
Kern- und Teilchenphysik

Kern- und Teilchenphysik

Claude Amsler . - Zürich : vdf, Hochsch.-Verl. an der ETH , 2007

Dieses Buch bietet eine phänomenologische Einführung in die Welt der elementarsten Bausteine. Der Stoff orientiert sich am Experiment, ist chronologisch aufgebaut und schlägt eine Brücke zwischen der Kern- und Teilchenphysik. Beschrieben werden die Methoden zur Herstellung von Teilchenstrahlen und zur Beobachtung von Teilchenreaktionen. Die bahnbrechenden Erkenntnisse werden anschaulich aus der Theorie hergeleitet und mit Messungen verglichen.



Managing scientific information and research data

Managing scientific information and research data

Svetla Baykoucheva . - Waltham, MA : Chandos Publishing , 2015

This book is divided into 15 chapters discussing the changes in scientific communication; new models of publishing and peer review; ethics in scientific communication; preservation of data; discovery tools; discipline-specific practices of researchers for gathering and using scientific information; academic social networks; bibliographic management tools; information literacy and the information needs of students and researchers etc.



Mechanics of solid polymers

Mechanics of solid polymers

theory and computational modeling / Jörgen Bergström . - First edition . - Amsterdam : William Andrew is an imprint of Elsevier , 2015

Reflecting the significant progress, this book will discuss recent developments and compare them to classical theories. The book shows how best to make use of commercially available finite element software to solve polymer mechanics problems, introducing readers to the current state of the art in predicting failure using a combination of experiment and computational techniques. Case studies and example Matlab code are also included.



Moderne Verfahren der Kryptographie

Moderne Verfahren der Kryptographie

Von RSA zu Zero-Knowledge / von Albrecht Beutelspacher, Jörg Schwenk, Klaus-Dieter Wolfenstetter. - 8., überarb. Auflage . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2015

In diesem Buch werden die wichtigsten kryptographischen Verfahren, Protokolle und Algorithmen der letzten Jahrzehnte erläutert und mathematisch-logisch begründet. Die besprochenen Themen reichen von Public-Key-Kryptographie über Zero-Knowledge-Proofs bis hin zu dem neuen Gebiet der Pairing-basierten Kryptosysteme.



Coal-fired generation

Coal-fired generation

Paul Breeze . - London : Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier , 2015

Coal-Fired Generation is a concise, up-to-date and readable guide providing an introduction to this traditional power generation technology. It includes detailed descriptions of coal fired generation systems, demystifies the coal fired technology functions in practice as well as exploring the economic and environmental risk factors.



Optical Technologies for Extreme-Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray Coherent Sources

Optical Technologies for Extreme-Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray Coherent Sources

edited by Federico Canova, Luca Poletto . - 1st ed. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2015 [Springer Series in Optical Sciences ; 197]

The book reviews the most recent achievements in optical technologies for XUV and X-ray coherent sources. Particular attention is given to free-electron-laser facilities, but also to other sources available at present, such as synchrotrons, high-order laser harmonics and X-ray lasers. The optical technologies relevant to each type of source are discussed.



Recent development in machining, materials and mechanical technologies

Recent development in machining, materials and mechanical technologies

ed. by Jyh-Chen Chen et al. . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Key engineering materials ; 656-657]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies (IC3MT), August 31- September 5, 2014, Taipei City, Taiwan. A total of 132 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Light metals technology 2015

Light metals technology 2015

ed. by H. K. Chikwanda and S. Chikosha . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Materials science forum ; 828/829]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7th International Light Metals Technology Conference, (LMT 2015), July 27-29, 2015, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. A total of 76 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Carbohydrate chemistry: state of the art and challenges for drug development

Carbohydrate chemistry: state of the art and challenges for drug development

an overview on structure, biological roles, synthetic methods and application as therapeutics / edited by Laura Cipolla . - London : Imperial College Press , 2016

This book offers an overview of key aspects that are fundamental for the design of novel therapeutics. The four-part structure of this book introduces these essential components to life, starting from their structure and biological roles and covering analytical methods and synthesis which pave the way for the development of a wide range of therapeutic applications.



Introduction to focused ion beam nanometrology

Introduction to focused ion beam nanometrology

David C Cox . - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers , 2015 [IOP concise physics]

This book describes modern focused ion beam microscopes and techniques and how they can be used to aid materials metrology and as tools for the fabrication of devices that in turn are used in many other aspects of fundamental metrology.



Tensors, relativity, and cosmology

Tensors, relativity, and cosmology

M. Dalarsson, N. Dalarsson . - Second edition . - London : Academic Press , 2015

This book combines relativity, astrophysics, and cosmology in a single volume, providing a simplified introduction to each subject that is followed by detailed mathematical derivations. This fully revised and updated 2nd edition includes new material on relativistic effects, such as the behavior of clocks and measuring rods in motion, relativistic addition of velocities, and the twin paradox, as well as new material on gravitational waves, amongst other topics.



Modeling and simulation of reactive flows

Modeling and simulation of reactive flows

Álvaro L. De Bortoli, Greice S.L. Andreis, Felipe N. Pereira . - Amsterdam : Elsevier Ltd. , 2015

• Helps readers learn how to apply applications of numerical methods to simulate geochemical kinetics • Presents methods on how to transform the transport equations in several coordinate systems • Includes discussions of the basic concepts related to reaction rates, chemical kinetics, and the development of reduced kinetic mechanisms • Offers a distinctive approach that combines diffusion flames and geochemical flow problems





Eva Derndorfer . - 4., überarb. Aufl. . - Wien : Facultas.WUV , 2012

Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die Funktion der menschlichen Sinne. Im Anschluss werden die Einsatzgebiete und sämtliche Methoden der Sensorik in Produktentwicklung, Marktforschung und Qualitätskontrolle beschrieben. Die Testmethoden werden anhand von Bei spielen erklärt. Die statistische Auswertung sämtlicher Prüfungen wird anschaulich erläutert.



Fillers and reinforcements for advanced nanocomposites

Fillers and reinforcements for advanced nanocomposites

edited by Yu Dong, Rehan Umer and Alan Kin-Tak Lau . - Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing , 2015

• Covers topics such as nanocelluloses, nanotubes, nanoplatelets, and nanoparticles, as well as their extensive applications • Discusses the latest research on the effective use of nanoscaled fillers and reinforcements to enhance the performance of advanced nanocomposites • Explains how fillers and reinforcements are used in the fabrication, synthesis and characterization



An introduction to time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and its application to materials science

An introduction to time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and its application to materials science

Sarah Fearn. - San Rafael, CA : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2015 [IOP concise physics]

This book highlights the application of Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) for high-resolution surface analysis and characterization of materials. While providing a brief overview of the principles of SIMS, it also provides examples of how dual-beam ToF-SIMS is used to investigate a range of materials systems and properties.



Spezielle Relativitätstheorie für Studienanfänger

Spezielle Relativitätstheorie für Studienanfänger

Jürgen Freund . - Zürich : vdf, Hochsch.-Verl. an der ETH , 2007

Die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie ist nichts Schwieriges und Geheimnisvolles! Studienanfänger der Naturwissenschaften können sie mit ihren Kenntnissen der Mathematik und der Physik in vollem Umfang und bis ins Detail verstehen, wenn sie sich die Mühe machen, sich durch dieses Lehrbuch durchzuarbeiten. Zahlreiche Problemstellungen werden ausführlich behandelt.



Power quality in power systems and electrical machines

Power quality in power systems and electrical machines

Ewald F. Fuchs, M. A.S. Masoum . - 2. ed. . - Amsterdam ; Boston : Academic Press , 2015

• Provides theoretical and practical insight into power quality problems of machines and systems • Worked examples and exercises show practical applications of the material discussed • New to this edition: identifies problems and solutions associated with renewable energy sources and provides a website with examples using SPICE, Mathematica, and Matlab.



Energy storage for sustainable microgrid

Energy storage for sustainable microgrid

David Wenzhog Gao . - Amsterdam : Academic Press , 2015

• Explanations for major power electronic converters/technology required to achieve the desired interfacing • Case studies on the major impacts of energy storage on microgrid • Detailed solutions for choosing the right ESS for particular microgrid applications • Valuable economics chapter to help evaluate entire systems



Messung beendet - was nun?

Messung beendet - was nun?

Einführung und Nachschlagewerk für die Planung und Auswertung von Messungen / W. H. Heini Gränicher . - 2., überarb. Aufl. . - Zürich : vdf Hochschulverlag , 1996

Das Lehrbuch ist eine kurzgefasste Einführung in das Gebiet der Auswertung von Messungen. Das Buch ist so gestaltet, dass es als Nachschlagewerk für die tägliche Arbeit im Laboratorium dient, aber auch die Planung von Meßverfahren und Auswertungen im Rahmen eines präventiven Fehlermanagements (z.B. für Qualitätssicherung) erleichtert.



Statistische Physik und Thermodynamik

Statistische Physik und Thermodynamik

Grundlagen und Anwendungen / Walter Grimus . - 2., überarbeitete Auflage . - Berlin ; Boston : de Gruyter, 2015

Dieses Lehrbuch führt umfassend und anschaulich in die Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Statistischen Physik und Thermodynamik ein. Die vorliegende 2., überarbeitete Auflage enthält zusätzliche Aufgaben und komplette Lösungswege und stellt eine hervorragende Prüfungsvorbereitung dar. Es eignet sich sowohl als Begleitung und Vertiefung der Vorlesung über Statistische Physik und Thermodynamik als auch zum Selbststudium.



Directed self-assembly of block copolymers for nano-manufacturing

Directed self-assembly of block copolymers for nano-manufacturing

edited by Roel Gronheid and Paul Nealey . - Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing , 2015

• Authoritative outlining of theoretical principles and modeling techniques to give a thorough introdution to the topic • Discusses a broad range of practical applications for directed self-assembly in nano-manufacturing • Highlights the importance of this technology to both the present and future of nano-manufacturing



Water gas shift reaction

Water gas shift reaction

research developments and applications / by Gunugunuri K. Reddy, Panagiotis G. Smirniotis . - Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2015

• Outlines the importance of the WGS Reaction and its application for hydrogen production • Provides detailed information on potential catalysts, their development and pros and cons • Reviews hydrogen technology, its current importance, and production methods • Offers basic and advanced knowledge of catalysts characterization instrumental techniques



Energy systems, materials and designing in mechanical engineering

Energy systems, materials and designing in mechanical engineering

ed. by Gurova Elena . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 792]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference for Young Scientists “ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. ELECTROTECHNOLOGY. ENERGY”, June 9-12, 2015, Novosibirsk, Russia. A total of 108 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Digital futures

Digital futures

expert briefings on digital technologies for education and research / edited by Martin Hall, M. Harrow and L. Estelle . - Waltham, MA : Chandos Publishing , 2015

The aim of the book is to bring cutting-edge discussion as heard at DigiFest to the information professional/academic librarian readership. Digital Futures will provide expert briefings to information professionals on the emerging trends in the digital technologies that are transforming teaching and research in higher education.



Trends in der Informationstechnologie

Trends in der Informationstechnologie

von der Nanotechnologie zu virtuellen Welten / Walter Hehl . - Zürich : vdf Hochschulverl. , 2008

Die Publikation zeigt eine Auswahl aktueller Trends, von den physikalischen Grundlagen und Nanotechnologie, von Systemdesign und Software bis hin zu Phänomenen wie Web 2.0 und virtuelle Welten. Aus diesem breiten Spektrum werden im Anhang etwa 50 aktuelle Begriffe erläutert. Die Breite der Themen sowie die verständliche Sprache unterstützen die Brauchbarkeit des Bandes für verschiedenste Zielgruppen.



11th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems: CPV-11

11th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems: CPV-11

editors: Gerald Siefer, Mathieu Baudrit and Ignacio Antón . - Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1679]

This volume is the proceedings of 11th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-11), 13–15 April 2015, Aix-les-Bains, France. The conference proceedings contain papers that reflect the state of the art and give a comprehensive overview of CPV. The papers are written by the most prominent scientists and engineers active in this field.



The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences

The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences

editors: Acep Purqon et al. . - Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1677]

This volume is the proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 2–3 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia. ICMNS 2014 was organized to promote multi- and inter-disciplinary research in sciences and related technologies and their applications.



Materials, industrial, and manufacturing engineering research advances 2

Materials, industrial, and manufacturing engineering research advances 2

edited by Denni Kurniawan and Fethma M. Nor . - Pfaffikon : Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2015 [Advanced materials research ; 1125]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference (MIMEC 2015), February 4-6, 2015, Bali, Indonesia. A total of 123 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Mechanical and material engineering III

Mechanical and material engineering III

ed. by Zhengyi Jiang . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 778]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 3rd International Forum on Mechanical and Material Engineering (IFMME 2015), April 18-19, 2015, Guangzhou, China. The 51 papers are grouped as follows: 1: Design and Numerical Simulation; 2: Materials Research and Processing Technology; 3: Mechanical Transmission, Friction and Wear; 4: Industrial Robots, Control and Automation.



Latin squares and their applications

Latin squares and their applications

A. Donald Keedwell, József Dénes . - Second edition . - Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2015

The 2nd edition offers a long-awaited update and reissue of this seminal account of the subject. The revision retains foundational, original material from the frequently-cited 1974 volume but is completely updated throughout. By omitting a few topics which are no longer of current interest, the book expands upon active and emerging areas. Also, the present state of knowledge regarding the 73 then-unsolved problems is discussed. In addition, a number of new unsolved problems are proposed.



Tutorium Physik fürs Nebenfach

Tutorium Physik fürs Nebenfach

Übersetzt aus dem Unverständlichen / von Christoph Kommer, Tim Tugendhat, Niklas Wahl . - 1. Aufl. 2015 . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2015

Ausführliche Übungsaufgaben, verständliche Erklärungen und viele Hinweise auf die Anwendungen der Grundlagen sollen den Zugang erleichtern. Ein separates Kapitel zum obligatorischen Physikpraktikum bereitet optimal vor und auch die Mathe soll nicht erschrecken: Alles Wichtige wird einfach und klar eingeführt. Die Autoren dieses Buchs bringen ihre langjährige Tutor-Erfahrung mit ein.



HPLC richtig optimiert

HPLC richtig optimiert

ein Handbuch für Praktiker / Stavros Kromidas . - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH , 2006

International renommierte Autoren behandeln sowohl die allgemeinen Grundlagen und Strategien der Optimierung als auch die spezifischen Aspekte der unterschiedlichen Techniken wie RP-HPLC, NP-HPLC, Micro- und Nano-HPLC sowie der Kopplungstechniken wie LC-MS. Auch die richtige Säulenauswahl sowie Enantiomerentrennungen gehören zu den behandelten Themen. Die Autoren liefern konkrete, praktische Tipps ebenso wie relevante Hintergrundinformationen.



Proceedings of the International Congress on Ceramics V

Proceedings of the International Congress on Ceramics V

ed. by Hong Lin and Jianghong Gong . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Key engineering materials ; 655]

These are the proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC5) which was held from Aug. 17th-21st, 2014 in Beijing, China. During the congress, global business and technology leaders, scientists and researchers gather to share ideas and visions of the future. The 56 peer reviewed papers cover some of the most reason finding in these fields of research.



Iron ore

Iron ore

mineralogy, processing and environmental sustainability / edited by Liming Lu . - Cambridge, UK : Woodhead Publishing , 2015

• Provides a comprehensive overview of the global iron ore industry, exploring its characteristics and characterization • Expert analysis of quality requirements for iron production, environmental issues, iron ore agglomeration and low-emission technologies • Timely text to accompany the increased iron ore production occurring in developing countries



Recent trends in power engineering

Recent trends in power engineering

ed. by Ismail Musirin and Shahril Irwan Sulaiman . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 785]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 9th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2015), March 18-19, 2015, Melaka, Malaysia. A total of 141 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Nuclear Structure and Dynamics ’15

Nuclear Structure and Dynamics ’15

editors: Matej Lipoglavšek et al. . - Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1681]

The volume collects the contributions to the international conference “Nuclear Structure and Dynamics III,” held in Portorož, Slovenia, June 14th to 19th, 2015. The Conference presented a review of recent experimental and theoretical advances in the physics of nuclear structure and reactions, and provided a broad discussion forum on current and future research projects.



Das Universum ist eine Scheißgegend

Das Universum ist eine Scheißgegend

von Heinz Oberhummer, Martin Puntigam u. Werner Gruber. Unter maßgebl. Mitarb. von Florian Freistetter . - München : Hanser , 2015

In diesem Buch geben die Science Busters – die beiden Physiker Prof. Heinz Oberhummer und Werner Gruber sowie der preisgekrönte Satiriker Martin Puntigam – eine Reisewarnung und erklären, warum der Kosmos kein Streichelzoo ist, wo man gegen außerirdische Bakterien unterschreiben kann, was sich Sternschnuppen wünschen, wenn sie einen Menschen sehen, wie das Universum endet – und wer das dann alles zusammenräumen muss.



Advanced research in aerospace, robotics, manufacturing systems, mechanical engineering and bioengineering

Advanced research in aerospace, robotics, manufacturing systems, mechanical engineering and bioengineering

ed. by Adrian Olaru . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 772]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the OPTIROB 2015 - International Conference on Cyber Systems in the Fields of Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, June 27-30, 2015, Jupiter, Romania. A total of 109 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Allein gegen die Schwerkraft

Allein gegen die Schwerkraft

Einstein 1914 - 1918 / Thomas de Padova . - München : Hanser , 2015

Thomas de Padovas Biographie lässt Einsteins Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie in gänzlich neuem Licht erscheinen. Berlin 1914: Einsteins Welt zerbricht. Seine Ehe mit Mileva scheitert, Deutschland zieht begeistert in den Krieg. Kollegen wie Max Planck unterschreiben den rassistischen "Aufruf an die Kulturwelt". In bestechend klarer Prosa zeigt de Padova erstmals, wie Einstein in seinen frühen Berliner Jahren zum leidenschaftlichen Pazifisten wird – und wie er inmitten einer kollabierenden Welt die Physik neu erfindet.



Key nuclear reaction experiments

Key nuclear reaction experiments

discoveries and consequences / Hans Paetz gen. Schieck . - Bristol, UK : IOP Publishing , 2015 [IOP expanding physics]

In this book the author charts the developments in nuclear physics since its inception around a century ago by reviewing the key experiments that helped drive and shape our understanding of the field, especially in the context of the wider developments in physics in the early 20th century.



Essentials of the finite element method

Essentials of the finite element method

for mechanical and structural engineers / Dimitrios G. Pavlou . - Amsterdam : Academic Press , 2015

• Provides complete and unified coverage of the fundamentals of finite element analysis • Covers stiffness matrices for widely used elements in mechanical and civil engineering practice • Offers detailed and integrated solutions of engineering examples and computer algorithms in ANSYS, CALFEM, and MATLAB.



Computational materials engineering

Computational materials engineering

achieving high accuracy and efficiency in metals processing simulations / Maciej Pietrzyk et al. . - Waltham, MA : Butterworth-Heinemann , 2015

• Presents the numerical approaches for high-accuracy calculations • Provides researchers with essential information on the methods capable of exact representation of microstructure morphology • Discusses several techniques to overcome modeling and simulation limitations, • Covers both software and hardware capabilities



Metallurgy and materials engineering

Metallurgy and materials engineering

ed. by Peerapong Pinwanich . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Key engineering materials ; 658]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th Thailand Metallurgy Conference (TMETC-8), December 15-16, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. The 35 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Microstructure Analyses and Materials Research; Chapter 2: Materials Processing Technology; Chapter 3: Nano Materials and Technology.



A librarian’s guide to graphs, data and the semantic web

A librarian’s guide to graphs, data and the semantic web

James Powell, Matthew Hopkins . - Waltham, MA : Chandos , 2015

• Provides an accessible introduction to network science that is suitable for a broad audience • Devotes several chapters to a survey of how graph theory has been used in a number of scientific data-driven disciplines • Explores how graph theory could aid library and information scientists



Trends and applications in mechanical engineering

Trends and applications in mechanical engineering

ed. by G. A. Quadir et al. . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 786]

The volume includes selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME 2015), March 30-31, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The 77 papers are grouped as follows: 1: Applied Materials and their Applications; 2: Noise and Vibration Analysis; 3: Thermal Engineering, Fluids and Energy; 4: Applied Mechanics, Design and Manufacturing.



Recent advances in medicinal chemistry

Recent advances in medicinal chemistry

edited by Atta-ur-Rahman, Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, George Perry . - Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier Ltd. , 2014

• Edited and written by leading experts in medicinal chemistry research • Reviews recent advances in the field, including the characterization of inorganic nanomaterials as therapeutic vehicles • Covers a variety of topical areas, such as HPLC, tricyclic antidepressants in biological samples, and tannins and their influence on health



High performance parallelism pearls

High performance parallelism pearls

multicore and many-core programming approaches / James Reinders, Jim Jeffers . - Waltham, MA : Morgan Kaufmann , 2015

• Promotes write-once, run-anywhere coding, showing how to code for high performance on multicore processors and Xeon Phi • Examples from multiple vertical domains illustrating real-world use of Xeon Phi coprocessors • Source code available for download to facilitate further exploration



Unser Klima

Unser Klima

was, wann, warum ; Fakten und Irrtümer / Gernot Resch . - Wien : Facultas.WUV , 2014

In diesem Buch werden Sie Antworten finden: Mit Information statt Provokation, Methoden statt Mythen, Argumenten statt Angstmacherei. Lernen Sie mehr über natürliche Klimaschwankungen und Treibhauseffekt, über Klimamodelle und künftige Herausforderungen. Jede Messmethode hat auch ihre Schwächen und dass wissenschaftliche Modelle nicht selten überschätzt werden, wird hier nicht ausgespart. Infoboxen zu den großen Mythen der Klimadiskussion runden die Darstellung ab.



Biochemistry of lipids, lipoproteins and membranes

Biochemistry of lipids, lipoproteins and membranes

edited by Neale Ridgway and Roger McLeod . - Sixth edition . - Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2016

• Serves as a general reference book for scientists studying lipids, lipoproteins and membranes and as an advanced and up-to-date textbook for teachers and students who are familiar with the basic concepts of lipid biochemistry • Key concepts are supported by figures and models to improve reader understanding • Chapters provide historical perspective and current analysis of each topic



Biofluid mechanics

Biofluid mechanics

an introduction to fluid mechanics, macrocirculation, and microcirculation / David Rubenstein, Wei Yin and Mary D. Frame . - 2nd edition . - London : Academic Press , 2015

This new edition shows how fluid mechanics principles can be applied not only to blood circulation, but also to air flow through the lungs, joint lubrication, intraocular fluid movement, renal transport among other specialty circulations.



Concepts of mathematical physics in chemistry

Concepts of mathematical physics in chemistry

a tribute to Frank E. Harris : part A / edited by John R. Sabin and Remigio Cabrera-Trujillo . - 1st edition . - London : Academic Press, 2015

• Presents surveys of current topics in this rapidly-developing field that has emerged at the cross section of the historically established areas of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology • Features detailed reviews written by leading international researchers





Beispiele, Aufgaben, Anwendungen / Herbert Sager . - 1. Aufl. . - Zürich : vdf, Hochsch.-Verl. an der ETH , 2012

Im vorliegenden Buch wird die Fourier-Transformation dargestellt, mit vielen Beispielen, Aufgaben inkl. Lösungen und Anwendungen. Es bildet ein Fundament für weitergehende und spezielle Probleme im Zusammenhang mit der Signal- und Systemanalyse, mit der Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse und der FFT. Das Buch ist systematisch aufgebaut und gliedert sich in viele kleine Schritte, die alle knapp und übersichtlich dargestellt sind.



Chemical process safety

Chemical process safety

learning from case histories / Roy E. Sanders . - 4. ed. . - Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann , 2016

• Features additional new chapters covering safety culture, maintaining a sense of vulnerability, and additional learning opportunities from recent incidents and near misses • Contains updated information from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the National Safety Council, with concise summaries of some of the most important case histories of the twenty-first century



Chalkogene: Elemente der sechsten Hauptgruppe

Chalkogene: Elemente der sechsten Hauptgruppe

Eine Reise durch das Periodensystem / von Hermann Sicius . - 1. Auflage . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2015

Dieses Essential gibt eine prägnante und umfassende Übersicht über die Chalkogene, Elemente, die in zahlreichen Oxidationsstufen auftreten können und deren Charakter von nichtmetallisch bis metallisch reicht. Die Chemie dieser Stoffe ist vielseitig, die aktuellen Anwendungen sind zahlreich und hier werden kompakt die wichtigsten Informationen wiedergegeben.



Pnictogene: Elemente der fünften Hauptgruppe

Pnictogene: Elemente der fünften Hauptgruppe

Eine Reise durch das Periodensystem / von Hermann Sicius . - 1. Auflage . - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2015

Dieses Essential gibt Ihnen eine kompakte, aber umfassende Übersicht über die Pnictogene, diese vielseitigen Elemente, die in zahlreichen Oxidationsstufen auftreten können und deren Charakter von nichtmetallisch über halbmetallisch bis metallisch reicht. Es gibt zahlreiche Anwendungen, von denen hier über die Wichtigsten berichtet wird.



Advanced engineering research

Advanced engineering research

ed. by Apirat Siritaratiwat and Anan Kruesubthaworn . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 781]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON 2015), March 18-20, 2015, Phuket, Thailand. A total of 159 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.





eine methodenübergreifende Darstellung vom UV- bis zum NMR-Bereich / Peter M. Skrabal . - Zürich : vdf, Hochsch.-Verl. an der ETH , 2009

Dieses Werk gibt einen neuartigen Überblick über die Spektroskopie: Anstelle der methodischen Ordnung – nach Wellenlängen – wird sie hier zum ersten Mal nach ganzheitlichen physikalischen Aspekten beschrieben. Das Buch ist eine Einführung in die UV/Vis-, NIR-, IR-, ESR- und NMR-Spektroskopie. Mittels einer Vielzahl von erklärenden farbigen Grafiken bietet es einen umfassenden Überblick über diese Methoden und deren gemeinsame physikalische Basis.



Ecological and new building materials and products

Ecological and new building materials and products

ed. by Lenka Smetanová, Martin Nejedlík and Martina Drdlová . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Advanced materials research ; 1124]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 19th Conference of Research Institute for Building Materials Ecology and New Building Materials and Products, June 2-4, 2015, Černá Hora, Czech Republic. The 49 papers are grouped as follows: 1: Binders; 2: Composite Materials; 3: Building Materials Based on Second. Raw Materials; 4: Technology and Testing Methods



Safe and secure transport and storage of radioactive materials

Safe and secure transport and storage of radioactive materials

edited by Ken B. Sorenson . - Amsterdam : Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier , 2015

• Uniquely comprehensive and systematic coverage of the packaging, transport, and storage of radioactive materials • Section devoted to spent nuclear fuels • Expert team of authors and editors



Die Mathematik des Daseins

Die Mathematik des Daseins

eine kurze Geschichte der Spieltheorie / Rudolf Taschner . - München : Hanser , 2015

Das Leben ist ein Spiel, das mathematischen Regeln folgt; unsere Entscheidungen können berechnet, ihr größtmöglicher Nutzen für alle kann kalkuliert werden. In seiner fulminanten Geschichte der Spieltheorie spannt Bestsellerautor Rudolf Taschner einen Bogen von der Erfindung der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung im 17. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart der globalen Finanzmärkte. Ein Buch über die Mathematik als Sinnsuche – fesselnd wie ein Kriminalroman.



The 2015 UKM FST Postgraduate Colloquium

The 2015 UKM FST Postgraduate Colloquium

editors: Asmat Ahmad et al. . - Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1678]

This volume is the proceedings of The 2015 UKM FST (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Faculty of Science and Technology) Postgraduate Colloquium, 15–16 April 2015, Selangor, Malaysia. The Colloquium is a platform for the faculty’s students to present and expose their research findings to other researchers.



Experimental mechanics and effects of intensive loading

Experimental mechanics and effects of intensive loading

ed. by Lin Wang, C. Wang, L. Wang and Q. Zhang . - Pfaffikon : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2015 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 782]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 SEM Fall Conference and International Symposium on Intensive Loading and Its Effects, October 19-22, 2014, Beijing, China. A total of 46 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Advances in photovoltaics: part 4

Advances in photovoltaics: part 4

dited by Gerhard P. Willeke and E. R. Weber . - 1st edition . - London : Academic Press, 2015

• Written by leading, internationally known experts on his topic • Provides an in-depth overview of the current status and perspectives of thin film PV technologies • Discusses the challenges faced during the transformation of our energy supply system to more efficient, renewable energies • Delves deep into photovoltaics, a cornerstone technolog



Workshop on Neutrino Interactions, Systematic Uncertainties and Near Detector Physics: CETUP* 2014

Workshop on Neutrino Interactions, Systematic Uncertainties and Near Detector Physics: CETUP* 2014

editors: Barbara Szczerbinska and Elizabeth Worcester . - Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015, 2015 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1680]

This volume is the proceedings of CETUP* 2014 - Workshop on Neutrino Interactions, Systematic Uncertainties and Near Detector Physics, 10–31 July 2014, South Dakota, USA.



Databook of biocides

Databook of biocides

Anna & George Wypych . - Toronto : ChemTec Publishing , 2015

• Presents practical information for use in the lab and the field, including recommended processing methods, recommended dosages, and potential substitutes • Includes the most commonly used biocides in compliance with the latest regulations in the European Union, US, and worldwide • Covers the physical properties, ecological properties, and performance indicators of biocides



Databook of preservatives

Databook of preservatives

Anna and George Wypych . - Toronto : ChemTec Publishing , 2015

• Practical, up-to-date data, including an assessment of features and benefits of each preservative • Particular emphasis given to environmental, health and safety properties to ensure safe use • Supported by real world examples of products produced using the compounds detailed in the book



Databook of UV stabilizers

Databook of UV stabilizers

Anna Wypych, George Wypych . - First edition . - Toronto : ChemTec Publishing , 2015

• A comprehensive assessment of UV stabilizers, including sections on their physical properties, health and safety, ecological properties, and use and performance • Provides information on the most frequently used UV stabilizers • Data presented belongs to over 100 data fields, accommodating a variety of data available in source publications


