
Next-generation materials for batteries

Next-generation materials for batteries

edited by Rajeev Ahuja. - Melville, New York : AIP Publishing, 2021

• Combines theoretical and computational methods with experimental battery research, while demonstrating how findings from one field can support efforts in another • Explores materials including Na-ion batteries as alternatives to the Li-ion batteries in wide use today • Provides outlook and direction for next generation battery materials



Designing hybrid nanoparticles

Designing hybrid nanoparticles

Maria Benelmekki. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This fully revised second edition provides the latest developments in the design and characterization of hybrid nanoparticles produced by gas phase methods and includes a new chapter that explains how the design of the modified magnetron-sputtering inert-gas-condensation system is contributing to the shape transformation of nanoparticles (0D) to form nanorods (1D) with different aspect ratios.



Statistik – wie und warum sie funktioniert: Ein mathematisches Lesebuch mit einer Einführung in R

Statistik – wie und warum sie funktioniert: Ein mathematisches Lesebuch mit einer Einführung in R

Jörg Bewersdorff. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2021

• Stellt statistische Herangehensweisen an klassische Fragestellungen weitgehend verbal dar • Kein unnötiger mathematischer Formalismus – dieser wird weitgehend in Ausblicke ausgelagert • Selektiv lesbar (und dennoch verständlich)



Advanced calculus and its applications to variational quantum mechanics and relativity theory

Advanced calculus and its applications to variational quantum mechanics and relativity theory

Fabio Silva Botelho. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

The first part of this book reviews some key topics on multi-variable advanced calculus. The second part reviews applications, specifically in variational quantum mechanics and relativity theory. The later chapters describe a new interpretation for the Bohr atomic model through a semi-classical approach. The book concludes with a classical description of the radiating cavity model in quantum mechanics.


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Optical radiation and matter

Optical radiation and matter

Robert J Brecha and J Michael O’Hare. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book provides a deeper look at electricity and magnetism and the interaction of optical radiation with molecules and solid materials. The focus is on developing an understanding of the sources of light, how light moves through matter, and how external electric and magnetic fields can influence the way light waves propagate through materials.



Solid state physics: a primer

Solid state physics: a primer

Luciano Colombo. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book is a self-contained undergraduate textbook in solid state physics. Most excellent existing textbooks in this area are aimed at advanced students and/or have an encyclopaedic content; therefore, they are often overwhelmingly difficult and/or too wide for undergraduates. In contrast, this book is designed to accompany a one-semester, 2nd or 3rd year course aimed at a tutorial introduction to solid state physics. The book is highly accessible and focuses on a selected set of topics, whilst also providing substantial, in-depth coverage of the subject.



Key methods and concepts in condensed matter physics: Green’s functions and real space renormalization group

Key methods and concepts in condensed matter physics: Green’s functions and real space renormalization group

Mucio A. Continentino. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book aims to present a concise introduction, for graduate students and researchers, to powerful techniques and important concepts in condensed matter physics. Key conceptual elements include the fluctuationcdissipation theorem, the theory of critical phenomena (both classical and quantum) and the renormalization group. The book focuses on the Green’s functions method and the real space renormalization group (RG).



The safe use of cryogenic technologies: a handbook for best practice and training

The safe use of cryogenic technologies: a handbook for best practice and training

Robert Done. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

The use of cryogenic materials within both research and industrial environments continues to grow as new technologies gradually embrace the discipline. As these developments establish in more facilities around the world, there will be a consequential increase in the likelihood of cryogenic accidents happening. Reflecting and developing on best-practice guidance in the British Cryogenics Council’s ’Cryogenics Safety Manual’, this book will explore these recognisable hazards along with the vast assortment of regulations which apply to the use of cryogenic materials.



Optical communication

Optical communication

Barry Elliott. - Melville, New York : AIP Publishing, 2021

• Offers a practical guide to optics and its applications in communications complementing existing works on its theory. • Addresses the work of international standards bodies such as the ITU and ISO in aligning the physics behind the subject and the availability of standard products that can implement modern high-speed communications networks. • Provides introductory concepts for those new to the field as well as students and professionals.



Der mathematische Werkzeugkasten: Anwendungen in Natur und Technik

Der mathematische Werkzeugkasten: Anwendungen in Natur und Technik

Georg Glaeser. - 5. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2021

• Begeistert durch eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsbeispielen • Zeigt auf, wie grundlegende Rechentechniken und mathematisches Wissen helfen, die Natur und Technik zu verstehen • Ermöglicht jedem, mathematische Werkzeuge anzuwenden



Single-particle cryo-EM of biological macromolecules

Single-particle cryo-EM of biological macromolecules

edited by Robert M Glaeser, Eva Nogales, Wah Chiu. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This edited book is written for students, postdocs and established investigators who want to enter the field of single-particle cryo-EM. This is a recently developed method to determine high-resolution structures of biological macromolecules. This book provides a comprehensive, accessible and authoritative introduction to the field. It covers all necessary background, ranging from the underlying concepts to practical aspects such as specimen preparation, data collection, data analysis, and the final validation of results.



Faszination Astronomie: Ein topaktueller Einstieg für alle naturwissenschaftlich Interessierten

Faszination Astronomie: Ein topaktueller Einstieg für alle naturwissenschaftlich Interessierten

Arnold Hanslmeier. - 3. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2021

• Vermittelt Astronomie für Nicht-Physiker und interessierte Laien • Erklärt allgemein verständlich astrophysikalische Zusammenhänge • Ausgestattet mit vielen farbigen Abbildungen zur Veranschaulichung



Modern applications of 3D/4D ultrasound imaging in radiotherapy

Modern applications of 3D/4D ultrasound imaging in radiotherapy

edited by Emma Harris, Davide Fontanarosa, Saskia Camps, Frank Verhaegen. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This is a practical guide to the implementation of 3D/4D ultrasound imaging in radiography. Among its features are the coverage of the technology utilised for ultrasound-guided radiotherapy, clinical need and advantages of using ultrasound. It is a practical guide for users which incorporates implementation, potential errors, uncertainties and training. This is a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art technologies which also looks at the future direction of this exciting field.



Semiconductor integrated optics for switching light

Semiconductor integrated optics for switching light

Charlie Ironside. - Second Edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book provides concise description of the physics and engineering of semiconductor optical waveguides for photonic and electronic switching with a focus on optical communication applications. It provides Python notebooks that illustrate the concepts discussed in the book. The book includes the following topics: linear and nonlinear optics, linear electro-optic effect electroabsorption and electrorefraction, nonlinear refraction, nonlinear optical devices



Wege aus der Klimakatastrophe: Wie eine nachhaltige Energie- und Klimapolitik gelingt

Wege aus der Klimakatastrophe: Wie eine nachhaltige Energie- und Klimapolitik gelingt

Lars Jaeger. - Berlin : Springer, 2021

• Zeigt auf, wie Klimawandel und Energieerzeugung/-Verbrauch zusammenhängen • Liefert konkrete Fakten und überzeugt durch eine klare Darstellung • Stellt eine klimafreundliche Wirtschaft und ökologische Gesellschaft der Zukunft vor



Lineare Algebra für die Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften: Vektoren, Matrizen und lineare Gleichungssysteme

Lineare Algebra für die Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften: Vektoren, Matrizen und lineare Gleichungssysteme

Michael Jung. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

• Besonders ausführliche Darstellung von Rechenschritten und Begründungen • Zahlreiche, detailliert beschriebene Beispiele mit Anwendungsbezug • Anschaulich, nachvollziehbar und verständlich



Licht: eine Einführung für Chemiker, Physiker und Lebenswissenschaftler

Licht: eine Einführung für Chemiker, Physiker und Lebenswissenschaftler

Horst Kisch. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021

Dieses Werk erläutert anschaulich und spannend, weshalb Licht in den Naturwissenschaften eine so zentrale Rolle spielt. Aus der Wechselwirkung von Licht mit belebter und unbelebter Materie ergeben sich faszinierende Zusammenhänge zwischen Physik, Chemie und den Lebenswissenschaften. Von Photovoltaik über Photosynthese bis zur solaren Wasserstofferzeugung werden die zugrundeliegenden physikalisch-chemischen Prinzipien behandelt.



Quantum transport in nanostructures and molecules: an introduction to molecular electronics

Quantum transport in nanostructures and molecules: an introduction to molecular electronics

Colin John Lambert. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This reference text presents a conceptual framework for understanding room-temperature electron and phonon transport through molecules and other quantum objects. The flow of electricity through molecules is explained at the boundary of physics and chemistry, providing an authoritative introduction to molecular electronics for physicists, and quantum transport for chemists.



Electrostatics of conducting cylinders and spheres

Electrostatics of conducting cylinders and spheres

John Lekner. - Melville, New York : AIP Publishing, 2021

Written by a recognized expert in the field, ’Electrostatics of Conducting Cylinders and Spheres’ presents the theory in a simple and physical way, beginning with basic principles and moving onto the details of electrostatics of pairs of spheres and of pairs of cylinders. The difficult topic of a finite charged cylinder is also covered. The book presents exact solutions, in closed form where possible, with recent and new results included. Applications to engineering, physical, chemical, and biological problems are also presented.



Lineare Algebra: ein Lehrbuch über die Theorie mit Blick auf die Praxis

Lineare Algebra: ein Lehrbuch über die Theorie mit Blick auf die Praxis

Jörg Liesen, Volker Mehrmann. - 3. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2021

• Jörg LiesenVolker Mehrmann • Anschauliche und konsequent matrizenorientierte Herangehensweise für ein intuitives Verständnis • Mit MATLAB-Übungen, in denen Studierende sich wichtige Sätze und Konzepte am Rechner erarbeiten können • Präsentiert verschiedenste moderne Anwendungen und Praxisbeispiele • Mit über 350 Übungsaufgaben, die das Erlernen des Stoffes unterstützen



Quantum field theory: a quantum computation approach

Quantum field theory: a quantum computation approach

Yannick Meurice. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book introduces quantum field theory models from a classical point of view. Practical applications are discussed, along with recent progress for quantum computations and quantum simulations experiments. New developments concerning discrete aspects of continuous symmetries and topological solutions in tensorial formulations of gauge theories are also reported. It requires no prior knowledge beyond undergraduate quantum mechanics and classical electrodynamics. With exercises involving Mathematica and Python with solutions provided, the book is an ideal guide for graduate students and researchers.



Nanoscale standards by metrological AFM and other instruments

Nanoscale standards by metrological AFM and other instruments

Ichiko Misumi. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

The purpose of this book is to help semiconductor inspection equipment users and manufacturers understand what nano dimensional standards are used to calibrate their equipment and how to employ them effectively. Reviewing trends and developments in nanoscale standards, the book starts with an introductory overview of nanometrological standards before proceeding to detail pitch standard, step height, line width, nano particle size, and surface roughness.



Physik für Lehramtsstudierende. Band 1: Mechanik

Physik für Lehramtsstudierende. Band 1: Mechanik

Rainer Müller. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2020

Alle für die Lehramtsausbildung relevanten Teilgebiete der Physik werden in der vierbändigen Lehrbuchreihe auf dem Niveau der Anfängervorlesungen bearbeitet. Schülervorstellungen, Lernschwierigkeiten und problematische Begriffe werden als hervorgehobene Blöcke in die fachliche Darstellung eingeflochten. Die vorgestellten Experimente können auch im schulischen Physikunterricht gezeigt werden.


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Physik für Lehramtsstudierende. Band 2: Elektrizität und Magnetismus

Physik für Lehramtsstudierende. Band 2: Elektrizität und Magnetismus

Roger Erb. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2021

Alle für die Lehramtsausbildung relevanten Teilgebiete der Physik werden in der Lehrbuchreihe auf dem Niveau der Anfängervorlesungen bearbeitet. Schülervorstellungen, Lernschwierigkeiten und problematische Begriffe werden als hervorgehobene Blöcke in die fachliche Darstellung eingefl ochten. Die meisten der vorgestellten Experimente können auch im schulischen Physikunterricht gezeigt werden.


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Ultrafast lasers and optics for experimentalists

Ultrafast lasers and optics for experimentalists

James David Pickering. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book provides an ideal starting point for the non-specialist to gain the necessary knowledge to start effectively working with ultrafast lasers and optics. The book walks the reader through the relevant parts of ultrashort pulse physics, pulse generation, and pulse characterisation, before discussing how to practically build an optical setup and manipulate these pulses. Many aspects of the practicalities of working with optics and lasers that are often considered assumed knowledge by experienced campaigners are discussed in detail.



Theoretical tools for spin models in magnetic systems

Theoretical tools for spin models in magnetic systems

Antonio Sergio Teixeira Pires. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

The book is dedicated to the study of theoretical tools in spin models in magnetism. The book presents the basic tools to treat spin models in magnetic systems such as: spin waves, Schwinger bosons formalism, Self-consistent harmonic approximation, Kubo theory, Perturbation theory using Green’s function. Several examples where the theory is applied in modern research, are discussed. Some important areas of interest in magnetism today are spin liquids and magnon topological insulators. Both of these subjects are discussed in the book.



Numerische Mathematik kompakt: Grundlagenwissen für Studium und Praxis

Numerische Mathematik kompakt: Grundlagenwissen für Studium und Praxis

Robert Plato. - 5. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2021

• Verständliche Einführung in die numerische Mathematik • Mit vielen Abbildungen, Anwendungsbeispielen und Übungsaufgaben (mit Lösungen) • Bestens auch fürs Selbststudium und Anwender in der Praxis geeignet



Biophysics of the senses

Biophysics of the senses

Tennille D Presley. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book connects fundamental properties of physics to biological systems, relating them directly to the human body. It includes discussions of the role of charges and free radicals in disease and homeostasis, how aspects of mechanics impact normal body functions, human bioelectricity and circuitry, forces within the body, and biophysical sensory mechanisms. This is an exciting view of how sensory aspects of biophysics are utilized in everyday life for students who are curious but struggle with the connection between biology and physics. Updates to the first edition include two new chapters covering the mechanics of sound and hearing and power tools.



Blockchain in the industrial internet of things

Blockchain in the industrial internet of things

Lakshmana Kumar Ramasamy, Seifedine Kadry. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book gives a detailed survey of Blockchain for Industrial Internet of Things (BIIoT) and discusses all relevant aspects of this concept, including structural design and open research directions.



Grundlagen der Mathematikdidaktik: eine Einführung für den Unterricht in der Sekundarstuf

Grundlagen der Mathematikdidaktik: eine Einführung für den Unterricht in der Sekundarstuf

Kristina Reiss, Christoph Hammer. - 2. Auflage. - Cham : Birkhäuser, 2021

• Kompakte Einführung, die durch themenorientierte Folgebände ergänzt wird • Begleitlektüre zum Didaktikstudium • Nimmt Bezug auf die aktuelle didaktische Diskussion (Vergleichsstudien, Bildungsstandards)



Photovoltaic sustainability and management

Photovoltaic sustainability and management

Jingzheng Ren, Zhipeng Kan. - Melville, New York : AIP Publishing, 2021

This book examines photovoltaic (PV) technologies that are widely used to convert light into electrical power. While PV power generation is sustainable and emission-free, the manufacture and placement of PV modules have environmental impacts that need consideration by professionals in the industry.



Warm dense matter: laboratory generation and diagnosis

Warm dense matter: laboratory generation and diagnosis

David Riley. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book provides an introductory overview of warm dense matter research for new postgraduate students entering the field. Author David Riley, based at the Centre for Plasma Physics at Queen’s University Belfast, covers a broad range of topics with an emphasis on experimental techniques.



Mathematiklernen mit digitalen Medien an der Hochschule: Konzepte, Umsetzungen und Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt mamdim

Mathematiklernen mit digitalen Medien an der Hochschule: Konzepte, Umsetzungen und Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt mamdim

herausgegeben von Alexander Salle, Stefanie Schumacher, Mathias Hattermann. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

• Detaillierte Einblicke in Konzeption und Konstruktion instruktionaler Medien • Best Practices für die Implementation in die Hochschullehre (Einzel- oder Zweiersettings, Prompting, Notizen) • Vergleichende empirische Analysen verschiedener digitaler Lernmedien



Turbulence and instabilities in magnetised plasmas. Volume 1: Fluid drift turbulence

Turbulence and instabilities in magnetised plasmas. Volume 1: Fluid drift turbulence

Bruce Scott. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

The first of a two-volume set, this book begins with an overview of the essential nature of a plasma and a magnetised plasma, then turbulence and plasma turbulence are introduced conceptually and mathematically. An interlude points to a second volume treating temperature gradients and fluctuations, gyrokinetic and gyrofluid theory, and the interplay with magnetohydrodynamic instabilities.



Spectroscopy and machine learning for water quality analysis

Spectroscopy and machine learning for water quality analysis

edited by Ashutosh Kumar Shukla. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book acquaints experienced readers with recent advances and how techniques are finding applications in water analysis for sectors including environmental protection, industry, agriculture, and drinking water provision. Taking a bottom-up approach the work is also suited for an interdisciplinary readership who may not have direct experience in a particular technique. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of data with the help of observed data is included, as are case studies.



Topology in optics: tying light in knots

Topology in optics: tying light in knots

David S Simon. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book provides the background needed to understand a broad range of unexpected phenomenon and developments arising from topological effects in optics. Assuming only a background in physics at the advanced undergraduate level, it requires no prior familiarity with topology. Revised and expanded with two new chapters, Topological Photonics and Optical Knots and Links, this will be an invaluable reference for undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers and engineers in optics and related areas.



Heuristische Strategien in der Schulmathematik: eine Methodendidaktik

Heuristische Strategien in der Schulmathematik: eine Methodendidaktik

Peter Stender. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2021

• Beantwortet die Frage ’Warum Mathematik lernen?’ • Stellt vor, wie man Denken statt Lösungsrezepten in der Mathematik lernen und lehren kann • Eignet sich für angehende und praktizierende Lehrkräfte sowie Fachausbilder



Höhere Mathematik 2: Analysis

Höhere Mathematik 2: Analysis

Walter Strampp, Dörthe Janssen. - 5., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Vieweg, 2021

• Die Kerninhalte der Analysis werden für den Anwender kompakt dargestellt • Ausführlich durchgerechnete Beispielaufgaben sowie Übungsaufgaben schaffen Sicherheit und Routine • Wesentliche Zusammenhänge werden an konkreten Beispielen und Problemstellungen erläutert



Lineare Algebra 1: Grundlagen für Studierende der Mathematik und Physik

Lineare Algebra 1: Grundlagen für Studierende der Mathematik und Physik

Stefan Waldmann. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2021

• Betont die formalen Aspekte der Linearen Algebra 1 und Anwendungen in der mathematischen Physik • Richtet sich an Studierende der Mathematik und Physik • Enthält mehr als 200 umfangreiche Übungen



Imaging modalities for biological and preclinical research: a compendium. Volume 1: Part 1: Ex vivo biological imaging

Imaging modalities for biological and preclinical research: a compendium. Volume 1: Part 1: Ex vivo biological imaging

edited by Andreas Walter, Julia G Mannheim, Carmel J Caruana. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of currently available biological and preclinical imaging methods, including their benefits and limitations. Experts in the field guide the reader through both the physical principles and biomedical applications of each imaging modality, including description of typical setups and sample preparation. Volume 1 focuses on ex vivo imaging.



Imaging modalities for biological and preclinical research: a compendium. Volume 2: Parts 2-4: In vivo preclinical imaging, multimodality imaging and outlook

Imaging modalities for biological and preclinical research: a compendium. Volume 2: Parts 2-4: In vivo preclinical imaging, multimodality imaging and outlook

edited by Andreas Walter, Julia G Mannheim, Carmel J Caruana. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2021

This book is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of currently available biological and preclinical imaging methods, including their benefits and limitations. Experts in the field guide the reader through both the physical principles and biomedical applications of each imaging modality, including description of typical setups and sample preparation. Volume 2 focuses on in vivo imaging methods. The volume concludes with a look ahead to emerging technologies and the future of imaging in biological and preclinical research.



Multiscale modeling of electrochemical reactions and processes

Multiscale modeling of electrochemical reactions and processes

edited by Yun Wang. - Melville, New York : AIP Publishing, 2021

This book is a practical guide to multiscale computational methodologies. It offers a holistic understanding of the impact of reaction conditions on the overall performance of electrolyzers, fuel cells, and energy storage devices. This book covers reaction conditions such as electrolyte and applied bias potential and support type, as well as how these factors determine the overall performance of devices. These topics, for the first time, are covered in one book.



International Conference

International Conference "Kurt Gödel’s Legacy"

Wien : Kurt-Gödel-Gesellschaft, 2019

Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung der Kurt-Gödel-Gesellschaft von Donnerstag, dem 25. bis Samstag, den 27. Juli 2019 im Kleinen Festsaal der Universität Wien. 14-teilig. Mit Beiträgen von Palle Yourgrau, Marika Taylor, Charles Bennett, Rainer Weiss, David Bennett, Jan von Plato, John D. Barrow, George Ellis, Wolfgang Schleich, Markus Aspelmeyer, Reinhard Kahle, Toby Walsh.


