
Advanced construction technologies

Advanced construction technologies

ed. by Husain Abbas and Tan Kiang Hwee . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 919/921]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Structures and Building Materials (ICSBM 2014), March 15-16, 2014, Guangzhou, China. A total of 431 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Simulation Studies of Recombination Kinetics and Spin Dynamics in Radiation Chemistry

Simulation Studies of Recombination Kinetics and Spin Dynamics in Radiation Chemistry

by Amit Agarwal . - Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2014

Amit Agarwal’s thesis reports a substantial contribution to the microscopic simulation of radiation chemical reactions. In his research Agarwal extends existing models to further understand scavenging, spin and relaxation effects. This research has advanced the development of both the Monte Carlo Random Flights and the Independent Reaction Times (IRT) simulation tools.



Micro/nano science and engineering

Micro/nano science and engineering

ed. by Yarub Al-Douri . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 925]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the Joint International Conference on Nanoscience, Engineering and Management (BOND21), August 19-21, 2013, Penang, Malaysia. The 139 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Micro/Nano Materials and Technologies, Chapter 2: Micro/Nano Science and Engineering, Chapter 3: Environmental Application.



Proceedings of PPS-29

Proceedings of PPS-29

the 29th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society - conference papers / ed. Volker Altstädt . - Melville, NY : AIP Publ. , 2014 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1593]

The 29th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-29) was held in July 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany, with 8 plenary lectures, 62 keynote speeches, 342 regular talks and 271 poster contributions from over 730 participants from 52 countries. Of the total number of contributions, 168 of these are included as reviewed full papers in this proceedings volume.


u:search: Open-Access-Dokument

Solar Cells Based on Colloidal Nanocrystals

Solar Cells Based on Colloidal Nanocrystals

by Holger Borchert . - Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2014 [Springer Series in Materials Science ; 196]

This book presents a new system of solar cells. Colloidal nanocrystals possess many physical and chemical properties which can be manipulated by advanced control over structural features like the particle size. This book aims at bridging gaps between the involved scientific disciplines and presents important fundamentals and the current state of research of relevant materials and different types of nanoparticle-based solar cells.



Freie Radikale

Freie Radikale

Warum Wissenschaftler sich nicht an Regeln halten / von Michael Brooks . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014

Der Bestsellerautor Michael Brooks belegt seine These an zahlreichen Beispielen – und mit einem Augenzwinkern. Er zeigt, dass die wirklich bahnbrechende Wissenschaft nur selten das Ergebnis penibler Forschungsarbeit ist. Sie bricht vielmehr alle Konventionen, schert sich wenig um die Folgen und zelebriert ihre geheime Anarchie.



KKU International Engineering

KKU International Engineering

ed. by Sujin Bureerat . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 931/932]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Engineering Conference 2014 (KKU-IENC 2014) “Engineering and Technological Responses to Global Challenges” March 27-29, 2014, Khon Kaen, Thailand. A total of 317 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Material science and environmental engineering

Material science and environmental engineering

ed. by Ping Chen . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 937]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Material Science and Environmental Engineering (MSEE2014), March 21-23, 2014, Changsha, Hunan, China. A total of 126 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Proceedings of the Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings CRRB 2013

Proceedings of the Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings CRRB 2013

ed. by Michaela Kostelecká . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 923]

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 15th International CRRB 2013, November 14-15, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. Proceedings feature international participation, within which new trends and procedures in the field of building rehabilitation were discussed at an international level.



Frontiers in micro-nano science and technology

Frontiers in micro-nano science and technology

ed. by Hailin Cong, Bing Yu and Xing Lu . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 924]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th China International Nanoscience and Technology Symposium, Chengdu and the Nano-Products Exposition, Sponsored by Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology, and IEEE Nanotechnology Council, (CINSTS 2013) October 27-31, 2013, Chengdu, China. A total of 58 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Nuclear weapon assues in the 21st century

Nuclear weapon assues in the 21st century

eds. Pierce S. Corden ; David Hafemeister ; Peter Zimmerman . - Melville, NY : AIP Publ. , 2014 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1596]

The 4th short course was held on November 2 to 3, 2013 at the Elliott School of International Affairs of The George Washington University in Washington, DC. The November 2013 event covered nuclear weapon issues in five sessions. The April 2014 issue of Physics Today contains an article on some of the issues discussed.



Synthesis of Saturated Oxygenated Heterocycles II

Synthesis of Saturated Oxygenated Heterocycles II

7- to 16-Membered Rings / edited by Janine Cossy . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014 [Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry ; 36]

• Includes extensive reviews on one of the largest and most varied families of organic compounds • Presents current research in a format which bridges journal articles and book chapters • Published Online First, in print and electronically to reach as wide an audience as possible



Times of polymers (TOP) and composites 2014

Times of polymers (TOP) and composites 2014

eds. Alberto D’Amore ; Domenico Acierno ; Luigi Grassia . - Melville, NY : AIP Publ. , 2014 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1599]

The 7th International Conference on “Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites” was held on June 22-26, 2014 at Ischia (Naples, Italy). The conference focused on “timescales” of polymer based systems. Different topics were covered in the fields of macromolecular chemistry, polymer physics, polymer engineering and from the nano to the macro scale in about 150 manuscripts.



Nanotechnology for Sustainable Development

Nanotechnology for Sustainable Development

edited by Mamadou S. Diallo, Neil A. Fromer, Myung S. Jhon . - Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2014

This book offers a thematic collection of the latest research developments in nanotechnology aimed at improving environmental and energetic sustainability. These papers were previously published in the Journal of Nanoparticle Research. The book is devoted to the utilization of nanotechnology to improve or achieve sustainable development.



Electrospun Nanofibers for Energy and Environmental Applications

Electrospun Nanofibers for Energy and Environmental Applications

edited by Bin Ding, Jianyong Yu . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014 [Nanostructure Science and Technology]

This book offers a comprehensive review of the latest advances in developing functional electrospun nanofibers for energy and environmental applications, which include fuel cells, lithium-ion batteries, solar cells, supercapacitors, energy storage materials, sensors, filtration materials, protective clothing, catalysis, structurally-colored fibers, oil spill cleanup, self-cleaning materials, adsorbents, and electromagnetic shielding.





Grundlagen und Anwendungen für Physiker, Maschinenbauer und Ingenieure / von Marc Eichhorn . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2013

Laserphysik behandelt die wichtigsten Grundlagen, Ergebnisse und Methoden der modernen Laserphysik in Theorie und Experiment in einer sorgfältig abgewogenen und leicht verständlichen Weise. Als begleitendes Lehrbuch zu Vorlesungen der Laserphysik, der Photonik und verwandter Gebiete nutzt es von Anfang an labor- und praxisnahe Größen und eine angepasste Notation.



Seventh European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics

Seventh European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics

eds. Claudio Spitaleri ; Livio Lamia ; Rosario Gianluca Pizzone . - Melville, NY : AIP Publ. , 2014 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1595]

In this book a collection of the lecture notes given during the 7th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (held from 15-27 of September 2013 in Santa Tecla, Sicily, Italy) is given. Around 100 between young students and researchers from more than 20 countries of all the world attended the lectures and were also encouraged to present themselves their work and recent results.



Glück gehabt!

Glück gehabt!

Zwölf Gründe, warum es uns überhaupt gibt / von Olaf Fritsche . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014

Das Buch stellt ein Dutzend entscheidender Wendepunkte auf dem Weg vom Urknall zum Menschen vor. Es liefert dem Leser auf unterhaltsame Weise Einblicke in die physikalischen, chemischen, geologischen und biologischen Prozesse an diesen Umschlagpunkten, stellt ihm die wichtigsten Forscher vor und nimmt ihn mit zu ihren Entdeckungen. Es ist ein Buch für all jene, die es nicht verlernt haben, zu staunen und sich zu wundern, warum die Welt ausgerechnet so ist, wie sie ist.



Advances in applied materials and electronics engineering III

Advances in applied materials and electronics engineering III

ed. by Brendan Gan, Y. Gan and Y. Yu . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 905]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Applied Materials and Electronics Engineering (AMEE 2014), April 26-27, 2014, Hong Kong, China. A total of 161 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Molecular Quantum Dynamics

Molecular Quantum Dynamics

From Theory to Applications / edited by Fabien Gatti . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014 [Physical Chemistry in Action]

This book focuses on current applications of molecular quantum dynamics. Examples from all main subjects in the field, presented by the internationally renowned experts, illustrate the importance of the domain. It is a must-read both for researchers working experimentally or theoretically in the concerned fields, and generally for anyone interested in the exciting world of molecular quantum dynamics.



Der mathematische Werkzeugkasten

Der mathematische Werkzeugkasten

Anwendungen in Natur und Technik / von Georg Glaeser . - 4. Aufl. 2014 . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014

Durch eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsbeispielen aus den verschiedensten Disziplinen wie Biologie, Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geografie, ja sogar der Musik, werden algebraische Gleichungen, Proportionen, Trigonometrie, Vektorrechnung und Infinitesimalrechnung anschaulich vermittelt. Die vierte, durchgängig vierfarbige Auflage ist vollständig durchgesehen und um viele Anwendungsbeispiele erweitert.



Geometrie und ihre Anwendungen in Kunst, Natur und Technik

Geometrie und ihre Anwendungen in Kunst, Natur und Technik

von Georg Glaeser . - 3. Aufl. 2014 . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014

Das Buch ist für Personen geschrieben, die von relativ einfachen Problemen der ebenen Geometrie bis hin zu schwierigeren Aufgaben der Raumgeometrie Interesse an geometrischen Zusammenhängen haben. Ähnlich wie beim „mathematischen Werkzeugkasten“ stehen Anwendungen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen wie dem Ingenieurwesen, der Biologie, Physik, Astronomie, Geografie etc. im Vordergrund.



Komplexe Integration

Komplexe Integration

Angewandte Funktionentheorie für Naturwissenschaftler / von Alexander O. Gogolin ; herausgegeben von Andreas Komnik, Elena G. Tsitsishvili . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014

• Das berühmte Manuskript, jetzt erstmals in Buchform • Überarbeitet von Experten auf dem Gebiet der komplexen Integration • Ein zentrales Lehr- und Referenzwerk für Physiker und Mathematiker mit vielen Beispielen und Aufgaben mit detaillierten Lösungen



Energy, environment and functional materials

Energy, environment and functional materials

ed. by Yafang Han, Ying Wu and Xinqing Zhao . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Materials science forum ; 787]

A Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2013), September 22 -28, 2013, Qingdao, China.



Nano-scale materials, materials processing and genomic engineering

Nano-scale materials, materials processing and genomic engineering

ed. by Yafang Han, Xuefeng Liu and Meifang Zhu . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Materials science forum ; 789]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2013), September 22 -28, 2013, Qingdao, China. A total of 110 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Structural materials

Structural materials

ed. by Yafang Han, Tong Liu and Qiang Zhang . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Materials science forum ; 788]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2013), September 22 -28, 2013, Qingdao, China. The volume includes 117 papers covering the current knowhow in structural materials.



Silicon Nano-biotechnology

Silicon Nano-biotechnology

by Yao He, Yuanyuan Su . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014 [SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science]

This book reviews the latest advances in the development of silicon nano-biotechnology for biological and biomedical applications, which include biosensing, bioimaging, and cancer therapy. In this book, newly developed silicon nano-biotechnology and its biomedical applications are systematically introduced.



Mechanical, electronic and engineering technologies (ICMEET 2014)

Mechanical, electronic and engineering technologies (ICMEET 2014)

ed. by Jeng-Tze Huang . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 538]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanical, Electronic and Engineering Technology (ICMEET 2014), May 9-11, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan. The volume includes 112 papers covering the current knowhow in structural materials.



7th International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices

7th International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices

eds. Isaac Hernández-Calderón ; Mohamed Henini . - Melville, NY : AIP Publ. , 2014 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1598]

The Seventh International Conference on Low‐Dimensional Structures and Devices (LDSD 2011) was held at Telchac, Mexico. Around 130 attendees from 22 countries took part, including some of the most active researchers in the fields of the conference. The program was developed during May 22‐27 and included 1 plenary talk, 24 invited papers, 42 oral contributions and 105 poster presentations.



Time-resolved electron diffraction

Time-resolved electron diffraction

for chemistry, biology and materials science / Anatoli A. Ischenko ; Sergei A. Aseyev . - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, Acad. Press , 2014 [Advances in imaging and electron physics ; 184]

This merges two long-running serials - Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics and Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy. This series features extended articles on the physics of electron devices, particle optics at high and low energies, microlithography, image science and digital image processing, electromagnetic wave propagation, electron microscopy, and the computing methods used in all these domains.



Origin of matter and evolution of galaxies 2013

Origin of matter and evolution of galaxies 2013

eds. Sunchan Jeong ; Nobuaki Imai ; Hiroari Miyatake ; Toshitaka Kajino . - Melville, NY : AIP Publ. , 2014 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1594]

This book is the proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG12) and was held at Tsukuba, Japan, during November 18-21, 2013. There were 52 oral presentations and 47 poster presentations covering different research fields from cosmology to astrophysics, from nuclear physics to particle physics, and from cosmo-chemistry to geoscience.


Open-Access-Dokument u:search:

Achievements in engineering sciences

Achievements in engineering sciences

ed. by Vinod Kumar, You-Jin Park, Bale V. Reddy and Amanda F. Wu . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 548/549]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process (ICMEP 2013), April 10-11, 2014, Seoul, Korea. A total of 378 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Cement and Concrete Chemistry

Cement and Concrete Chemistry

by Wieslaw Kurdowski . - Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands , 2014

This monograph describes cement clinker formation. It covers multicomponent systems, clinker phase structures and their reactions with water, hydrate composition and structure, as well as their physical properties. The mineral additions to cement are described as are their influence on cement-paste properties. Special cements are also discussed.



Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry III

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry III

edited by Jerzy Leszczynski, Manoj K. Shukla . - Boston, MA : Springer US , 2014

This volume presents the state-of-the-art research and progress made by eminent researchers in the area of theoretical computational chemistry and physics. The title mirrors the name of the annual international conference “Conference on Current Trends on Computational Chemistry” (CCTCC) which has become a popular discussion ground for eminent Theoretical and Computational Chemists and has been honored by the presence of several Nobel Laureates.



Studies on

Studies on "Perfect" Hyperbranched Chains Free in Solution and Confined in a Cylindrical Pore

by Lianwei Li . - Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2014

This thesis solves a long-standing problem in polymer physics: how does a hyperbranched chain pass through a cylindrical pore smaller than its size under an elongational flow field? The question has never been seriously addressed through real experiments. This thesis outlines how Lianwei Li developed a novel polymerization strategy.



Nanoscience with Liquid Crystals

Nanoscience with Liquid Crystals

From Self-Organized Nanostructures to Applications / edited by Quan Li . - Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2014 [NanoScience and Technology]

This book focuses on the exciting topic of nanoscience with liquid crystals: from self-organized nanostructures to application. It explains the synergetic characteristics of liquid crystals and nanoparticles. Contributions, collecting the scattered literature of the field from leading and active players, are compiled to make the book a reference book.



Materials for modern technologies

Materials for modern technologies

ed. by Yue Li . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 906]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 Spring International Conference on Material Sciences and Technology (MST-S), April 16-18, 2014, Shanghai, China. A total of 52 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Advances in materials and processing technologies XVI

Advances in materials and processing technologies XVI

ed. by Zone-Ching Lin, You-Min Huang and Liang-Kuang Chen . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 939]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 16th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2013), September 22-26, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan. A total of 92 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Nanobiosensors

Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Nanobiosensors

by Yi-Tao Long, Chao Jing . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014 [SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science]

This book introduces the fundamentals and applications of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) property of noble metallic nanoparticles, with an emphasis on the biosensing applications of plasmonic nanoparticles, especially in living cell imaging and photothermal therapy.



Mechanical and power research

Mechanical and power research

ed. by P. Manju, M. Suresh, R. Ramamoorthi and S. Narendiran . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 550]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Powering the Nation (ICETPN ’14), February 14, 2014, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. The 25 papers are grouped as follows: I. Material and Mechanical Sciences, II. Electrical & Computing Sciences.



Consequences of Combinatorial Studies of Positive Electrodes for Li-ion Batteries

Consequences of Combinatorial Studies of Positive Electrodes for Li-ion Batteries

by Eric McCalla . - Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2014

• Nominated by Dalhousie University as an outstanding PhD thesis • In-depth discussion of quantitative analysis of XRD data from combinatorial samples • Contains phase diagrams of high precision • Covers highly significant applications to positive electrodes in Li-ion batteries



Highly Luminescent Lanthanide Complexes with Specific Coordination Structures

Highly Luminescent Lanthanide Complexes with Specific Coordination Structures

by Kohei Miyata . - Tokyo : Springer Japan , 2014

• A Nominated by Hokkaido University as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis • Provides a general introduction to the principle of luminescence from lanthanide ions, lanthanide complexes, and coordination polymers • Furnishes academic studies about specific coordination structures of lanthanide complexes with remarkable photophysical properties



Solid state physics

Solid state physics

eds. Chitra Murli, D. Bhattacharyya and S. C. Gadkari . - Melville, NY : AIP Publ. , 2014 [AIP conference proceedings ; 1591]

This volume includes the proceedings of the 58th Solid State Physics Symposium 2013 held at Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab during December 17-21, 2013. This year 772 contributory papers were selected out of 1353 papers that were reviewed by scientists from all over the country. There were 25 thesis and 7 young achiever award presentations and three awards were given in each category.



Diffusion in solids and liquids IX

Diffusion in solids and liquids IX

ed. by Andreas Öchsner, Graeme E. Murch, Ali Shokuhfar and João M. P. Q. Delgado . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Defect and diffusion forum ; 353]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids Mass Transfer - Heat Transfer - Microstructure & Properties - Nanodiffusion and Nanostructured Materials (DSL-2013), June 24 – 28, 2013, Madrid, Spain.



The Quest for Aqua Vitae

The Quest for Aqua Vitae

The History and Chemistry of Alcohol from Antiquity to the Middle Ages / by Seth C. Rasmussen . - Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2014 [SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science]

This volume presents a general overview of the early history and chemistry of alcohol production and isolation, as well as a discussion of its early uses in both the chemical arts and medicine.



Solidification and gravity VI

Solidification and gravity VI

ed. by A. Roósz and K. Tomolya . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Materials science forum ; 790/791]

The results of many foreign and Hungarian researchers presented at the 6th International Conference on Solidification and Gravity, in Miskolc-Lillafüred, on September 2-5, 2013 have been collected in this volume. This conference series is aimed to attract all those having interest in the investigation and simulation of different types of solidification processes and both micro- and macro-gravity effects.



Novel Macromolecular Architectures via a Combination of Cyclodextrin Host/Guest Complexation and RAFT Polymerization

Novel Macromolecular Architectures via a Combination of Cyclodextrin Host/Guest Complexation and RAFT Polymerization

by Bernhard V. K. J. Schmidt . - Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2014

In this thesis, Bernhard Schmidt describes his research into two fields in the chemical sciences: supramolecular and macromolecular chemistry. The novel methods and architectures presented in this work are highly interesting. The work in this thesis has led to a number of publications in top peer-reviewed journals.



Measurement technology and intelligent instruments XI

Measurement technology and intelligent instruments XI

ed. by Robert Schmitt and Harald Bosse . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Key engineering materials ; 613]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 11th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII 2013), July 1-3, 2013, Aachen, Germany. A total of 60 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.





Modellieren und Simulieren mit zellulären Automaten / von Daniel Scholz . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014

• Besonders leicht verständliche Beschreibung von Simulationsmöglichkeiten mit zellulären Automaten • Mehr als 80 Abbildungen, die das Verständnis der Modelle erleichtern • Hochinteressante Simulationsergebnisse, die auch ohne Vorkenntnisse verstanden werden können • Zusätzliche Materialen wie Bilder, interaktive Anwendungen und Quellcode im Internet



Design, manufacturing and mechatronics

Design, manufacturing and mechatronics

ed. by A. Mehran Shahhosseini . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 551]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Mechatronics (ICDMM2014), March 21-23, 2014, Changsha, Hunan, China. A total of 124 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Traditional and advanced ceramics

Traditional and advanced ceramics

ed. by Somnuk Sirisoonthorn, Sirithan Jiemsirilers, Siriphan Nilpairach, Thanakorn Wasanapianpong, Pornnapa Sujaridworakun and Nutthita Chuankrerkkul . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Key engineering materials ; 608]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Traditional and Advanced Ceramics (ICTA 2013), September 11-13, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand. A total of 59 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Advances in computational mechanics

Advances in computational mechanics

ed. by Grant P. Steven, Qing Li and Zhongpu (Leo) Zhang . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 553]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics 2013 (ACCM 2013), October 3-4, 2013, Sydney, Australia. A total of 139 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.





von Ingrid Stober, Kurt Bucher . - 2., überarb. u. aktualisierte Aufl. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014

Nach einer Einführung in die Grundlagen der Geothermie werden die wichtigsten thermischen und hydraulischen Parameter in ihrer Bedeutung behandelt. Das nunmehr bereits in der 2. Auflage vorliegende Buch gibt einen Überblick über alle derzeit verfügbaren Nutzungssysteme der oberflächennahen und tiefen Geothermie und betrachtet diese bezüglich ihrer Effizienz und potentieller Umweltauswirkungen.



Solder Joint Reliability Assessment

Solder Joint Reliability Assessment

Finite Element Simulation Methodology / by Mohd N. Tamin, Norhashimah M. Shaffiar . - Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2014 [Advanced Structured Materials ; 37]

• Presents a systematic approach in performing reliability assessment • Emphazises accurate quantitative assessment through basic understanding of the mechanics of materials • The presented simulation methodology is readily applicable to numerous problems



THERMEC 2013 supplement

THERMEC 2013 supplement

ed. by B. Mishra, M. Ionescu and T. Chandra . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 922]

Collection of research papers from active /known researchers from the THERMEC 2013, 8th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications, December 2 - 6, 2013, Las Vegas, USA.



Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy

Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy

An Introduction for Operators / by Jürgen Thomas, Thomas Gemming . - Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands , 2014

• A practically oriented textbook representing a clear and comprehensible introduction • Based on the authors’ experiences acquired from frequently asked questions by students • Provides practical information in the application of techniques and easy explanations of the underlying theory



Structural Information from Spin-Labels and Intrinsic Paramagnetic Centres in the Biosciences

Structural Information from Spin-Labels and Intrinsic Paramagnetic Centres in the Biosciences

edited by Christiane R. Timmel, Jeffrey R. Harmer . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2013 [Structure and Bonding ; 152]

• This series presents critical reviews of the present position and future trends in modern chemical research concerned with chemical structure and bonding • Short and concise reports, each written by the world’s renowned experts • Still valid and useful after 5 or 10 years



Statistik: Klassisch oder Bayes

Statistik: Klassisch oder Bayes

Zwei Wege im Vergleich / von Wolfgang Tschirk . - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2014

• Analyse der logischen Grundlagen von klassischer Statistik und Bayes-Statistik • Herausarbeitung ihrer Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede • Beispielhafte Anwendung beider Ansätze und Interpretation der Ergebnisse



Green technologies and sustainable development in construction

Green technologies and sustainable development in construction

ed. by Xingkuan Wu, Jibril Danazimi Jibril, Dodo Yakubu Aminu, Jing Wu and Hao Xie . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 935]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Green Buildings Technologies and Materials (GBTM 2013), December 21‐22, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 75 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Manufacture engineering, quality and production system III

Manufacture engineering, quality and production system III

ed. by Dehuai Zeng . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 933]

A Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Manufacture Engineering, Quality and Production System (ICMEQP 2014), February 27-28, 2014, Hong Kong, China. A total of 194 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Advanced research on mechanics, manufacturing engineering and applied technology II

Advanced research on mechanics, manufacturing engineering and applied technology II

ed. by Helen Zhang, David Jin and X. J. Zhao . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Applied mechanics and materials ; 540]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing System (AMMS2014), April 26-27, 2014, Zhengzhou, China. A total of 125 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Micro nano devices, structure and computing systems III

Micro nano devices, structure and computing systems III

ed. by Zheng Zhang and Dehuai Zeng . - Durnten-Zurich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ. , 2014 [Advanced materials research ; 918]

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Micro Nano Devices, Structure and Computing Systems (MNDSCS 2014), March 1-2, 2014, Singapore. A total of 58 scientific papers have been received and accepted for this conference.



Verleihung der Ehrenmitgliedschaft der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Exilforschung an Alfred Bader, Carl Djerassi und Robert W. Rosner

Verleihung der Ehrenmitgliedschaft der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Exilforschung an Alfred Bader, Carl Djerassi und Robert W. Rosner

Moderation: Steve Labensky . - Wien : Information Assistant, Verein für Informationsmanagement , 2009

Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung der ÖGE am Montag, 8. Juni 2009, in den Räumlichkeiten von Steve Labensky (Kulturattaché der US-amerikanischen Botschaft, Wien, Rathausstraße 7). Es sprechen Fritz Hausjell, Sandra Wiesinger-Stock und Miguel Friedmann.



Weihnachtsfeier der Fakultät für Physik 2011

Weihnachtsfeier der Fakultät für Physik 2011

mit dem traditionellen Weihnachtsvortrag von Herbert Pietschmann. Moderation: Christoph Dellago . - Wien : Information Assistant, Verein für Informationsmanagement , 2012

Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung am Dienstag, dem 20. Dezember 2011, im Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal der Fakultät für Physik der Universität Wien. Verleihung der Goldenen Doktordiplome an Manfred Breitenecker, Friedrich Anton Dworschak, Peter G. O. Freund, Alois Höld, Herbert Pietschmann, Kurt Schärf, Martin Sedlacek, Rainer Wenusch und Franz Xaver Woloch.



Verleihung des Loschmidt-Preises 2010 der Chemisch-Physikalischen Gesellschaft

Verleihung des Loschmidt-Preises 2010 der Chemisch-Physikalischen Gesellschaft

Moderation: Peter Mohn . - Wien : Information Assistant, Verein für Informationsmanagement , 2011

Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung der Chemisch-Physikalischen Gesellschaft am Dienstag, dem 21. Juni 2011 im Lise Meitner-Hörsaal der Fakultät für Physik der Universtät Wien. Mit einem Vortrag des Preisträgers Mario Brameshuber: "Addressing Plasma Membrane Structure with Fluorescence Microscopy".



Verleihung des Loschmidt-Preises 2007 der Chemisch-Physikalischen Gesellschaft

Verleihung des Loschmidt-Preises 2007 der Chemisch-Physikalischen Gesellschaft

es spricht Karl Unterrainer . - Wien : Österreichische Zentralbibliothek für Physik , 2013

Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung der Chemisch-Physikalischen Gesellschaft am Dienstag, dem 29. Jänner 2008, im Lise Meitner-Hörsaal der Fakultät für Physik der Universtät Wien. Mit einem Vortrag des Preisträgers Gernot Fasching: "Quantum engineering - der Schlüssel für die Technik von morgen?".


