
Particle-antiparticle asymmetry in the B menson system

Particle-antiparticle asymmetry in the B menson system

Hiroaki Aihara. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book is a concise yet thorough study of charge–parity (CP) asymmetry, particularly within the B meson system. The book offers a fascinating insight into the research of CP asymmetry and is an essential reference for experimental physicists and other researchers related to the field.



Quantum chemistry simulation of biological molecules

Quantum chemistry simulation of biological molecules

Eudenilson L. Albuquerque, Umberto L. Fulco, Ewerten W. S. Caetano, Valder N. Freire. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021

This book describes the quantum chemical simulation of a wide variety of molecular systems, with detailed analysis of their quantum chemical properties, individual molecular configurations, and cutting-edge biomedical applications. This modern and comprehensive text is essential reading for graduate students and researchers in multidisciplinary areas of biological physics, chemical physics, chemical engineering, biochemistry and bioengineering.


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Mathematisches Modellieren: als fachlicher Hintergrund für die Sekundarstufe I +II

Mathematisches Modellieren: als fachlicher Hintergrund für die Sekundarstufe I +II

von Sebastian Bauer. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Baut ein Repertoire an mathematischen Kenntnissen und Modellierungsfertigkeiten für das Lehramt der Sekundarstufe an Gymnasien/Gesamtschulen auf • Schlägt eine Brücke zwischen den schulischen Modellierungen und bedeutsamen wissenschaftlichen Modellierungen • Im gesamten Buch werden Computer als Hilfsmittel eingesetzt, um Lösungen zu approximieren und zu veranschaulichen



Feedback: Wie Rückkopplung unser Leben bestimmt und Natur, Technik, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft beherrscht

Feedback: Wie Rückkopplung unser Leben bestimmt und Natur, Technik, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft beherrscht

von Jürgen Beetz. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Erklärt ausführlich, auf amüsante Weise und leicht verständlich mit vielen Beispielen das universelle Prinzip der Rückkopplung • Zeigt verblüffende Rückkopplungsmechanismen in einer Vielzahl von Lebensbereichen, veranschaulicht durch zahlreiche Abbildungen • Schärft den Blick der LeserInnen für viele Feedback-Phänomene im Alltag und in unterschiedlichen Wissensgebieten



Chemie der Werkstoffe

Chemie der Werkstoffe

von Horst Briehl. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Der praxisorientierte Einstieg in die Chemie der Werkstoffe • Herstellung - Verarbeitung - Veredelung - Anwendung • Überarbeitete und erweiterte Neuauflage



Felix Hausdorff: Mathematiker, Philosoph und Literat

Felix Hausdorff: Mathematiker, Philosoph und Literat

von Egbert Brieskorn, Walter Purkert. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Gut geschriebene, lebhafte Biographie von Felix Hausdorff • Geht auch auf sein Werk als Philosoph und Literat ein - als Paul Mongré • Stellt das Leben und Schaffen eines der bedeutendsten Denkers des 20. Jahrhunderts anschaulich dar



Photovoltaics from milliwatts to gigawatts: understanding market and technology drivers toward terawatts

Photovoltaics from milliwatts to gigawatts: understanding market and technology drivers toward terawatts

Tim Bruton. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2021

• An authoritative first-hand account of an emerging technology from laboratory to global significance for electricity generation by an industry expert. • Provides a framework for policy makers on future trends in the PV industry. • Examines the lessons learnt from the interaction of research laboratories, major industry and government. • Signposts the route to future high efficiency silicon solar cells giving new researchers a background for further development. • Highlights the critical success factors for the emerging alternative manufacturing technologies.


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Mathematik visuell und interaktiv: für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler

Mathematik visuell und interaktiv: für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler

von Hans Cycon. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020

• Online ergänzt durch kurze Videos und interaktive Animationen (letztere können mit frei verfügbaren CDF-Playern angesehen und bedient werden) • Visualisiert Formeln, Strukturen und Zusammenhänge • Behandelt die wichtigsten Themen der Höheren Mathematik



The everyday physics of hearing and vision

The everyday physics of hearing and vision

Benjamin de Mayo. - Second edition. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2020

This non-technical book examines the everyday physics behind hearing and vision to help readers understand more about themselves and their physical environment. It begins with a thorough discussion of sound and light waves then goes on to discuss how our eyes and ears gather and process information from those waves. The second edition includes the latest developments in hearing and vision. New topics include hearing and vision aids, electron microscopy, the third eye (pineal body), vision and hearing gene therapies and new remote sensing techniques.



Polareuklidische Geometrie: Unendlichferne Peripherie und absoluter Mittelpunkt: Eine duale Erweiterung der klassischen Geometrie

Polareuklidische Geometrie: Unendlichferne Peripherie und absoluter Mittelpunkt: Eine duale Erweiterung der klassischen Geometrie

von Immo Diener. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Erweitert die euklidische Geometrie durch Dualisierung ihrer Begriffe und Sätze • Vertieft die Anschauung bekannter geometrischer Sachverhalte mittels Perspektivwechsel • Erweitert das Raumverständnis durch komplementäre Raumbeschreibungen • Auch ohne spezielles Vorwissen zugänglich



Statistik mit „R“ für Nicht-Mathematiker: Praktische Tipps für die quantitativ-empirische Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeit

Statistik mit „R“ für Nicht-Mathematiker: Praktische Tipps für die quantitativ-empirische Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeit

von Karl-Heinz Fittkau. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

• Kurze Einführung in die kostenfreie Statistiksoftware „R“ und die Benutzeroberfläche „RStudio“ • Zeigt, wie eine quantitativ, empirische Graduierungsarbeit strukturiert wird • Einfache Übungen mit Download-Option: Berechnung von Gruppenunterschieden, Zusammenhängen und Abhängigkeiten



Multiverse theories: a philosophical perspective

Multiverse theories: a philosophical perspective

Simon Friederich. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021

At the intersection of physics and philosophy of science, this book outlines the philosophical challenge to theoretical physics in a measured, well-grounded manner. The origin of multiverse theories are explored within the context of the fine-tuning problem and a systematic comparison between the various different multiverse models are included. Cosmologists, high energy physicists, and philosophers including graduate students and researchers will find a systematic exploration of such questions in this important book.


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Stigmatic optics

Stigmatic optics

Rafael G González-Acuña, Hector A Chaparro-Romo. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020. - (IOP series in emerging technologies in optics and photonics)

This book examines the concept of stigmatism from its base to the most fundamental stigmatic systems. This book is an excellent guide for producers of lenses and optical products, and academics in lens design and optics.



Mathe übersichtlich: Von den Basics bis zur Analysis: Mehr als 175 Themen zum Nachlesen und Verstehen

Mathe übersichtlich: Von den Basics bis zur Analysis: Mehr als 175 Themen zum Nachlesen und Verstehen

von Adriane Gründers. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021

• Hilft allen, die nicht viel Text lesen wollen um Mathe-Inhalte zu lernen • Bietet den Stoff in einzelnen, gut verdaubaren Häppchen, die jeweils eine Seite lang sind • Erklärt alles anhand von Beispielen • Ermöglicht jedem/r LeserIn, der/die mitdenkt, den Inhalt zu verstehen • Ist bestens geeignet zum schnellen Nachschlagen



Computation in science: from concepts to practice

Computation in science: from concepts to practice

Konrad Hinsen. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

Computation in Science’ provides a background in computation for scientists who use computational methods. The book explains how computing is used in the natural sciences and provides a high-level overview of relevant aspects of computer science and software engineering with a focus on concepts, results, and applications. The goal of this book is to explain these basic principles, and to show how they relate to the tasks of a scientist’s daily work in a language familiar to them. This new edition has been significantly updated and extended to reflect developments in scientific computing, including new examples and references.



Collective light emission: many quantum emitters

Collective light emission: many quantum emitters

Hsiang-Hua Jen. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book covers several recent essential topics related to collective light emissions from many quantum emitters. It includes the basic mechanism, well-known super- and sub-radiant phenomena in free space and nanophotonic platform, applications in quantum systems, and perspectives to future directions. Additionally, several updates of this ongoing research and challenges confronted in experiments and theories are included.



Nanosensors: physical, chemical, and biological

Nanosensors: physical, chemical, and biological

Vinod Kumar Khanna. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

• Provides an updated, all-encompassing exploration of contemporary nanosensors and highlights the exclusive nanoscale properties on which nanosensors are designed. • Presents an accessible approach with a question-and-answer format to allow an easy grasp of the intricacies involved in the complex working mechanisms of devices. • Contains clear, illustrative diagrams enabling the visualization of nanosensor operations, along with worked examples, end of chapter questions, and exhaustive up-to-date bibliographies appended to each chapter.


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Electromagnetic waves and lasers

Electromagnetic waves and lasers

Wayne D Kimura. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book reviews electromagnetic wave theory with a special emphasis on lasers and how to use them in optical systems. As a short treatise on this subject matter, this book aims to offer a quick overview that will allow the reader to gain a competent general understanding of electromagnetic waves and lasers, and how to use lasers in optical systems. This second edition includes detailed information and procedures for setting up a laser optical system making it an excellent guide for those involved with using lasers.



Strahlungsmessung und Dosimetrie

Strahlungsmessung und Dosimetrie

von Hanno Krieger. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

• Der fundierte Einstieg in Strahlungsmessung und Dosimetrie • Mit zahlreichen Tabellen und Grafiken zur technischen und medizinischen Radiologie • Enthält eine Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten gesetzlichen Regelungen



Heat transfer – 1: Conduction

Heat transfer – 1: Conduction

Michel Ledoux, Abdelkhalak El Hami. - London, UK ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2021

The importance of these three transfer methods has resulted – justifiably – in a separate volume being afforded to each of them. This first volume is dedicated to thermal conduction, and, importantly, assumes an analytical approach to the problems presented, and recalls the fundamentals. Heat Transfer 1 combines a basic approach with a deeper understanding of the discipline and will therefore appeal to a wide audience, from technician to engineer, from doctoral student to teacher-researcher.


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Silicene-based layered materials: essential properties

Silicene-based layered materials: essential properties

Shih-Yang Lin et al.. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book examines in detail the application and theory of slicene-based layered materials, offering a new perspective on up-to-date mainstream theoretical and experimental research. It includes a wide range of layered systems, and takes into account the critical factors involved, such as the group-IV monoelements, stacking configurations, layer numbers, Moire superlattices. The book is an invaluable guide for researchers studying silicene-based materials.



Seeing the unseen: Mount Wilson’s role in high angular resolution astronomy

Seeing the unseen: Mount Wilson’s role in high angular resolution astronomy

Harold A McAlister. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020. - (AAS-IOP astronomy)

This book provides a detailed history of stellar interferometry as practised at Mount Wilson Observatory. It covers the origin of the field in the early 19th Century, and its subsequent development throughout the last hundred years at the Observatory, including the people, instruments, and methods involved in advancing high angular resolution astronomy. Additionally, two extensive Appendices cover the importance of Mount Wilson today as well as an interferometry primer. It is an excellent book for historians, astronomers and anyone interested in Mount Wilson.



A mathematically coherent quantum gravity

A mathematically coherent quantum gravity

James Moffat. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

The development of a successful theory of quantum gravity in the context of the early universe is the key next step in theoretical physics. This book takes that step by describing a coherent mathematical framework for both the evolution of discrete space-time and the quantum graviton in the Planck regime. In doing so it successfully blends developments in both loop quantum gravity and superstring theory with data from the Large Hadron Collider.





Gernot Münster. - München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020

Dieses Lehrbuch für Studierende der Physik orientiert sich in der Stoffauswahl an den Inhalten einer zweisemestrigen Vorlesung über Quantentheorie. Dabei werden die Grundlagen der Quantentheorie, darunter der quantenmechanische Messprozess, der mathematische Formalismus und die Bell’schen Ungleichungen ausführlich behandelt. Auch moderne Konzepte wie das Feynman’sche Pfadintegral werden berücksichtigt. Die dritte Auflage wurde um zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben ergänzt.


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Intervallarithmetische Untersuchung der Beobachtbarkeit und Zustandsschätzung nichtlinearer Systeme

Intervallarithmetische Untersuchung der Beobachtbarkeit und Zustandsschätzung nichtlinearer Systeme

von Thomas Paradowski. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

Basierend auf Methoden der Intervallarithmetik stellt Thomas Paradowski einen neuartigen Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der Beobachtbarkeit nichtlinearer zeitkontinuierlicher Systeme vor. Mittels des verwendeten Potenzreihenkalkühls werden die erforderlichen Lie-Ableitungen automatisch berechnet. Dadurch ist es möglich, nicht nur lokale Aussagen über die Beobachtbarkeit zu treffen, sondern auch globale Aussagen.



Waves and optics

Waves and optics

Harish Parthasarathy. - Abingdon, Oxon : CRC Press, 2021

This book covers all aspects of waves and optics ranging from one dimensional waves in a vibrating string, two dimensional waves in a vibrating membrane, both of which are transverse, three dimensional electromagnetic waves generated by radiating antennas and longitudinal sound/pressure waves in an air column.


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Kosmologie für alle, die mehr wissen wollen

Kosmologie für alle, die mehr wissen wollen

von Delia Perlov, Alex Vilenkin. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021

• Bietet eine leicht nachvollziehbare und konsistente Darstellung moderner kosmologischer Ideen • Beschreibt, was die Forschung über den Urknall, Inflation und die Entwicklung unseres Universum weiß • Erklärt Kosmologie für alle, die etwas mehr wissen wollen



Theoretical foundations of nanoscale quantum devices

Theoretical foundations of nanoscale quantum devices

Malin Premaratne, Govind P. Agrawal. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021

This self-contained and extensively referenced text describes the underlying theory behind nanodevices operating in the quantum regime for use both in advanced courses and as a reference for researchers in physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, and materials science. Presenting an extensive theoretical toolset for design and analysis of nanodevices, the authors demonstrate the art of developing approximate quantum models of real nanodevices.


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Protein and peptide-based microarrays for multiplex detection

Protein and peptide-based microarrays for multiplex detection

edited by Navid Rabiee, Michael R Hamblin. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book discusses the aspects of protein and peptide-based microarrays for multiplex detection, based on Rabiee’s Theory. It provides a thorough introduction to the field, before examining protein and peptide-based microarrays in greater detail, along with their related problems and solutions. Also covered are the materials and fabrication methods involved with protein microarrays. It offers an outlook on the future of the field within its conclusion and provides an understanding of cutting-edge aspects and horizons of this topic and is an excellent guide for scientists, students and doctors.



The Bohr atom: a guide

The Bohr atom: a guide

Bruce Cameron Reed. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

All students of physics encounter the Bohr model of the atom. However, it is often covered quickly in order that curricula can progress to wave mechanics. This book gives students and instructors a fuller exploration to Bohr’s model. It also includes student exercises, a bibliography, a list of important physical constants, and a survey of Bohr’s subsequent life and career.



Wide bandgap semiconductor-based electronics

Wide bandgap semiconductor-based electronics

edited by Fan Ren and Stephen J Pearton. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This reference text provides comprehensive coverage of the challenges and latest research in wide and ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors. Leading researchers from around the world provide reviews on the latest development of materials and devices in these systems. The book is an essential reference for researchers and practitioners in the field of wide bandgap semiconductors and power electronics, and valuable supplementary reading for advanced courses in these areas.



An introduction to quantum optics: an open systems approach

An introduction to quantum optics: an open systems approach

Perry Rice. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020. - (IOP series in emerging technologies in optics and photonics)

This book provides a solid pedagogical background in the techniques used in quantum optics, with an emphasis on open quantum systems. Suitable for undergraduates as a second semester quantum mechanics course or first year graduate students, this book begins with a short summary of quantum mechanics and contains physics of open systems and their application to light/matter interactions. Written in a simplified manner and classroom tested, this book provides the fundamentals of quantum optics and includes recent developments in the field.



Physics of digital photography

Physics of digital photography

DA Rowlands. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020. - (IOP series in emerging technologies in optics and photonics)

Physics is fundamental to all aspects of digital photography. This book works through the physics underlying the photographic imaging chain, from image capture through to the production of a viewable output digital image. It provides an invaluable insight into the connections between imaging science and photographic practice and is intended for use by both graduate students and established researchers. In this updated and expanded new edition, the material has been reorganised and extensively rewritten and the figures have been enhanced.



Nanoparticle enhanced radiation therapy: principles, methods and applications

Nanoparticle enhanced radiation therapy: principles, methods and applications

edited by Erno Sajo, Piotr Zygmanski. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020. - (IOP series in global health and radiation oncology)

The contents within this book will cover the rationale and fundamental principles of NPRT, optimal nanoparticle sizes, concentrations, design and fabrication, effective nanoparticle delivery methods, emerging clinical applications of NRT modalities, treatment planning and quality assurance and the potential of NPRT in global health. This volume will serve as a resource for researchers, educators and industry, and as a practical guide or comprehensive reference for students, research trainees and others working in cancer nanomedicine.



Anschauen, Anfassen, Auffassen: Eine Wissensgeschichte Mathematischer Modelle

Anschauen, Anfassen, Auffassen: Eine Wissensgeschichte Mathematischer Modelle

von Anja Sattelmacher. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

Im Zentrum der Studie stehen Mathematikprofessoren, die die Verwendung von Modellen im Kontext der akademischen Lehre auf unterschiedliche Weise vorantrieben. Weniger bekannt ist hingegen, dass auch Frauen einen wichtigen Anteil an der Produktion von Modellen hatten. Das Buch leistet mit den Auswertungen zahlreicher Quellen aus unterschiedlichen Archiven sowie einer ethnographischen Beobachtung eines Modellbauers einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine praxeologisch orientierte Wissenschaftsgeschichte.



Recycling – ein Mittel zu welchem Zweck?: Modellbasierte Ermittlung der energetischen Aufwände des Metallrecyclings für einen empirischen Vergleich mit der Primärgewinnung

Recycling – ein Mittel zu welchem Zweck?: Modellbasierte Ermittlung der energetischen Aufwände des Metallrecyclings für einen empirischen Vergleich mit der Primärgewinnung

von Philipp Schäfer. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

In diesem Open-Access-Buch kritisiert Philipp Schäfer die Entwicklung der Circular Economy hin zu einem Selbstzweck. Um den Beitrag der Circular Economy zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung zu gewährleisten, muss sie stets Mittel zum Zweck sein und bedarf daher konkreter Zielsetzungen. Anhand eines ausführlichen Exkurses in die Fachliteratur zeigt der Autor, dass das primäre Ziel der Circular Economy keineswegs durch das Narrativ der schwindenden Ressourcen bestimmt werden sollte. Vielmehr sollte das Ziel die Minderung des Energieaufwands der Rohstoffbereitstellung und der damit verbundenen Treibhausgasemissionen sein.


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Magnesium-based nanocomposites: advances and applications

Magnesium-based nanocomposites: advances and applications

Sankaranarayanan Seetharaman, Sravya Tekumalla, Manoj Gupta. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book covers the most recent advances in the processing and properties of magnesium-based nanocomposites, a class of lightweight sustainable materials with the potential to be revolutionary energy-saving materials with a range of beneficial applications. The book will enable researchers and engineers, irrespective of their discipline, to better exploit the benefits of magnesium-based nanocomposites for multiple applications that can contribute significantly to the safe health of humans and the planet.



Spectroscopic techniques for archaeological and cultural heritage research

Spectroscopic techniques for archaeological and cultural heritage research

edited by Ashutosh Kumar Shukla. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020. - (IOP series in spectroscopic methods and applications)

This book reviews the applications of various spectroscopic techniques and in particular electron spin resonance spectroscopy in evaluating the structure and composition of materials for archaeological and cultural heritage research. Spanning both dating and compositional analysis methods of artefacts and their associated dating layers the book includes contributions from an international pool of researchers and uses case studies and demonstrate the applications of the techniques under discussion.



Electrical and electronic devices, circuits and materials: design and applications

Electrical and electronic devices, circuits and materials: design and applications

Suman Lata Tripathi, Parvej Ahmad Alvi, Umashankar Subramaniam. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021

• Assists researchers working on devices and circuits to correlate their work with other requirements of advanced electronic systems. • Offers guidance for application-oriented electrical and electronic device and circuit design for future energy-efficient systems. • Encourages awareness of the international standards for electrical and electronic device and circuit design.


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Electrical and electronic devices, circuits, and materials: technological challenges and solutions

Electrical and electronic devices, circuits, and materials: technological challenges and solutions

edited by Suman Lata Tripathi, Parvej Ahmad Alvi, and Umashankar Subramaniam. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2021

This breakthrough work presents this knowledge of standard electronic device and circuit design analysis, including advanced technologies and materials. This outstanding new volume presents the basic concepts and fundamentals behind devices, circuits, and systems. It is a valuable reference for the veteran engineer and a learning tool for the student, the practicing engineer, or an engineer from another field crossing over into electrical engineering. It is a must-have for any library.


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Problems and problem solving in chemistry education: analysing data, looking for patterns and making deductions edited

Problems and problem solving in chemistry education: analysing data, looking for patterns and making deductions edited

by Georgios Tsaparlis ; with a foreword by George Bodner. - London : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021

The following situations are considered, some general, others with a focus on specific areas of chemistry: quantitative problems, qualitative reasoning, metacognition and resource activation, deconstructing the problem-solving process, an overview of the working memory hypothesis, reasoning with the electron-pushing formalism, scaffolding organic synthesis skills, spectroscopy for structural characterization in organic chemistry, enzyme kinetics, problem solving in the academic chemistry laboratory, chemistry problem-solving in context, team-based/active learning, technology for molecular representations, IR spectra simulation, and computational quantum chemistry tools.



COVID-19: Suche nach einem Impfstoff

COVID-19: Suche nach einem Impfstoff

von Patric U. B. Vogel. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021

In diesem Buch werden das Prinzip, die Stärken und Schwächen sowie der Fortschritt verschiedener Impfstofftechnologien gegen COVID-19 dargestellt. Es werden zusätzlich wichtige Begriffe wie klinische Phasen, Wirksamkeit und sterilisierende Immunität erklärt. In dieser zweiten Auflage werden auch die bereits zugelassenen Impfstoffe vorgestellt sowie die Bedeutung von Virusvarianten erklärt.



Nuclear materials science

Nuclear materials science

Karl Whittle. - Second edition. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

Here Karl Whittle provides an overview of the intersection of nuclear engineering and materials science at a level approachable by students from materials, engineering and physics. The text explains the unique aspects needed in the design and implementation of materials for use in demanding nuclear settings. Featuring animated figures, this extensively updated and extended edition also includes a new chapter on materials characterisation.



Grundbegriffe der elementaren Zahlentheorie: Von der Teilerrelation zur Kongruenz modulo m

Grundbegriffe der elementaren Zahlentheorie: Von der Teilerrelation zur Kongruenz modulo m

von Gerald Wittmann. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020

Die elementare Zahlentheorie befasst sich mit den Eigenschaften der natürlichen Zahlen und benötigt als Grundlage hierfür nur die Arithmetik. Sie ist ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil des Bachelorstudiums Mathematik. Mit diesem ’essential’ erhält man eine kompakte und auf das Wesentliche fokussierte Darstellung der elementaren Zahlentheorie, die insbesondere für einen ersten Überblick über dieses Teilgebiet, für die Prüfungsvorbereitung oder zum Nachschlagen wichtiger Definitionen und Sätze herangezogen werden kann.



An introduction to fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

An introduction to fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

Thorsten Wohland, Sudipta Maiti, Radek Macháň. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book represents a comprehensive introduction to fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), a biophysical experimental technique increasingly used to study and quantify molecular mobility, concentrations and interactions in vitro, as well as in living cells and multicellular organisms. Students and researchers who are new to FCS can use the book as the first introduction to the technique, while those who are already using FCS regularly in their research may find it useful to deepen their understanding of the technique, its possibilities, limitations, potential pitfalls, and ways to avoid them.



Model checking quantum systems: principles and algorithms

Model checking quantum systems: principles and algorithms

Mingsheng Ying, Yuan Feng. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021

Model checking is one of the most successful verification techniques and has been widely adopted in traditional computing and communication hardware and software industries. This book provides the first systematic introduction to model checking techniques applicable to quantum systems, with broad potential applications in the emerging industry of quantum computing and quantum communication as well as quantum physics. Suitable for use as a course textbook and for self-study, graduate and senior undergraduate students will appreciate the step-by-step explanations and the exercises included.


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Ultracold atomic physics

Ultracold atomic physics

Hui Zhai. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021

• Covers both the fundamentals and recent experimental developments of ultracold atomic physics • Each theory is pedagogically introduced by accessible calculations, and supported by descriptions of experiments in ultracold atomic systems • Strong emphasis upon reinforcing the underlying connections between the physical phenomena of ultracold atomic systems


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Magnetically confined fusion plasma physics – Volume 2: Multifluid theory

Magnetically confined fusion plasma physics – Volume 2: Multifluid theory

Linjin Zheng. - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

The book covers three major topics: the Braginskii transport theory, the newly developed perpendicular magnetofluid theory, and the fluid-kinetic hybrid theories. In greater detail, the perpendicular magnetofluid theory is examined, along with the equilibrium and stability analyses. The book provides an advanced review on the state-of-the-art theory and application of magnetically confined plasma physics and is an essential reference for students and researchers in this field.


