
Computational Chemistry: Applications and New Technologies

Computational Chemistry: Applications and New Technologies

ed. by Ponnadurai Ramasami. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2021

Computational Chemistry serves as a complement to experimental chemistry where the tools are limited. Using computational programs to solve advanced problems is widely used in the design and analysis of for example new molecules, surfaces, drugs and materials. This book will present novel innovations in the field, with real-life examples of where computational technologies serves as an indispensible tool.


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Deep learning in science

Deep learning in science

Pierre Baldi. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021

This is the first rigorous, self-contained treatment of the theory of deep learning. Starting with the foundations of the theory and building it up, this is essential reading for any scientists, instructors, and students interested in artificial intelligence and deep learning. The author discusses many applications to beautiful problems in the natural sciences, in physics, chemistry, and biomedicine. The text is accompanied by a full set of exercises at different difficulty levels and encourages out-of-the-box thinking.


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Spezielle Relativitätstheorie: Von Null auf Lichtgeschwindigkeit

Spezielle Relativitätstheorie: Von Null auf Lichtgeschwindigkeit

Jürgen Beckmann. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021

Das Werk führt in verständlichen Schritten in Einsteins Spezielle Relativitätstheorie ein, indem es beginnend mit dem leeren Raum nach und nach Objekte einführt und Koordinatensysteme konstruiert. Durch schwierige Gedankengänge wird der Leser sicher geführt mittels einer speziellen Notation zu den Messungen. So ermöglicht der Autor ein echtes Verständnis der Lorentz-Transformationen und der berühmten Formel E=mc2.


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Minding the Heavens: the story of our discovery of the milky way

Minding the Heavens: the story of our discovery of the milky way

Leila Belkora. - Second Edition. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

• Fully updated throughout to reflect the latest in our understanding of the Milky Way, from our central supermassive black hole to the prospect of future mergers with other galaxies in our Local Group. • Explains the significance of current research, including from the Gaia mission mapping our galaxy in unprecedented detail. • Unique and broadly appealing approach. A biographical framework and ample illustrations lead the reader by easy, enjoyable steps to a well-rounded understanding of the history of astronomy.


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Lehrinnovationen in der Hochschulmathematik: praxisrelevant – didaktisch fundiert – forschungsbasiert

Lehrinnovationen in der Hochschulmathematik: praxisrelevant – didaktisch fundiert – forschungsbasiert

herausgegeben von Rolf Biehler, Andreas Eichler, Reinhard Hochmuth, Stefanie Rach, Niclas Schaper. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Innovative, kompetenzorientierte Zugänge zur Mathematik • Erprobte Beispiele aus der Hochschullehre • Best Practices basierend auf Forschung und Praxis



Einführung in die Kristallographie

Einführung in die Kristallographie

Joachim Bohm, Detlef Klimm, Manfred Mühlberg, Björn Winkler. - 20., erweiterte Auflage. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2020

Die 20., stark überarbeitete Auflage dieses bewährten Standardwerks behandelt grundlegend und umfassend sämtliche Teilgebiete der Kristallographie, wobei u. a.aktuelle Beugungsmethoden mit Neutronen und Synchrotronstrahlung erstmalig beschrieben werden.


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Materials Science – Volume 1: Structure

Materials Science – Volume 1: Structure

Xun Cai, Yonghua Rong, Gengxiang Hu. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2021

This textbook summarizes physical aspects of materials at atomic and molecular level, and discusses micro-structure of metals, alloys, ceramics and polymers. It further explains point defects, dislocations and surface imperfections, and the motions of atoms and molecular in solid state. As first volume in the set, it prepares students for further studies on phases and transitions which are discussed in the next volume.


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Materials Science – Volume 2: Phase Transformation and Properties

Materials Science – Volume 2: Phase Transformation and Properties

Xun Cai, Yonghua Rong, Gengxiang Hu. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2020

This textbook illustrates one-component phase diagrams, binary equilibrium phase diagrams and ternary phase diagrams for ceramics, polymers and alloys by presenting case studies on preparation processes, and provides up-to-date information on nano-crystal materials, non-crystal materials and functional materials. As second volume in the set, it is an extension of the first volume on physical aspect of materials.


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Bedeviled: A Shadow History of Demons in Science

Bedeviled: A Shadow History of Demons in Science

Jimena Canales. - Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2020

Spanning four centuries of discovery the author tells a shadow history of science and the demons that bedevil it. She reveals how the greatest scientific thinkers used demons to explore problems, test the limits of what is possible, and better understand nature. Their imaginary familiars helped unlock the secrets of entropy, heredity, relativity, quantum mechanics, and other scientific wonders—and continue to inspire breakthroughs in the realms of computer science, artificial intelligence, and economics today.


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Principles of scattering and transport of light

Principles of scattering and transport of light

Rémi Carminati, John C. Schotland. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021

For the first time, the authors bring together in a self-contained and systematic manner, the physical concepts and mathematical tools that are used in the modern theory of light scattering and transport, presenting them in a clear, accessible style. The power of these tools is demonstrated by a framework that links various aspects of the subject.


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Polarization of Light: In Classical, Quantum, and Nonlinear Optics

Polarization of Light: In Classical, Quantum, and Nonlinear Optics

Maria Chekhova, Peter Banzer. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2021

This book starts with the description of polarization in classical optics, including also a chapter on crystal optics, which is necessary to understand the use of nonlinear crystals. In addition, spatially non-uniform polarization states are introduced and described. Further, the role of polarization in nonlinear optics is discussed. The final chapters are devoted to the description and applications of polarization in quantum optics and quantum technologies.


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Physics of magnetic thin films: theory and simulation

Physics of magnetic thin films: theory and simulation

Hung T. Diep. - Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2021

This book is for graduate students and researchers who wish to understand theoretical mechanisms lying behind macroscopic properties of magnetic thin films. It provides a detailed description of basic theoretical methods and techniques of simulation to help readers in their research projects. Written as a research paper, each chapter focuses on a subject and also presents the state-of-the-art literature on the subject and the motivation of the chapter. A detailed description of the techniques and the presentation of the results are then shown with discussion.


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Contemporary kinetic theory of matter

Contemporary kinetic theory of matter

J.R, Dorfman, Henk van Beijeren, and T.R. Kirkpatrick. - Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2021

This book describes in detail the Boltzmann equation theory, obtained in both traditional and modern ways. Applications and generalizations describing non-equilibrium processes in a variety of systems are also covered, including dilute and moderately dense gases, particles in random media, hard sphere crystals, condensed Bose-Einstein gases, and granular materials. Fluctuation phenomena in non-equilibrium fluids, and related non-analyticities in the hydrodynamic equations are also discussed in some detail.


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Engaging with contemporary challenges through science education research: selected papers from the ESERA 2019 conference

Engaging with contemporary challenges through science education research: selected papers from the ESERA 2019 conference

Olivia Levrini, Giulia Tasquier, Tamer G. Amin, Laura Branchetti, Mariana Levin, editors. - Cham : Springer, 2021

• Presents papers that are relevant, interesting, original and emblematic of methodological rigour • Combines high-quality papers from ESERA 2019 conference which attracted 1600 contributions • Offers new insights from different disciplines and refreshes the debate



Feynman path integrals in quantum mechanics and statistical physics

Feynman path integrals in quantum mechanics and statistical physics

Lukong Cornelius Fai. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

This book provides an ideal introduction to the use of Feynman path integrals in the fields of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. It is written for graduate students and researchers in physics, mathematical physics, applied mathematics as well as chemistry. The material is presented in an accessible manner for readers with little knowledge of quantum mechanics and no prior exposure to path integrals. Problem sets throughout the book allow readers to test their understanding and reinforce the explanations of the theory in real situations.


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Lehren und Lernen: Tipps aus der Praxis

Lehren und Lernen: Tipps aus der Praxis

von Henning Fouckhardt. - 2nd edition. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Bietet 11 praktische Tipps für gutes Lehren und Lernen • Reflektiert, was gutes Studieren und gute Lehre ausmacht • Verfasst von einem erfahrenen Dozenten



Once can be enough: decisive experiments, no replication required

Once can be enough: decisive experiments, no replication required

Allan Franklin, Ronald Laymon. - Cham : Springer, 2021

• Provides a focused analysis of the interplay between discovery and confirmation • Explores the role played by mistake, contentious disagreement, and serendipity in science • Argues that replication is not a necessary criterion for the validation of a scientific experiment



A first course in laboratory optics

A first course in laboratory optics

Andri M. Gretarsson, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2021

Bringing forth the creative side of experimental physics through optics, this book introduces its readers to the fundamentals of optical design through seven key experiments. The book includes several topics to support readers preparing to enter industrial or academic research laboratories. Coding tutorials are provided in the book and online to further develop readers’ experience with design and experimental analysis. This guide is an invaluable introduction to the creative and explorative world of laboratory optics.


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Principles of nanomagnetism

Principles of nanomagnetism

Alberto P. Guimarães. - Second edition. - Cham : Springer, 2017

• Updated and extended with recent developments, including applications of the physics of spin currents • Suitable for learning and teaching with newly added exercises and solutions • Increased and updated list of references and texts for further reading • Foreword by Chia-Ling Chien, Jacob L. Hain Professor of Physics at Johns Hopkins University, recipient of the Magnetism Award and Néel Medal of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics



Research and innovation in physics education: two sides of the same coin

Research and innovation in physics education: two sides of the same coin

Jenaro Guisasola, Kristina Zuza, editors. - Cham : Springer, 2020

• Describes novel approaches designed to enhance the professional training of physics teachers • Explores innovations in the teaching and learning of physics in the classroom and laboratory • Makes new research findings available to teacher educators



Small-angle scattering: theory, instrumentation, data, and applications

Small-angle scattering: theory, instrumentation, data, and applications

Ian W. Hamley. - Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021

This book provides authoritative coverage of both small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and grazing incidence small-angle scattering (GISAS) including GISAXS and GISANS. This single-volume resource offers readers an up-to-date view of the state of the field, including the theoretical foundations, experimental methods, and practical applications of small-angle scattering (SAS) techniques including laboratory and synchrotron SAXS and reactor/spallation SANS.


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Thermodynamik (nicht nur) für Chemietechniker

Thermodynamik (nicht nur) für Chemietechniker

von Thomas Hecht. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

Dieses ’essential’ vermittelt eine mathematisch einfache und praxisorientierte Einführung in die Thermodynamik (nicht nur) für Chemietechniker und ermöglicht mit nur wenigen Grundlagen einen Einstieg in die Materie. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Vermittlung derjenigen Größen, welche zum Verständnis des Ablaufs chemischer Reaktionen relevant sind. Das Buch steht dabei nicht in Konkurrenz zu den ausführlichen Lehrbüchern der Physikalischen Chemie.



Logische Strukturen beim Beweisen und ihre Verbalisierung: eine sprachintegrative Entwicklungsforschungsstudie zum fachlichen Lernen

Logische Strukturen beim Beweisen und ihre Verbalisierung: eine sprachintegrative Entwicklungsforschungsstudie zum fachlichen Lernen

von Kerstin Hein. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

Beweisen ist eine zentrale Tätigkeit innerhalb der universitären Mathematik. Im Mathematikunterricht gibt es jedoch zumeist wenig Lerngelegenheiten, um Beweisen zu erlernen. Insbesondere Lehr-Lern-Arrangements zur Förderung des Beweisens unter Berücksichtigung der sprachlichen Anforderungen fehlen. Aus diesem Grund stellt Kerstin Hein ein theoretisch fundiertes und empirisch erprobtes Lehr-Lern-Arrangement zur Förderung des Beweisens vor.



Stochastik für Einsteiger: eine Einführung in die faszinierende Welt des Zufalls

Stochastik für Einsteiger: eine Einführung in die faszinierende Welt des Zufalls

von Norbert Henze. - 13. Auflage. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Leichte, gut lesbare und spannende Einführung • Kapitelweise definierte Lernziele und Lernzielkontrollen • 282 Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen sowie 157 per QR-Code verlinkte Videos



Statistical and Thermal Physics: an introduction

Statistical and Thermal Physics: an introduction

Michael J.R. Hoch. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

• Fully updated throughout, with new content on exciting topics, including black hole thermodynamics, Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chains, entropy and information theory, renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, and the mean field theory of antiferromagnetic systems • Additional problem exercises with solutions provide further learning opportunities • Suitable for advanced undergraduate students in physics or applied physics


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Mathematische Grundlagen für die Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften: Elementarmathematik, Mengenlehre, Funktionen, komplexe Zahlen und Computerarithmetik

Mathematische Grundlagen für die Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften: Elementarmathematik, Mengenlehre, Funktionen, komplexe Zahlen und Computerarithmetik

von Michael Jung. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

• Besonders ausführliche Darstellung von Rechenschritten und Begründungen • Zahlreiche, detailliert beschriebene Beispiele mit Anwendungsbezug • Anschaulich, nachvollziehbar und verständlich • Includes supplementary material



Nonconservative Stability Problems of Modern Physics

Nonconservative Stability Problems of Modern Physics

Oleg N. Kirillov. - 2. rev. and exten. edition. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2021

This updated revision gives a complete and topical overview on Nonconservative Stability which is essential for many areas of science and technology ranging from particles trapping in optical tweezers and dynamics of subcellular structures to dissipative and radiative instabilities in fluid mechanics, astrophysics and celestial mechanics. The author presents relevant mathematical concepts as well as rigorous stability results and numerous classical and contemporary examples from non-conservative mechanics and non-Hermitian physics.


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Quantum field theory: a diagrammatic approach

Quantum field theory: a diagrammatic approach

Ronald Kleiss. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021

Based on lecture notes for courses taught for many years at Radboud University in the Netherlands, this book presents an alternative approach to teaching QFT using Feynman diagrams. A diagrammatic approach to understanding QFT exposes young physicists to an orthogonal introduction to the theory, bringing new ways to understand challenges in the field. Diagrammatic techniques using Feynman diagrams are used didactically. Worked examples and exercises, for which solutions are available online, help the reader develop a deep understanding and intuition that enhances their problem-solving skills and understanding of QFT.


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Statistik angewandt mit dem R Commander: Datenanalyse ist (k)eine Kunst

Statistik angewandt mit dem R Commander: Datenanalyse ist (k)eine Kunst

von Franz Kronthaler. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Nicht-mathematischer, praxisbezogener Zugang mit Fokus auf der Anwendung • In verschiedensten Fachrichtungen einsetzbar, da die statistischen Verfahren anhand eines leicht austauschbaren Datensatzes diskutiert werden • Einfache Sprache und Erläuterung anhand von konkreten und aufeinander aufbauenden Beispielen



Elektrosmog und Ökoboom: ein naturwissenschaftlicher Blick auf populäres Halbwissen

Elektrosmog und Ökoboom: ein naturwissenschaftlicher Blick auf populäres Halbwissen

von Werner Mäntele. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Klärt über vermeintliche und echte Gefahren von Elektrosmog, Funkmasten und Co. auf • Bietet naturwissenschaftliche Hintergründe und Fakten • Ermöglicht den Lesern, sich ein eigenes Urteil zu fällen



Liquid Crystals in Photovoltaics: an introduction

Liquid Crystals in Photovoltaics: an introduction

Luz J. Martínez-Miranda. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

• Introduces the field of liquid crystals and provides basic information to those new to the field, in a concise and visual manner • Describes which characteristics of a liquid crystal are most advantageous to use in photovoltaics • Provides basic knowledge of photovoltaics for those who do not have previous knowledge of how they behave electronically


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Inorganic Chemistry: Some New Facets

Inorganic Chemistry: Some New Facets

Ram Charitra Maurya. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2021

This book covers different aspects of Inorganic Chemistry in 10 chapters with up-to-date coverage. Some topics include VSEPR theory, delocalized p-bonding in polyatomic molecules, metal clusters and their bonding, stability constants of metal complexes, magnetochemistry, mechanism of inorganic reactions, and molecular orbital (MO) approach of bonding in transition metals. Safe and economical inorganic experiments at UG Levels is also presented.


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Essential Python for the physicist

Essential Python for the physicist

Giovanni Moruzzi. - Cham : Springer, 2020

• Introduces the natural-science student to the Python programming language • Codes of all programs discussed in this book are available at • No previous experience with other programming languages is required • Focuses on simple computer animation programs of physical interest



Klassische Mechanik: Vom Weitsprung zum Marsflug

Klassische Mechanik: Vom Weitsprung zum Marsflug

Rainer Müller. - 4. Auflage. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021

Die aktualisierte Neuauflage bietet die bewährte Orientierung des Physiklernens an spannenden Kontexten. Anhand von konkreten Beispielen aus dem Alltag sowie aktueller Forschungsthemen erläutert der Autor die großen Themen: vom Weitsprung-Weltrekord zu Marsmissionen, vom schrägen Wurf zu den keplerschen Gesetzen bis hin zur Gravitation Schwarzer Löcher (Nobelpreis 2020).


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Linear algebra for computational sciences and engineering

Linear algebra for computational sciences and engineering

Ferrante Neri ; foreword by Alberto Grasso. - Second edition. - Cham : Springer, 2019

• Second Edition contains over 150 pages of new material, including theory, illustrations, pseudocodes and examples throughout. Includes new information on matrices, vector spaces and linear mapping. • Covers all aspects of linear algebra from the perspective of computational science and engineering • Provides both a technical approach and an informal interpretation of mathematics • Includes examples with definitions and theorems, as well as end-of-chapter exercises with solutions#



Einführung in die Philosophie der Mathematik

Einführung in die Philosophie der Mathematik

von Jörg Neunhäuserer. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Stellt die wichtigsten Positionen der Philosophie der Mathematik ausführlich dar • Ohne philosophische Vorkenntnisse lesbar • Ermöglicht der/dem LeserIn, eine eigene Position zu entwickeln • Die zweite Auflage ist vollständig durchgesehen und um ein Kapitel zum Idealismus ergänzt



Understanding the universe: the physics of the cosmos from quasars to quarks

Understanding the universe: the physics of the cosmos from quasars to quarks

Andrew John Norton, The Open University. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

• Combines current understanding of quantum physics and cosmology, and includes the latest exciting developments from the field. • Provides an accessible introduction to the topic, focusing on a non-mathematical presentation. • Presents a comprehensive narrative on the subject and a coherent story.


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Life and Death Rays: Radioactive Poisoning and Radiation Exposure

Life and Death Rays: Radioactive Poisoning and Radiation Exposure

Alan Perkins. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

• Authored by a subject area specialist who has worked in both clinical practice and academia and was involved with the national media following incidents of national and international importance • Provides a unique human perspective into well-known and some lesser known events and a concise history of the discovery of radiation and the events that followed • Adds scientific and medical background to a subject of high media interest


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Indirect Searches for New Physics

Indirect Searches for New Physics

Alexey A. Petrov. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

• Takes an accessible, pedagogical approach suitable for graduate students and those seeking an overview of this new and fast-growing field • Illustrates common theoretical trends seen in different subfields of particle physics • Valuable both for researchers in the phenomenology of elementary particles and for experimentalists


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Nobel life: conversations with 24 Nobel laureates on their life stories, advice for future generations and what remains to be discovered

Nobel life: conversations with 24 Nobel laureates on their life stories, advice for future generations and what remains to be discovered

Stefano Sandrone. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021

This book consists of original interviews with twenty-four Nobel Prize winners. Each of them has a unique story to tell. They recall their eureka moments and the challenges they overcame along the way, give advice to inspire future generations and discuss what remains to be discovered. EThis book provides an insight into life behind the Nobel Prize winners. A call from Stockholm turned a group of twenty-four academics into Nobel Prize winners. This is their call to the next generations worldwide.


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Physik für Mediziner

Physik für Mediziner

Mustafa André Schmidt. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021

Anschaulich und interessant vermittelt dieses Werk, das sowohl zur Aneignung von Wissen als auch zum Nachschlagen der wichtigsten Zusammenhänge dient, die großen Themen der Physik für Studierende aller medizinischer Fachrichtungen. Alle Kapitel bauen logisch aufeinander auf und können ohne Vorkenntnisse auf dem jeweiligen Gebiet bearbeitet werden. Komplexe Zusammenhänge werden kompakt und mithilfe vereinfachender Skizzen und Schemata erläutert. Umfangreiche Aufgabenblöcke am Ende jedes Kapitels dienen insbesondere zur Einübung und Überprüfung des Gelernten sowie zur Unterstützung der Prüfungsvorbereitung.


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Nanotechnologies: The Physics of Nanomaterials – Volume 1: The Physics of Surfaces and Nanofabrication Techniques

Nanotechnologies: The Physics of Nanomaterials – Volume 1: The Physics of Surfaces and Nanofabrication Techniques

David S. Schmool. - Palm Bay, FL, USA ; Burlington, ON, Canada : Abingdon, Oxon, UK : Apple Academic Press, 2021

Provides a broad introduction to nanophysics and nanotechnologies, and the importance of low-dimensional and surface physics is discussed indepth. Chapters in Volume 1 covers the large range of physical preparation techniques available for the production of nanomaterials and nanostructuring.


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Nanotechnologies: The Physics of Nanomaterials – Volume 2: Physical Properties of Nanostructured Materials and Their Applications

Nanotechnologies: The Physics of Nanomaterials – Volume 2: Physical Properties of Nanostructured Materials and Their Applications

David S. Schmool. - Palm Bay, FL, USA ; Burlington, ON, Canada : Abingdon, Oxon, UK : Apple Academic Press, 2021

• Provides a comprehensive treatment of nanoscience, covering all major areas of the physics involved in nanostructures, including sample preparation techniques, characterization methods, physical principles, and applications • Presents an introduction and summary to each chapter, highlighting the principal ideas of each chapter in a concise manner • Includes revision problems that will allow students to assess their progress at the end of each chapter • Incorporates the author’s 25 years research experience


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G. V. Schulz: Leben und Forschen eines Polymer-Pioniers im 20. Jahrhundert

G. V. Schulz: Leben und Forschen eines Polymer-Pioniers im 20. Jahrhundert

herausgegeben von Sebastian Seiffert. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Persönliche Erinnerungen eines Pioniers des Gebiets Polymerchemie • Prägende Zeugnisse von Kriegserlebnissen, einer Welt im Wandel und der Rolle der Wissenschaft darin • Lehren und Perspektiven auch für die heutige Welt im neuerlichen Wandel



Physikalische Chemie Kapieren: Thermodynamik, Kinetik, Elektrochemie

Physikalische Chemie Kapieren: Thermodynamik, Kinetik, Elektrochemie

Sebastian Seiffert, Wolfgang Schärtl. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2021

Dieses Buch ist ausgerichtet auf eine Physikalische Chemie Lehrveranstaltung im Blended-Learning Format. Es präsentiert den klassischen Stoff einer typischen Grundvorlesung (Chemische Thermodynamik, Kinetik, Elektrochemie), eingeteilt in 24 thematisch fokussierte Lehreinheiten, didaktisch anschaulich aufbereitet, um ein Verständnis von Grundkonzepten in qualitativer und in quantitativer Art zu erreichen.


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Stochastik ohne Zufall und Wahrscheinlichkeit: die Mathematik der relativen Anteile

Stochastik ohne Zufall und Wahrscheinlichkeit: die Mathematik der relativen Anteile

von Rüdiger Stegen. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

• Stellt „Wahrscheinlichkeit“ als mögliche Interpretation relativer Anteile dar • Schafft tieferes Verständnis für den Zusammenhang von Theorie und Anwendung • Ungewöhnlicher Zugang zu den klassischen Begriffen der Stochastik



Klassische Mechanik: Von der Newton’schen Mechanik zur Relativitätstheorie in drei Postulaten

Klassische Mechanik: Von der Newton’schen Mechanik zur Relativitätstheorie in drei Postulaten

von Peter van Dongen. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Führt effektiv und transparent von den Grundsätzen zu den Anwendungen der klassischen Mechanik • Beschreibt ausführlich die Newton’schen Formulierung der Mechanik als auch die Lagrange- und Hamilton-Varianten • Bietet ausführliche Herleitungen und nachvollziehbare Rechnungen



Phenomenological approaches to physics

Phenomenological approaches to physics

Harald A. Wiltsche, Philipp Berghofer, editors. - Cham : Springer, 2020

• Combines historical and systematic perspectives from phenomenology on the philosophy of physics • Contributors include top scholars in phenomenology and philosophy of physics • Probes the under-discussed topics of phenomenology and quantum mechanics


