
Quantum concepts in the social, ecological and biological sciences

Quantum concepts in the social, ecological and biological sciences

Fabio Bagarello . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019

This book describes how complex systems from a variety of fields can be modelled using quantum mechanical principles; from biology and ecology, to sociology and decision-making. The mathematical basis of these models is covered in detail, furnishing a self-contained and consistent approach. This book provides unique insight into the dynamics of these macroscopic systems and opens new interdisciplinary research frontiers.


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Graphene nanostructures: modeling, simulation, and applications in electronics and photonics

Graphene nanostructures: modeling, simulation, and applications in electronics and photonics

Yaser M. Banadaki, Safura Sharifi . - Singapore : Pan Stanford Publishing, 2019

While most of the books focus on the synthesis, fabrication, and characterization of graphene, this book shines a light on graphene models and their circuit simulations and applications in photonics. It will serve as a textbook for graduate-level courses in nanoscale electronics and photonics design and appeal to anyone involved in electrical engineering, applied physics, materials science, or nanotechnology research.


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Pipelined analog to digital converter and fault diagnosis

Pipelined analog to digital converter and fault diagnosis

edited by Alok Barua . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book gives a rigorous, theoretical and mathematical analysis for the design of pipelined ADCs, along with detailed practical aspects of implementing it in very large-scale integration (VLSI). In each chapter a unique fault diagnosis technique for pipelined ADC has been proposed.



Transmission and processing for data center networking

Transmission and processing for data center networking

Le Nguyen Binh . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book offers insights into transport technology for data centres and the principal techniques for modern communication transmission of ultra-wideband channels. The comprehensive and up-to-date overview offered by the book is an invaluable source for scientists, engineers, professors and mid-senior level students involved with data transmission and processing.



Crystal Growth of Intermetallics

Crystal Growth of Intermetallics

Peter Gille, Yuri Grin . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2018

Intermetallic compounds are in the focus of solid-state research for a wide range of future applications, e.g. in heterogeneous catalysis, for thermoelectric generators, and basic research of quantum critical effects. A comprehensive overview is given on various crystal growth techniques that are particularly adopted to intermetallic phases. Experienced authors from leading institutes give detailed descriptions of the specific problems in crystal growth of intermetallic compounds and approaches to solve them.


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Spintronics: Theory, Modelling, Devices

Spintronics: Theory, Modelling, Devices

Tomasz Blachowicz, Andrea Ehrmann . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2019

• Concise introduction to the underlying quantum mechanics • Covers numerical tools for simulating spin transport and building blocks of spintronic devices • Makes spintronics approachable with only basics in condensed matter physics


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Electrons in Solids: Mesoscopics, Photonics, Quantum Computing, Correlations, Topology

Electrons in Solids: Mesoscopics, Photonics, Quantum Computing, Correlations, Topology

Hendrik Bluhm, Thomas Brückel, Markus Morgenstern, Gero von Plessen, Christoph Stampfer . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2019

• Covers modern many body theory and effects arising from correlated electron systems • Closes a gap between basic condensed matter textbooks and the forefront of research • Useful for various graduate courses


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The quest for a universal theory of life: searching for life as we don’t know it

The quest for a universal theory of life: searching for life as we don’t know it

Carol E. Cleland . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019

Integrating both scientific and philosophical perspectives, this book provides an informed analysis of the challenges of formulating a universal theory of life. Among the issues discussed are crucial differences between definitions and scientific theories and, in the context of examples from the history of science, how successful general theories develop.


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Invariant differential operators – Volume 1: Noncompact Semisimple Lie Algebras and Groups

Invariant differential operators – Volume 1: Noncompact Semisimple Lie Algebras and Groups

Vladimir K. Dobrev . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2016

With applications in quantum field theory, elementary particle physics and general relativity, this two-volume work studies invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups, superalgebras including infinite-dimensional cases, Schrödinger algebras, applications to holography. This first volume covers the general aspects of Lie algebras and group theory supplemented by many concrete examples for a great variety of noncompact semisimple Lie algebras and groups.



Invariant differential operators – Volume 2: Quantum Groups

Invariant differential operators – Volume 2: Quantum Groups

Vladimir K. Dobrev . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2017

With applications in quantum field theory, general relativity and elementary particle physics, this three-volume work studies the invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups and superalgebras. This second volume covers quantum groups in their two main manifestations: quantum algebras and matrix quantum groups. The exposition covers both the general aspects of these and a great variety of concrete explicitly presented examples.


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Invariant differential operators – Volume 3: Supersymmetry

Invariant differential operators – Volume 3: Supersymmetry

Vladimir K. Dobrev . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2018

With applications in quantum field theory, general relativity and elementary particle physics, this three-volume work studies the invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups and superalgebras. This third volume covers supersymmetry.


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Invariant differential operators – Volume 4: AdS/CFT, (Super-)Virasoro, Affine (Super-)Algebras

Invariant differential operators – Volume 4: AdS/CFT, (Super-)Virasoro, Affine (Super-)Algebras

Vladimir K. Dobrev . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2019

With applications in quantum field theory, general relativity and elementary particle physics, this three-volume work studies the invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups and superalgebras. This fourth volume covers AdS/CFT, Virasoro and affine (super-)algebras.


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Quantum field theory: Feynman path integrals and diagrammatic techniques in condensed matter

Quantum field theory: Feynman path integrals and diagrammatic techniques in condensed matter

Lukong Cornelius Fai . - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019

This book explores quantum field theory using the Feynman functional and diagrammatic techniques as foundations to apply Quantum Field Theory to a broad range of topics in physics. This book will be of interest not only to condensed matter physicists but physicists in a range of disciplines as the techniques explored apply to high-energy as well as soft matter physics.


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Physik für Chemiker I: Physikalische Grundlagen, Mechanik, Thermodynamik

Physik für Chemiker I: Physikalische Grundlagen, Mechanik, Thermodynamik

von Olaf Fritsche . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020

• Das Arbeitsbuch führt durch das erfolgreiche Lehrbuch ‚Physik‘ von Tipler et al. • Für das Selbststudium entwickelt • Erprobt in einem Fernstudiengang Chemie • Bereitet optimal auf Modulprüfungen in Physik vor



Carbon dioxide sensing: fundamentals, principles, and applications

Carbon dioxide sensing: fundamentals, principles, and applications

edited by Gerald Gerlach, Ulrich Guth, Wolfram Oelßer . - Weinheim, Germany : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2019

The book provides the reader with a profound knowledge of basic principles, properties and preferred applications of diverse kinds of CO2 measurement. It shows the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of several methods and gives a comprehensive overview of both possible applications and corresponding boundary conditions. Applications reach from environmental monitoring to safety control to biotechnology and food control and finally to medicine.


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A practical guide to optical microscopy

A practical guide to optical microscopy

John Girkin . - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019

• The first book to cover all current optical microscopy methods for practical applications • Written to be understood by a non-optical expert with inserts to provide the physical science background • Brings together conventional widefield and confocal microscopy, with advanced non-linear and super resolution methods, in one book


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Modellierungskompetenzen – Diagnose und Bewertung

Modellierungskompetenzen – Diagnose und Bewertung

herausgegeben von Gilbert Greefrath, Katja Maaß . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020

• Lernleistungsbewertung von Modellierung mit Mathematikunterricht wird diskutiert • Erstmals werden Modellierungsaufgaben als Schulabschlussprüfungen vorgestellt • Behandelt Fragen zum Modellieren in der Unterrichtspraxis



kurz & knapp: Quantenmechanik: Das Wichtigste auf unter 150 Seiten

kurz & knapp: Quantenmechanik: Das Wichtigste auf unter 150 Seiten

von Christoph Hanhart . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020

• Fasst den Vorlesungsstoff der Quantenmechanik auf weniger als 150 Seiten zusammen • Verdeutlicht die Zusammenhänge der Quantenphysik • Bietet knappe Erklärungen mit hilfreichen Zusammenfassungen



Differentialgleichungen als zentraler Bestandteil der theoretischen Physik: Harmonischer Oszillator, Wellengleichung und Korteweg-de-Vries-Gleichung

Differentialgleichungen als zentraler Bestandteil der theoretischen Physik: Harmonischer Oszillator, Wellengleichung und Korteweg-de-Vries-Gleichung

von Eva Maria Hickmann . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020

• Untersucht die relevanten Methoden zum Lösen von Differentialgleichungen • Beschreibt die Zwischenschritte vollständig • Auch für Lehramtsstudierende der Physik geeignet



Fundamentals of Soft Matter Science

Fundamentals of Soft Matter Science

Linda S. Hirst with photography and illustrations by Trevor P. Hirst. . - Milton : CRC Press LLC, 2019.

This revised edition continues to provide the most approachable introduction to the structure, characteristics, and everyday applications of soft matter. There are new worked examples throughout, new problems, some deeper mathematical treatment, and new sections on key topics such as diffusion, active matter, liquid crystal defects, surfactant phases and more.


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Elastic Light Scattering Spectrometry

Elastic Light Scattering Spectrometry

Cheng Zhi Huang, Jian Ling, Jian Wang . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2018

This book introduces the basics of light scattering and then presents theoretical methods and applications of elastic light scattering spectrometry in the field of analytical chemistry. Different elastic light scattering probes and how to use elastic light scattering probes for the analysis of inorganic ions, organic molecules, nucleic acids, proteins, biological microparticles, water and the atmospheric environment are discussed in detail.


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The Hydrogen Bond: A Bond for Life

The Hydrogen Bond: A Bond for Life

Aloys Hüttermann . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2019

The author illustrates why the rather weak hydrogen bond is so essential for our everyday life in a lively and entertaining way. The chemical and physical fundamentals are explained with examples ranging from the nature of water over the secret of DNA to adhesives and modern detergents. The interdisciplinary science is easy to understand and hence a great introduction for chemists, biologists and physicists.


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Mathe ist noch viel mehr: Aufgaben und Lösungen der Fürther Mathematik-Olympiade 1992-1999

Mathe ist noch viel mehr: Aufgaben und Lösungen der Fürther Mathematik-Olympiade 1992-1999

von Paul Jainta, Lutz Andrews . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020

• Bietet eine reichhaltige und praxiserprobte Sammlung von Wettbewerbsaufgaben • Mit ausführlichen Lösungen • Ideal einsetzbar für die Förderung begabter SchülerInnen, individuell oder in Arbeitsgemeinschaften



Thermoacoustic tomography: principles and applications

Thermoacoustic tomography: principles and applications

Huabei Jiang . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book provides a comprehensive overview of thermoacoustic imaging approaches. It describes the fundamentals of thermoacoustic tomography (TAT) and discusses clinical applications and animal studies in the areas of brain, breast, joint, thyroid, liver and vascular imaging. This book is a valuable resource for students, academics, and industry specialists—including biomedical engineers, electrical engineers, physicists and mathematicians.



Mathematische Modelle des Kontinuums

Mathematische Modelle des Kontinuums

von Ernst Kleinert . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019

• Gibt in einem Werk einen repräsentativen Überblick über die verschiedenen Ansätze zur mathematischen Modellierung des Kontinuums • Erklärt die einzelnen Modelle in gut nachvollziehbarer Weise • Ideal geeignet zum Selbststudium wie auch als Grundlage für Vorlesungen und Seminare



Optics for materials scientists

Optics for materials scientists

Myeongkyu Lee, PhD . - Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2020

This new volume will help materials scientists and engineers fully comprehend the principles of optics and optical phenomena and effectively utilize them for the design and fabrication of optical materials and devices. The volume explains the fundamentals of optics legibly to nonspecialists and presents theoretical treatments for a variety of optical phenomena resulting from light-matter interactions. This book will also be useful as a textbook for students in materials science, physics, chemistry, and engineering throughout their undergraduate and early graduate years.


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Nanoscale energy transport: emerging phenomena, methods and applications

Nanoscale energy transport: emerging phenomena, methods and applications

edited by Bolin Liao . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2020

This book brings together leading names in the field of nanoscale energy transport to provide a comprehensive and insightful review of this developing topic. The text covers new developments in the scientific basis and the practical relevance of nanoscale energy transport, highlighting the emerging effects at the nanoscale that qualitatively differ from those at the macroscopic scale#. Nanoscale Energy Transport is a valuable reference for researchers in physics, materials, mechanical and electrical engineering, and it provides an excellent resource for graduate students.



Quantenmechanik nur mit Matrizen

Quantenmechanik nur mit Matrizen

von Günter Ludyk . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020

• Beschreibt ausführlich Heisenbergs Matrizenmechanik • Eignet sich für Ingenieure, Physiker und andere Naturwissenschaftler • Berechnet die grundlegenden Gleichungen der Quantenmechanik mit Matrizen



Relativitätstheorie nur mit Matrizen: Eine exakte Herleitung ohne Tensoralgebra

Relativitätstheorie nur mit Matrizen: Eine exakte Herleitung ohne Tensoralgebra

von Günter Ludyk . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020

• Leitet die Grundgleichungen von Einsteins spezieller und allgemeiner Relativitätstheorie mit Hilfe von Matrixkalkül her • Bietet die notwendigen mathematischen Werkzeuge entweder direkt im Text oder im Anhang • Eignet sich für Ingenieure, Physiker und andere Naturwissenschaftler



Dynamics and Stability of Motion of Shock and Hybrid Systems

Dynamics and Stability of Motion of Shock and Hybrid Systems

Anatoliy A. Martynyuk, Bogusław Radziszewski, Andrzej Szadkowski . - Warsaw : Sciendo, 2019

It is the first book in which: • the stability of a two-component hybrid system is investigated on the time scale • the stability of a hybrid impulse system with aftereffects is studied by the direct Lyapunov method based on the matrix functions • for the stability analysis of a hybrid system in the Banach space a generalisation of the direct Lyapunov method is proposed • some novel difference inequalities and new qualitative properties of the difference system solutions are explored


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Classical mechanics in geophysical fluid dynamics

Classical mechanics in geophysical fluid dynamics

Osamu Morita . - Boca Raton : CRC PRESS, 2019.

This textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students outlines and provides links between classical mechanics and geophysical fluid dynamics. It describes the motions of rigid bodies and shows how classical mechanics has important applications to geophysics, as in the precession of the earth, oceanic tide, and the retreat of the moon from the earth owing to the tidal friction. Unlike the more general mechanics textbooks this gives a unique presentation of these applications.


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The Newman lectures on thermodynamics

The Newman lectures on thermodynamics

John S. Newman, Vincent S. Battaglia . - Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2019

Prof. Newman has been teaching undergraduate and graduate core subject courses at the University of California, Berkeley since 1966. His method is to write out, in long form, everything he expects to convey to his class on a subject on any given day. He has maintained and updated his lecture notes from notepad to computer throughout his career. This book is an exact reproduction of those notes. The book presents concepts needed to define single- and multi-component systems, starting with the Gibbs function.


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Photocatalytic functional materials for environmental remediation

Photocatalytic functional materials for environmental remediation

edited by Alagarsamy Pandikumar, Kandasamy Jothivenkatachalam . - Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2019

• Provides comprehensive coverage of various photocatalytic materials for environmental remediation useful for researchers and developers • Encompasses both fundamental concepts and applied technology in the field • Focuses on novel design and application of photocatalytic materials used for the removal of environmental contaminates and pollution • Offers in-depth examination of highly topical green-technology solutions • Presents an interdisciplinary approach to environmental remediation


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Spektroskopische Daten zur Strukturaufklärung organischer Verbindungen

Spektroskopische Daten zur Strukturaufklärung organischer Verbindungen

von Ernö Pretsch, Philippe Bühlmann, Martin Badertscher . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020

• Die aktualisierte 6. Auflage des bewährten Nachschlagewerks für Studenten und Fachleute • Mit Referenzdaten und Regeln für die Interpretation von NMR-, IR-, UV/Vis- und Massenspektren • Enthält nun auch Referenzdaten für die 15N- und 29Si-NMR-Spektroskopie, sowie ESI-MS/MS Fragmentierungsregeln



Statistik: Einführung mit praktischen Beispielen

Statistik: Einführung mit praktischen Beispielen

von Josef Puhani . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020

• Leicht verständliches, knappes und effizientes Lehrbuch für das Grundstudium • Für Studierende der BWL, VWL und Sozialwissenschaften sowie Praktiker in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung geeignet • Viele Beispiele mit Lösungen



Kleine Formelsammlung zur Statistik

Kleine Formelsammlung zur Statistik

von Josef Puhani . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020

• Handliche Formelsammlung für Grundstudium und Klausuren • Praktisches Hilfsmittel für Studierende der BWL, VWL und Sozialwissenschaften • Basisinstrumentarium für Praktiker



Generalisierte Markov-Modellierung: Modellierung irreversibler β-Amyloid-Peptid-Dynamik unter Mikrowelleneinfluss

Generalisierte Markov-Modellierung: Modellierung irreversibler β-Amyloid-Peptid-Dynamik unter Mikrowelleneinfluss

von Bernhard Reuter . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020

Markov-Modellierung nichtreversibler biomolekularer Dynamik mit Anwendungsbeispiel. Bernhard Reuter untersucht hier mittels G-PCCA die nichtthermischen Auswirkungen von Mikrowellen auf die Proteindynamik. Dazu führt er molekulardynamische Nichtgleichgewichtssimulationen des Amyloid-β-(1–40)-Peptids durch und modelliert diese.



Electronic music machines: the new musical instruments

Electronic music machines: the new musical instruments

Jean-Michel Réveillac . - London : Wiley-ISTE, 2019

This book explores the theory and practice related to the different machines which constitute the universe of musical electronics, omitting synthesizers which are treated in other works. Sequencers, drum machines, samplers, groove machines and vocoders from 1960 to today are studied in their historical, physical and theoretical context. More detailed approaches to the Elektron Octatrack sequencer-sampler and the Korg Electribe 2 groove machine are also included.


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Analytische Chemie II

Analytische Chemie II

von Ulf Ritgen . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020

Dieses Arbeitsbuch führt durch das erfolgreiche Lehrbuch Skoog/Holler/Crouch ’Instrumentelle Analytik’ und ist vor allem für das Selbststudium konzipiert.In fünf Teilen werden die Vorlesungsinhalte der fortgeschritteneren Analytischen Chemie zusammengefasst und anhand ausgewählter Beispiele erläutert. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund der zahlreichen Beispiele führt das Buch, das sich an Studierende der Chemie oder verwandter naturwissenschaftlicher Fächer richtet, leicht nachvollziehbar auch in komplexere Aspekte der Analytischen Chemie ein.



Statistical Physics

Statistical Physics

Michael V. Sadovskii . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2019

This volume provides a compact presentation of modern statistical physics at an advanced level, from the foundations of statistical mechanics to the main modern applications of statistical physics. Special attention is given to new approaches, such as quantum field theory methods and non-equilibrium problems. This second, revised edition is expanded with biographical notes contextualizing the main results in statistical physics.


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Quantenelektrodynamik kompakt

Quantenelektrodynamik kompakt

Karl Schilcher . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2019

Der Autor legt den Schwerpunkt auf eine moderne Darstellung des komplexen Themas und behandelt ausführlich Renormierungstheorie, Renormierungsgruppengleichung und Entkopplung schwerer Teilchen. Das Konzept des Quantenfeldes wird über die Quantisierung freier Felder eingeführt, wobei das Werk Teilchen der Quantenfeldelektrodynamik deutlich von Punktteilchen der klassischen Mechanik abgrenzt.


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Stochastische Paradoxien

Stochastische Paradoxien

von Heinz Klaus Strick . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020

• Warum kommen uns manche Phänomene der Stochastik paradox vor? • Wie kommt es zu falschen Vorstellungen über Wahrscheinlichkeiten? • Stochastische Paradoxien, die man auch kennen sollte



Optical Imaging and Photography: Introduction to Science and Technology of Optics, Sensors and Systems

Optical Imaging and Photography: Introduction to Science and Technology of Optics, Sensors and Systems

Ulrich Teubner, Hans Josef Brückner . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2019

This work is concerned with optical imaging – from simple apertures to complex imaging systems. It spans the range all the way from optical physics to technical optics. For microscopists and photographers it conveys a deeper insight into the intricacies of their daily used devices. Physics and engineering students learn to understand different imaging systems and sensors as well as lenses and errors, image amplification and processing.


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Low-dimensional magnetism

Low-dimensional magnetism

A.N. Vasiliev, O.S. Volkova, E.A. Zvereva, M.M. Markina . - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2019

• Explores dominant mechanisms of magnetic interaction to determine the parameters of exchange interactions in new magnetic materials • Describes how magnetism and superconductivity not only compete, but also "help" each other • Details characteristics of key materials in the magnetic subsystem • Results of several internationally renowned research groups are included and cited • Suitable for a wide range of readers in physics, materials science, and chemistry interested in the problems of the structure of matter


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Energy transfers in fluid flows: multiscale and spectral perspectives

Energy transfers in fluid flows: multiscale and spectral perspectives

Mahendra K. Verma . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019

An up-to-date comprehensive text useful for graduate students and academic researchers in the field of energy transfers in fluid flows. It derives formulae to compute Kolmogorov’s energy flux, shell-to-shell energy transfers and locality. The book discusses the concept of energy transfer formalism which helps in calculating anisotropic turbulence.


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Vibrational Spectroscopy

Vibrational Spectroscopy

Guozhen Wu . - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2019

The book presents principles of molecular vibrational spectroscopy from the viewpoint of Raman, Raman optical activity and high excitation. The quantum mechanical basis, vibrational analysis, representation of point groups and its applications are discussed as well. With exercises, it is an essential text for graduates, lecturers, and also researchers.


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Classical kinetic theory of weakly turbulent nonlinear plasma processes

Classical kinetic theory of weakly turbulent nonlinear plasma processes

Peter H. Yoon . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019

Kinetic theory of weakly turbulent nonlinear processes in plasma helped form the foundation of modern plasma physics. This book provides a systematic overview of the kinetic theory of weak plasma turbulence from a modern perspective. Treating both collective and discrete particle effects, the book provides a valuable reference for researchers looking to familiarize themselves with plasma weak turbulence theory.


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Statistical physics of biomolecules: an introduction Daniel

Statistical physics of biomolecules: an introduction Daniel

M. Zuckerman . - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2010

With an accessible writing style, the book unifies statistical, dynamic, and thermodynamic descriptions of molecular behavior using probability ideas as a common basis. Numerous examples illustrate how the twin perspectives of dynamics and equilibrium deepen our understanding of essential ideas such as entropy, free energy, and the meaning of rate constants. The author builds on the general principles with specific discussions of water, binding phenomena, and protein conformational changes/folding.


