
Advanced secure optical image processing for communications

Advanced secure optical image processing for communications

Ayman Al Falou . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2018

This book explores both alternatives and describes research works that are converging towards optical/numerical hybrid solutions for high volume signal and image processing and transmission. Without being limited to hybrid approaches, the latter are particularly investigated in this book in the purpose of combining the advantages of both techniques. Additionally, pure numerical or optical solutions are also considered since they emphasize the advantages of one of the two approaches separately.



Entropy beyond the second law: thermodynamics and statistical mechanics for equilibrium, non-equilibrium, classical, and quantum systems

Entropy beyond the second law: thermodynamics and statistical mechanics for equilibrium, non-equilibrium, classical, and quantum systems

Phil Attard . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2018

Entropy Beyond the Second Law presents a coherent formulation of all aspects of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics with entropy as the unifying theme. This includes formulating equilibrium theory and explaining the role of the Second Law in establishing the equilibrium state. It also establishes the foundations of non-equilibrium theory by generalizing the concept of entropy in an appropriate way. Finally, it addresses the relationship between classical and quantum statistical mechanics.



Handbuch Oberflächennahe Geothermie

Handbuch Oberflächennahe Geothermie

Mathias Bauer, Willi Freeden, Hans Jacobi, Thomas Neu . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

• Erstes deutschsprachiges Handbuch zum Thema • Umfasst die Themenbereiche Exploration, Realisierung und Nutzung • Wichtig für alle an der Konzeption und Erschließung oberflächennaher geothermischer Ressourcen Beteiligten



Introduction to pharmaceutical biotechnology - Volume 1: Basic techniques and concepts

Introduction to pharmaceutical biotechnology - Volume 1: Basic techniques and concepts

Saurabh Bhatia and Divakar Goli . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2018

In Introduction to Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, DNA isolation procedures followed by molecular markers and screening methods of the genomic library are explained. Interesting areas like isolation, sequencing and synthesis of genes, with the broader coverage on synthesis of genes, are also described.



Rotation, reflection, and frame changes: orthogonal tensors in computational engineering mechanics

Rotation, reflection, and frame changes: orthogonal tensors in computational engineering mechanics

RM Brannon . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2018

Rotation, Reflection, and Frame Changes surveys a refreshingly broad range of rotation-related research that is routinely needed in engineering practice. By illustrating key concepts in computer source code, this book stands out as an unusually accessible guide for engineers and scientists in engineering mechanics.



Numerical solutions of initial value problems using Mathematica

Numerical solutions of initial value problems using Mathematica

Sujaul Chowdhury and Ponkog Kumar Das . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

The book contains a detailed account of numerical solutions of differential equations of elementary problems of physics using Euler and second order Runge–Kutta methods and Mathematica 6.0. The problems are motion under constant force, motion under Hooke’s law force, motion under combination of Hooke’s law force and a velocity dependent damping force and radioactive decay law. Also included are uses of Mathematica in dealing with complex numbers, in solving systems of linear equations, in carrying out differentiation and integration, and in dealing with matrices.



Experimentalphysik 2: Elektrizität und Optik

Experimentalphysik 2: Elektrizität und Optik

Wolfgang Demtröder . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017

• Jetzt Bachelor optimiert • Unübertroffen: Der Zyklus Experimentalphysik von Prof. Demtröder! • Alle Grundlagen für die 2. Kursvorlesung Experimentalphysik • Neu bearbeitet und aktualisiert



Ionization and ion transport: a primer for the study of non-equilibrium,low-temperature gas discharges and plasmas

Ionization and ion transport: a primer for the study of non-equilibrium,low-temperature gas discharges and plasmas

David B Go . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

This is an introduction for engineering and science students to the basic underlying physics and chemistry concepts that form the foundation of plasma science and engineering. It is a bridge for students who have no background in the topic by providing an understanding of what an ion is, how they move, the equations used to describe the basic concepts and how they link to the topics of plasmas and gas discharges. It focuses on specific concepts that are important to non-equilibrium, low temperature gas discharges.



Angewandte Statistik: Methodensammlung mit R

Angewandte Statistik: Methodensammlung mit R

Jürgen Hedderich, Lothar Sachs . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

• DAS Nachschlagewerk zur statistischen Auswertung von Daten • Verständlich, anschaulich,praxisnah • Enthält eine schlanke Einleitung in R sowie viele mit R durchgerechnete Beispiele • R-Scripte zu den Beispielen sind online verfügbar



Lehrbuch zur Experimentalphysik - Band 4: Wellen und Optik

Lehrbuch zur Experimentalphysik - Band 4: Wellen und Optik

Joachim Heintze, Peter Bock . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017

• Das umfassende Lehrbuch mit Potenzial zum Klassiker • Bietet viele Veranschaulichungen, Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen • Exzellent geeignet für Studierende im Bachelorstudium Physik



Quantum metrology with photoelectrons - Volume 1: Foundations

Quantum metrology with photoelectrons - Volume 1: Foundations

Paul Hockett . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

The foundational material is presented in part as a tutorial with extensive numerical examples and also in part as a collected reference to the relevant theoretical treatments from the literature for a range of cases. Topics are discussed with an eye to developing general quantum metrology schemes, in which full quantum state reconstruction of the photoelectron wavefunction is the goal. In many cases, code and/or additional resources are available online.



Quantum metrology with photoelectrons - Volume 2: Applications and advances

Quantum metrology with photoelectrons - Volume 2: Applications and advances

Paul Hockett . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

Volume 2 explores the applications and development of quantum metrology schemes based on photoelectron measurements. It will be of interest to readers wishing to see the (sometimes messy) details of state reconstruction from photoelectron measurements as well as explore the future prospects for this class of metrology.



Relativistic many-body theory and statistical mechanics

Relativistic many-body theory and statistical mechanics

Lawrence P Horwitz and Rafael I Arshansky . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

This book explains the development of the SHP theory, reviews its basic concepts, and gives examples of its applications.



Of clocks and time

Of clocks and time

Lutz Hüwel . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

This book takes readers on a five-stop journey through the physics and technology—and occasional bits of applications and history—of timekeeping. The author offers conceptual vistas and qualitative images, along with equations, quantitative relations, and rigorous definitions. The book includes discussion of the rhythms produced by the motion of sun, moon, planets, and stars, summary of historical theoretical insights that are still influential today, examination of the tools that allow us to measure time, as well as explanations of radioactive dating and Einstein’s theories of relativity.



Electrodynamics: problems and solutions

Electrodynamics: problems and solutions

Carolina C Ilie and Zachariah S Schrecengost . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

This book of problems and solutions is a natural continuation of Ilie and Schrecengost’s first book Electromagnetism: Problems and Solutions. Aimed towards students who would like to work independently on more electrodynamics problems in order to deepen their understanding and problem-solving skills, this book discusses main concepts and techniques related to Maxwell’s equations, conservation laws, electromagnetic waves, potentials and fields, and radiation.



Fake oder Fakt? Wissenschaft, Wahrheit und Vertrauen herausgegeben von Carsten Könneker

Fake oder Fakt? Wissenschaft, Wahrheit und Vertrauen herausgegeben von Carsten Könneker

. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

• Ein Buch zu Fake News in Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit, zum Verlust des Vertrauens in die Wissenschaft und zur Verantwortung der Wissenschaftler • Die wichtigsten Fragen zur Rolle der Wissenschaft in der Gesellschaft journalistisch aufbereitet • Beleuchtet nicht nur, ob „gefühlte Wahrheiten“ und „alternative Fakten“ zunehmend unsere gesellschaftlichen Debatten untergraben, sondern macht auch Lösungsvorschläge für den Umgang mit Fake News und Verschwörungstheorien



Classical mechancis - Volume 2: Problems with solutions

Classical mechancis - Volume 2: Problems with solutions

Konstantin K. Likharev . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2018

Essential Advanced Physics is a series comprising four parts: Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics. Each part consists of two volumes, Lecture notes and Problems with solutions, further supplemented by an additional collection of test problems and solutions available to qualifying university instructors. This volume contains detailed model solutions to the exercise problems formulated in the companion Lecture notes volume. In many cases, the solutions include result discussions that enhance the lecture material.



Innovative Konzepte für die Grundschullehrerausbildung im Fach Mathematik

Innovative Konzepte für die Grundschullehrerausbildung im Fach Mathematik

Regina Möller, Rose Vogel . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018

Im Fokus dieses Bandes stehen hochschuldidaktische Lehrkonzepte im Sinne von good “practice“. Im Einzelnen gilt es darzustellen, auszuloten und zu reflektieren zu welchen Auswirkungen die vorangegangenen Reformen der letzten zwanzig Jahre mit ihrer Neustrukturierung der Lehrerbildung samt gestufter Studienstruktur mit Bachelor- und Masterabschlüssen geführt haben.



An introduction to planetary nebulae

An introduction to planetary nebulae

Jason J Nishiyama . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

In this book we will look at what planetary nebulae are, where they come from and where they go. We will discuss what mechanisms cause these beautiful markers of stellar demise as well as what causes them to form their variety of shapes. How we measure various aspects of planetary nebulae such as what they are made of will also be explored. Included at the end of each chapter is an extensive bibliography to the peer reviewed research on these objects and I would encourage the reader interested in an even deeper understanding to read these articles.



Entrepreneurship for creative scientists

Entrepreneurship for creative scientists

Dawood Parker, Surya Raghu, Richard Brooks . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2018

This book, written by experienced scientists and entrepreneurs, deals with businesses started by scientists based on innovation and sets out to clarify for scientists and engineers the steps necessary to take an idea along the path to commercialization and maximise the potential for success, regardless of the path taken.



Umweltmanagement in Skigebieten

Umweltmanagement in Skigebieten

Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, Monika Brom, Claudia Dorsch, Alexandra Jiricka-Pürrer . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

• Enthält Checklisten zur einfachen Umsetzung • Deckt sowohl europäische als auch internationale Richtlinien ab (ISO und EMAS) • Veranschaulicht durch zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele (Case Studies)



How to understand quantum mechanics: John P Ralston

How to understand quantum mechanics: John P Ralston

. - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

This book presents an accessible introduction to understanding quantum mechanics in a natural and intuitive way, which was advocated by Erwin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein. A theoretical physicist reveals dozens of easy tricks that avoid long calculations, makes complicated things simple, and bypasses the worthless anguish of famous scientists who died in angst. The author’s approach is light-hearted, and the book is written to be read without equations, however all relevant equations still appear with explanations as to what they mean.



An introduction to quantum communications networks: or, how shall we communicate in the quantum era?

An introduction to quantum communications networks: or, how shall we communicate in the quantum era?

Mohsen Razavi . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

This book fills a gap between experts and non-experts in the field by providing readers with the basic tools to understand the latest developments in quantum communications and its future directions. With the fast pace of developments in quantum technologies, it is more necessary than ever to make the new generation of students in science/engineering familiar with the key ideas behind such disruptive systems. This book describes key applications for quantum networks; local, metropolitan, and global networks; and the industrial outlook for the field.



Statistik für Ingenieure: Eine Einführung mit Beispielen aus der Praxis

Statistik für Ingenieure: Eine Einführung mit Beispielen aus der Praxis

Hartmut Schiefer, Felix Schiefer . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018

• Entscheidungen zu statistischen Methoden fundiert treffen • Kostengünstiger und prozesssicherer fertigen • Sinnvolle Ergänzung der Lehrveranstaltung oder Vorlesung



Evaluierte Lernumgebungen zum Modellieren

Evaluierte Lernumgebungen zum Modellieren

Stanislaw Schukajlow, Werner Blum . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018

• Das erste Buch, das evaluierte Lernumgebungen zum Modellieren vorstellt • Darstellung in der Praxis erprobter Lernumgebungen zum Modellieren für Schule und Hochschule • Bericht über Erkenntnisse zur Wirksamkeit dieser Lernumgebungen



Thermodynamik für das Bachelorstudium

Thermodynamik für das Bachelorstudium

Klaus Stierstadt . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

• Stoffauswahl auf den Bachelor-Studiengang angepasst • Hoher aktueller Bezug mit Beispielen aus aktuellen Fragestellungen • Starke Einbindung moderner Anwendungen



Printed electronics

Printed electronics

Jessica Wade, Joseph Razzell Hollis, Sebastian Wood . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2018

A variety of traditional printing techniques are being explored and adapted forprinting these new materials in ways that result in the best performing electronicdevices. Whilst printed electronics research has initially focused on traditional typesof electronic device such as light-emitting diodes, transistors, and photovoltaics, it is increasingly apparent that a much wider range of applications can be realised. We focus on three particular ’hot topics’, where attention is currently focused: novel materials, characterisation techniques, and device stability.


Open-Access-Dokument u:search:

Bias in science and communication a field guide

Bias in science and communication a field guide

Matthew Welsh . - Bristol, UK IOP Publishing, 2018

This book will introduce the concept of biases arising from cognitive limitations and tendencies with a focus of the implications of this for scientists in particular. It begins with an initial quiz designed to demonstrate key biases—allowing readers to look back at the responses that they provided prior to reading about specific biases and thus see, without the impact of hindsight bias, whether they were susceptible to the effects.





Dirk Werner . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

• Gründliche und dennoch leicht lesbare Einführung • Über 200 Aufgaben mit Anleitungen und Lösungen • Vereint Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk



Atomic structure

Atomic structure

Colm T Whelan . - San Rafael, CA Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2018

This book provides an introduction to the basic ideas that govern our understanding of microscopic matter, and the essential features of atomic structure and spectra are presented in a direct and easily accessible manner. Semi-classical ideas are reviewed and an introduction to the quantum mechanics of one and two electron systems and their interaction with external electromagnetic fields is featured. Multielectron atoms are also introduced, and the key methods for calculating their properties reviewed.


