
Laser safety: practical knowledge and solutions

Laser safety: practical knowledge and solutions

Ken Barat . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2019

This book provides an in-depth guide to laser safety for a wide variety of people who work regularly with lasers and similar products. Laser safety basics will be discussed within the book with an explanation of laser safety devices and useful techniques to obtain workable laser safety culture. Considering risk analysis approaches and functional methods for laser application, and a look at making presentations more universally readable, this book will be relevant to students, researchers and laser physicists.



Mathematical devices for optical sciences

Mathematical devices for optical sciences

Sibel Başkal, Young S Kim, Marilyn E Noz . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2019

By using a simplified approach of two-by-two matrices and Wigner functions, this book provides a basic and novel approach to classical and quantum optics, making these often-difficult subjects more transparent to the reader. Written by three experts in the field, this book will give the reader a comprehensive overview of how fundamental issues in quantum mechanics can be approached using various optical instruments, Wigner functions, and quantum entanglement.



Nanomaterials: the original product of nanotechnology

Nanomaterials: the original product of nanotechnology

Maria Benelmekki . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2019

Nanomaterials and nanostructures are the original product of nanotechnology, and the key building blocks for enabling technologies. In this context, this book presents a concise overview of the synthesis and characterization methods of nanomaterials and nanostructures, while integrating facets of physics, chemistry, and engineering. The book summarizes the fundamentals and technical approaches in synthesis, and processing of nanostructures and nanomaterials, giving the reader a systematic and quick picture of the field.



Algebra für Einsteiger: Von der Gleichungsauflösung zur Galois-Theorie

Algebra für Einsteiger: Von der Gleichungsauflösung zur Galois-Theorie

von Jörg Bewersdorff . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019

• Algebra konkret und problemorientiert • Leicht verständliche und kompakte Einführung für Einsteiger • Gute Motivation für Galois-Theorie



The physics of emergence

The physics of emergence

Robert C Bishop . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2019

This book explores whether physics points to a reductive or an emergent structure of the world and proposes a physics-motivated conception of emergence that leaves behind many of the problematic intuitions shaping the philosophical conceptions. Examining several detailed case studies reveals results that point to stability conditions playing a crucial though underappreciated role in the physics of emergence. This contextual emergence has thought-provoking consequences for physics and beyond.



Vielfältige Zugänge zum Mathematikunterricht: Konzepte und Beispiele aus Forschung und Praxis

Vielfältige Zugänge zum Mathematikunterricht: Konzepte und Beispiele aus Forschung und Praxis

herausgegeben von Andreas Büchter, Matthias Glade, Raja Herold-Blasius, Marcel Klinger, Florian Schacht, Petra Scherer . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019

• Kontexte für ein sinnstiftendes Mathematiklernen • Mit digitalen Werkzeugen Mathematik erlebbar machen • Mit Lehrerfortbildungen Mathematikunterricht zeitgemäß gestalten



Photometry, radiometry, and measurements of optical losses

Photometry, radiometry, and measurements of optical losses

Michael Bukshtab . - Singapore : Springer, 2019

• Provides a comprehensive analysis of the practical methodologies and techniques used for the measurements of optical properties and spectral characteristics of varieties of objects, materials, and biological, medical and environmental species • Guides the reader through the advantages and disadvantages of the growing number of applied spectroscopic, radiometric and photometric techniques • Revised throughout, including new material on Raman, Brillouin and FTIR spectroscopy techniques for biomedical applications



Leonhard Euler’s Letters to a German princess: a milestone in the history of physics textbooks and more

Leonhard Euler’s Letters to a German princess: a milestone in the history of physics textbooks and more

Ronald S Calinger, Ekaterina Denisova, Elena N Polyakhova . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2019

Leonhard Euler’s Letters to a German Princess on Various Subjects in Physics and Philosophy is a milestone in the history of physics textbooks and the instruction of women in the sciences. It also covers views of its author on epistemology, religion, and innovations in scientific equipment, including telescopes and microscopes. Today, 250 years later, we study this work of Euler’s as a foundation for the history of physics teaching and analyze the letters from an historical and pedagogical point of view.



Optical metamaterials: qualitative models: introduction to nano-optics and optical metamaterials

Optical metamaterials: qualitative models: introduction to nano-optics and optical metamaterials

Arkadi Chipouline, Franko Küppers . - Cham : Springer, 2018

• Appeals to both experimentalists and theorists who are interested in the physical basics of metamaterials and plasmonics • Aids learning and teaching with problems and solutions at the end of each topic • Provides lecture and seminar materials for a one-semester course in optical nanophotonics/optical metamaterials



Die Drei: Ein Streifzug durch die Rolle der Zahl in Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte

Die Drei: Ein Streifzug durch die Rolle der Zahl in Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte

von Ernst-Erich Doberkat . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019

• Ein unterhaltsamer und gut lesbarer Überblick über verschiedenste Bereiche des Lebens und der Geschichte, in denen die Zahl Drei eine wichtige Rolle spielt(e) • Ist auch für Nicht-Mathematiker gut lesbar, da die Details gut erklärt werden und den Text nicht überladen • Spricht Themen wie Kunst, Musik, Literatur, Geschichte und viele mehr an



Principles of protein-protein association

Principles of protein-protein association

Harold P Erickson . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2019

Protein–protein associations are fundamental to biological mechanisms, creating a need for a book that covers the basic principles of protein–protein association. This book has been developed from lectures given to graduate students in cell and molecular biology. The general principles are accompanied by guided reading of informative classic papers. This book should be useful for faculties organizing similar classes, and also for students and researchers who wish to learn on their own. Part of the Biophysical Society series.



Mikroplastik: Verbreitung, Vermeidung, Verwendung

Mikroplastik: Verbreitung, Vermeidung, Verwendung

von Andreas Fath . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019

• Mikroplastik ist aktuell eines DER großen Umweltthemen • Der Autor wurde als "Rheinschwimmer" bekannt; er durchschwamm den Rhein von der Quelle bis zur Mündung und sammelte dabei Wasserproben • Das Buch deckt die Bandbreite ab: von der Probenentnahme bis zur Analyse und Interpretation



Spectroscopic ellipsometry for photovoltaics - Volume 1: Fundamental principles and solar cell characterization

Spectroscopic ellipsometry for photovoltaics - Volume 1: Fundamental principles and solar cell characterization

edited by Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Robert W. Collins . - Cham : Springer, 2018

• Presents ellipsometry characterization of solar cell materials/devices • Provides easy-to-understand explanations of ellipsometry data analysis • Includes optical constants for all solar-cell component layers



Spectroscopic ellipsometry for photovoltaics - Volume 2: Applications and optical data of solar cell materials

Spectroscopic ellipsometry for photovoltaics - Volume 2: Applications and optical data of solar cell materials

edited by Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Robert W. Collins . - Cham : Springer, 2018

• Presents the ellipsometry characterization of solar cell materials/devices • Provides easy-to-follow explanations of ellipsometry data analysis • Includes optical constants for all solar cell component layers



Time-reversal symmetry: seven time-reversal operators for spin containing systems

Time-reversal symmetry: seven time-reversal operators for spin containing systems

Ion I. Geru . - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2018

• Introduces new discrete non-Abelian groups of symmetry, allowing non-trivial factorization of the Wigner time-reversal operator • Develops a method for binuclear coordination compounds with predicted magnetic properties • Indicates that traditional black-white point groups of magnetic symmetry cannot be applied to systems with Kramer´s degeneracy of energy levels • Predicts and gives experimental confirmation for structural distortions in three-homo-nuclear magnetic clusters caused by time-reversal symmetry



Flavor physics and the TeV scale

Flavor physics and the TeV scale

George W.S. Hou . - Berlin : Springer, 2019

• Discusses the potential of heavy flavor physics as a probe of TeV-scale physics • Places technical and theoretical details into a broader physics context • Summarizes recent progress and possible future developments in flavor physics



Optics, photonics and laser technology 2017

Optics, photonics and laser technology 2017

edited by Paulo Ribeiro, David L. Andrews, Maria Raposo . - Cham : Springer, 2019

• Covers both the theory and practical aspects of recent advances in optics, photonics, and laser technology • Represents a valuable source of up-to-date information for researchers, engineers and students as well as business and industry professionals • Presents the most-cited scientific results in the field • Introduces numerous important practical applications



Maple: a primer

Maple: a primer

Bernard V Liengme . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2019

Maple is a comprehensive symbolic mathematics application which is well suited for demonstrating physical science topics and solving associated problems. This book records the author’s journey of discovery; he was familiar with SMath but not with Maple and set out to learn the more advanced application. It leads readers through the basic Maple features with physical science worked examples, giving them a firm base on which to build if more complex features interest them.



Quantum mechanics: lecture notes

Quantum mechanics: lecture notes

Konstantin K Likharev . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2019

Essential Advanced Physics is a series comprising four parts: Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics. Each part consists of two volumes, Lecture Notes and Problems with Solutions, further supplemented by an additional collection of test problems and solutions available to qualifying university instructors. This volume, Quantum Mechanics: Lecture Notes, is intended to be the basis for a two-semester graduate-level course.



Quantum mechanics: problems with solutions

Quantum mechanics: problems with solutions

Konstantin K Likharev . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2019

Essential Advanced Physics is a series comprising four parts: Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics. Each part consists of two volumes, Lecture Notes and Problems with Solutions, further supplemented by an additional collection of test problems and solutions available to qualifying university instructors. This volume, Quantum Mechanics: Problems with Solutions contains detailed model solutions to the exercise problems formulated in the companion Lecture Notes volume.



Numerik: Eine lebendige und gut verständliche Einführung mit vielen Beispielen

Numerik: Eine lebendige und gut verständliche Einführung mit vielen Beispielen

von Andreas Meister, Thomas Sonar . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019

• Bietet eine gut verständliche Einführung in die Denkweise der numerischen Mathematik • Zeigt alle klassischen Anwendungsgebiete auf • Optimal zum Selbststudium durch viele Beispiele und didaktische Elemente



Kristallstrukturanalyse durch Röntgenbeugung: Spektroskopiekurs kompakt

Kristallstrukturanalyse durch Röntgenbeugung: Spektroskopiekurs kompakt

von Thomas Oeser . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019

• Kompakter und verständlicher Einblick in die Kristallstrukturanalyse • Hervorragende Begleitlektüre für den Spektroskopiekurs im Chemiestudium • Liefert sowohl Grundlagen als auch Überblick über einzelne Methode



Set theory for physicists

Set theory for physicists

Nicolas A Pereyra . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2019

This book gives a rigorous, physics focused, introduction to set theory that is geared towards natural science majors. We present the science major with a robust introduction to set theory, focusing on the specific knowledge and skills that will unavoidably be needed in calculus topics and natural science topics in general, rather than taking a philosophical-math-fundamental oriented approach that is commonly found in set theory textbooks.



Sind wir noch zu retten?: Wie wir mit neuen Technologien die Natur verändern können

Sind wir noch zu retten?: Wie wir mit neuen Technologien die Natur verändern können

von Christopher J. Preston . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019

• Erklärt auf leicht verständliche Weise das Potential neuer Technologien die Natur aktiv umzugestalten • Beleuchtet umfassend die Vor- und Nachteile einer aktiven Beeinflussung des Klimas oder gar des menschlichen Genoms • Bietet Lösungsansätze für die gravierendsten Bedrohungen unserer Welt



Stimuli-responsive polymers: nano-dimension

Stimuli-responsive polymers: nano-dimension

Navid Rabiee, Mohammad Rabiee, Mojtaba Bagherzadeh, Michael R Hamblin . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2019

This book provides a general introduction to nanogels, and designs of various stimuli-sensitive nanogels that are able to control drug release in response to specific stimuli. Nanogels are three-dimensional nanosized networks that formed by physically or chemically crosslinking polymers. They have highly interesting properties such as biocompatibility, high stability, particle size adjustment, drug loading capability and modification of the surface for active targeting. They can respond to stimuli which results in the controlled release of drug and targeting of the site. Part of IOP Series in Photomedicine and Biophotonics



Keplerian ellipses: the physics of the gravitational two-body problem

Keplerian ellipses: the physics of the gravitational two-body problem

Bruce Cameron Reed . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2019

The development of man’s understanding of planetary motions is the crown jewel of Newtonian mechanics. This book offers a concise but self-contained handbook-length treatment of this historically important topic for students at about the third-year-level of an undergraduate physics curriculum. Exercises are provided, and derivations are set up in such a way that readers can gain analytic practice by filling in the missing steps. A brief bibliography lists sources for readers who wish to pursue further study on their own.



On the principle of holographic scaling: from college physics to black hole thermodynamics

On the principle of holographic scaling: from college physics to black hole thermodynamics

Leo Rodriguez and Shanshan Rodriguez . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2019

Holographic dualities are at the forefront of contemporary physics research, peering into the fundamental nature of our universe and providing best attempt answers to humankind’s bold questions about basic physical phenomena. Yet, the concepts, ideas and mathematical rigors associated with these dualities have long been reserved for the specific field researchers and experts. This book shatters this long held paradigm by bringing several aspects of holography research into the class room, starting at the college physics level and moving up from there.



Das lebendige Universum: Komplexes Leben auf vielen Planeten?

Das lebendige Universum: Komplexes Leben auf vielen Planeten?

von Dirk Schulze-Makuch, William Bains . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019

• Bietet einen unterhaltsamen und verständlichen Einstieg in die aktuellsten Ideen zur Entstehung von komplexen Leben auf anderen Planeten • Widmet sich von wissenschaftlicher Perspektive der Frage, ob wir allein im Universum sind • Erläutert von führenden und in Wissenschaftsvermittlung erfahrenen Forschern • Erklärt komplexe Konzepte anhand einfacher Grafiken und Zeichnungen



Moderne Röntgenbeugung: Röntgendiffraktometrie für Materialwissenschaftler, Physiker und Chemiker

Moderne Röntgenbeugung: Röntgendiffraktometrie für Materialwissenschaftler, Physiker und Chemiker

von Lothar Spieß, Gerd Teichert, Robert Schwarzer, Herfried Behnken, Christoph Genzel . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019

• Bietet einen Überblick über Grundlagen sowie Techniken und Auswerteverfahren der Röntgenbeugung • Enthält viele Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben • Didaktisch hervorragend aufbereitet



Das Geheimnis der transzendenten Zahlen: Eine etwas andere Einführung in die Mathematik

Das Geheimnis der transzendenten Zahlen: Eine etwas andere Einführung in die Mathematik

von Fridtjof Toenniessen . - Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019

• Eine Entdeckungsreise durch die Mathematik von den natürlichen Zahlen bis zu einem Fields-Medaillen gekrönten Ergebnis • Erfahren Sie an vielen spannenden Themen, wie Mathematik funktioniert, und die einzelnen Disziplinen zusammenhängen • Reich und zweifarbig illustriert • In der zweiten Auflage noch verständlicher geschrieben



Fibre optic communication: key devices

Fibre optic communication: key devices

edited by Herbert Venghaus, Norbert Grote . - Cham : Springer, 2017

• Expanded, updated and revised new edition with 5 completely new chapters • Covers all key devices and elements of fibre optic communication networks • Comprises lasers communication and communication elements in all formats • Explains the physical principles of optical technologies



Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren von Matrizen: Klartext für Nichtmathematiker

Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren von Matrizen: Klartext für Nichtmathematiker

von Guido Walz . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019

• Bietet Grundlagen der Vektor- und Matrizenrechnung • Liefert Methoden zur Bestimmung von Eigenwerten und Eigenvektoren • Zeigt Verfahren zur Diagonalisierung symmetrischer Matrizen



Super optical biosensors

Super optical biosensors

Caide Xiao . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2019

Commencing by defining a set of standards for benchmarking sensors to enable better comparison, this book then proceeds to provide a review of the physics and workings of several optical and super optical biosensors, and introduces two more super optical biosensors, including the most sensitive super optical biosensor ’RMEPA’, an abbreviation of three optical technique names: resonant mirroring, ellipsometry and attenuated total reflection. Mathcad is used to analyse these virtual biosensors and these codes and available to readers for use in their own research.



A modern course in quantum field theory - Volume 1: Fundamentals

A modern course in quantum field theory - Volume 1: Fundamentals

Badis Ydri . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2019

A Modern Course in Quantum Field Theory provides a self-contained pedagogical and constructive presentation of quantum field theory. Here, constructive is not meant in the sense of axiomatic field theory, but it is merely used in the sense that all results must be obtained by an explicit set of calculations from accepted premises by those who start to learn this subject. Written for advanced students the work provides complete material for a two or three semester course, and includes numerous problem exercises, some with detailed solutions.



A modern course in quantum field theory - Volume 2: Advanced topics

A modern course in quantum field theory - Volume 2: Advanced topics

Badis Ydri . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2019

A Modern Course in Quantum Field Theory provides a self-contained pedagogical and constructive presentation of quantum field theory. Here, constructive is not meant in the sense of axiomatic field theory, but it is merely used in the sense that all results must be obtained by an explicit set of calculations from accepted premises by those who start to learn this subject. Written for advanced students the work provides complete material for a two or three semester course, and includes numerous problem exercises, some with detailed solutions.



A microscopic theory of fission dynamics based on the generator coordinate method

A microscopic theory of fission dynamics based on the generator coordinate method

Walid Younes, Daniel Marc Gogny, Jean-François Berger . - Cham : Springer, 2019

• Includes a detailed, pedagogic chapter on Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory • Presents an advanced discussion of nuclear scission, otherwise unavailable in book format • Contains a detailed, step-by-step discussion of calculations of fission observables • Provides a detailed calculation of the inertia tensor in more than one dimension, not readily available in the existing literature


