solve practical problems. • Includes a combination of analytical derivations and numerical simulations with experiments.



Advances in Precision Laser Spectroscopy

Advances in Precision Laser Spectroscopy

Kelin Gao, Wuming Liu, Jianping Yin, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan; ed. by Jie Zhang. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2022. - (Advances in Optical Physics ; Volume 2)

• Provides extensive and thoroughly exhaustive coverage of precision laser spectroscopy • Presents chapters written by recognized experts in their individual fields • Topics covered include cold atoms, cold molecules, methods and techniques for production of cold molecules, optical frequency standards based on trapped single ions, etc • Applicable for researchers and graduate students of optical physics and precision laser spectroscopy


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Notes on Hamiltonian dynamical systems

Notes on Hamiltonian dynamical systems

Antonio Giorgilli, University of Milan. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022. - (London Mathematical Society student texts ; 102)

Starting with the basics of Hamiltonian dynamics and canonical transformations, this text follows the historical development of the theory culminating in recent results: the Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser theorem, Nekhoroshev’s theorem and superexponential stability. Its analytic approach allows students to learn about perturbation methods leading to advanced results. Key topics covered include Liouville’s theorem, the proof of Poincaré’s non-integrability theorem and the nonlinear dynamics in the neighbourhood of equilibria.


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Quantenmechanik: Eine Einführung in die Welt der Wellen und Wahrscheinlichkeiten

Quantenmechanik: Eine Einführung in die Welt der Wellen und Wahrscheinlichkeiten

Holger Göbel. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022

• Wesentliche Aspekte der Quantenmechanik werden anhand verständlicher Experimente abgeleitet. • Interessante und komplett durchgerechnete Beispiele. • Didaktisch hilfreiche Struktur mit hervorgehobenen Merksätzen und grafisch erläuterten Formeln.


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Intermediate dynamics

Intermediate dynamics

Patrick Hamill. - Second edition. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2022

• A comprehensive, modern treatment of the subject in clear, plain language that is accessible to students • Mathematical formalism is introduced as needed • Over 300 in-chapter exercises, 82 worked examples, 550 end of chapter problems, and 65 optional computational projects give instructors a wealth of material for assignments and student assessments • Lecture videos for each chapter offer students an additional learning opportunity


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Kontinuierliche Messgrößen und Stichprobenstrategien in Raum und Zeit: mit Anwendungen in den Natur-, Umwelt-, Wirtschafts- und Finanzwissenschaften

Kontinuierliche Messgrößen und Stichprobenstrategien in Raum und Zeit: mit Anwendungen in den Natur-, Umwelt-, Wirtschafts- und Finanzwissenschaften

von Hartmut Hebbel, Detlef Steuer. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2022

• Aktuelle Zusammenstellung mathematisch-statistischer Methoden und Strategien • Geeignet für Anwendungsgebiete mit kontinuierlichen Prozessen, die nur stichprobenartig beobachtet werden können • Besonders gut abgestimmt auf kontinuierliche Messgrößen in Raum und Zeit



Übungsbuch Analysis II: Klausurrelevante Aufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen

Übungsbuch Analysis II: Klausurrelevante Aufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen

von Niklas Hebestreit. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2022

• Bietet vielfältige Aufgaben mit Lösungshinweisen und ausführlichen Lösungen • Ideal für Selbststudium und Prüfungsvorbereitung • Deckt alle wichtigen Themen der Analysis 2 ab



Quantum computing for programmers

Quantum computing for programmers

Robert Hundt. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022

This introduction to quantum computing from a classical programmer’s perspective is meant for students and practitioners alike. Over 25 fundamental algorithms are explained with full mathematical derivations and classical code for simulation, using an open-source code base developed from the ground up in Python and C++. After presenting the basics of quantum computing, the author focuses on algorithms and the infrastructure to simulate them efficiently, beginning with quantum teleportation, superdense coding, and Deutsch-Jozsa.


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The transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics: a relativistic treatment

The transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics: a relativistic treatment

Ruth E. Kastner. - Second edition. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022

Providing a comprehensive exposition of the transactional interpretation (TI) of quantum mechanics, this book sheds new light on long-standing problems in quantum theory such as the physical meaning of the ’Born Rule’ for the probabilities of measurement results, and demonstrates the ability of TI to solve the measurement problem of quantum mechanics. This substantially revised and updated second edition is ideal for researchers and graduate students interested in the philosophy of physics and the interpretation of quantum mechanics.


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Eye-Tracking in der Mathematik- und Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik: Forschung und Praxis

Eye-Tracking in der Mathematik- und Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik: Forschung und Praxis

herausgegeben von Pascal Klein, Nicole Graulich, Jochen Kuhn, Maike Schindler. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2022

• Stellt aktuelle Studien zum Thema Eye-Tracking in der Mathematik- und Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik dar • Bietet Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im entsprechenden Unterricht von der Primarstufe bis zur universitären Lehre • Richtet sich an Lehrkräfte, Dozierende, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler



Fourier analysis

Fourier analysis

T. W. Körner ; with a foreword by Terence Tao. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022. - (Cambridge Mathematical Library)

Fourier analysis is a subject that was born in physics but grew up in mathematics. Now it is part of the standard repertoire for mathematicians, physicists and engineers. This diversity of interest is often overlooked, but in this much-loved book, Tom Körner provides a shop window for some of the ideas, techniques and elegant results of Fourier analysis, and for their applications. The prerequisites are few, and the style is lively and entertaining. This edition of Körner’s 1989 text includes a foreword written by Professor Terence Tao introducing it to a new generation of fans.


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An introduction to groups and their matrices for science students

An introduction to groups and their matrices for science students

Robert Kolenkow. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022

Group theory, originating from algebraic structures in mathematics, has long been a powerful tool in many areas of physics, chemistry and other applied sciences, but it has seldom been covered in a manner accessible to undergraduates. This book from renowned educator Robert Kolenkow introduces group theory and its applications starting with simple ideas of symmetry, through quantum numbers, and working up to particle physics. It features clear explanations, accompanying problems and exercises, and numerous worked examples from experimental research in the physical sciences.


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Fundamentals of solidification

Fundamentals of solidification

Wilfried Kurz, David J. Fisher and Michel Rappaz. - 5th fully revised edition. - Baech : Scientific.Net, 2023. - (Foundations of materials science and engineering volume ; 103)

Since the 4th 1998 edition, there have been numerous crucial advances to the modelling and the basic understanding of solidification phenomena, and with its linking to experimental results. These topics have been incorporated into this 5th Fully Revised Edition, as well as a new final chapter on microstructure selection which explains how to combine the concepts of the preceding chapters for modelling real microstructures, in complex processes such as additive manufacturing.



Machine Learning Algorithm for Fatigue Fields in Additive Manufacturing

Machine Learning Algorithm for Fatigue Fields in Additive Manufacturing

by Mustafa Mamduh Mustafa Awd. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, 2022. - (Werkstofftechnische Berichte │ Reports of Materials Science and Engineering)

Fatigue failure of structures used in transportation, industry, medical equipment, and electronic components needs to build a link between cutting-edge experimental characterization and probabilistically grounded numerical and artificially intelligent tools. The physics involved in this process chain is computationally prohibitive to comprehend using traditional computation methods. Using machine learning and Bayesian statistics, a defect-correlated estimate of fatigue strength was developed.



The Canonical Operator in Many-Particle Problems and Quantum Field Theory

The Canonical Operator in Many-Particle Problems and Quantum Field Theory

Victor P. Maslov, Oleg Yu. Shvedov. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2022. - (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics ; 71)

In this monograph we study the problem of construction of asymptotic solutions of equations for functions whose number of arguments tends to infinity as the small parameter tends to zero. Such equations arise in statistical physics and in quantum theory of a large number of fi elds. We consider the problem of renormalization of quantum field theory in the Hamiltonian formalism, which encounters additional difficulties related to the Stückelberg divergences and the Haag theorem.


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The structure of amorphous materials using molecular dynamics

The structure of amorphous materials using molecular dynamics

Carlo Massobrio. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2022

• Describes the structure of amorphous materials using molecular dynamics through research conducted by a single author over an extended period of time • Provides a roadmap of correct and efficient use using clear examples • Includes a set of results that exemplify the level of accuracy and information inherent in (first-principles) molecular dynamics methodology when applied to amorphous and glassy materials



Chemistry for Environmental Scientists

Chemistry for Environmental Scientists

Detlev Möller. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2022

• Written also for non-chemists such as geologists, ecologists, climatologists, biologists, and engineers. • Complementing the standard literature on environmental science. • New edition includes updated references and a more practical approach.


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A short introduction to string theory

A short introduction to string theory

Thomas Mohaupt. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022

Suitable for graduate students in physics and mathematics, this book presents a concise and pedagogical introduction to string theory. It focuses on explaining the key concepts of string theory, such as bosonic strings, D-branes, supersymmetry and superstrings, and on clarifying the relationship between particles, fields and strings, without assuming an advanced background in particle theory or quantum field theory, making it widely accessible to interested readers from a range of backgrounds.


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A multidisciplinary approach to quantum field theory. Volume 2: Advanced topics

A multidisciplinary approach to quantum field theory. Volume 2: Advanced topics

Michael Ogilvie. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2022

• Emphasizes key concepts and techniques of field theory common across particle physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics and cosmology. • Examples and problems from many areas of modern physics. • Each chapter includes worked examples and exercises within the main body of the text, with more substantial problems at the end of each chapter.



Handbuch chemische Reaktoren: Grundlagen und Anwendungen der chemischen Reaktionstechnik

Handbuch chemische Reaktoren: Grundlagen und Anwendungen der chemischen Reaktionstechnik

Wladimir Reschetilowski. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2020. - (Springer Reference)

• Umfassendes Handbuch über Chemiereaktoren, die in der chemischen Industrie eingesetzt werden • In deutscher Sprache einzigartig • Behandelt auch ökologische und ökonomische Aspekte



Wie geht Industrie?: Erfahrungswissen eines Managers für Absolventen der MINT-Fächer

Wie geht Industrie?: Erfahrungswissen eines Managers für Absolventen der MINT-Fächer

von Conrad Hans Hendrik Reynvaan. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2022

• Erläutert zahlreiche Methoden, die im Studium nicht vorkommen, aber in der Industrie sehr wichtig sind • Gibt tiefe Einblick, um den Kontext, in dem in der Industrie gearbeitet wird, besser zu verstehen • Zeigt Ihnen Wege auf, wie Sie Karriere machen können, ohne dabei Schaden zu nehmen



Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens. Band 1: Perspektiven auf (digitalen) MINT-Unterricht und Lehrkräftebildung

Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens. Band 1: Perspektiven auf (digitalen) MINT-Unterricht und Lehrkräftebildung

herausgegeben von Jürgen Roth, Michael Baum, Katja Eilerts, Gabriele Hornung, Thomas Trefzger. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch – Sie haben freien und uneingeschränkten Zugang • Bietet Perspektiven auf und für zeigemäßen MINT-Unterricht mit digitalen Technologien • Zeigt zukunftsweisende Ansätze zur Lehrkräftebildung in MINT-Fächern auf • Entwickelt auf Grundlage aktueller Forschung


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Mathematik für das Bachelorstudium III: Funktionentheorie, Mannigfaltigkeiten und Funktionalanalysis

Mathematik für das Bachelorstudium III: Funktionentheorie, Mannigfaltigkeiten und Funktionalanalysis

von Mike Scherfner, Torsten Volland. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2023

• kompakt und ohne "Schnörkel" aber auch hochgradig verständlich • Eignet sich für die Vorbereitung auf jede Form von Prüfungen • Enthält Selbsttests



Zeit (t) – Die Sphinx der Physik: Lag der Ursprung des Kosmos in der Zukunft?

Zeit (t) – Die Sphinx der Physik: Lag der Ursprung des Kosmos in der Zukunft?

Jörg Karl Siegfried Schmitz-Gielsdorf. - 3. Auflage. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022. - (De Gruyter Populärwissenschaftliche Reihe)

Erstmalig integriert ein Werk sowohl natur- als auch geisteswissenschaftliche Sichtweisen in einer übergreifenden Theorie der Zeit. Physik, Psychologie, Biologie, Philosophie und Medizin fi nden im invers-entropischen Zeitpfeil gemeinsame theoretische Grundlagen eines Weltverständnisses. Das Verständnis der wirklichen Fließrichtung der Zeit ordnet die Welt neu. Es leitet den Leser zu einem begründeten, weil aufgeklärten Optimismus.


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Mathematical methods and physical insights: an integrated approach

Mathematical methods and physical insights: an integrated approach

Alec J. Schramm. - Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2022

• Initial chapters review essential mathematical concepts and techniques that students need to know, helping students to fill gaps in their background knowledge and enabling instructors to focus on the main course material • Each Part has sections designed to highlight and apply the techniques and concepts within, so that physics motivates the math, which deepens understanding of physics • Boxed asides throughout the book called ’By the Ways’ (BTWs) provide optional digressions into the math or physics, to help to lift motivated students to the next level


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A first course in general relativity

A first course in general relativity

Bernard Schutz. - Third edition. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 2022

• Provides the first step into general relativity for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students in physics, with a typical background in mathematics • New material includes the 2015 discovery of gravitational waves, as well as updates on what is currently known about pulsars, gravitational waves, black holes, the acceleration of the Universe, and more • Over 300 exercises – many new to this edition – worked examples, and suggestions for further reading bring together a comprehensive introduction to general relativity


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Thermodynamik – Verstehen durch Üben. Band 2: Wärmeübertragung

Thermodynamik – Verstehen durch Üben. Band 2: Wärmeübertragung

Michael Seidel. - 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022

• Die 2. Aufl age erweitert die Inhalte und bietet dem Leser zusätzliche Übungen. • Verständliche Erklärung der Lehrstoffes anhand praxisnaher Beispiele • Kompakte Wissensvermittlung – ideal zur Prüfungsvorbereitung • Behandelt ausführlich die Schnittstellen zu anderen Fachdisziplinen • Erprobte und erfolgreiche didaktische Konzepte


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Molecular response and genetic engineering for stress in plants. Volume 1: Abiotic stress

Molecular response and genetic engineering for stress in plants. Volume 1: Abiotic stress

edited by Pawan Shukla, Anirudh Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Manish K Pandey. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2022

• This book explains the different molecular mechanisms and genetic engineering strategies which have been developed and adopted to cope with consistent environmental changes and global climate change. • It explores the latest developments concerning abiotic stress response at the molecular level for the improvement of crop quality and sustainable agriculture. • At the end-of-chapter, there is an inclusion of problems and their solutions related to the respective chapter.



Molecular response and genetic engineering for stress in plants. Volume 2: Biotic stres

Molecular response and genetic engineering for stress in plants. Volume 2: Biotic stres

edited by Pawan Shukla, Anirudh Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Manish K Pandey. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2022

• It presents an exploration of the challenges and conceivable solutions to improve yields of the staple of food crops using data on agricultural sciences and omics technology. • It discovers how the better understanding of molecular mechanisms of plant response to different stress would be used to improve the quantitative and qualitative features of crop plants and allied areas. • There will be an inclusion of end-of-chapter problems and case studies.



Edelgase: Elemente der achten Hauptgruppe: Eine Reise durch das Periodensystem

Edelgase: Elemente der achten Hauptgruppe: Eine Reise durch das Periodensystem

von Hermann Sicius. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2022. - (essentials)

• Auf dem Weg durch das Periodensystem: Die Edelgase • Ein immer wichtigeres Thema allgemeinverständlich und spannend erklärt • Einzelportraits der Edelgase und ihrer Anwendungsbereiche



CMOS image sensors

CMOS image sensors

Konstantin D. Stefanov. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2022

• Includes many semiconductor device and circuit simulations as a tool to illustrate the operating principles. • Covers both the semiconductor physics and the most important electronic circuits comprising a CMOS image sensor. • Presents solved examples and a list of the most important ’take-aways’ within each chapter. • Discusses some specialised topics, such as charge collection, sources of dark current, reflective barriers, backside illumination and potential gradients.



Advances in image-guided cancer nanomedicine

Advances in image-guided cancer nanomedicine

edited by Nanasaheb D Thorat. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2022. - (IPEM-IOP series in physics and engineering in medicine and biology)

• Comprehensive overview of the synergy between imaging techniques and nanomedicine. • Presents newly developed imaging modalities for cancer management. • Covers nanomedicine standardization in advanced clinical settings for monitoring and treating cancer. • Considers the physics of imaging and its combination with nanomedicine in cancer disease management.



The Sky Is for Everyone: Women Astronomers in Their Own Words

The Sky Is for Everyone: Women Astronomers in Their Own Words

ed. by David A. Weintraub, Virginia Trimble. - Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2022

The Sky Is for Everyone’ is an internationally diverse collection of autobiographical essays by women who broke down barriers and changed the face of modern astronomy. Virginia Trimble and David Weintraub vividly describe how, before 1900, a woman who wanted to study the stars had to have a father, brother, or husband to provide entry, and how the considerable intellectual skills of women astronomers were still not enough to enable them to pry open doors of opportunity for much of the twentieth century.


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D-wave superconductivity

D-wave superconductivity

Tao Xiang, Congjun Wu. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 2022

This volume provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory of d-wave superconductivity, focused on d-wave pairing symmetry and its physical consequences in the superconducting state. It discusses the basic concepts and methodologies related to high-temperature superconductivity and compares experimental phenomena with theoretical predictions.


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