
Halo nuclei

Halo nuclei

Jim Al-Khalili . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

While neutron halos were discovered 30 years ago, this is the first book written on the subject of this exotic form of nuclei that typically contain many more neutrons than stable isotopes of those elements. It provides an introductory description of the halo and outlines the discovery and evidence for its existence. It also discusses different theoretical models of the halo’s structure as well as models and techniques in reaction theory that have allowed us to study the halo. This is written at the graduate student (starting at PhD) level.



Einstieg in die Physikalische Chemie für Naturwissenschaftler

Einstieg in die Physikalische Chemie für Naturwissenschaftler

von Wolfgang Bechmann, Ilko Bald . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

Durch das vorliegende Lehrbuch werden die Leser mit einer ausgewogenen Stoffauswahl an das Studium der Physikalischen Chemie herangeführt. Das Verständnis der Theorie wird durch zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben und die Angabe ihrer Lösungswege erleichtert. Darüber hinaus werden Anregungen für ausgewählte Experimente zu den behandelten Teilgebieten gegeben. In der Durchführung und Auswertung der Experimente können die Studierenden erneut überprüfen, wie gut es gelungen ist, ein Grundverständnis für physikalisch-chemische Zusammenhänge zu entwickeln.



Essential mathematics for the physical sciences, Volume I: Homogeneous boundary value problems, Fourier methods, and special functions

Essential mathematics for the physical sciences, Volume I: Homogeneous boundary value problems, Fourier methods, and special functions

Brett Borden, James Luscombe . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

This first volume of two is centered on methods of solving partial differential equations and the special functions introduced. This text is based on a course offered at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and while produced for NPS needs, it will serve other universities well.



Precise dimensions: a history of units from 1791-2018

Precise dimensions: a history of units from 1791-2018

Malcolm Cooper, Jim Grozier . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

Units are the foundation for all measurement of the natural world, and from which standard, our understanding develops. This book, stemming from a conference on the history of units organised by the editors, provides a detailed and discursive examination of the history of units within physics, in advance of the proposed redefinition of the SI base units at the General Conference on Weights and Measures in 2018. It features contributions from leading researchers in metrology and history.



Charged beam dynamics, particle accelerators and free electron lasers

Charged beam dynamics, particle accelerators and free electron lasers

Giuseppe Dattoli, Andrea Doria, Elio Sabia and Marcello Artioli . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

Charged Beam Dynamics, Particle Accelerators and Free Electron Lasers’ summarises different topics in the field of accelerators and of Free Electron Laser (FEL) devices. It explains how to design both an FEL device and the accelerator providing the driving beam. Covering both theoretical and experimental aspects, this book allows researchers to attempt a first design of an FEL device.



Sun protection: a risk management approach

Sun protection: a risk management approach

Brian Diffey . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

"Sun Protection" differentiates itself from other texts by adopting a risk-management approach to determine whether, how, and in what circumstances, harm might be caused, and to explore the feasibility of various strategies in controlling exposure to solar UV radiation. This multi-disciplinary book covers topics from climatology through human exposure to sunlight, as well as biological and clinical effects of UV radiation to physical and chemical strategies for photoprotection.



Theories of matter, space and time classical theories - Volume 1: Classical theories

Theories of matter, space and time classical theories - Volume 1: Classical theories

N Evans, S F King . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

This book and its sequel (’Theories of Matter Space and Time: Quantum Theories’) are taken from third and fourth year undergraduate Physics courses at Southampton University, UK. The aim of both books is to move beyond the initial courses in classical mechanics, special relativity, electromagnetism, and quantum theory to more sophisticated views of these subjects and their interdependence. The goal is to guide undergraduates through some of the trickier areas of theoretical physics with concise analysis while revealing the key elegance of each subject.



Solitons in crystalline processes: statistical thermodynamics of structural phase transitions and mesoscopic disorder

Solitons in crystalline processes: statistical thermodynamics of structural phase transitions and mesoscopic disorder

Minoru Fujimoto, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

"Solitons in Crystalline Processes" is an introduction to the statistical thermodynamics of phase transitions in crystallized solids. This book is written as an introductory treatise with respect to the soliton concept, from structural transitions where the crystal symmetry changes, to magnets and superconductors, describing the role of nonlinear excitations in detail.



A journey into reciprocal space: a crystallographer’s perspective

A journey into reciprocal space: a crystallographer’s perspective

A. M. Glazer . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

This book introduces undergraduate and graduate students to a crystallographer’s view of real and reciprocal space, a concept that has been of particular use by crystallographers to understand the patterns of spots when x-rays are diffracted by crystals. It then proceeds to develop the concept in a form suitable for physics applications; such as how solid-state physicists use reciprocal space to explain various solid-state properties such as thermal and electrical phenomena.



Time and time again: determination of longitude at sea in the 17th century

Time and time again: determination of longitude at sea in the 17th century

Richard de Grijs . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

This book starts from Galileo Galilei’s late-16th-Century development of an accurate pendulum clock. It is primarily based on collections of letters that have not been combined into a single volume before. Extensive introductory chapters on the history of map making, the establishment of the world’s reference meridian at Greenwich Observatory, and the rise of the scientific enterprise provide the appropriate context for non-expert readers to fully engage with the book’s main subject matter.



The physical microbe: an introduction to noise, control, and communication in the prokaryotic cell

The physical microbe: an introduction to noise, control, and communication in the prokaryotic cell

Stephen J Hagen . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

This book narrows down the scope of physical biology by focusing on the microbial cell; exploring the physical phenomena of noise, feedback, and variability that arise in the cellular information-processing circuits used by bacteria. It looks at the microbe from a physics perspective, asking how the cell optimizes its function to live within the constraints of physics. It introduces a physical and information-based (as opposed to microbiological) perspective on communication and signalling between microbes.



RF-MEMS technology for high-performance passives: the challenge of 5G mobile applications

RF-MEMS technology for high-performance passives: the challenge of 5G mobile applications

Jacopo Iannacci, Fondazione Bruno Kessler . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

Commencing with a review of the characteristics of RF-MEMS in relation to 5G, the book proceeds to develop practical insight concerning the design and development of RF-MEMS including case studies of design concepts. Including multiphysics simulation and animated figures, the book will be essential reading for both academic and industrial researchers and engineers.



Entrepreneurship for physicists: a practical guide to move inventions from university to market

Entrepreneurship for physicists: a practical guide to move inventions from university to market

Davide Iannuzzi . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

This book offers a concise analysis of the key ingredients that enable physicists to successfully move their idea from university to market, bringing added value to their customers. It dives into a set of theories, models, and tools that play fundamental roles in technology transfer including topics often neglected by other books including trust, communication, and persuasion. It also explains how most of the topics discussed are applicable to careers in a broader sense.



Expedition zu fremden Welten: 20 Milliarden Kilometer durch das Sonnensystem

Expedition zu fremden Welten: 20 Milliarden Kilometer durch das Sonnensystem

von Ralf Jaumann, Ulrich Köhler, Frank Sohl, Daniela Tirsch, Susanne Pieth . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

• Einzigartige Einblicke in die Welten unseres Sonnensystem • Stellt aktuellste Forschungsergebnisse rund um unsere kosmische Nachbarschaft dar • Begeistert durch anschauliche Erklärungen • Fasziniert durch atemberaubende Fotos und klare Abbildungen



Carbon nanotubes in drug and gene delivery

Carbon nanotubes in drug and gene delivery

Mahdi Karimi, Amir Ghasemi, Soroush Mirkiani, Seyed Masoud Moosavi Basri, Michael R Hamblin . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

Recent important discoveries and developments in nanotechnology have had a remarkable and ever-increasing impact on many industries, especially materials science, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. Within this book, the authors describe different features of carbon nanotubes, survey the properties of both the multi-walled and single-walled varieties, and cover their applications in drug and gene delivery.



Electromagnetic waves and lasers

Electromagnetic waves and lasers

Wayne D Kimura . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

This book reviews basic electromagnetic (EM) wave theory and applies it specifically to lasers to give the reader not only tangible examples of how the theory is manifested in real life, but also practical knowledge about lasers, and their operation and usage. The latter can be useful for those involved with using lasers. As a short treatise on this subject matter, this book is not intended to delve deeply into the details of EM waves nor lasers.



Strahlungsquellen für Technik und Medizin

Strahlungsquellen für Technik und Medizin

von Hanno Krieger . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

Das vorliegende Buch ist der zweite Band einer dreibändigen Lehrbuchreihe zur Strahlungsphysik und zum Strahlenschutz. In diesem Band werden die physikalischen und technischen Grundlagen der Strahlungsquellen dargestellt. Jedes Kapitel ist in einen grundlegenden und einen weiterführenden Teil untergliedert. Die weiterführenden Abschnitte können bei der ersten Lektüre ohne Verständnisschwierigkeiten übersprungen werden. Die vorliegende dritte Auflage wurde aktualisiert und mit zahlreichen zusätzlichen Übungsaufgaben sowie weiteren Inhalten im Tabellenanhang erweitert.



The Tai chi in star formation

The Tai chi in star formation

Hua-bai Li . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

Tai Chi, a Chinese martial art developed based on the laws of nature, emphasises how ’to conquer the unyielding with the yielding’. The recent observation of star formation shows that stars result from the interaction between gravity, turbulence and magnetic fields. This interaction again follows the nature rules that inspired Tai Chi. For example, if self-gravity is the force that dominates, the molecular cloud will collapse isotropically, which compresses magnetic field lines.



Classical mechanics: lecture notes

Classical mechanics: lecture notes

Konstantin K Likharev . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

Essential Advanced Physics’ is a series comprising four parts: ’Classical Mechanics’, ’Classical Electrodynamics’, ’Quantum Mechanics’ and ’Statistical Mechanics’. Each part consists of two volumes, Lecture Notes and Problems with Solutions, further supplemented by an additional collection of test problems and solutions available to qualifying university instructors.



Anschauliche Höhere Mathematik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler 1: Lineare Algebra, eindimensionale Analysis: Ein graphisch orientierter Zugang

Anschauliche Höhere Mathematik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler 1: Lineare Algebra, eindimensionale Analysis: Ein graphisch orientierter Zugang

von Markus Neher . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018

Das Buch bietet eine anschauliche und sorgfältige Einführung in die Höhere Mathematik mit didaktisch gut durchdachtem Aufbau, bei dem nahezu alle Sachverhalte aus den zuvor behandelten Inhalten hergeleitet und begründet werden. Die hierarchische Gliederung unterstützt das vernetzte Lernen, das für eine sichere und langfristige Beherrschung des Stoffs unerlässlich ist. Band 1 behandelt ​Lineare Algebra sowie Differenzial- und Integralrechnung einer Veränderlichen, einschließlich einiger numerischer Themen.



Anschauliche Höhere Mathematik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler 2: Mehrdimensionale Analysis, Differenzialgleichungen: Ein graphisch orientierter Zugang

Anschauliche Höhere Mathematik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler 2: Mehrdimensionale Analysis, Differenzialgleichungen: Ein graphisch orientierter Zugang

von Markus Neher . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018

Das Buch bietet eine anschauliche und sorgfältige Einführung in die Höhere Mathematik mit didaktisch gut durchdachtem Aufbau, bei dem nahezu alle Sachverhalte aus den zuvor behandelten Inhalten hergeleitet und begründet werden. Die hierarchische Gliederung unterstützt das vernetzte Lernen, das für eine sichere und langfristige Beherrschung des Stoffs unerlässlich ist. Band 2 behandelt Differenzial- und Integralrechnung mehrerer Veränderlicher, Vektoranalysis und gewöhnliche Differenzialgleichungen, einschließlich numerischer Verfahren und eines Ausblicks auf partielle Differenzialgleichungen.



Feynman und die Physik: Leben und Forschung eines außergewöhnlichen Menschen

Feynman und die Physik: Leben und Forschung eines außergewöhnlichen Menschen

von Jörg Resag . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

• Bietet Einblicke in Leben und Forschung Richard Feynmans • Veranschaulicht die physikalischen Beiträge des Nobelpreisträgers • Liefert Einblicke in die Entstehungsgeschichte der modernen Physik



Verdampfungsgleichgewicht und Dampfdruck: Grundlagen, Methoden und Anwendungen

Verdampfungsgleichgewicht und Dampfdruck: Grundlagen, Methoden und Anwendungen

von Mathias Schulze, Peter Seidel . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018

• Eine kompakte, praxisnahe Einführung in die Thematik • Eine Herangehensweise für die effektive Vorbereitung auf physikalisch-chemische Laborpraktika • Ein Überblick über verschiedene Methoden zur Bestimmung des Dampfdrucks



Peer Review für wissenschaftliche Fachjournale: Strukturierung eines informativen Reviews

Peer Review für wissenschaftliche Fachjournale: Strukturierung eines informativen Reviews

von J. Matthias Starck . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018

• Eine kurze Analyse der Grundprinzipien der (natur-)wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsweise, der wissenschaftlichen Fachkommunikation und des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens • Darstellung der methodischen Herangehensweise an ein Fachgutachten für ein wissenschaftliches Journal • Regeln über ethisch korrektes Verhalten im wissenschaftlichen Publizieren • Eine Analyse und Kritik verschiedener „Peer Review“-Verfahren



Quantum chemistry: a concise introduction for students of physics, chemistry, biochemistry and materials science

Quantum chemistry: a concise introduction for students of physics, chemistry, biochemistry and materials science

Ajit J Thakkar . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool, 2017

This book provides non-specialists with a basic understanding of the underlying concepts of quantum chemistry. It is both a text for second- or third-year undergraduates and a reference for researchers who need a quick introduction or refresher. All chemists and many biochemists, materials scientists, engineers, and physicists routinely use spectroscopic measurements and electronic structure computations in their work. The emphasis of Quantum Chemistry on explaining ideas rather than enumerating facts or presenting procedural details makes this an excellent foundation text/reference.



An introduction to the gas phase

An introduction to the gas phase

Claire Vallance . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

An Introduction to the Gas Phase’ is adapted from a set of lecture notes for a core first year lecture course in physical chemistry taught at the University of Oxford. The book is intended to give a relatively concise introduction to the gas phase at a level suitable for any undergraduate scientist.



An introduction to chemical kinetics

An introduction to chemical kinetics

Claire Vallance . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

The book is a short primer on chemical reaction rates based on a six-lecture first-year undergraduate course taught by the author at the University of Oxford. The book explores the various factors that determine how fast or slowly a chemical reaction proceeds and describes a variety of experimental methods for measuring reaction rates. The link between the reaction rate and the sequence of steps that makes up the reaction mechanism is also investigated. Chemical reaction rates is a core topic in all undergraduate chemistry courses.



Hamburger Klimabericht: Wissen über Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Hamburg und Norddeutschland

Hamburger Klimabericht: Wissen über Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Hamburg und Norddeutschland

herausgegeben von Hans von Storch, Insa Meinke, Martin Claußen . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018

• Sachstandsbericht über Klima und Klimawandel in der Metropolregion Hamburg • Zusammenstellung des wissenschaftlich gesicherten Wissens • Erörterung der Klimafolgen für Stadtklima und Küstenschutz


u:search: Open-Access-Dokument

Some critical questions in biological physics: a guided tour around the bugbears

Some critical questions in biological physics: a guided tour around the bugbears

Thomas Andrew Waigh . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

Some Critical Questions in Biological Physics’ discusses eighteen key questions in biological physics, each forming independent chapters that will, by presenting the research in terms of key, unsolved problems, encourage interest in the field. It also provides useful reading for undergraduate physical scientists considering a career in this area.



Silicon photonics: electromagnetic theory

Silicon photonics: electromagnetic theory

Wouter J Westerveld, H Paul Urbach . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing, 2017

Silicon Photonics: Electromagnetic theory’ is a concise introduction to the fundamental theories of integrated optics that focuses on modern silicon photonic technology. It includes well-known general theories on properties of waveguides and couplers as well as new theories on high-index contrast waveguides, directional couplers, and micro-ring resonators. The book may be used as a first introduction to integrated optics, with only basic electrodynamics as prerequisite.



Origins of life: a cosmic perspective

Origins of life: a cosmic perspective

Douglas Whittet . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017

Origins of Life: A Cosmic Perspective’ presents an overview of the concepts, methods, and theories of astrobiology and origins of life research while presenting a summary of the latest findings. The book provides insight into the environments and processes that gave birth to life on our planet, which naturally informs our assessment of the probability that has arisen (or will arise) elsewhere. In addition, the book encourages readers to go beyond basic concepts, to explore topics in greater depth, and to engage in lively discussions.



Applied digital logic exercises using FPGAs

Applied digital logic exercises using FPGAs

Kurt Wick . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool, 2017

Applied Digital Logic Exercises Using FPGAs is appropriate for anyone interested in digital logic who needs to learn how to implement it through detailed exercises with state-of-the-art digital design tools and components. The book exposes readers to combinational and sequential digital logic concepts and implements them with hands-on exercises using the Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) and a Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FGPA) teaching board.


