
The Nobel prize winner is
received at the Federal Ministry for
Education upon his return to Vienna
April 10, 1956
Return to Austria
The famous scientist never looses contact with his home
country. He spends the winter term of 1950 as a visiting scholar at the University of
Innsbruck and he regularly participates in the European Forum Alpbach. In 1956 Erwin
Schrödinger decides to return home to Austria for good. On
April 13, 1956 he assumes the chair established for him at the University of Vienna.
As topic for his inaugural lecture he chooses " the crisis of the atomic
Concept". So many come to listen to his talk that even the largest auditorium of the
University is too small to hold all interested. In the following semesters Schrödinger
gives lectures on the General Theory of Relativity and the Evolution of the Universe. |